Cant force website not to render in IE7 in IE8 -

I have a webiste that is going into IE7 Mode in IE8 and I dont want it to be
I've tryed adding the meta tag to force it but IE just ignores it when on the server.
I've also tried adding it to the Web.config and the root Web.config of the server.
Can anyone help as the site does not render correctly under IE7 mode in IE8 and we use IE8

Adding meta tag or any other configuration change won't help you. Your markup is not adhering to XHTML standards and some other markup validation is also failing hence IE8 is triggering quirks mode and going to IE 7 mode. You need to fix your markup.
Try running your page through and that should help you.


CSS Loading in IE9 but not IE11 using IE9 emulation mode

I have a really strange issue that has me pulling my hair out. When I load a web page in IE9 the CSS renders perfectly fine. The page also renders fine in firefox and chrome.
However when I try to render the page in IE11 using a document mode of 9 several CSS files are not being applied. This is also the case if the document mode is 10 but it works fine using "Edge"
I have monitored the network traffic and can confirm that the CSS files are being pulled down.
Any ideas what might be causing this?
Eventually during a discussion with a colleague it was discovered that this issue was being caused by SharePoint and not IE11. The problem was that the file was UTF-8 encoded and needed to be ANSI encoded and subsequently was not being served correctly for whatever reason.
For me the answer was to add this with my existing conditional comments...
<!--[if !IE]><!--><script type="text/javascript">if(/*#cc_on!#*/false){document.documentElement.className += 'ie10';}</script><!--<![endif]-->
Why it only works when I add that I'm not sure, currently using a HTML5 doctype and no additional styling is given with the class ie10, it's literally there for feature detection purposes only.
I had tried giving the CSS a different encoding (ANSI & UTF-8) like other answers have said, also tried using a XHTML 4.0 doctype incase it was caused by the HTML5 doctype but nope.
Also ensured the IIS 7.0 server did accept the text/css MIME.

Chrome and firefox wont load css with the html 5 doctype

As soon as i place the into my script my page shows perfectly in IE but in firefox and chrome it doesn't load my css file at all.
But when i remove the doctype tag both firefox and chrome show the page perfectly!
And the weird thing is when i load the file locally it works fine with the doctype tag..
Is my host out of date or something?
"Solved"it with:
<!--[if IE]>
<!DOCTYPE html>
The solution you found yourself doesn't solve problems, it just puts a bandaid on it by not including a doctype for different browsers which isn't good practice.
You seem to have a lot of CSS errors and warnings, take a look at this link and work your way through them and maybe it will start working...
As for your HTML, you have duplicated some id names which is bad markup, take a look here and try either renaming them or changing it to a class as you can have many classes with the same name...
A doctype is required in today's modern web pages. Without one, you are in quirks mode and, IE in particular, will struggle to present your page properly. You never want to be in quirks mode.
Remove your conditional comments and present that doctype to all browsers all the time on all web pages to remain in standards mode. Do NOT use IE as a reference for how things should work.
Write your markup as you think it should be done, validate it, then look to see if it works as you wish in all the browsers. You will have more problems with IE than the others but IE is most likely wrong.

Local testing WP theme in IE8 gives a strange layout?

Trying to test my theme on IE8 locally gives a bad result. But on the testing server it looks much better (not yet the same as FF or Chrome).
What do i need to do so my local IE8 behaves the same as IE8 on the server??
I am trying to get the full-screen background in IE8 to work with transparent div's
Bit clueless here.
oh i use xampp for windows
Without a link or code, all I can say is be sure your code is W3C valid. Missing and out of place tags are leading causes of bad IE display in Wordpress. Use the W3C Validator either live at or as a local standalone

