The best place to put SQL in a ASP.NET app is...? -

I am creating a ASP.NET application that is pretty much self contained, it will be pushed to different hosts and as a result will include an embedded database engine - I did look at SQLite but that can not run under medium trust and that could be an issue, so it looks like it is going to have to be Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.
Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition does not support stored procedures and because of such I'm wondering where the best place to include the SQL code would be, taking into account future edits, etc.
So far I think that my options are either directly embedded in the code as a String or Stringbuilder type (which can get messy for advanced queries), or maybe in SQL files stored in the App_GlobalResources folder - the second option is something something that I have only just considered, but think that that would be a pretty good option for containment and future editing - does anyone have any other suggestions?
Regards, Nathan.

You can store parameterized queries in your resource file.

You can use MS SQL Express. It is free, it has stored procedures, but it has 4GB database size limit (increased to 10 GB for SQL Server Express 2008 R2).
For more information read this.

I think it's better to use some ORM tool or LINQ to SQL, than store native SQL strings.

Like other have said an ORM, Entity Framework or Linq to SQL is probably better than inline SQL, however as your question wasn't asking about any of these I would suggest storing you SQL files as embedded resources. Others have mentioned resource resource files but I feel that resource files are difficult to use and you do not have an nice IDE to develop within. Having embedded .SQL files should be easier to version control, use within Visual Studio, allow you to keep your queries as closely as possible to your data access components and make it difficult to change once in a production environment.


Any ASP.NET Opensource project that works on both SQL Server and MS Access DB?

I searched on Google and I can't find any, do you know some ?
Not that I'm aware. Most open source projects however use one specific database engine (which makes sense), or xml (for example dasBlog).
However you can always swap your SQL Server for MS Access in a project if you want. The provider system for membership etc in ASP.NET itself is already a great example of that possibility (though not open source as it comes from Microsoft). For example take a look at this tutorial: Using Access instead of SQL server for your ASP.NET Application Services.
Personally I would rather find it strange to see an open source project making use of 2 different, especially MS Access in the first place. People tend to use SQL Server Express or SQLite or SQL CE for something like this.

What is a good alternative to SQL Server for ASP.NET applications?

I've been looking into a lot of database's recently, and am not sure if it's because I'm bored or what, but I want to create a few web applications using database's other than MS SQL Server. Any suggestions that tie into ASP.NET nicely?
I'd recommend VistaDB and MySql.
I'd consider MySQL as the obvious alternative.
However, fundamentally one relational database is pretty much the same as another, more so when accessed through something like ADO.NET. If you're bored with SQL Server then rather than looking for an alternative why not look at trying different data access strategies?
You don't mention whether or not you're using an ORM (object relational mapper) which can make working with databases a lot more enjoyable than using standard ADO.NET, such as:
Entity Framework
Linq to SQL
IMO, sticking with SQL Server but trying out a few different ORM's would be much more interesting than switching to a different database altogether.
Or how about looking into using a document database, such as RavenDB?
I suggest you take a look at Most databases there have a .NET provider available.
Define "good".
Do you want to have a database as a simple data store, or should the database also implement business logic (stored procedures, triggers)?
Do you want to ship your apps and therefore require easy of installation?
Does it matter if the database is commercial, when MSSQL offers a free version?
As #richeym pointed out: are SQL statement a sufficient interface, or do you require an ORM?

