on session start event - asp.net

I'm building a web application: some pages will be accessible by non logged-in users (demo and sign-up pages) and others will only be accessible by logged-in users (actual application). In the global.asax file, I'm currently handling the session start event by loading some variable from a query that's based on the UserID. What will happen when a non-logged in user looks at a page? I guess my question is really about how to handle the session start event when it's a logged-in user, when it's not and when a user logs in. I want a certain number of queries to run only once per session, after the user logged in.

I would suggest to implement Forms-Based Authentication, instead of to handle authentication via session. An example can be obtained from here:

Don't confuse "login session" with "session state". Session state has nothing to do with whether the user is logged in.
If you want some queries run when the user logs in, you should run them when the user logs in, not in Session_Start.


How to make a deleted user's session terminate while the user is already logged in?

I am working in an ASP.NET MVC5 application, which uses Microsoft.AspNet.Identity. Here, if an admin deletes a user, the user can browse in his logged in session until he logs out. I have to implement a control so that the deleted user could be forced to be log out. what could be a optimum solution to achieve that?

How to double-check user credentials against SQL database in ASP.NET Forms Authentication

I'm setting up Forms Authentication for the first time.
I am validating the username and password(hashed) against a local SQL database.
All of this is working fine in my logon.aspx file in a ValidateUser() function.
I am also allowing the logon criteria to be persistent so the user does not have to re-enter their credentials when they return to the page.
The problem is, when the previously logged in user returns to my site and the cookie/ticket is used my ValidateUser() function is not called, SO... if I have deactivated the user or changed the user's password the user still gets logged in.
I've considered doing this in Application_AuthorizeRequest or Application_PostAuthorizeRequest in Global.asax, but I would also like to set some session variables at the time I re-verify the credentials against the database and the session is not yet created when these are called for the first time when a user logs in.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
For first time when user authorized at that time create session for that user e.g Session["Username"] check session whenever he enters in any page if session is not present redirect him to login page, after that when he log out abandon that session.
So whenever he want to access next time he wants to login again.

Multiple simultaneous user access with same credentials

I have a ASP.NET website where multiple users access the site using same user credentials. The site functions fine when used by single user, however when a second user with the same credentials logs in simultaneously and the first user performs any action (clicks any link, selects any dropdown etc.), the first user is redirected to the default/login page. I want both the users to access the site without any trouble.
Can any one comment on why this is happening and how this can be solved.
My guess for the reason of the behaviour would be the authentication method you are using. Probably when the first user logs in he gets a session ID that authorises him for the following requests.
When another user uses the same credentials to log in, different session ID is created for that user so the ID the first user has is not valid any more, and therefore he gets redirected to the login page.

How to save the userID with the session cookie

When the user checks on "Log me automatically" in the login page, I have a problem that the user is logged-in on my asp.net application but the login info has not been read from database.
In the normal case (manual login) when the user attemps to login, if the login operation has been succeeded then the user info (id, privileges) is read and is saved in a session variable.
The question is: How to save the userID with the session cookie and how to login in the database when auto login.
Thanks in advance.
I suspect you're using the login control but implementing your own code to authenticate the user. To make life really easy, have a look at How To: Use Membership in ASP.NET 2.0 which will automate the "log me in automatically" feature (and many more).
If you're doing this another way, it would help to provide some sample code.

Multiple log-in problem

We have a web application with feature for logging in with credientials
The important requirement is once the user logs in he is not allowed to login from any other system or even another browser on same system
We used following solution which is mssql based : We have kept " Is_Loggedin" as a column with data type "bit" in a table. when a user logs in we set the flag as "1" sowhen someone tries to log again ,the system is showing the error "The user is already logged in"
When user logsout bit turns to "0"indicating user logged out.
However this logic is failing in following scenarios
Problem scenario:
When user closes the browser the flag is "1"and user is locked in or situations when user gets system problem and unable to log out
Is there a better logic to handle this requirement?
While the user is logged in, you could have a AJAX call that pings the server every 30 seconds that the user is logged in. Have a column Is_LoggedIn, and Last_LoggedIn for the date/time when they last sent that AJAX call. If it has been more than, say 1 minute, allow the user to login from another system.
You will also have a problem scenario if the user leaves their browser open for more than the session timeout period, usually 20 minutes. Then they will get logged out on the next request, but not be able to login again because of that is_LoggedIn set to 1. You would be better off doing some sort of time-based solution because keeping track of whether the user is still actively using a website is a very difficult problem because of the many ways they can leave the website without actually logging out.
If it is absolutely critical to avoid any chance of the user being logged in multiple places, you could also force all other places to logout automatically when the user logs into some new place.
You can update 'Is_Loggedin' flag to 0 at session_end event of global.asax.
session_end event is always call. session _end event call when session_timeout is expire.
in the global.asax code behind I believe there is an even for session end. You could tie into that method and set the user's Is_LoggedIn flag to 0. You would then also need to tie a user to a session key to be able to track a user's session.
Also, the use of a session cookie or a normal cookie may help if the user closes their browser. The cookie would authenticate them upon re-opening the browser window; however this has a potential security hole if the user is using a public computer.
You could be to log the user out after sometime of inactivity (say 30 minutes). This way if the user closes the browser without logging out he will be able to log in again after 30 minutes.
Use Session_End as Pankaj suggest to make sure that the user's bit is set to 0 when logging out.
The issue with system failures is another problem. Maybe this could do the trick: When the user log in, the store the user's session ID in the database. When the user logs out, then clear the session ID. Every time the user makes a request you verify that the session ID matches the one stored in the database. If that is not the case, then invalidate the session, so that the user is logged out.
This should happen: If the user signs in, in another browser, the session ID would be updated. If user then goes back to the first browser windows and clicks on something, that session would be invalidated, and the user would be signed out automatically.
