How to perform basic Multiple Sequence Alignments in R? - r

(I've tried asking this on BioStars, but for the slight chance that someone from text mining would think there is a better solution, I am also reposting this here)
The task I'm trying to achieve is to align several sequences.
I don't have a basic pattern to match to. All that I know is that the "True" pattern should be of length "30" and that the sequences I have had missing values introduced to them at random points.
Here is an example of such sequences, were on the left we see what is the real location of the missing values, and on the right we see the sequence that we will be able to observe.
My goal is to reconstruct the left column using only the sequences I've got on the right column (based on the fact that many of the letters in each position are the same)
Real_sequence The_sequence_we_see
Here is an example code to reproduce the above example:
ATCG <- c("A","T","C","G")
original.seq <- sample(ATCG, 30, T)
seqS <- matrix(original.seq,200,30, T)
change.letters <- function(x, number.of.changes = 15, = ATCG)
number.of.changes <- sample(seq_len(number.of.changes), 1)
new.letters <- sample( , number.of.changes, T) <- sample(seq_along(x) , number.of.changes, F)
x[] <- new.letters
insert.missing.values <- function(x) change.letters(x, 3, "-")
seqS2 <- t(apply(seqS, 1, change.letters))
seqS3 <- t(apply(seqS2, 1, insert.missing.values))
seqS4 <- apply(seqS3,1, function(x) {paste(x, collapse = "")})
# library(help=stringr)
all.seqS <- str_replace(seqS4,"-" , "")
# how do we allign this?
data.frame(Real_sequence = seqS4, The_sequence_we_see = all.seqS)
I understand that if all I had was a string and a pattern I would be able to use
But in the case I present we are dealing with many sequences to align to one another (instead of aligning them to one pattern).
Is there a known method for doing this in R?

Writing an alignment algorithm in R looks like a bad idea to me, but there is an R interface to the MUSCLE algorithm in the bio3d package (function seqaln()). Be aware of the fact that you have to install this algorithm first.
Alternatively, you can use any of the available algorithms (eg ClustalW, MAFFT, T-COFFEE) and import the multiple sequence alignemts in R using bioconductor functionality. See eg here..

Though this is quite an old thread, I do not want to miss the opportunity to mention that, since Bioconductor 3.1, there is a package 'msa' that implements interfaces to three different multiple sequence alignment algorithms: ClustalW, ClustalOmega, and MUSCLE. The package runs on all major platforms (Linux/Unix, Mac OS, and Windows) and is self-contained in the sense that you need not install any external software. More information can be found on and

You can perform multiple alignment in R with the DECIPHER package.
Following your example, it would look something like:
dna <- DNAStringSet(all.seqS)
aligned_DNA <- AlignSeqs(dna)
It is fast and at least as accurate as the other methods listed here (see the paper). I hope that helps!

You are looking for a global alignment algorithm on multiple sequences.
Did you look at Wikipedia before asking ?
First learn what global alignment is, then look for multiple sequence alignment.
Wikipedia doesn't give a lot of details about algorithms, but this paper is better.


How can manipulate different variables with similar names in a for loop in r? [duplicate]

Similar questions have been raised for other languages: C, sql, java, etc.
But I'm trying to do this in R.
I have:
ret_series <- c(1, 2, 3)
x <- "ret_series"
How do I get (1, 2, 3) by calling some function / manipulation on x, without direct mentioning of ret_series?
You provided the answer in your question. Try get.
> get(x)
[1] 1 2 3
For a one off use, the get function works (as has been mentioned), but it does not scale well to larger projects. it is better to store you data in lists or environments, then use [[ to access the individual elements:
mydata <- list( ret_series=c(1,2,3) )
x <- 'ret_series'
What's wrong with either of the following?
Note that some of the examples above wouldn't work for a data.frame.
For instance, given
x <- data.frame(a=seq(1,5))
get("x$a") would not give you x$a.

