Find sum of factors - math

Why does this code return the sum of factors of a number?
In several Project Euler problems, you are asked to compute the sum of factors as a part of the problem. On one of the forums there, someone posted the following Java code as the best way of finding that sum, since you don't actually have to find the individual factors, just the prime ones (you don't need to know Java, you can skip to my summary below):
public int sumOfDivisors(int n)
int prod=1;
for(int k=2;k*k<=n;k++){
int p=1;
return prod;
Now, I've tried it many times and I see that it works. The question is, why?
Say you factor 100: 1,2,4,5,10,20,25,50,100. The sum is 217. The prime factorization is 2*2*5*5. This function gives you [5*(5+1)+1]*[2*(2+1)+1] = [25+5+1]*[4+2+1] = 217
Factoring 8: 1,2,4,8. The sum is 15. The prime factorization is 2*2*2. This function gives you [2*(2*(2+1)+1)+1]=15
The algorithm boils down to (using Fi to mean the ith index of the factor F or F sub i):
return product(sum(Fi^k, k from 0 to Ni), i from 1 to m)
where m is number of unique prime factors, Ni is the number of times each unique factor occurs in the prime factorization.
Why is this formula equal to the sum of the factors? My guess is that it equals the sum of every unique combination of prime factors (i.e. every unique factor) via the distributive property, but I don't see how.

Let's look at the simplest case: when n is a power of a prime number.
The factors of k^m are 1, k, k^2, k^3 ... k^m-1.
Now let's look at the inner loop of the algorithm:
After the first iteration, we have k + 1.
After the second iteration, we have k(k+1) + 1, or k^2 + k + 1
After the third iteration, we have k^3 + k^2 + k + 1
And so on...
That's how it works for numbers that are powers of a single prime. I might sit down and generalize this to all numbers, but you might want to give it a go yourself first.
EDIT: Now that this is the accepted answer, I'll elaborate a bit more by showing how the algorithm works on numbers with two distinct prime factors. It is then straightforward to generalize that to numbers with an arbitrary amount of distinct prime factors.
The factors of x^i.y^j are x^0.y^0, x^0.y^1 ... x^0.y^j, x^1.y^0...
The inner loops for each distinct prime factor generate x^i + x^i-1 + ... + x^0 (and similarly for y). Then we just multiply them together and we have our sum of factors.

The algorithm is essentially looking at the set of all ordered subsets of the prime factors of n, which is analogous to the set of factors of n.


Smallest perfect square divisible by all elements of an array (with large numbers)

Given an array A[] with n elements, the task is to find S mod (10^9+7), in which S is the smallest perfect square which is divisible by all the elements A[i] (1<=i<=n) of the given array.
So, the problem is very easy if the value of A[i] and n is small. But in this case, I don't know what to do when A[i] can up to 10^7 and n can up to 10^5. So everybody help me pls!
The smallest integer X which is a multiple of all the A_i is called the least common multiple of the A_i. It's also true that every common multiple of the A_i is divisible by X. So S is divisible by X, or equivalently S is a multiple of X.
The LCM can computed fairly efficiently by the algorithms mentioned in the wikipedia article, but remember our final goal is S, a perfect square, not X. Also, the size of X (and S) is likely to be enormous given the constraints in your problem.
Thus I think the correct approach is to use a modified Sieve of Eratosthenes (or just obtain from some online source a list of primes up to 3163) to completely factor all the A_i simultaneously into their prime power factorizations. Since the A_i < 107 you need only include primes <= 103.5. Now, with each A_i factored into its prime power factorization use the prime factorization method to find the LCM, but still retain this in prime power format, in other words don't yet multiply everything together. Next, scan through each of the powers and add 1 to any odd powers. Now you have the prime power factorization of S. Iterate through these prime powers, multiplying each one into the product and taking the product mod (109+7) at each step.

