HTTP server detecting a broken network connection from a HTTP client - http

I have an web application in which after making a HTTP request to the server, the client quits ( or network connection is broken) before the response was completely received by the client.
In this scenario the server side of the application needs to do some cleanup work. Is there a way built into HTTP protocol to detect this condition. How does the server know if the client is still waiting for the response or has quit?
Vijay Kumar

No, there is nothing built in to the protocol to do this (after all, you can't tell whether the response has been received by the client itself yet, or just a downstream proxy).
Just have your client make a second request to acknowledge that it has received and stored the original response. If you don't see a timely acknowedgement, run the cleanup.
However, make sure that you understand the implications of the Two Generals' Problem.

You might have a network problem... usualy, when you send a HTTP request to the server, first you send headers and then the content of the POST (if it is a post method). Likewise, the server responds with the headers and document body. The first line in the header is the status. Usually, status 200 is the success status, if you get that, then there should be no problem getting the rest of the document. Check this for details on the HTTP response status headers
Sorry, missread your question. Basically, you don't have a trigger for when the user disconnects. If you use OOP, you could use the destructor of a class to clean whatever it is you need to clean.


HTTP in simple terms

I came across the term HTTP. I have done some research and wanted to ensure that I correctly understood the term.
So, is it true that HTTP, in simple words, a letter containing information in the language that both client and server can understand.
Then, that letter is sent to the server thanks to TCP/IP which serves as a car that takes that letter to the server.
Then, after the letter is delivered to the server, the server reads the content of the letter and if it is GET request, the server takes the necessary data and ATTACHES that data to the letter and sends back to the client via again TCP/IP. But if it was POST request then the client ATTACHES the DATA to the letter and sends it to the server so that it saves that data in the database.
Is that true?
Basically, it is true.
However, the server can decide what to do if it is a GET or POST or any other request(it doesn't need to e.g. append it to a file).
I will show you some additional information/try to explain it in my words:
TCP is another communication protocol protocol. It allows a client to open a connection to a server and they can communicate afterwards.
HTTP(hyper text transfer protocol) builds up on TCP.
At first, the client opens a connection to the server.
After that, the client sends the HTTP Request. The first line contains the type of the request, the path and the version. For example, it could be GET / HTTP/1.1.
The next part of the request contains the Request parameters. Every parameter is a line. The parameters are sent like the following: paramName: paramValue
This part of the request ends with an empty line.
If it is a POST Request, query parameters are added next. If it is a GET Request, these query parameters are added with the path(e.g. /index.html?paramName=paramValue)
After rescieving the Request, the server sends a HTTP Response back to the client.
The first line of the response contains the HTTP version, the status code and the status message. For example, it could be HTTP/1.1 200 OK.
Then, just like in the request, the response parameters are following. For example Content-Length: 1024.
The response parameters also end with an empty line.
The last part of the response is the body/content. For example, this could be the HTML code of the website you are visiting.
Obviously, the length of the content/body of the response has to match the Content-Length parameter(in bytes).
After that, the connection will be closed(normally). If the client to e.g. request resources, it will send another request. The server has NO POSSIBILITY to send data to the client after that unless the client sends another request(websockets can bypass this issue).
GET is meant to get the content of a site A web browser will send a GET request if you type in a URL. POST can be used to update a site but in fact, the server can decide that. POST can be also used if the server doesn't want query parameters to be shown in the address bar.
There are other methods like PATCH or DELETE that are used by some APIs.
Some important status codes (and status messages) are:
200 OK (everything went well)
204 No content (like ok but there is no body in the response)
400 Bad Request (something is wrong with the Request)
404 Not found (the requested file(the path) was not found on the server)
500 Internal server error (An error occured while processing the request)
Every status code beginning with 1 is related to inform the client of something.
If it is starting with 2, everything went right.
Status code beginning with 3 forward the client to another site.
If it starts with 4, there is a error on the client side.
Codes starting with 5 represent an error that occured on the server side.
TCP is a network protocol that establishes a connection with the server over a network (or the Internet) and allows two-way communication. The HTTP will traffic inside this TCP tunnel. TCP is a very useful protocol that helps keep things sane, it ensures data packets are read in the correct order and that packets that went missing during transmission are sent again.
Sometimes there will be another protocol layer between HTTP and TCP, called SSL. It is responsible for encrypting the data that traffics over TCP, so that it is transmitted safely over unsafe networks. This is know as HTTPS, and is just HTTP but using this additional layer.
Although almost always true, HTTP doesn't necessarily uses TCP. UPnP requests use HTTP over UDP, a network protocol that uses standalone packets instead of a connection.
HTTP is a plain text protocol, meaning it's designed in such a way that a human can understand it without using any tools. This is very convenient for learning.
If you're using Firefox or Chrome, you can press Ctrl-Shift-C to open the Developer Tools, and under the Network tab you will see every HTTP request your browser is making, see exactly what's the request, what the server answered etc, and get a better view of how this protocol works.
Explaining it in details is... too extensive for this answer. But as you will see it's not that complicated.

