HTML 'id' attribute for items in dropdown made from html helper -

Can we set an id attribute as I would for something like a table column via:
for an html dropdown list element that is created with a helper such as:
<% for (int i = 0; i < Model.Trx.TransactionHolidayCityCollection.Count; i++)
<%= i > 0 ? "," : "" %>
<%= DropDownData.HolidayDays().ToList().Find(item => item.Value == Model.Trx.TransactionHolidayCityCollection[i].HolidayCityID.Value.ToString()).Text %>
<%} %>

You don't need a helper, necessarily:
<select id="holidayCities" name="holidayCities">
<% foreach (HolidayCity city in Model.Trx.TransactionHolidayCityCollection) { %>
value="<%=city.HolidayCityID.Value %>"
id="holidayCity_<%=city.HolidayCityID.Value %>"
><%=city.Name %></option>
<% } %>
If you wanted to use the HtmlHelper you can write:
<%=Html.DropDownList("holidayCities", Model.HolidayCitiesSelectList) %>
Model.HolidayCitiesSelectList should be of type IEnumerable<SelectListItem>
This type of customization isn't avaiable for the built in helpers so you might end up creating your own Html.DropDownList helper method.


How compare date and current date in Silvrerstripe template?

In Silverstripe template I need to compare variable $date_ok with current date like this : if($date_ok < date("j, n, Y") {...};
<% loop $IzdMat %>
<td>$sert_otip </strong> <br>Valid from $date_start till
<% if $date_ok < ****** %>
<% end_if %>
What I have to write insted of ****** ?
You can add a method to the DataObject rather than trying to do complicated logic in the templates. This is assuming that date_ok is a date field defined in the $db array.
class IzdMat extends DataObject {
public function IsDateOk() {
$today = date("Y-m-d");
return (strtotime($today) < strtotime($this->date_ok));
Then in your template.
<% loop $IzdMat %>
<td>$sert_otip </strong> <br>Valid from $date_start till
<% if $IsDateOk %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>

Creating article pagination

Hi I'm using silverstripe 2.4.7 and I'm having difficulty getting the pagination to work. I've created a function in my page.php to get the latest articles like so
function AllNewsPosts($num=1) {
$news = DataObject::get_one("NewsHolder");
return ($news) ? DataObject::get("NewsEntry", "ParentID > 0", "Date DESC", "", $num) : false;
Then when i put this function into the control and pagination tags one article shows up however the links to the concurrent articles do not work - essentially the pagination is not working and I'm not sure how to fix it
<% if AllNewsPosts %>
<% control AllNewsPosts %>
<div class="event">
<h2>$MenuTitle |<span class="date"> $Date.Time $Date.Long</span></h2>
See more about this event
<% end_control %>
<% else %>
<div class="no-entry">'There are no entries'</div>
<% end_if %>
<% if AllNewsPosts.MoreThanOnePage %>
<div id="PageNumbers">
<% if AllNewsPosts.NotFirstPage %>
<a class="prev" href="$AllNewsPosts.PrevLink" title="View the previous page"><span class="yellow-background">Prev</span></a>
<% end_if %>
<% control AllNewsPosts.PaginationSummary(0) %>
<% if CurrentBool %>
<span class="current">$PageNum</span>
<% else %>
<% if Link %>
<% else %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
<% end_control %>
<% if AllNewsPosts.NotLastPage %>
<a class="next" href="$AllNewsPosts.NextLink" title="View the next page"><span class="yellow-background">Next</span></a>
<% end_if %>
<% end_if %>
Any help is much appreciated
Note: The following answer is for Silverstripe 2.4. This should not be used for Silverstripe 3.0+ sites. From 3.0 and onwards the PaginatedList object makes pagination much easier.
You are not setting a limit on how many entries to retrieve in your query, or where to start from.
The following tutorial explains how to apply pagination to a set of data objects exactly as you are trying to do:
Here is an attempt at altering your function to include limit and start as needed for pagination:
function AllNewsPosts() {
if(!isset($_GET['start']) || !is_numeric($_GET['start']) || (int)$_GET['start'] < 1)
$_GET['start'] = 0;
$SQL_start = (int)$_GET['start'];
$newsEntries = DataObject::get('NewsEntry', '', 'Date DESC');
$doSet = new DataObjectSet();
foreach ($newsEntries as $newsEntry) {
if ($newsEntry->canView()) {
$doSet->setPageLimits($SQL_start, 10, $doSet->Count());
return $doSet;
Note the above will display 10 items per page. You can change this to however you need per page.

