JavaScript calendar in Drupal (Scheduler module) - drupal

hi i have installed scheduler module from and i have set all the settings regarding this. now i can set publish and unpublished date in text box(there is format of date below text box).
i want to use java script calendar so when user click on the text box ,the calendar should open.
how can i do this

Since you're using Drupal you should have JQuery preloaded. You don't necessarily need JQuery to do this but it makes it easier, you'll use JavaScript either way.
With JQuery, simply setup a click listener on the textbox and have it call the whatever function triggers the calendar display like so...
Note: I used a simple ID selector below "#textbox" replace it with whatever way you want to select your textbox input. (eg. if you've given the HTML textbox input element an ID of "textbox" you can use my example)
$(document).ready(function(event) {
$('#textbox').live('click', function() {
//call your function here


algolia wordpress autocomplete

I'm trying to tweak the WordPress plugin to suit our needs. What we want to be able to do is have a search result that will load the data up in the same page.
I have my WordPress posts and its data being indexed successfully. I have added a search box to the page, and autocomplete is being fired.
Out of the box, the WordPress plugin template wraps the result in an anchor tag and assigns it the URL of the found result. When clicked, this navigates you to that post. However, what I want to do is intercept that click and load the result in the same page without navigating away.
I have removed the href from the anchor. I have also edited the supplied autocomplete.php template where the call to autocomplete:selected occurs. In there I have removed the call to navigate away by removing window.location.href.
Now I have two main issues.
1 - When the user clicks the search result I would like the input to be populate with the title of the item they clicked on. I added this in the autocomplete:selected callback by adding $searchInput[0].value = suggestion.post_title. Which seems to change the value of the input correctly, but as soon as I click away from the input, it is re-set back to the original typed value. So if I type 'may' and click the result 'mayonnaise', the result data can be accessed but the input returns back to 'may'. My function looks this:
/* Instantiate autocomplete.js */
var autocomplete = algoliaAutocomplete($searchInput[0], config, sources)
.on('autocomplete:selected', function (e, suggestion) {
2 - It seems that the autocomplete dropdown does not hide when the user clicks away. To resolve this i've had to use what I think is a bit of a nasty hack with jQuery. I was wondering if this is really required? My code just below the autocomplete:selected call looks like this:
jQuery('body').on("click", function(event){
if (!jQuery($searchInput[0]).length) {
Found some answers to my questions.
1 - In order to populate the input with the title of the selected search result I added a call to the setVal method of the autocomplete object. I'[m still not sure why this is required.
/* Instantiate autocomplete.js */
var autocomplete = algoliaAutocomplete($searchInput[0], config, sources)
.on('autocomplete:selected', function (e, suggestion) {
2 - It looks like the config of the autocomplete object uses the value of WP_DEBUG in order to set the debug value. The options available for the autocomplete component can be found here This lead me to find that when debug is set to true, the autocomplete box does not hide on selection. This is to allow for easier debugging and styling of the component.

re-draw fullCalendar on the fly

I want the fullCalendar to redraw itself (all the structure and events) without reloading the page.
I am using a patch of fullCalendar that supports the Resource View. For a few user actions I want to change the resources. But I don't want to reload the page.
You could 'destroy' and 'render' the calendar as a whole. But that might be cumbersome - especially in older browsers.
If you don't actually need to render the table, but just rerender the events again, you could use the 'rerenderEvents' method:
Hopefully this helps!
Use refetchResources: .fullCalendar( 'refetchResources' )
This will fetch and freshly re-render the resource data, per the FullCalendar documentation.
The problem:
"...The problem is that the calendar is initialized while the modal or div is not visible... " based on this link enter link description here
In my opinion, destroy is not needed in this case, only with render you can see the calendar.
My solution:
<script type="text/javascript">
function onObjectShow(){$('#calendar').fullCalendar('render');}
You must to be sure that the object(container of calendar) is fully visible. For example, my first mistake was to put this code on "onClick" event, and click event is triggered before show the object container and has no effect.
Solution Based on this reference.
You can also redraw calendar on the fly using below command-

