How to set selected item in QComboBox with QtreeView - qt

i have the following code for QComboBox with WtreeView set as combo view
this->db->select("SELECT top 10 company, address, phone, id FROM data");
QTreeView *ptv = new QTreeView(this);
ptv->setColumnHidden(3, true);
connect(ui->comboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(getComboIndex(int)));
How can i set selected item or index for column 2 for example. I can set the first column with
but this is not working for other column only for the first.

Try setting the model column to the one you want to change:


How to update values in QTableView

I have a QTableView which gets its data from QAbstractTableModel and is a 2d array. Below the TableView I have two comboboxes. User first selects the row in the TableView. Now I want that when the user selects an option from the combobox, I want the selected option to update the display in the TableView selection.
Shown below is the UI. For example if the User Selects REF DES in the class combo box I want the selected row to update its class name to REF DES.
I am using c++ qt5. How do I achieve this with signals and slots?
enter image description here
Currently I have a slot that updates the combobox values based on my selection in tableview. I use something like this.
void GetOptionsClass::slotSelectionChange(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)
int rowidx = ui->line_tableView->selectionModel()->currentIndex().row();
data = model->index(rowidx, 2).data().toString();
if (data == "BOARD GEOMETRY") {
However I want to reverse this. Meaning when I change combobox I want to update the qtableview.

Disable (grey-out) some rows in a QTreeView

I have a (very simple yet) QTreeView showing some rows:
m_cameraModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);
QSortFilterProxyModel* cameraProxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
m_cameraModel->appendRow(new QStandardItem("Panavision"));
m_cameraModel->appendRow(new QStandardItem("Panaflex"));
Here I want to disable the first row "Panavision" so that it is still visible but can't be selected any more and is somehow greyed-out so that the user can see this entry is not active.
May be this is some kind of beginner-question, but how can this be done?
I would try to do that in the following way:
// Get item that corresponds to the first row
QStandardItem *item = m_cameraModel->item(0, 0);
// Disable the item.
You'd want to use the QItemDelegate class, which allows you to disable the row you want to amongst other things. There's a good question here on StackOverflow that shows how to do a very basic example: How to set a delegate for a single cell in Qt item view?

Empty combo box when editable is true

I want to auto select the first element in a combo box:
final ComboBox selectStatus = new ComboBox();
But when I add editable=true the combo box is empty. Can I solve this problem somehow?
Do like this:
//first set it editable
//then, set the value of the first item
When you set it editable the values displayed is cleared, so you have to set the value after set it editable.
See the javadocs.

Getting a signal to a QListView when its populated by QComboBoxes

I'm working on a UI that reads a database and updates it back when items in it are changed. My UI consists of a QListView, and it's populated by QComboBoxes. Now, I can get a signal when a combo box item is changed (though I can't get the index of the widget item that was changed), and I need to let the parent list view know that a member widget's value had changed. Any ideas on how I can get this to work?
A simple hack for obtaining the widget index is to code the widget index into the item data of each combo box item. You could set a QString as itemData which codes a reference to your standard item data and the widget index, e.g.
pComboBox1->setItemText(1, "Item 1");
pComboBox1->setItemData(1, "1-1");
pComboBox1->setItemData(2, "Item 2");
pComboBox1->setItemData(2, "2-1"); // Item 2 in 1st combo box
pComboBox2->setItemText(1, "Item 1");
pComboBox2->setItemData(1, "1-2"); // Item 1 in 2nd combo box
// and so on

How to show an item with given index number in QComboBox?

I have add some items in QComboBox and now I am trying to show the item on QComboBox with given index.
For example,
In my QComboBox I have three items; firstItem, secondItem, thirdItem when I got an index number two, I want to see secondItem shown on QComboBox.
I hope I was clear while asking the question.
Thank you all
You have to set the current index (setCurrentIndex).
You can set QComboBox to display any item as you choose based on index using setCurrentIndex() method. As an example:
artistView = new QComboBox;
index = <some input>;
artistView->setCurrentIndex(index);///sets the index
