How do I print a single comment thread in Drupal? - drupal

I want to make a page that contains a single comment AND all the replies to it. So far, no luck: I can call comment_render on the node and desired comment ID (cf also How do I print a single comment in drupal?), but that just gives me the comment, not the replies.
Digging through the comments table makes me think that a solution would have to hack its way through the cid and pid fields that implement the thread, but I don't see how to do that in a way that can be passed through pager_query to handle the possibility of a large number of replies. Any thoughts out there? Thanks!

For future visitors: I got something working, which I think actually isn't too terrible:
1: Pull all the comments on the given node out of {comments}.
2: Walk through those comments, starting with CID: traverse the tree of replies to the original comment and put together an array of the starting CID and all the discovered replies.
3: Make a temporary table, selecting from {comments} just those whose NID is that of the starting node and whose CID is one of those found by walking the tree.
4: Hand this temporary table off to a hacked version of comment_render, which operates on the temporary table instead of {comments}.
5: Print the result.
6: Profit!
Or so it seems, anyway. It probably means tracking comment_render as new versions are released, but I'm guessing/hoping that it's pretty stable code by now.
Thoughts about the relative wisdom of this are, of course, welcome.


How To Exclude Certain Relationship for Real-Time Prediction in Neo4j

So I'm working on a real-time prediction matter, for example, I have a node (A) (:Person) and he has friends and node (B) as (:Games)
so node (A) has liked a certain Game and his friends liked other games so I recommend those other games for him But the matter is that I need to exclude the games which he is already liked or played.
it seems to be easy around the 'NOT' command but I couldn't find the right code for it yet although I've tried a lot of ways
the one seems closest for me is like:
match (A:Person)-[:Friend]-(n:Person)
where A <> n
with distinct n
match (n)-[:LIKED]-(B:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam), (k:Person{name:'John'})
where not ((k)-[:LIKED]-(:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam))
return B
which has to recommend the games John's friends liked without the games which John already liked.
anyway, when I Run this, the Graph just freezes for a while and then shutdown which is another problem I want to ask for.
Thanks for help
The last WHERE clause has very few constraints on it, and probably explains the hang/timeout. It may help to have a variable name for each label, either to constrain the query or to receive the nodes. more like this
where not ((k:Person{name:'John'})-[:LIKED]->(B:Game)-[:ON]->(C:steam))
return B
specify directional -> relationships (as above) in cypher queries if possible, usually it provides the answer you want, and is faster.
adding the variable name, and relationship direction also makes the query easier to read, to understand what it is doing, and if you need to look at the nodes/relationships values when debugging.
I may be wrong, but the :steam label doesn't look right to me. What are example values? I'm wondering if you meant to have a :service node, and steam would be a node instance?
Note: if you provide create nodes/rels script to create a small example of this database (e.g. a dozen nodes with these relationships) it would be easier to provide a working cypher example.
If you want to find the distinct games on Steam that John's friends liked but John has not yet liked or played, something this should work:
MATCH (j:Person{name:'John'})-[:FRIEND]-(:Person)-[:LIKED]->(g:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam)

Making a pivoted view writtable

We are current on Oracle 11g.
I created a view (View A) which joins multiple tables. I then create a another view (View B) using PIVOT.
The requirement is to make View B writable, so I use the Trigger to do an INSTEAD OF.
The challenge is that inside of the trigger, I have to write an individual INSERT statement for each non-null pivoted column and these columns can grow. I don't want to be modify the trigger every time a column is added. Is there an elegant to way to handle this situation?
P.S. I have made a honest effort to search the net, but come up empty, so you know or think there's a duplicate article out there, simply let us know and don't down vote the question. Appreciated very much! :)

xProc - Pausing a pipeline and continue it when certain event occurs

I'm fairly new to xProc and xPath, but I've been asked to solve the following problem:
Step 2 receives data via the secondary port from step 1. Step 2 contains a p:for-each, which saves a document into a folder for each element that passes the for-each.
(Part A)
These documents (let's say I receive 6 documents from for-each) lay in the same directory and get filtered by p:directory-list and are eventually stored in one single document, containing the whole path of every document the for-each created. (Part B)
So far, so good.
The problem is that Part A seems to be too slow. Part B already tries to read the data Step A
stores while the directory is still empty. Meaning, I'm having a performance / synchronization problem.
And now comes the question:
Is it possible to let the pipeline wait and to let it continue as soon as a certain event occurs?
That's what I'm imagining:
Step B waits as long as necessary until the directory, which Step A stores the data in, is no longer empty. I read something about
dbxml:breakpoint, but unfortunately I couldn't find more information than the name and
a short description of what it seems to do:
Set a breakpoint, optionally based upon a condition, that will cause pipeline operation to pause at the breakpoint, possibly requiring user intervention to continue and/or issuing a message.
It would be awesome if you know more about it and could give an example of how it's used. It would also help if you know a workaround or another way to solve this problem.
After searching google for half an eternity, I found SMIL which's timesheets seem to do the trick. Has anyone experience with throwing XML / xProc and SMIL together?
Back towards the end of 2009 I proposed the concept of 'Orchestrating XProc with SMIL' in a blog post on the O'Reilly Network.
However, I'm not sure that this (XProc + Time) is the solution to your problem. It's not entirely clear, to me, from you description what's happening. Are you implying that you're trying to write something to disk and then read it in a subsequent step? You need to keep stuff in the pipeline in order to ensure you can connect outputs to subsequent inputs.

