Flex Accessiblity - Tab Focus goes out of flex app - apache-flex

In an accessible flex app, the user can navigate through the control by using the TAB key.
The flex app pops up on top of the html page aftert the user activate a particular link, and is loaded using swfobject.embedSWF.
It works well in most cases, but there are some instances where either or both these happen:
a) The flex app loads ok, the "flex focus" is set on the intro text label to read out loud, but pressing tab seems to still cycle through the links on the page behind. (Now Fixed, see Edit 2)
b) The focus worked well and pressing tab cycle through the controls ok, but after going through them it then tabs out of the flex app and onto the address bar.. it becomes a nightmare to even try to get back to the flex app without clicking on it.. which isn't exactly accessibility friendly.
Is there any way to prevent these from happening?
EDIT: The target browser is IE. Seems to be the most used with Jaws
EDIT: I managed to fix problem (a). The trick was to call focus on the swf object, but after a slight time out - must be something to do with flash/js ready state.
Problem (b) is still an issue though...

In your mx:Application component, add an event listener for the keyFocusChange and add this code :
protected function application1_keyFocusChangeHandler(event:FocusEvent):void

b) Try to place some focusable element after swf in html. When focus leaves flex app, see if onfocus handler of that element gets called. If it is, you can refocus flex app from there or redirect it where you want.


Google VR Reticle Click on UI Button

So I am having this issue with using Google VR reticle where I cannot click a button. I have an image attached showing the heirarchy and the PlayButton is what I am trying to click. The Canvas has a Graphic Raycaster, the button has an Event Trigger that calls the method to navigate to the next scene. The UpScrollPanel, and DownScrollPanel work just fine. The EventSystem has the Gaze Input Module, as well as Event System, and Touch Input Module.
Any ideas on how to get this working? I have watched a few videos from NurFACEGAMES and while they helped a little, I haven't gotten the click to work yet.
Oh, and I am using Unity 5.3.4f
Sometimes things can get in the way of the button, make sure that no other UI elements overlap it, for example text borders (which are actually larger than they appear). You can also fix this by moving the button up the hierarchy among its siblings, I believe the first child is top.
Also try moving the button up the hierarchy if possible, sometimes UI having certain parents makes them not work
The canvas object should have a graphic raycaster
I found the issue to be unrelated to anything I thought it was. The menu I was using is a prefab I also use in another view that isn't VR. The scrollrect was loading that prefab, instead of the modified one I was using in the VR menu, and therefore the triggers I had added to the button were no being used when the app loaded.

If spacebar opens dropdowns across all browsers, why is my onchange triggered menu considered inaccessible

Background: for Windows users on Chrome and IE, dropdowns that reload or change the page are no good for accessibility. As soon as a user presses the down arrow button, the page reloads. This means that the user can only access the very first menu option. Here is an example: http://html.cita.illinois.edu/script/onchange/onchange-example.php
This is covered in the WCAG rule:
“Changing the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context unless the user has been advised of the behavior before using the component. (Level A)”
EXCEPT the user can very easily open up the dropdown and explore all the options without triggering an onchange event. The user does this with a space bar press. This is a very commonly known keyboard trick that I've seen all tested users to already be aware of or be able to figure out quickly.
In my system, we are using a dropdown for pagination in long directories.
EG: "you are on page [1^] of 16" (with the [1^] being a browser default dropdown menu). The designers will not allow any kind of visual [go] button. This happens across thousands of pages, javascript fixes I've seen need to account for every dropdown, and this is impossible on our case.
Using space bar, the user can see all the options and make a selection from anywhere on the list using only the keyboard. So why are dropdown page menus that automatically reload onchange still considered inaccessible? And would they be considered accessible if we included screen-reader only text which said "press space bar to open this menu, making a selection will load your next page"
Well except that in Firefox, the keyboard command is actually F4, you are correct - this is not a WCAG 2 violation but rather a best practice
Here is a page where you can test this: http://dylanb.github.io/onchange_select.html