post-processing in mice, replace one variable with another

I'm trying to perform multiple imputation on a dataset in R where I have two variables, one of which needs to be the same or greater than the other one. I have set up the method and the predictive matrix, but I am having trouble understanding how to configure the post-processing. The manual (or main paper - van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn, 2011) states (section 3.5): "The mice() function has an argument post that takes a vector of strings of R commands. These commands are parsed and evaluated just after the univariate imputation function returns, and thus provide a way to post-process the imputed values." There are a couple of examples, of which the second one seems most useful:
R> post["gen"] <- "imp[[j]][p$data$age[!r[,j]]<5,i] <- levels(boys$gen)[1]"
this suggests to me that I could do:
R> ini <- mice(cbind(boys), max = 0, print = FALSE)
R> post["A"] <- "imp[[j]][p$data$B[!r[,j]]>p$data$A[!r[,j]],i] <- levels(boys$A)[boys$B]"
However, this doesn't work (when I plot A v B, I get random scatter rather than the points being confined to one half of the graph where A >= B).
I have also tried using the ifdo() function, as suggested in another sx post:
post["A"] <- "ifdo(A < B), B"
However, it seems the ifdo() function is not yet implemented. I tried running the code suggested for inspiration but afraid my R programming skills are not that brilliant.
So, in summary, has anyone any advice about how to implement post-processing in mice such that value A >= value B in the final imputed datasets?
Ok, so I've found an answer to my own question - but maybe this isn't the best way to do it.
In FIMD, there is a suggestion to do this kind of thing outside the imputation process, which thus gives:
R> long <- mice::complete(imp, "long", include = TRUE)
R> long$A <- with(long, ifelse(B < A, B, A))
This seems to work, so I'm happy.

interpreting R code function

I would like to perform pathway enrichment analyses.
I have 21 list of significant genes, and mutiple types of pathways I would like to check (ie. check for enrichment in KEGG pathways, GOterms, complexes etc.).
I found this example of code, on an old BioC post. However, I am having trouble adapting it for myself.
1- what does this mean? I don't know this multiple colon syntax.
hyperg <- Category:::.doHyperGInternal
2 - I don't understand how this line works. hyperg.test is a function that needs 3 variables passed to it, correct? Is this line somehow passing ", significant.genes, and all.geneIDs to thr hyperg.test?<-t(sapply(, hyperg.test, significant.genes, all.geneIDs))
Code that I would like to adapt
# created named list, length 449, eg:
# path:hsa00010: "Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis"
pathways <- keggList("pathway", "hsa")
# make them into KEGG-style human pathway identifiers
human.pathways <- sub("path:", "", names(pathways))
# for demonstration, just use the first ten pathways
demo.pathway.ids <- head(human.pathways, 10)
demo.pathways <- setNames(keggGet(demo.pathway.ids), demo.pathway.ids) <- lapply(demo.pathways, function(demo.pathway) {
demo.pathway$GENE[c(TRUE, FALSE)]
all.geneIDs <- keys(
# chose one of these for demonstration. the first (a whole genome random
# set of 100 genes) has very little enrichment, the second, a random set
# from the pathways themselves, has very good enrichment in some pathways
significant.genes <- sample(all.geneIDs, size=100)
#significant.genes <- sample(unique(unlist(, size=10)
# the hypergeometric distribution is traditionally explained in terms of
# drawing a sample of balls from an urn containing black and white balls.
# to keep the arguments straight (in my mind at least), I use these terms
# here also
hyperg <- Category:::.doHyperGInternal
hyperg.test <-
function(pathway.genes, significant.genes, all.genes, over=TRUE)
white.balls.drawn <- length(intersect(significant.genes, pathway.genes)) <- length(pathway.genes) <- length(all.genes) <- -
balls.pulled.from.urn <- length(significant.genes)
balls.pulled.from.urn, white.balls.drawn, over)
} <-
t(sapply(, hyperg.test, significant.genes, all.geneIDs))
The reason you are getting your error is because it appears you don't have the Category package installed from bioconductor. I suspect this because of the triple colon operator :::. This operator is very similar to the double colon operator ::. Whereas with :: you can access exported objects from a package without loading it, the ::: allows access to non-exported objects (in this case the hyperg function from Category). If you install the Category package the code runs without error.
With regard to the sapply statement:<-t(sapply(, hyperg.test, significant.genes, all.geneIDs))
You can break this down into the separate parts to understand it. Firstly, the sapply is iterating over the elements of and passing them to the first argument of hyperg.test. The following arguments are the two addition parameters. It is a little unclear and I personally recommend that people explicitly identify the parameters to avoid unexpected surprises and avoids the need for the exact same order. This is a little repetitive in this case but a good way to avoid a silly bug (e.g. putting significant.genes after all.geneIds)
Rewritten: <-
t(sapply(, hyperg.test, significant.genes=significant.genes, all.genes=all.geneIDs))
Once this loop completes, the sapply function simplifies the output in to a matrix. However, the output is much more user-friendly by taking the transpose t.
Generally speaking, when trying to understand complex apply statements I find it best to break them apart in to smaller parts and see what the objects themselves look like.