IE9 border-radius

curved css corners for some reason dont seem to work in IE9. I know it supports it however i have looked all over the web for a solution and cant find one that works for me. I tried putting <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" /> but that did'nt work. I used the .htc file and behavior: url(; however that only works sometimes when switching to compatibility mode. I even tried declairing all 4 values, and didnt make a diffrence. Work beautifuly in firefox, chrome, and safari but not in IE. Any help? Check it out: my web page If you have some debugging tool might help you help me.
I found if your using the CSS style filter for IE8 and below browsers it will interfere with IE9 styles causing border-radius to not work and possible other ill effects.
To fix it add this to your html head:
<!--[if gte IE 9]>
<style type="text/css">.elementClass { filter: none !important; }</style>
Looks like the page is firing Quirks Mode, try moving those script & css includes down inside the tag... nothing should ever come between a doctype and it's html tag.
Detail explanation here Investigating Document Mode Issues
Use the vendor extensions, -moz-border-radius:15px; -ms-border-radius:15px; -o-border-radius:15px; -webkit-border-radius:15px; border-radius:15px;
You really only need the -ms version for what you want, but if you include them all you provide a broader spectrum of coverage.
I found that my border radius in ie9 is working on localhost but not on a server. Im using css3PIE to acomidate ie8 and below, would this be interfering with ie9?
IE9 don't need any prefix for border-radius (for sure you don't need -ms- prefix at least for this property!). Your browser probably have a problem. Maybe you're running beta or something like that.
Please test this demo in another IE9 running computer or have your IE restarted and try it to see IE9 renders border-radius just fine.
Quirks mode is where IE9 switches back to IE5 functionality
(added following link to #seanmetzgar post also)
Detail explanation here Investigating Document Mode Issues
With a site I look after, which had ASP code right at the top of page, I added
<!DOCTYPE html>
just in front of the tag, below the code, and IE9 stopped going into Quirks Mode.

box-shadow does not work in IE9

Ive seen a lot of talk about box-shadow in IE9 - but when i try it out it does not work! (of course im not suprised ... sigh). Am i mistaken that these thing are supposed to work in ie9 or is mys css wrong or is there a mode in ie9? Heres the CSS code im using:
.jW{position:absolute;border-radius:8px;box-shadow:4px 4px 24px 4px #000000}
Same goes for border-radius. Ive even opened up CSS3 sites that have these attributes like and they dont work in IE9 either. Actually: bugger IE!
OK - found the problem. Firstly thanks to sandeep for refering me to part of the problem. IE9 does not require any doctype for these styles to work. Whats causing the problem is "border-collapse:collapse" on tables - use cellspacing=0 then it works - still: bugger IE
It should work (as far as I know - will run some simulations later). In the meantime your can check out CSS3 PIE ( that enhances IE rendering of CSS3 properties (not really IE's rendering, but close enough).
According to, IE9 does support box-shadow and border-radius.
I haven't tried it with box-shadow, but I can definitely vouch for it working with border-radius
The most likely reason for it not working is that you're actually running in IE8 compatibility mode (or even IE7 compat). This will make IE9 drop all the new features and pretend to be the older version.
The quickest way to check if this is the problem is to hit F12 to open the IE developer tools window. This will show the rendering mode in the top right hand corner.
If it is rendering in compatibility mode, then you can change it here. You can also add a meta tag to the top of your code to force your site to use the latest IE mode. If it's happening for every site then you may need to change your browser settings.
Hope that helps.
Ooops - im sorry but i wasnt entirely correct in my testing - it seems that doctype is essential for these things to work. But then everything else breaks down. I think next time ill write for IE first then the others - hey mabe thats microsofts strategy all along!
I also was experiencing the problem where the box shadow was not being displayed in IE9. In my case, IE9 was rendering the document in compatibility mode, even though I had a valid DOCTYPE. I was debugging locally, and IE has a setting "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" which was enabled, apparently by default. After disabling this, everything works as expected. This can be found under Tools -> Compatibility View settings.
The reason box shadow does not work is that IE automatically runs in quirks mode which does not support this.
If you set internet explorer to run in standards mode it will display box-shadow correctly
you can force ie to run in standards mode by following this post: How do I force Internet Explorer to render in Standards Mode and NOT in Quirks?
If you can't edit http headers then use: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
(or <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> if you're using XHTML)
It should work fine if you do this
