Asp .NET SelectCommand Dynamic Column Names -

I have a database with two columns: Retailers or Traders. A row can have only one of them with values while the other must be 'Null'. Both are nvarchars kinds. What I am trying to do is to show data if a radio button is selected for either Retailer or Trader. So I constructed a SelectCommand statement which is getting column names of either 'Retailers' or 'Traders' as a parameter but the SelectCommand statement still returns all records. What can I do?
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="dsSearchResults" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:AdoFabricsConnection %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT Name,Address1,City,State,Zip, Telephone, Email_Address, TO_THE_Trade, Retailer, Latitude, Longitude, SQRT(POWER([Latitude] - #Latitude, 2) + POWER([Longitude] - #Longitude, 2)) * 62.1371192 AS DistanceFromAddress FROM [ado_DealerLocator] WHERE (#RetTradColumnName IS NOT NULL) AND (ABS([Latitude] - #Latitude) < #LatLongUnitsParam) AND (ABS([Longitude] - #Longitude) < #LatLongUnitsParam) ORDER BY DistanceFromAddress">
<asp:Parameter Name="Latitude" />
<asp:Parameter Name="Longitude" />
<asp:Parameter Name="LatLongUnitsParam" />
<asp:Parameter Name="RetTradColumnName" />

Never mind. I ended up combining the values of Traders and Retailers values into one new database field 'RetailerOrTrader' and programmed accordingly.


FilterExpression search bar - multiple data types (int and varchar)

I have a textbox that I want to make into a search bar. My table has an int "id" and varchar(50) "name". I want to search for either the name or the id in the same textbox. Is that even possible? I've tried many things but haven't gotten to a solution yet.
Here's what I have:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:New_QuickBooksConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Testing1]" FilterExpression="([id] = {0}) OR ([name] LIKE '%(CAST {0} AS VARCHAR(50))%')">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="id" PropertyName="Text" Type="int32" />
This just returns the id when I type in a number. It doesn't work for name. What can I do?
Try changing the type = "String" and convert ID to String, like CONVERT([Id],'System.String') like '{0}'

ASP Gridview Select statement not working (GUID)

I'm using to use a gridview. The gridview's sql data source is a select statement where ID = a value (a GUID) from a querystring.
However, when I try and preview it, it doesn't show any results. If I change it to a different type (int) of 1, then it works fine and shows results.
If I do the select statement in SQL Server Management Studio (with the GUID), it works fine and shows the results.
Here's the code for the data:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SQLDataSourceL" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString1 %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [FName], [Date] FROM [Table1] WHERE (([FName] = #FName) AND ([Type] = #Type)) ORDER BY [Date] DESC, [FName]">
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="FName" QueryStringField="id" Type="Object" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="X" Name="Type" Type="String" />
(I've changed the column names).
Hope you can help.
Try changing the QueryStringParameter to the suitable type, eg:
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="FName" QueryStringField="id" Type="String" />

How to filter using a dropdown in a gridview and display all values when none is selected

I have a web page with 3 values (1 text box, and 2 drop-downs) and displays result in a gridview. This is working great when the value that I want to search is in the drop-down. However, if the user didn't select one of the dropdownlist ( facilityCode), we would like to display all facility codes versus only one. What is the easiest way to accomplish this? Below is the code related to the sqldatasource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:HCSCRMConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT MMM_Id_Nbr, Item_Desc, Supplier_Nbr, Supplier_Name, Stocking_Facility_Code, Reorder_Point_Qty, BodID, Active_Ind FROM BOD_ROP_TBL WHERE (MMM_Id_Nbr = #MMM_Id_Nbr)and active_Ind=#Active_Ind and Stocking_Facility_Code=#FacilityCode"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE BOD_ROP_TBL SET Reorder_Point_Qty = #Reorder_Point_Qty, Active_Ind = #Active_Ind WHERE (BodID = #BodID)">
<asp:FormParameter FormField="txt3MID" Name="MMM_Id_Nbr" Type="String" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="dropActive" Name="Active_Ind" Type="String" />
<asp:FormParameter FormField="FacilityCode" Name="FacilityCode" Type="String" />

Control doesn't bind to SqlDataSource on page load with blank parameters

Suppose you have a SQLDataSource that looks like this:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqldsSample" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:myConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [col1], [col2] FROM [tbl] WHERE [col3] = #val) ORDER BY [col1] DESC;">
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="False" Name="val" Type="Boolean" />
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue="" Name="val2" Type="String" />
Just assume you have decided you want to declare the 'val2' parameter here and you don't want to bother with adding and/or removing parameters later in the code-behind (say, to change the SelectCommand to do some filtering with some extra criteria).
It will fail without an error - the control will just show up empty.
You have to specify a default value for the parameter even if it's not used. For example, just putting in a space character will work:
<asp:Parameter DefaultValue=" " Name="val2" Type="String" />
Note that it still won't work if you omit the DefaultValue property.
There is also the CancelSelectOnNullParameter parameter on SqlDataSource - you need to set this to false if you expect any of your parameters to be null.
It's not very obvious and it has caught me out a few times!

How to set parameters for SqlDataSource UpdateCommand

For a Gridview:
I am trying to use a stored procedure for the first time in a SQLDataSource for the UpdateCommand:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="TECT_DataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:OracleConnectionString %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:OracleConnectionString.ProviderName %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT MPID, User_Id, Last_Name, First_Name
FROM Scripts.vw_Tect_Exam"
UpdateCommand="P_TECT_UPD_EXAM_ID" UpdateCommandType="StoredProcedure">
<asp:Parameter Name="MPID" Type="Int32" />
<asp:Parameter Name="User_Id" Type="String" />
I am wondering how the UpdateParameters get their values set, since I only specify a name?
The procedure P_TECT_UPD_EXAM_ID expects two parameters as input: "in_MPID" and "in_UserId"
I am also wondering how to map those values to the input parameters for the procedure as the names are different?
You can set them something like this :
Example : In the example MPID is the sql parameter name #MPID
<asp:ControlParameter Name="MPID" ControlID="MPID_TextBox" PropertyName="Text />
<asp:ControlParameter Name="User_Id" ControlID="User_Id_TextBox" PropertyName="Text />
Correction: Just spotted your proc param names so it must be
<asp:ControlParameter Name="in_MPID" ...............
<asp:ControlParameter Name="in_User_Id" ...............
Hope this helps....
I really wouldn't use a SqlDataSource. It will be much easier if you make the call to the database in the code-behind (or a better yet in a Data Access Layer).
If you use a SqlDataSource the stored procedure call will only be available on that page. Every time you want to make that same call you will have to copy and paste the SqlDataSource or make a UserControl out of it.
The following example uses the Entity Framework to connect to the database and retrieve records:
public List<Record> GetAllRecordsByUserName(string credentials)
List<Record> recordList;
using (CustomEntities context = new CustomEntities())
IQueryable<Section> recordQuery = from records in context.Records
where records.UserName == credentials
select records;
recordList = recordQuery.ToList<Record>();
return recordList;
