how to migrate from .NET1.1 to .NET3.5 version -

currently iam using .NET1.1 version in next few days i will be migrating this .NET1.1 application to .NET3.5 my question is how to migrate this .NET1.1 to .NET3.5..?
How to migrate this & what precuations i need to take...? plz help

If you are using Visual Studio for your development there is an upgrade feature that takes care of quite a few things.
Here is an article on the topci that might help you. link

As #Development4.0 suggested, you could open the 1.1 sln file in VS2008 and go through the wizards. If you have multiple projects (like Web Projects, Class Library etc), then I would suggest a step-by-step approach. There will be breaking changes for sure, but I think would be minimal.


How to upgrade my existing .net project to core 1.0?

I am in the middle of the development of a project.I am using framework 4.5.So far what I have developed, I have to publish it on a Linux server. So i fount that, I will have to upgrade my existing project to ASP.NET Core 1.0 in order to publish on Linux server. Can anyone please suggest me how can I achieve my goal?
You may encounter a couple of issues and looks for different solutions but a general guide can be found here: Migrating From ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core MVC
For specific errors when the general migration will be done, it's worth to take a look at ASP.NET Core's GitHub page as a lot of issues that can occur during migration is described there.

rebuilding subsonic 2.2

I haven't programmed for 2 years so please be gentle in your answers. I'm returning to an old 2.0 project i wrote a few years ago using subsonic. I can't work out how i got subsonic working in this project as it is an old version (2.1) and the documentation for 2.x doesn't ring any bells with how I used to have to build the code. Anyhow, I have downloaded subsonic 2.2 and have managed to get that to work so I will use this in the website. However I have seen various webpages saying that subsonic 2.2 requires a very specific version of the mysql data connector (5.2.3 i think) and that I should rebuild subsonic 2.2 with a newer version of the connector.
Questions: is this necessary? If so why? Can't i just use version 5.2.3 of the connector in my website or does override it with its own version (by the way i generate my DAL in a separate class project and not the website itself)? Can i prevent this from happening? If this is necessary, how do i do it as I really can't remember. Would i just create a new project, add the subsonic source files and the appropriate connector dll and rebuild the subsonic dll or is it more involved than that? Is subsonic 2.2 still supported or am I flogging a dead horse trying to use it?
thanks a lot
As you generated your DAL in a separate class project then you should be able use whatever version of the MySQL adapter .dll you like in your web project.
The other option is to use SubCommander program to generate the classes.
I'd strongly advise grabbing the latest version 2.x from and compiling your own. Failing that if the project isn't too large then maybe look at migrating away? SubSonic was a great tool at the time but there are much better options available now.

Creating an ASP.NET MVC app from scratch

So far i've only been using webforms. But me and my friend would like to try out the MVC architecture. Some questions:
Is there any downside with the free version of visual studio VS professional? I can get the professional version from work but is it worth the effort?
I would like to use Entity Framework and the latest version of MVC + the razor view engine. Does this need to be downloaded separatly?
As far as versioning is concerned; is tortoise SVN suitable for a small project on 2 persons?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
SVN is ok as a repository in my experience. If you are using Visual Studio there is a decent plugin so you can use it from within the IDE, rather than from within Windows. If I am using SVN, it is what I use! More details here.
MVC3 can be downloaded here
Entity Framework can be installed via Nuget (PM> Install-Package EntityFramework ) or a quick google will show the download locations (I think there is version 4.3 and a CTP of version 5)
Free version will work, not sure if there are any differences.
Yes you need to download it seperately
Why wouldn;t it be?
Not that I know of. It's a good way to start. I know earlier versions didn't allow plugins but not sure about the latest versions.
EF will come with the .NET SDK (VS) so no need there. You can get MVC3 from the Web Platform Installer (
I use Tortoise SVN on a team of 4 people with no issues at all. Just make sure you all know good rules for source control management.

Compiling ASP.NET

I'm compiling ASP.NET code for the first time ever and I'm stumped.
I downloaded MINGW-Get and just finished installing it. The client gave me the source code and I found a file called RSConfig.exe.
So I assumed that was the config file, ran it, and then tried "make" but got the error
No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop
Any idea what I'm supposed to do? I don't see anything that would resemble a makefile in the source code.
Thanks in advance!
Do yourself a favour and install Visual Studio Express:
It makes development easier and fast
It sounds like you might want to get familiar with the background concepts around and it's defacto development environment Visual Studio (there are many versions of visual studio).
As Andrei recommends, using Visual Studio Express is a good free way of getting started. The version most suited for web development is Visual Web Developer Express.
Attempting to compile .net code from a toolset such as MinGW isn't a typical route for using, however I've not used MinGW before and not sure it's possible to compile .net code from it.... Although it is perfectly possible to compile .net code from the command line (using the .net framework sdk) , I certainly wouldn't recommend it if you are getting started.
I'm going to make a guess that it is an web forms project, it being the most prolific project type at the moment.
This official site will guide you through what web forms are and how to get the development environment setup. Having this sort of background will aid you in solving your particular situation.

VS2008: Make a non-LINQed website LINQed

I've recently started playing around with ASP.NET and I was just about to connect to a database using LINQ, when I realised that you have to change a bunch of stuff in the project first if you created a normal web site project in Visual Studio 2008.
All the information about LINQed projects in VS2008 that I have found start directly from scratch with a completely new web site. What modifications do I have to make to my project to be able to make use of LINQ?
I think that your question can be answered by viewing this post on
In short your application will need to have access to System.Linq which comes from the .NET 3.5 framework. If your application is currently using .NET 2.0, it is possible to hack a setup with the CTP packages for Linq prior to it being released with Visual Studio 2008, but you might find it hard when you push your application out to production to a hosting company because you will have to install .dll's into areas you generally don't have access too.
Good luck on your conversion to Linq.