Hoes does setRange in GAE datastore work?

I need to mark the first(earliest) 10 entries in my table as '1'. How to do this?
I read about query.setRange(0,10) option. I just want to confirm whether this setRange option without any sort applied retrieves the earliest 10 entities of a table?
I don't want to save any date and time to measure this.
If you have some other simpler way to do this, please advise.
You should never count on a database (no matter which one) to sort results without explicitly requesting a specific order. Even if datastore returns the earliest entities, it might change in the future and your software will stop working.

Calculating Number Of Comments/Posts

I'm using and an SQL database. I have a blog like system where a number of comments are made against a post and I want to display the number of those comments next to the post. To get that number I could either hold it in the post record and add/subtrack when a comment is added or deleted or I could use the SQL to calculate the number of comments using a query each time a user hits the page. The latter seems to be a bad idea as its going to hit my SQL database harder however holding the number against the record feels like it could be error prone. What do you think is best coding practice in this case?
Always start with a normalized database (your second option). Only denormalize if you have an absolute necessity for performance reasons. Designing it in the denormalized way (which is error-prone as you guessed) is premature optimization. With proper indexes it should be fine calculating the number on the fly.
I think the SQL statement should be fine. The other is duplication of data you already have. A count query should be quick.
Don't optimize prematurely. Use the simple solution and pagefault in optimizations only when they're needed.
I would query the database each time you want the information. I would revisit it later if you find that performance is lacking (optimize later). For the traffic most blog type applications will get, that should be sufficient.
Perhaps get the count back as part of the main thread query so as to limit the number of hits on the actual DB from the webserver. But I would always query the actual count and not try and keep it in a field, data will eventually get out of sync as that is reality.
To increase performance, you could keep a flag in the main table to indicate if the item has any comments but only use this as a 'hint' as to whether or not to perform an additional query to count and retrieve comments at a later time.
Imagine a photo gallery that returns 50 photos to rotate through. Each photo could have its own comments.
The initial page load would return a list of photos plus a flag indicating if a photo has comments.
When a photo is displayed, if the comments flag is set to True, your app would make an ajax request to count and fetch the comments for that photo.
If only 3 out of the 50 photos have comments, you just saved yourself 47 additional requests!
This does denormalize the data, but on a limited level.
Creating hints can really help improve performance for very busy sites.
Depending on how your data model looks...Don't add the total post count to the main thread record, it is error prone, you should calculate the comment count when needed based on the thread ID, IMHO
Caching the pages and updating that cache as comments are added/removed would be a good option a long with the SQL count query if you are that worried about the number of queries happening against the db..
I usually use an indexed view for this kind of thing. This allows you to denormalize the data for quick retrieval, but there is no way for it to get out of sync. Folks will also not be confused and think the view is the master of the data. I have mostly used the standard sku of SS2K5, so I have to specify the (noexpand) hint to get it to actually use the index on the view (enterprise will do it automatically). So for standard sku, I always create a wrapper view that everyone hits so I know the hint is always in place.
Coding this on the web page, so hopefully no syntax errors ;)
create view postCount__
from thread
group by threadId
create unique clustered index postCount__xpk_threadid on postCount__(threadId)
create view postCount
,postCount=cast(postCount as int)
from postCount__ with (noexpand)
So I use a nomenclature on the actual indexed view to let everyone know not to query it directly. Instead they look for the associated wrapper view that enforces the noexpand hint. Using an indexed view forces you to do count_big, so I often cast down to int in the wrapper view to be able to keep our code lazily using 32 bit ints. It would be better to omit the cast, but it hasn't been of any significant impact for me.
EDIT - I can tell you that forum software always denormalizes the post count to the thread table. It kills the DB to continually count the post count on every page view if you have an active forum. I love that mssql has indexed views so you can define the denormalization declaratively rather than maintain it yourself.