Using ASP.NET tables generated by aspnet_regsql.exe in a SQLite database

I'm building a small ASP.NET MVC site where I want to use SQLite. While I already know how I will be connecting to the database (using DbLinq), I don't understand how to put the ASP.NET tables generated by aspnet_regsql.exe into an SQLite database.
I've used the regsql tool before with SQL Server, but never with SQLite. How do I create them for the SQLite DB?
One strategy that I think might somehow work is:
Use aspnet_regsql.exe to create the tables into an empty SQL Server database
Script all the objects in the database into T-SQL
Apply the T-SQL to the SQLite DB (how?)
Take a look at
the Web.SQLite directory contains a drop in replacement for the default SQL providers.
It was a proof of concept that turned out ok. It uses EF, so is not as performant as it could be but should service low/medium traffic sites without issue.
You should be able to exclude all other files except that subdirectory and build it in isolation if desired. This will allow you to also trim the references.
Let me know if you have any issues.
You could try it with SQL Server Compact Edition 4 which is an embeddable SQL engine like SQLite but has an easier upgrade path if you need to grow it up to SQL Express or SQL Server.
Unfortunately the aspnet_regsql will not work with SQLite, so your strategy is essentially the correct approach. However, I would suggest looking at something like Roger Martin's Gallery Server Pro, which uses SQLite and already has the Membership, Role, and Profile provider tables scripted. You can make use of the script. See Roger's Code Project article from more information.

Migrating From SQL Server Server 7 To 2005, What should I get excited about?

The company I work for has decided to join the 21st century and upgrade our main database cluster from SQL Server 7 to SQL Server 2005. As a web developer what new whiz-bang features of SQL Server 2005 should I get excited about or get to know?
Currently I'm mainly writing CRUD style queries, pretty much exclusively using Stored Procdures for a mixed and Classic ASP environment.
system tables are now inaccessible, you will need use the system catalog views. Yes, some of your code needs to be rewrited.
partitioning. You can split very big table into two.
Common table expressions (CTE). It's like temporary tables, but more powerful.
Management server, that helps you to register your server groups and then use these groups from any another client place. (maybe it is in 2008 only? I cannot remember)
I don't know about your needs, but I was excited by mirroring. But I'm DBA :)
Some new types.
Most of your code will still work :)
and many another things.
One that comes to mind is that you can integrate CLR / .NET code into SQL Server.
Here are some others.
My favorite new features are
varchar(max) nvarchar(max) data types
(much easier to work with than text,
xml data type and Xpath support
Improved error handling with try...catch blocks
.NET code integration
Improved management interface
Common table expressions, PIVOT and UNPIVOT, APPLY
SQL 7? I'd start with the basics, like referential integrity and cascades. Or, you don't have to code your own triggers for all that stuff that Access was doing back in 98 or so when one had Sql 7.
Performance monitoring, profiling, tuning
Dynamic Management Views & Functions

SQL Server console like control for ASP.NET

I'm deploying a web site and I need to run large TSQL scripts contained in a single file in a production server where I don't have full access to SQL Server console and I can't connect remotely. The scripts is a mixed of table, stored procedures and views creations. All I can do is to run 1 group of TSQL sentences, like the ones for a stored procedure.
I have two options: to parse the file manually looking for GO's sentences and run each block of sentences before that GO, or to do the same task but with a tool. Using a tool I will be very fast doing the task, but I don't know any tool such that.
Do you know any tool that I can use?
I think it must be something like a control, with an editor where I will paste or load the scripts to run, and it will be able to parse and run them in sequence, like the Microsoft SQL Server Management usually does.
You could check out some articles on CodeProject on the topic and maybe use one of those tools / component for your needs?
Universal Database Admin for ASP.NET and SQL Server (Reloaded)
ASP.NET Database Admin Control
Web SQL Utility
Most of those come with full source and could also serve you as a starting point for a custom version of your own.
you got many options
usually i create stored procedure in sql management studio then save it as string, then use linq2sql to execute the stored procedure, works very well.
use sql server smo object where you can really do mostly many things like creating DBs, tables, it is really cool, i create 1 page on my site and use it to update DB with it.
here is a good link for that
you can use Redgate SQL data compare, and Compare. they rock really to synchronize DBs, it have saved me a lot of time and it is super easy, highly recommended really.
hope this helps.
If those don't work, it's pretty easy to write such a tool yourself. Just use Regex.Split to split the text on the GO lines, then loop, calling ExecuteNonQuery for each section.
