showing images through gridview? -

suppose my images binary data is saved in database table and i want to show those images through gridview. one approach is just create one page where i will pass some id as query string and that page will retrieve the image data from db and stream down the image data to my page through BinaryWrite method. a example is this url describe how to show image data through BinaryWrite.
this approach is old and i know. is there any other way by which i can show the image in gridview but i don't want to store image url in table.please let me know if you know any other approach for showing the images through gridiview when image binary data is stored in db. thanks

I asked a similar question here:
Streaming Databased Images Using HttpHandler
Note that I had to use a DataReader in my final version :-)

It sounds like you've got your images stored in your database in binary format. You then want to show them in your GridView.
Consider this approach:
create a template field in your gridview to hold your image. It'll end up calling a handler URL to grab the binary data for your image.
create the image handler page -- make it an .ashx. Put a unique identifier on the querystring, for example, to grab the image you want from the database
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Image">
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="80px" Width="80px"
ImageUrl='<%# "ImageHandler.ashx?ImID="+ Eval("ImageID")
See the answer at the bottom of this MSDN question for more details on how to implement your image handler. You then won't have to bring back the binary data when binding your GridView. On the other hand, it creates n calls to the handler for each row in the grid.


Add SQL information to GridView column tooltip

I have been searching for hours and can not find a solution. i was wondering is there a way to add sql data to a tool tip in ASPX? At the moment i have a GridView which shows information from a database. The final column is a total column, i would like the tool tip to show how the total was got.
What would be the best way to do this? I am using vb codebehind for this project.
Make the cell of your grid view that holds the total value be a server control, like Label, and then bind the text to the ToolTip property of control like this:
<asp:Label id="LabelTotal" runat="server" ToolTip='<%# Eval("Formula") %>' />
Obviously, this means you need to have a property named "Formula" in the list of objects you are binding to your grid view or a database column named "Formula".

turn sql rows into links on a page?

I am trying to create a specific aspx page where I display clickable links based on information in a sql database. For example one column could be the anchor tag another column could be the path to the link itself etc. In the past I would pull this information from sql and put it into a non-visible Label (say linkLabel1). Then in the page itself I would insert <%linkLabel1.text%> to insert the link path from the database to the appropriate area.
I hope I'm not confusing things too much here and that makes sense how I explained it.
What I would like to do is set up a way that I could simply enter a new row into a SQL table with link information and a web page automatically displays the new link for me.
I guess I am mostly looking for insight, opinions, or directions of what approach to consider. I can elaborate if I was unclear (wouldn't be awfully surprising if I was not).
Thanks in advance for anyone's time on this matter.
Since you are displaying this in a table, you could use a GridView for this. The columns that will display the link could be defined as hyperlink columns as so:
HeaderText="Header text"
So for example, if you return a record set containing these columns:
TextProperty PathProperty
See Details Assets/SomeOther/
Click me Products/AnotherPath/
Your grid will render these as:
See Details
Click me
If you define the column as:
HeaderText="Header text"

ASP.NET 4 GridView - Pulling a Hyperlink out of a Database

I have a GridView bound to a SqlDataSource.
I'm pulling hyperlinks which point to Job Descriptions stored in a separate web space, out of a database and placing them in the GridView.
These are full Hyperlinks such as "Http://"
Originally the GridView column was a simple BoundField like this:
<asp:BoundField DataField="JobDescription" HeaderText="JobDescription"
SortExpression="JobDescription" />
So I started trying to convert it into a hyperlink field.
<asp:HyperLinkField DataNavigateUrlFields="JobDescription"
NavigateUrl="{0}" />
This produced the desired result, but I can no longer edit that column in the GridView. When it was a BoundField I could edit the item, but could find no way to make it into a hyperlink.
Either way will work...
I either need the HyperLinkField to be updatable, or I need the BoundField to be formatted as a Hyperlink with what it pulls directly from the database.
I appreciate the help.
Use a Template Field. So your can define your normal view and editing view.
Grrr found the answer:
<asp:BoundField DataField="JobDescription" HeaderText="Job Description"
DataFormatString="<a target='_blank' href='{0}'>Text</a>"
HtmlEncode="False" />
You don't need a template field. That HtmlEncode property must be set to false in order for html in DataFormatString to be rendered as html, otherwise it changes all of your characters into the equivalent of stuff like...
The Entity Numbers here: listview newline

I'm pulling data out of a database with a listview on a webpage.
When I was working with my excel source before transferring to database I was told vbcrlf's will automatically get rendered. This is my first app now that all my data is showing without the line breaks and I was told from someone else I'm supposed to have br tags instead of the vbcrlf's.
To avoid any future trouble, do any of the other data controls render vbcrlf's or is this just a listview peculiarity in If not, how do I make my webpage render the vbcrlf's? If so, whats the simplest way to replace vbcrlf's for br tags in a mysql database? (/w utf8 char set)
That does it
<asp:Label ID="DetailsLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Details").Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<br>") %>' />

Image orientation in a GridView Control

I'm hoping someone can help me with a question I have about images and GridView controls in ASP.Net 2.0.
I'm trying to put together a photo album application as a learning exercise which uses a GridView control with two columns. Column one will display the image (using an image column type) based on a URL held in the database I am using while column two will display some details about the image such as date, time, location, people etc.
This seems to works ok at the moment, however all the images are of the same size regardless of their orientation (portrait\landscape) which means that only some of the photos appear properly and no all crushed up. Is there a way to adjust the properties of the image column so that it will always show the photo correctly based on its orientation? Or a reduced size while maintaining the aspect of the image?
I have no experience with the ImageField column type I assume you are using.
You could certainly just use a TemplateField and an img tag (without specifying width or height) to address this.
<img src='<%# Bind("URLFromDB") %>' runat="server" />
You can query the image properties, then change your picture container accordingly. This will need to be done in the RowDataBound event.