HTTP/2 Push promise behavior

I am working on writing a resilient client for HTTP/2.
I am wondering what should be the behavior of the client, if the server sent a PUSH_PROMISE and then failed to send the PUSH_RESPONSE, related to that PUSH_PROMISE ?
I went through the HTTP/2 spec, about the Push Response, but it does not state what should we do in such scenarios.
Should we send the original request again, if the push response is not received ? If the original request sent successfully, sending it again may cause issues, isn't it ?
Or should we ignore the PUSH_PROMISE and continue ? In that case, say server promised to send a file, and did not send it, what will happen ?
Is there a defined way to resolve this ?
The client is certainly free to request the same resource again. Consider, for example, that the server has no way to know if the client is making a simultaneous request for the same resource when the server sends the PUSH_PROMISE.
Client Server
------ ------
HEADERS[sid:1, GET /]
HEADERS[sid:1, /], DATA [sid:1], PUSH_PROMISE[sid:2]
HEADERS[sid:3, GET /css] HEADERS[sid:2, /css], DATA[sid:2]
HEADERS[sid:3, /css], DATA[sid:3]
The standard way for the client to then cancel the push would be to reset the promised stream via a RST_STREAM.
PUSH PROMISE - All server push streams are initiated via PUSH-PROMISE frames, which signal the server’s intent to push the described resources to the client and need to be delivered ahead of the response data that requests the pushed resources. The simplest strategy to satisfy this requirement is to send all PUSH-PROMISE frames, which contain just the HTTP headers of the promised resource, ahead of the parent’s response.
PUSH_PROMISE method used to apply HTTP/2 server push because the server creates the PUSH_PROMISE frame to the response part of a normal browser- initiated stream. Response objects with the context of a request which has a HTTP connection is used to server push. for example, under the Page_load method of application which has HTTP connection can be used to apply Response.PUSHPROMISE for push all the relevant scripts, styles and images without the client having to request each one explicitly

Is an HTTP request 'atomic'

I understand an HTTP request will result in a response with a code and optional body.
If we call the originator of the request the 'client' and the recipient of the request the 'server'.
Then the sequence is
Client sends request
Server receives request
Server sends response
Client receive response
Is it possible for the Server to complete step 3 but step 4 does not happen (due to dropped connection, application error etc).
In other words: is it possible for the Server to 'believe' the client should have received the response, but the client for some reason has not?
Network is inherently unreliable. You can only know for sure a message arrived if the other party has acknowledged it, but you never know it did not.
Worse, with HTTP, the only acknowledge for the request is the answer and there is no acknowledge for the answer. That means:
The client knows the server has processed the request if it got the response. If it does not, it does not know whether the request was processed.
The server never knows whether the client got the answer.
The TCP stack does normally acknowledge the answer when closing the socket, but that information is not propagated to the application layer and it would not be useful there, because the stack can acknowledge receipt and then the application might not process the message anyway because it crashes (or power failed or something) and from perspective of the application it does not matter whether the reason was in the TCP stack or above it—either way the message was not processed.
The easiest way to handle this is to use idempotent operations. If the server gets the same request again, it has no side-effects and the response is the same. That way the client, if it times out waiting for the response, simply sends the request again and it will eventually (unless the connection was torn out never to be fixed again) get a response and the request will be completed.
If all else fails, you need to record the executed requests and eliminate the duplicates in the server. Because no network protocol can do that for you. It can eliminate many (as TCP does), but not all.
There is a specific section on that point on the HTTP RFC7230 6.6 Teardown (bold added):
If a server performs an immediate close of a TCP connection, there is
a significant risk that the client will not be able to read the last
HTTP response.
To avoid the TCP reset problem, servers typically close a connection
in stages. First, the server performs a half-close by closing only
the write side of the read/write connection. The server then
continues to read from the connection until it receives a
corresponding close by the client, or until the server is reasonably
certain that its own TCP stack has received the client's
acknowledgement of the packet(s) containing the server's last
response. Finally, the server fully closes the connection.
So yes, this response sent step is a quite complex stuff.
Check for example the Lingering close section on this Apache 2.4 document, or the complex FIN_WAIT/FIN_WAIT2 pages for Apache 2.0.
So, a good HTTP server should maintain the socket long enough to be reasonably certain that it's OK on the client side. But if you really need to acknowledge something in a web application, you should use a callback (image callback, ajax callback) asserting the response was fully loaded in the client browser (so another HTTP request). That means it's not atomic as you said, or at least not transactional like you could expect from a relational database. You need to add another request from the client, that maybe you'll never get (because the server had crash before receiving the acknowledgement), etc.

How can HTTP server application reject an HTTP Pipeline request gracefully?

Is there a specific (or agreed upon) HTTP response message (or another action except for disconnection) to clarify that the server does not accept pipelined HTTP requests?
I'm looking for something that will make the client stop pipelining it's requests, and to send each request separately.
If so, what is it? Thank you!
I'm a bit late on this one :-)
For reference the clean way of rejecting a pipelined connection is to add a Connection: close header on the first and unique response.
An HTTP client receiving a close on the first response of a pipeline MUST replay all remaining queries, and will certainly choose to stop pipelining.
i think you should execute some command on your server ..
See Here Look at the comment also

Http response with out http request

I have grid that needs to be auto updated every minute. I want to update grid asynchronously so that web page does not send any request to server. Only the server will know when to sent new lets say JSon data to client. Is this possible? Can I send data to client with out pinging the server?
No. You'd have to use some kind of open socket, which is a very low-level form of pinging anyway. The standard is to simply have a frequent but very short JSON request to check for new data.
Edit- There is WebSocket, but it appears that the implementation on the server side is more advanced & you'd be crippling your audience reach. Just do frequent, short JSON requests.
No, you have to send a HTTP request to get a response. The delay between the request and the response can be as long as you want, however (so please don't aggressively poll for updates):
You simply make a request, wait for it to complete (when something happens), start another request immediately and then process the response.
This way, the server always has a request ready which it can respond to in order to "push" to the browser (or one will shortly be made).