How to find n as sum of dustinct prime numbers (when n is even number)

This problem gives you a positive integer number which is less than or equal to 100000 (10^5). You have to find out the following things for the number:
i. Is the number prime number? If it is a prime number, then print YES.
ii. If the number is not a prime number, then can we express the number as summation of unique prime numbers? If it is possible, then print YES. Here unique means, you can use any prime number only for one time.
If above two conditions fail for any integer number, then print NO. For more clarification please see the input, output section and their explanations.
At first you are given an integer T (T<=100), which is the number of test cases. For each case you will be given a positive integer X which is less than or equal 100000.
For every test case, print only YES or NO.
Input Output
10 YES
Case – 1 Explanation: 7 is a prime number.
Case – 2 Explanation: 6 is not a prime number. 6 can be expressed as 6 = 3 + 3 or 6 = 2 + 2 + 2. But you can’t use any prime number more than 1 time. Also there is no way to express 6 as two or three unique prime numbers summation.
Case – 3 Explanation: 10 is not prime number but 10 can be expressed as 10 = 3 + 7 or 10 = 2 + 3 + 5. In this two expressions, every prime number is used only for one time.
Without employing any mathematical tricks (not sure if any'd think as a mathematician I'd have more insight here), you will have to iterate over every possible summation. Hence, you'll definitely need to iterate over every possible prime, so I'd recommend the first step being to find all the primes at most 10^5. A basic (Sieve of Eratosthenes)[] will probably be good enough, though faster sieves exist nowadays. I know your question is language agnostic, but you could consider the following as vectorized pseudocode for such a sieve.
import numpy as np
def sieve(n):
index = np.ones(n+1, dtype=bool)
index[:2] = False
for i in range(2, int(np.sqrt(n))):
if index[i]:
index[i**2::i] = False
return np.where(index)[0]
There are some other easy optimizations, but for simplicity this assumes that we have an array index where the indices correspond exactly to whether the number is prime or not. We start with every number being prime, mark 0 and 1 as not prime, and then for every prime we find we mark every multiple of it as not prime. The np.where() at the end just returns the indices where our index corresponds to True.
From there, we can consider a recursive algorithm for actually solving your problem. Note that you might feasibly have a huge number of distinct primes necessary. The number 26 is the sum of 4 distinct primes. It is also the sum of 3 and 23. Since the checks are more expensive for 4 primes than for 2, I think it's reasonable to start by checking the smallest number possible.
In this case, the way we're going to do that is to define an auxiliary function to find whether a number is the sum of precisely k primes and then sequentially test that auxiliary function for k from 1 to whatever the maximum possible number of addends is.
primes = sieve(10**5)
def sum_of_k_primes(x, k, excludes=()):
if k == 1:
if x not in excludes and x in primes:
return (x,)+excludes
return ()
for p in (p for p in primes if p not in excludes):
if x-p < 2:
temp = sum_of_k_primes(x-p, k-1, (p,)+excludes)
if temp:
return temp
return ()
Running through this, first we check the case where k is 1 (this being the base case for our recursion). That's the same as asking if x is prime and isn't in one of the primes we've already found (the tuple excludes, since you need uniqueness). If k is at least 2, the rest of the code executes instead. We check all the primes we might care about, stopping early if we'd get an impossible result (no primes in our list are less than 2). We recursively call the same function for smaller k, and if we succeed we propagate that result up the call stack.
Note that we're actually returning the smallest possible tuple of unique prime addends. This is empty if you want your answer to be "NO" as specified, but otherwise it allows you to easily come up with an explanation for why you answered "YES".
partial = np.cumsum(primes)
def max_primes(x):
return np.argmax(partial > x)
def sum_of_primes(x):
for k in range(1, max_primes(x)+1):
temp = sum_of_k_primes(x, k)
if temp:
return temp
return ()
For the rest of the code, we store the partial sums of all the primes up to a given point (e.g. with primes 2, 3, 5 the partial sums would be 2, 5, 10). This gives us an easy way to check what the maximum possible number of addends is. The function just sequentially checks if x is prime, if it is a sum of 2 primes, 3 primes, etc....
As some example output, we have
>>> sum_of_primes(1001)
(991, 7, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(26)
(23, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(27)
(19, 5, 3)
>>> sum_of_primes(6)
At a first glance, I thought caching some intermediate values might help, but I'm not convinced that the auxiliary function would ever be called with the same arguments twice. There might be a way to use dynamic programming to do roughly the same thing but in a table with a minimum number of computations to prevent any duplicated efforts with the recursion. I'd have to think more about it.
As far as the exact output your teacher is expecting and the language this needs to be coded in, that'll be up to you. Hopefully this helps on the algorithmic side of things a little.