jqgrid and popup modal windows from link

I have got a jqgrid, and i would like to put a link in it to open up more details on the row in a modal window.
Everything i have read about modal windows uses a div that gets shown when you click the link, but i want to pass an id so i can just get the info i need. I know i could do it with a new window quite easly but i would like to use a modal window if poss.
Any ideas how i could do this. I'm using if thats going to be relevent.
I'd suggest using the jQuery UI Dialog plugin for custom modal windows. You can find demonstration and documentation here:
In theory, to do what you're asking for, you could follow these steps:
Add a “dialog” div tag to your page.
Build the link into your data feed. If you’re using a XML data type make sure you use a CDATA flag to encapsulate your link so that they XML may be parsed correctly.
< cell>< ![CDATA[< a href=”javascript:showDialog(‘551’)”>text]]>< /cell>
In this instance, since we know the actual id at the time the link is create, I pre-populated the id (e.g. 551) in the function. This could also be retrieved from jqGrid API with the selrow property. It’s your call. If you use a JSON data type, the idea would similar. You wouldn’t have to worry about the CDATA qualifier.
Create a local function (e.g. showDialog (id)) to correspond to your link.
Add code in the showDialog function to populate and open the modal dialog. Using an AJAX call to gather specific data for this record, create the dialog content and populate the dialog using the jQuery .html method.
function showDialog (id) {
url: "feed.aspx?id=" + id,
success: function(data) {
var content = // TODO: create dialog layout here
title: 'Record Details',
modal: true,
closeOnEscape: true,
width: 300,
height: 200,
buttons: false,
position: "center",
This is just one way to skin the cat. You should be able to use more of a jQuery approach with the link creation. If desired, rather than building the specific link the data feed, you could add jQuery click event bindings to handle the request. It’s your call. You could also add the dialog div dynamically to your page using jQuery rather than just placing it manually like I described above. It might be a little more elegant looking but would achieve the same goal.
I am attempting this late. May be you have an answer. Thought this will help others.
The #dialog code can be done as suggested by gurun8. This needs to be wired to the jqgrid. There is a onSelectRow event which triggers whenever a row is selected in jqgrid. Refer documentation. I usually add autoOpen: false, to the dialog constructor.
You need to add the onselectrow event to the grid (jqgrid function as shown below) and you can pass the id to the function. This id is the unique identifier in the jqgrid. Make sure there are no syntax errors, add comma wherever appropriate.
onSelectRow: function(id){
console.log("row is selected"+id);
$url = "your_url/";

creating help for website

My requirement is to have database based help system for website, as shown in the image below. i have searched web but could not find even remotely related solution.
DNN Help System
You could assign each help item a unique ID (perhaps GUID to make it easier to generate by the developer enabling help for that item).
Clicking on the link opens a dialog, tooltip, new window, whatever. Just have the UI load the help text by ID from the database.
To make this easier to implement in the UI, there are a few ways. Perhaps you can create a jQuery client-side behavior.
your HTML would look something like:
<span class="help" id="#{unique-id-here}">Admin</admin>
and you could have jQuery on DOM load:
$(function() {
var help = $(".help");
help.prepend("<img src=\"path/to/images/help.png\" />"); {
//do something with; open a popup, a title bar, whatever.
We did it on our site by doing the following:
We have a HelpTopics database with a HelpTopicId and HelpTopicText
We create an aspx page that displays the HelpTopicText based on the HelptopicId passed in the querystring.
We set up a css class for the A tag that displays the link to the help with the question mark image.
We created a UserControl named TitleandHelp that contained a link to the page mentioned in step 2 and the style for the link set to step 3 above: The usercontrol has a public rpoperty for the title and one for the topicID (We called it HelpContext).
We add the usercontrol to the aspx page where appropriate
<uc2:titleandhelp ID="titleandhelp1" runat="server" HelpContext="4" PageTitle="Forgot Password" />
it may sound like a lot of work, but really it only takes a half hour or so to do all of the setup. The rest of the work lies in populating the table and dragging the usercontrol onto the pages where appropriate.

JQuery Simplemodal and Tabs Help Needed

I've got an page containing a Textbox with an Autocomplete extender on it.
It's setup so the user can type a short reference code into the textbox and then choose from the list of matching codes returned by the autocomplete.
On the "select", I then call the server using JQuery. I'm currently using $.get here....
The callback function from $.get checks for "success" and then displays a simple-modal dialog containing info about the item they've just selected.
if (sStatus == "success") {
$.modal(sText, {
overlayClose: true,
onShow: function(dialog) {
onClose: function(dialog) {
One of the bits of info being loaded here is a JQuery TABS setup, so the onShow function of the simplemodal is used to initiate the tabs which are within the simplemodal.
Now to the crux of my problem.
If I do multiple consecutive "autocompletes" on the same page it all works fine Unless I have selected a different tab on the tabs in the simplemodal ....If I select a different tab, close the simplemodal and then do another autocomplete I get a JQuery error which seems to relate to a selector doing something with the "old" selected tab that was on the "closed" modal.
I'm clearly missing some sort of cleardown / initialisation somewhere, but can't find what it is. Help?
I've tried "tabs.destroy" before the modal call in the code above and I've tried a $.ready() call as indicated too....
UPDATE: Is it something to do with JQuery Tabs appending my addressbar URL with the selected tab's ID?
I've found the problem.
It's with the "history" script that the tabs plugin normally uses. Obviously as I am continually creating and destroying popups there is no history to speak of - it's all done outside of the normal app navigation.
I've removed the jquery.history_remote script and now it works just great!