ASP Alternating CSS Issue

Currently I have 4 spans with alternating CSS tags.
<% var index =0 ; %>
<% foreach (var item in Model.Take(4)) {
var css = (index%2==0)?"even":"odd";
<span class="featured-products <%= css %>">
<%= Html.Photo(PhotoExtensions.PhotoSizeType.HomepageThumb, item.DefaultPhoto)%>
<%= item.ProductName%>
index ++ ;
} %>
But I need for the last span to contain an extra CSS tag "last". Ive tried a couple of different methods but they all failed. Any help? Thanks.
Have you tried using the :last-child CSS selector? It may not be necessary to add additional markup if you can achieve what you want through CSS.
If you don't want to use CSS.
<% var index = 0; %>
<% var items = Model.Take(4); %>
<% foreach (var item in items) {
var css = (index%2==0)?"":"odd";
if(index == items.Count - 1)
css = " last";
<span class="featured-products <%= css %>">
<%= Html.Photo(PhotoExtensions.PhotoSizeType.HomepageThumb, item.DefaultPhoto)%>
<%= item.ProductName%>
index ++ ;
} %>
Also, I would recommend cleaning this code up. You don't need to put <% and %> everywhere.
Update: A bit cleaner way of writing what you're doing. Definately not the cleanest but a good start.
var index = 0;
var items = Model.Take(4);
foreach (var item in items) {
var css = (index%2==0)?"":"odd";
if(index == items.Count - 1)
css = " last";
<span class="featured-products <%= css %>">
<%= Html.Photo(PhotoExtensions.PhotoSizeType.HomepageThumb, item.DefaultPhoto)%>
<%= item.ProductName%>
index ++ ;
%> mvc2 dropdownlistfor

I want to create a dropdownlist in my MVC2 view and I am following code:
foreach (var whiteout in Model)
<%= whiteout.Field.NiceName%>
<% Html.DropDownListFor("anyname", Model); %>
but I am getting error that second parameter is not correct. Second parameter is a list. Here is how Model is declared at the top of partial view:
<%# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<IEnumerable<EnviroTracker.Entities.Whiteout>>" %>
Please suggest how to fix this?
A DropDownListFor helper takes a SelectList as second argument and a lambda expression to a simple property as first:
<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
x => x.SomeProperty,
new SelectList(Model.SomeList, "ValueProperty", "TextProperty")
) %>
If you want to use the weakly typed DropDownList helper you could manually specify the name of the property it will be bound to but the second argument should still be a SelectList:
<%= Html.DropDownList(
new SelectList(Model.SomeList, "ValueProperty", "TextProperty")
) %>

Form input in a foreach loop returns empty model

I have a list object for which I tried to display text boxes in a foreach loop. However the post returns empty object. I couldn't see the cause.
Here is the code in the view
<%using (Html.BeginForm("makeTransfer", "shareTransfer")) { %>
<% foreach (var i in Model.Inform)//int i = 0; i < Model.Inform.Count(); i++){ %>
<%:Html.HiddenFor(x=>i.shares, new{#value = i.shares}) %>
<td style = "width:20px"><%:Html.TextBoxFor(x=>i.sharesRq)%></td> cuddling
<%} %>
<%:Html.HiddenFor(x => x.accSrc, new { #value = Model.accSrc })%>
<%:Html.HiddenFor(x=>x.accDst, new{ #value = Model.accDst}) %>
Date of Transfer<%:Html.TextBoxFor(x =>>
Transfer with benefit<%:Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.withBenefit)%>
<input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" /></div>
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" /></div>
<%} %>
And Here is the controller
public ActionResult makeTransfer(vmTransfer transfer, string save, string cancel)
if (cancel != null)
return RedirectToAction("startTransfer");
else if (save != null)
foreach (var t in transfer.Inform)
{ ...
My problem is, transfer.Inform( 2nd line from the last) which is a list is empty when the form posts. Any help please, ASAP.
I would recommend you using editor templates instead of writing any loops in your views:
<% using (Html.BeginForm("makeTransfer", "shareTransfer")) { %>
<%= Html.EditorFor(x => x.Inform) %>
<%= Html.HiddenFor(x => x.accSrc, new { #value = Model.accSrc }) %>
<%= Html.HiddenFor(x => x.accDst, new { #value = Model.accDst }) %>
Date of Transfer <%= Html.TextBoxFor(x => %>
Transfer with benefit <%= Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.withBenefit) %>
<input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" /></div>
<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel" /></div>
<% } %>
and in the corresponding editor template (~/Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/InformViewModel.ascx):
<%# Control
<%= Html.HiddenFor(x => x.shares) %>
<td style="width:20px">
<%= Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.sharesRq) %>
Remark: you might need to adjust the name of the editor template based on the type of the Inform property.
Editor templates will take care of generating proper id and names of the input fields so that everything binds correctly:
public ActionResult makeTransfer(vmTransfer transfer, string save, string cancel)
if (cancel != null)
return RedirectToAction("startTransfer");
else if (save != null)
foreach (var t in transfer.Inform)