Disable UIPageViewController when ModalViewController opened

I am totaly new to this site, but I already like it :-)
I found it by searching for a question about the UIPageViewController.
I have a normal UIPageViewController App, in which I open a ModalViewController for setting up some settings...
Now the Problem: :-)
If I click on the done Button on the right side of the ModalView, to dismiss it, the PageViewController turnes the page, because he thinks that he is meant by that click ;-)
Can I disable the PageViewController GestureRecognizer as long as I have a ModalView opened?
Is there a method to disable and later his recognizer?
thank you for your help in advance...
cu Matze
It seems odd that your UIPageViewController would steal touches from a modal view presented over it. Unless, perhaps, you are embedding the modal view within the content of the UIPageViewController?
To answer your question -- you can easily disable the page view controller's gesture recognizers by enumerating its gestureRecognizers property (an NSArray):
for (UIGestureRecognizer *gr in [self.pageViewController gestureRecognizers]) {
[gr setEnabled:NO];
Re-enable them later with setEnabled:YES.
In iOS 6 UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll has been added. UIPageViewControllers that use this transition style return no gesture recognisers in the array returned by gestureRecognizers. Presumably page view controllers with this transition style use an underlying, private UIScrollView instance (it behaves just like a UIScrollView with paging enabled), although I haven't checked this.

navigateToURL ... set modal property

When a user clicks a button, I need a separate browser window to popup. How can I set the modal property of the application? (ie, when a popup window opens, the main application is disabled until that popup is closed ... I need to use a browser window rather than a popup window, but can't figure out how to disable the main application)
PopUpManager.createPopUp (this, navigateToURL( url, "http://www.google.com" ) , true );
[[Updated Answer]]
Ok, my modal dialog looks like so:
cg = mx.managers.PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, ChoiceGrid, true) as ChoiceGrid;
But, what I would do instead of what you're asking, is embed an IFrame in the modal popup. This is exactly what we're doing in our app to collect CC data (well, not the popup part, just the IFrame bit. http://code.google.com/p/flex-iframe/
This way, you have the standard modal dialog you're looking for, AND an internally managed 'view' out to your checkout server. Something like this:
<code:IFrame id="iFrameWithJSfunctions"
src="{checkoutURL}" />
The flex-iframe is pretty easy to work with, for the most part. You shouldn't have many problems with it.
[[Original Answer]]
I'm not sure you need a PopUp to do this.
Why don't you simply do:
You should think of a Flex App as a self contained entity. The PopUpManager is designed to create Windows (Panels / any UIComponent) that reside over another component inside the SWF. It does not create items that pop up out of the SWF or in new browser windows.
navigateToURL could be used to create a HTML pop-up from your Flex application. However, there is very little--if any--communication between the SWF and the browser pop up. And there is no way to make a modal pop-up.
You might investigate performing an ExternalInterface call and creating your new pop up in JavaScript. Here is an article about creating modal windows in JavaScript. Before going too far down that road, I would think carefully about your requirements. How would feel if one browser window popped open another browser window and prevented you from doing any browsing until you addressed the issues in that window. Or to put it another way, how would you feel if Microsoft Word opened a word document and wouldn't let you edit any other document until you shut down the first one? I'd be pretty upset.
Modal application dialogs are one thing. And the PopUpManager allows you to create those. I would consider Model application windows a bad UI decision.

Keyboard fails in IE8 after AJAX call

I've run into a strange problem with an HTML form. I've built a dynamic table that adds a new row when you enter data into an existing blank row; because there are some server requirements in adding a row, I make an AJAX call to do this in the onblur event. It took a while to make this work for all browsers, but eventually all was happy with the world ... until IE8. Now, what happens is that, when the call returns from AJAX, the cursor shows in the next textbox (correctly), but the keyboard no longer works. I have to close the modal window (actually an IFRAME), then the keyboard starts to work again. If I put IE8 into compatibility mode, it works fine.
Has anybody seen behavior like this, or have any ideas for a workaround?
Thanks, Jim
I had problems with DIVs placed above an INPUT, that cloacked the cursor... and once the DIV was not above it, the cursor appeared back again.
Just an idea: Maybe your IFRAME captured the focus (and/or the keyboard).