Maximum reasonable size for stemCompletion in tm?

I have a corpus of 26 plain text files, each between 12 - 148kb, total of 1.2Mb. I'm using R on a Windows 7 laptop.
I did all the normal cleanup stuff (stopwords, custom stopwords, lower case, numbers) and want to do stem completion. I am using the original corpus as a dictionary as shown in the examples. I tried a couple of simple vectors to make sure it would work at all (with about 5 terms) and it did and very quickly.
exchanger <- function(x) stemCompletion(x, budget.orig)
budget <- tm_map(budget, exchanger)
It's been working since yesterday at 4pm! In R Studio under diagnostics, the request log shows new requests with different request numbers. Task manager shows it using some memory, but not a crazy amount. I don't want to stop it because what if it's almost there? Any other ideas of how to check progress - it's a volatile corpus, unfortunately? Ideas on how long it should take? I thought about using the dtm names vector as a dictionary, cut off at the most frequent (or high tf-idf), but I'm reluctant to kill this process.
This is a regular windows 7 laptop with lots of other things running.
Is this corpus too big for stemCompletion? Short of moving to Python, is there a better way to do stemCompletion or lemmatize vice stem - my web searching has not yielded any answers.
I can't give you a definite answer without data that reproduces your problem, but I would guess the bottleneck comes from the folllowing line from the stemCompletion source code:
possibleCompletions <- lapply(x, function(w) grep(sprintf("^%s", w), dictionary, value = TRUE))
After which, given you've kept the completion heuristic on the default of "prevalent", this happens:
possibleCompletions <- lapply(possibleCompletions, function(x) sort(table(x), decreasing = TRUE))
structure(names(sapply(possibleCompletions, "[", 1)), names = x)
That first line loops through each word in your corpus and checks it against your dictionary for possible completions. I'm guessing you have many words that appear many times in your corpus. That means the function is being called many times only to give the same response. A possibly faster version (depending on how many words were repeats and how often they were repeated) would look something like this:
y <- unique(x)
possibleCompletions <- lapply(y, function(w) grep(sprintf("^%s", w), dictionary, value = TRUE))
possibleCompletions <- lapply(possibleCompletions, function(x) sort(table(x), decreasing = TRUE))
z <- structure(names(sapply(possibleCompletions, "[", 1)), names = y)
z[match(x, names(z))]
So it only loops through the unique values of x rather than every value of x. To create this revised version of the code, you would need to download the source from CRAN and modify the function (I found it in the completion.R in the R folder).
Or you may just want to use Python for this one.
Cristina, following Schaun I recomend you use just unique word for apply stemcompletion. I mean, it is easy for your PC do completion in your unique words them do the completition in all your corpus (with all repetitions).
First of all, take the unique words from your corpus. For exemplo:
unique$text <- unique(budget)
Them, you can get the unique words from your original text
unique_budget.orig <- unique(budget.orig)
Now, you can apply the stemcomplection for your unieque words
unique$completition <- budget %>% stemCompletion (dictionary= unique_budget.orig)
Now you have an object with all words from your corpus and their completion. you just have to apply a join between your corpus and the object unique. Be sure both objects have the same variable name for words without the completition: this gonne be the key.
This gonna reduce the number of operation your PC have to do.

permutation with repetition

In R, how can I produce all the permutation of a group, but in this group there are some repetitive elements.
Example :
A = {1,1,2,2,3}
solution :
using the gtools package,
x <- c(1,1,2,2,3)
permutations(5, 5, x, set = FALSE)
Just use the combinat package:
A = c(1,1,2,2,3)
If you want to do it with built-in R:
permute <- function(vec,n=length(vec)) {
permute.index <-,n)
Using the permute package:
x <- c(1,1,2,2,3)
allPerms(x, observed = TRUE)
I have done extensive research on combination and permutation. This result which I have found is written on a book Known as Junction (an art of counting combination and permutation. To view my site then log on to
I have also have solution for your question. I have also found to order a multiple object permutation. This multiple object permutation I call it (CON of MSNO) which means Combination Order Number of Multiple Same Number of Objects.
To view this method of ordering then go to the site
at the bottom of this site I have attached some word documents. Your required solution is written on the word document 12 Proof (CON of MSNO) and 13 Proof (Converse of CON of MSNO). Download this word document for the proper view of the written matters.
