How do I debug step into an ASPX page that requires an XML request? -

Is there a way to test sending an XML file as a request to my ASP.Net web page within Visual Studio 2008?
Ok, no one has answered this in a helpful way. I have a situation where I have an ASPX page that I send an XML file too and receive an XML response from. In order to debug this, I need to step into the page while providing an XML request. I This is what I need to figure out how to do?

This is easy. Just create an HTML page that contains a simple submit form, and it's submit action will post-back the XML. In visual studio, all you have to do is attach to process-> and choose the browser window containing your HTML form, and there you go.

You can simply put a breakpoint at the code behind just before sending the file to see that everything at that point is as expected.
From then on, the best way to see what goes over the wire is to use a debugging proxy like fiddler.
Alternatively, there is firebug and its Net tab which will show your requests and responses.


Login to site from another app, then receive filestream

I have an ASP.NET application with pages that use reportviewer. Can someone give me a hint on how to approach the following requirement:
I want to get the report as PDF file from the page, without user interaction. I know I can render the report to a filestream, but since there's no user opening it in a browser, I need to collect the filestream from another application that might run during the night.
There might be other approaches, like a webservice for example that could return the filestream to me, but this would also mean, I have to modify the setup of the datasources that the report receives it's data from. There are a lot of controls on the page, for supplying filter parameters. By using the page life cycle I can use what's already there.
I thought about wget, but haven't tried it yet, and I'm not sure how complicated logging in will be with cookies. I do have full control over the application though, so if I can modify something there to make it easier, I'd do it.
You can use the "WebClient" in .net application to get the response from the site.
Please refer the below link:

Using uploadify as part of an webform?

I have a web form that requires users to fill out some information and upload an image.
What I don't understand:
If I use uploadify to select a file doesn't it upload it right away to the server? Is there a way to defer that until the user would click on a form submit button? Or at least not save it to the file system?
Most examples use a custom HttpHandler for uploading files, but my file upload is part of a form. Should I still use a HttpHandler for that?
Well, I'll try to answer all your many questions, one by one. But before anything, open the official documentation because I will rely on it for answers.
If I use Uploadify to select a file doesn't it upload it right away to the server?
As you can see on the first demo, you can have a anchor (or a button or anything) to trigger the upload start. The Uploadify don't upload nothing until it's done (if the property auto isn't true).
Is there a way to defer that until the user would click on a form submit button?
Like described above, yes. And it's the default way (since the default value of auto is false).
Or at least not save it to the file system?
While the button doesn't trigger the .uploadifyUpload() method, nothing goes to the server. But when the Uploadify starts sending, it will be handled by the server (with the HTTP Handler). The handler is the guy that save it to the file system.
Most examples use a custom HttpHandler for uploading files, but my file upload is part of a form. Should I still use a HttpHandler for that?
As described on the script property, you can point to any server-side language that will handle the HTTP Request containing the data. The HttpHandler is the right thing because it haven't any other processing before or after the code you write. It isn't hard. The official forum shows some samples. And here on StackOverflow we have many questions about it, like these: Getting Uploadify Working in C# and Uploadify not working with ASP.NET WebForms.
The server shouldn't save the file until it is actually actioned by a handler. The Uploadify is providing the UI control for the gathering of the files and feedback. There are some settable properties available to control whether you want the "Auto" upload behavior or not.
You still need some king of server side processing for saving the data and an HTTPHandler is the usual way to do it. The HTTPHandler just operates on what file information it gets from the browser as part of a multi-part form data.
Here is an answer that provides more information about Uploadify: Getting Uploadify Working in C#

File Uploading without page refresh in Web pages

Any one knows how to upload files to the physical location of the server. It is possible using file upload control that i know. But i want to avoid the external postbacking of the page. For e.g exactly like what in the yahoo mail did.
In yahoo mail latest version if you attach a file that won't post back and attach that file in to server. What is the technology behind that?
Normally when you submit a form it does a POST request to the server, causing a refresh. Ajax requests get round this by using JavaScript to send the POST data through to the server, and that doesn't need a page refresh.
Ajax requests can't be used to send file data though, so the best way to currently do it is with an iframe hack - you use JavaScript to dynamically build up a form within an iframe, submit that form via JavaScript, and listen for the iframe's onload event. So you know when the form has been submitted. A version of this approach is detailed here:
Other methods to do this would include using a Flash-based solution like or a wrapper like - these will prevent you having to roll your own solution and will also provide some extra functionality - upload progress feedback, for example.

How to display posted XML data in ASP.Net

I am trying to setup a test page that will display an XML Post from a gateway but can not find any examples of how to do this. Every example I have seen has been posting information FROM a page or reading an XML FILE but nothing relating to dispalying a (I think its called) xml stream that is posted to a page?
The idea is this: User submits a form. Form is posted to gateway. Gateway responds with success/failure and error messages (in the form of xml) to my dev page. Dev page displays the XML.
Anyone have any suggestions?
if it's for development purpose, you could use the firebug plug-in for Firefox instead of having the "Dev page displays the XML"

How can I know when .aspx call is finished?

I am building a Flex Application that calls a .aspx page on the same webserver which builds a PDF report using SQL Reporting Services. When the report is built it prompts the user to open or save the PDF.
We are trying to find a way to display a Progress Bar to let the user know that the report they requested is being built, and then destroy the Progress Bar once the report is finished being built.
I've tried opening a new window using JavaScript and trying to catch when the window closes, as well as trying XMLHTTPRequest, but nothing to seems to work.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
There are 2 options:
Use the FileReference class in Flex to programmatically invoke your aspx file. You will be able to track the progress of the call from within Flex by listening to its events. But the users can only save the PDF, not open it.
Have an intermediate HTML page that displays a loading icon and then refresh itself to your PDF generating ASPX page. Encode your aspx url along with parameters etc and set it as a parameter to this intermediate page so it knows what to load.
If you don't have control over the page to be able to put JavaScript on it to hit a URL (or call back to the parent/opener), then you might consider whipping up an aspx page of your own to host a ReportViewer control, and display the report inside of that. This would require you to create a .NET website with a page and a web.config - you wouldn't need to do more than make it receive any parameters your report needs, and it would be do-able via inline-to-the-aspx code as opposed to requiring in-depth .NET knowledge.
Or, you could hit the SS-RS API and render the report directly. Here, you'd craft a URL with parameters for the report on the SS-RS API site to accept. I think, though I don't know for sure, that the SS-RS UI uses the API itself behind the scenes. By default the API is hosted in a site called "reportserver" - you might sniff HTTP traffic while the report is being rendered to get you started with the URL that you'd need to hit.
Another option not mentioned here is to create a .Net webservice, add it to your flex project and when it hits the result handler you know the file is created at that point.
