Text property of a TextBox does not updated from within a DropDown's SelectedIndexChanged Event - asp.net-2.0

When I change the text property of any textbox through a dropdown's SelectedIndexChanged event, the text doesn't change. Why is this?

Most likely need to set AutoPostBack="true" on your Dropdown list


How to use selectedIndexedChanged event in dropdown?

In list of dropdown i have added some text and i want that if i select any particular text then it fired selectedIndexedChanged event but its not firing.please tell me how it will fire using C# ?
Do you have autopostback=true declared in your page declaration?

Dropdownlists creates postback on key changes in IE

I have created a label and a dropdownlist. The label has the dropdownlist as associated id.
If I click on the label and then uses the mouse up or down the dropdownlist creates a postback for each click. This is quite anoying and doesn't happen if you click on the dropdownlist and uses key-up or key-down, or if you uses another browser than IE.
Is it possibel to fix this, so you can use key-up and key-down without causing a postback, and first on the enter-key creates the postback (as it does if you click on the dropdownlist and not label)?
Set DropDownList.AutoPostBack to false.
Set the AutoPostBack property to false.
See the documentation.

how to retrieve a value in datalist on the button click in DataList

We have a Datalist in which we have some data, with every Item we have a button control. What I want to achieve is that on the button click, the data related to that particular row of Datalist is fetched whose Button control is clicked. How to accomplish this? The problem is how to attach the button control with values related in that particular row? Note that I am using ArrayList as the Datasource since I am enabling padding via pageDataSource class...
Implement the OnDataBinding event for the Button. Then in the Button set the CommandArgument to something that will identify the row you are clicking. Then implement the OnItemCommand event for the DataList. You will be able to read the CommandArgument for the Button that was clicked and then perform whatever action you need.

Problem: textbox does not fire its TextChanged event after typing some text?

I have a we form (.aspx) that has several controls such as dropdownlist, textbox(textbox1), ...
The dropdownlist's autopostback is true and when I change the selected index of it, based on what index I have selected, a text is written in textbox1 and then because the autopostback of textbox1 is true, 2 other textboxes fill themselves based on the text written in textbox1.
But surprisingly, when I type some text directy in textbox1, the textchanged event of it doesn't fire.
I use Asp.net 3.5, c#.
Do you type the text and tab out of the textbox? The postback for a textbox occurs when it loses focus. Refer remark section of TextBox.Autopostback.

Normal UpdatePanel behaviour? ASP.NET

Am I doing this correctly?
I have two dropdowns. The first is populated on form load, and it is a trigger for an updatepanel that contains the 2nd dropdown.
When I change the value in the first dropdown box, it triggers the 2nd one's updatepanel, which populates it.
However, when I select a value in the 2nd dropdownbox, it triggers itself and repopulates... so if I select the 2nd or 3rd item in the dropdown, it repopulates and selects the first item again.
Am I doing something wrong, or is this normal? Should I put the first dropdown into an updatepanel instead and have it trigger itself, and in its own trigger, populate the 2nd listbox?
It appears that changing the value in the second dropdown is causing a postback, which it then sets the value to the default or first value. Try setting the dropdown's AutoPostBack property to false and EnableViewState to true.
Use the ASP.NET Ajax Control Toolkit CascadingDropDown instead.
EDIT: You need to set your UpdateMode=Conditional and control when your UpdatePanel's should update, by calling UpdatePanel2.Update().
I had this problem once.
This is a problem for update panel plus dropdown autopostback
By default ViewState for page is stored,so you do not need to change ViewState for control.
First,Change your UpdatePanel's UpdateMode property to Conditional UpdateMode="Conditional".This ensures that you can control postback since your dropdown always postback when you set AutoPostBack to true.
Second is in your method which you bind datasource into dropdown,after databinding is done.Update your panel by calling Update method of UpdatePanel updPanel.Update(); by
dropdown.DataSource = source;//I presume
Hope this helps.
