Translate Resource File -

I'm developing a application and I use some components. I have a component with a resource file with a lot of keys in English. I need to translate it to Portuguese (Brazil, pt-br). I would like to know, if is there any way to translate it with a program? Or if is there a program that do this?

I have the same issues and was looking to use Google's Translation APIs, based on this article Automatic Resource File Translation via Google Translate
I will let you know how it goes - but obviously you may still need someone to validate the output, I know I will.

Maybe my free Zeta Resource Editor is of some help for you.

I have not been satisfied with the various solutions out there so I wrote something:


Possible to search through all JSPs in Adobe CQ5 repository with CRXDE?

We have a couple of relatively simple websites running on Adobe CQ 5.5 that were developed by a third party. I'm pretty familiar with how CQ works, but I'm working with somebody else's code here and I need to be able to search through all components in the system for a particular string.
The issue is that I can't seem to find a way to search across all of the various .jsp files stored with the various system components. I would have figured that the query tool in CRXDE Lite would have done the trick with something like this:
/jcr:root//*[jcr:contains(., 'Find this exact string in a JSP')] order by #jcr:score
But I've had no luck.
What I am looking for is some sort of global search that includes JSP files. Is that possible? Were I using a regular Java system, any IDE worth the download would be able to do this.
Might not be easiest way, but you can use the VLT tool to checkout the repository into your filesystem. Then you can lookup using whatever tool you prefer. It might even be faster in the long run
I don't have the actual answer but I suppose the JSPs are indexed via a filter that strips out some of their content.
It should be possible to configure the repository to index them as is instead, based on the info at and
Sorry about the vagueness of this answer - I know the basic principles but to provide the details I would need more time than I can afford now ;-)

Does elmahr supports console application?

I am using elmahr for my web application. I want to extend it to my batches and console application. Do we have any direct references for the same? Thanks in Advance
Amal Thomas
ElmahR does not support that out of the box, but there is a fork that implements something very similar to what you did:
From there you could probably extract what you need. I never tried it personally but the idea is very promising, so I'd advise you have a look.

Can anyone provide a good info on the various uses of hash(#) in urls?

I'm developing a software, which is going to provide in-deep information about url's.
While the get-params are simple, I'm having trouble with the hash.
At first it was used to mark places in the document to navigate to, but we're past that now. I've seen JS engines using it to store params similar to the get strings.
So, here's my question: is everything that comes after a hash free game, or are there any conventions about what it should look like?
Try these sites it could help. Fragment Identifier, Wikipedia or Pound Sign, Google
It's got a list of examples you could use.
It all depends on what you need. Hashes are used in modern web applications that make use of asynchronous calls to the server using ajax. This e.g. allows the user to copy the link and receive the same content after pasting (actions taken are put into hash which changes the url which otherwise would remain static).
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Flash Logging API

Can anyone recommend a good (AS3) logging API for Flash/AIR/Flex? I need something to capture and record mouse and keyboard events in addition to coded events. Preferably something well documented/supported. Thanks in advance.
I've been using Thunderbolt. It allows you to see your log results in Firebug.
I developed and manage Loggee!, a Flash/Flex Logging Tool:
You must see
with no more....
bye bye
I would recommend Arthropod if you are looking for a development tool (this wasn't very clear in your question), if it's to log your client's behavior, I'm not aware of any tool sorry.
I always end up writing my own logging solutions. They generally are very simple compared to the rest of the project, and by writing my own I can tailor it exactly to what I need. Whereas using a pre-built one, always seems like either it is too over-engineered and complex to use, or it's too simple and lacking a couple features I need.
Try to use Log5F logging utility for ActionScript 3.0

Whats the best windows tool for merging RSS Feeds?

It seems like such a simple thing, but I can't find any obvious solutions...
I want to be able to take two or three feeds, and then merge then in to a single rss feed, to be published internally on our network.
Is there a simple tool out there that will do this? Free or commercial..
update: Should have mentioned, looking for a windows application that will run as a scheduled service on a server.
There are a whole pile of options here:
will do what you want.
It's for creating blog aggregations like planet lisp.
Google reader, create a group, add your feeds into the folder and then share that as an RSS feed.
Works while you're asleep!
Yahoo Pipes could be nice. Depends on how much "private" you want the resulting feed to be.
For 100% offline solution investigate Atomisator. It's a Python framework basically for doing offline what Yahoo Pipes does online.
If you're using PHP, the SimplePie library will do this. Here's a tutorial.