Dynamic Programming, Arithmetic Progression, Time complexity issues

Given an array of size n (1<=n<=200000) with each entry a[i] ( 1<=a[i]<=100), find all the number of subsequences that form Arithmetic progression.
Subsequences are the sequences where you can leave any number of elements in the original sequence.
For example, the sequence A,B,D is a subsequence of A,B,C,D,E,F obtained after removal of elements C, E and F. The relation of one sequence being the subsequence of another is a preorder.
I have written O(n^2) solution using DP. But n^2 = 10^10. So, It'll not get accepted.
Here is what I did.
for every element A[i]:
for every element A[k] such that k<i:
diff = A[i] - A[k] + 100: (adding 100, -ve differences A.P.)
dp[i][diff] += dp[i-1][diff] + 1;
for every element A[i]:
for every diff, d:
ans = ans + dp[i][d];
return ans;
This is giving correct output but TLE for 3 big cases.
P.S. Please suggest better solution..!!
Is divide and conquer optimization DP required here?? If yes, tell me how to build the solution.

how do I generate 2 random prime numbers that when multiplied, yield a number with X bits? (X given as argument))

I lack the math skills to make this function.
basically, i want to return 2 random prime numbers that when multiplied, yield a number of bits X given as argument.
for example:
if I say my X is 3 then a possible solution would be:
p = 2 and q = 3 becouse 2 * 3 = 6 (110 has 3 bits).
A problem with this statement is that it starts by asking for two "random" prime numbers. Without any explicit statement of the distribution of the required random primes, we are already stuck. (This is the beginning of a classic paradox, where we are asked to generate a "random" integer.)
But suppose that we change the statement to finding any two arbitrary primes, that yield the desired product with a given number of bits x. The answer is trivial.
The set of numbers that have exactly x bits in their binary representation is the half open set of integers [2^(x-1),2^x-1].
Choose an arbitrary prime number that is less than or equal to (2^x-1)/2. Call it p1.
Next, choose a second prime number that lies in the interval (2^(x-1)/p1,(2^x-1)/p1). Call it p2.
It must be true that p1*p2 will be in the desired interval.
For example, given x = 10, so the product must lie in the interval [512,1023], the set of integers with exactly 10 bits. (Note, there are apparently 147 such numbers in that interval, with exactly two prime factors.)
Step 1:
Choose p1 as any prime no larger than 1023/2 = 511.5. I'll pick p1 = 137. Then the second prime factor must be a prime that lies in the interval
[512 1023]/137
ans =
3.7372 7.4672
thus either 5 or 7.
dec2bin(137*[5 7])
ans =
If you know the number of bits, you can generate a number 2^(x-2) < x < 2^(x-1). Then take the square root and find the closest primes on either side of it. Multiplying them together will, in most cases, get you a number in the correct range. If it's too high, you can take the two primes directly on the lower side of it.
x = bits
primelist[] = makeprimelist()
rand = randnum between 2^(x-2) and 2^(x-1)
n = findposition(primelist, rand)
result = primelist[n]*primelist[n+1]
while result > 2^(x-1)
Note that numbers generated this way will allways have '1' as the highest significant bit, so would be possible to generate a number of x-1 bits and just tack the 1 onto the end.

Finding the Sum of divisors of a big factorial number?

I am trying to come up with an efficient way to list all divisors of a big factorial. Let's say 1000!. It is quite impossible with brute force. Is there an efficient approach?
I need to process them i.e. to find their sum for a programming challenge.
Find the prime factorisation of each number <= 1000. I would store this as a dictionary of prime -> power. E.g. for a single number like 24 {2: 3, 3: 1} because 24 is 2**3 * 3**1.
Find the prime factorisation of 1000!. This is the combination of the dictionaries of numbers <= 1000 combined by summing all the values for each of the keys (the primes).
You can then use equation 14 on this page as #AakashM already said.
Following are the steps for an efficient solution:
n! can be represented as :- n! = (a1^p1) (a2^p2)x...(ak^pk).
where ak is the prime divisor lesser than n and pk is the highest power
which can divide n!.
Through sieve find the prime number and the highest power can be
easily find out by :
countofpower = [n/a] + [n/a^2] + [n/a^3] +...... or ` while (n)
n/ = a;
ans += n
Count Of Factors = (ans1 +1)*(ans2 +1)*....(ansk +1)
After calculating this last step is the sum :
SUM = product of all (pow(ak,pk+1)-1)/(ak-1);
ex = 4!
4! = 2^3 * 3^1;
count of factors = (3+1)*(1+1) = 8 (1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24)
sum = ( 1 + 2 + 4 + 8)*(1 + 3) = 60.
