CSS naming guidelines - css

I was reading this:
"Guideline Number 7: Try to avoid using unecessary classes and IDs.
So, now that we’re keeping our hooks to a minimum, it’s time for our next step in quality over quantity: naming. We want to avoid names that imply presentational aspects. Otherwise, if we name something right-col, it’s entirely possible that the CSS would change and our “right-col” would end up actually being displayed on the left side of our page. That could lead to some confusion in the future, so it’s best that we avoid these types of presentational naming schemes."
So what do I call them if not right-col and not presentational?!?!

I discuss this very topic in "How to Develop with CSS". What you call it depends on the content. Maybe "sidebar" or "links" or "extra".

any naming technique has advantages and disadvantages...try to find a way that help you more in your work, and make well commented css files.

Rather than naming things after their presentation name them for their function, or purpose. Also, try to use a coherent page structure so far as possible, and use the CSS cascade to access/target elements.

As long as it conveys meaning for the html structure and other developers can understand well it should be fine.

check out 960.gs using that gridsystem will save a lot of time, trying to figure out the best naming scheme.

NCSS Sheets is a naming convention and guideline for semantic CSS: CSS class naming convention


Extract inline CSS from HTML and purify pages

I have a large set (over 300) of C# ASP.NET pages *.aspx and controls *.ascx, which are littered with inline CSS styles. My task is to extract those style into a CSS file.
So I'm looking for a tool to simplify the task of manually extracting this inline styles and replacing them with class="" statements.
Now I know this is not the ideal solution of doing things, but any tool which could ease the task would be helpful.
No tool will write good CSS selectors for you, just like no tool can write good code for you. Yes, you can generate code from templates, but only for the most repetitive of coding tasks. CSS is more art than science, and as such "auto-generation" will not yield good results.
Writing good, clean, lean, maintainable CSS requires an intimate knowledge of the HTML markup, the style & layout that you are trying to achieve, and the skill of identifying patterns across the whole site, such as font, color, h1 headings, presentation of tabular data etc., which are re-used.
Even writing your own script will not produce good CSS. The best you could hope for is to extract all those inline styles, replace them with a unique id or class, and dump them all into a css file. I don't actually see a lot of benefit in that exercise. You actually end up with more code to maintain because of all the extra id's or classes that you will create.
You will not gain consistency of appearance throughout your site from the above exercise, unless you start to consolidate all those unique id's or classes into fewer, more re-used ones, and this is a task best done by hand, not automation anyway. Page load times may improve due to browser caching of the css stylesheet, but thats about all you gain.
Sorry if I've strayed a bit from your question, but your site sounds like it is crying out for you to re-write your CSS from scratch.
Check out CSS Zen Garden for inspiration on what CSS can do, and examples of beautiful CSS, and be inpired!
I would probably opt for using a scripting language with regular expressions. This seems like it would fit especially well with python's list capabilities - for each match to your regex, you can check the list to see if there is a corresponding entry, extract and assign the class from that result, and add each non-listed match to the list to continue building it up.
You can use this tool, it will look for inline style=... definitions replace them with class definitions and generate a style sheet. Hope this is helpful.

Adding lots of CSS classes to HTML elements

I have a messageboard and one of my users has written a greasemonkey script to stylize various elements within the page. He did a great job with it but in order to make his job easier, the first step in his script is to parse the current page and add several css classes to almost all html elements on the page. most of them aren't used to style the page at all, but instead to make it easier for him to query the couple elements per page that he will actually modify. for example class="thread_started_by_user_123 thread_with_456_posts thread_with_789_views thread_last_posted_in_by_user_12345" etc etc
is this a standard practice? are there any downsides to adding lots of unnecessary css classes, either in javascript, or on the server if i were to add them to served pages too.
This looks to be using classes to embed arbitrary metadata into elements, which is certainly not what the class attribute was designed for. Given that its effects begin and end with a greasemonkey script and are thus localized to the client, it seems a harmless enough hack, but not one I'd advise duplicating on the server side.
HTML unfortunately doesn't provide much in the way of alternatives when it comes to metadata other than sticking in invalid attributes, so there is a mechanism that does add semantic meaning to the "class" attribute within existing tags -- namely microformats. There's a lot of breathless buzzwordy hype around microformats, but overall they do revolve around a best practice for areas where going all-xml is out of the question.
In terms of semantics, yes there are downsides. If you have classes that aren't descriptive of what the element actually is and are there for styling purposes only, this can hurt you down the road should you decide to redesign and/or restructure.
for instance, BAD:
<div class="header red left-side">
<div class="header main current-event">
If there is no associated style with a class that's assigned to element, then I believe the browser will just ignore it. So it will not increase your page processing time a lot if that's what you are worried about.
However, if there are lots and lots of classes for each element, then you have to realize that you are using valuable bandwidth and increasing the time it takes to load the entire page that way. You can avoid that problem by externalizing the CSS so that the browser can cache it.
Are you using jquery to query the elements that you really want to modify? It might turn out that its more easy to pick those elements with jquery selectors which seem difficult or impossible with standard JavaScript and thus you can possibly avoid all these extra unnecessary classes.
Bottom line, there is no problem in using lots of classes if they are needed, and that's perfectly fine for production, but if you don't need them, like in your case, there has to be a better solution that you can possibly come up with.
Just for a data point, I took a look at GMail's HTML yesterday (their buttons are very nice) and it's full of that kind of thing.
Here's an example:
class="goog-imageless-button goog-inline-block goog-imageless-button-collapse-left goog-imageless-button-collapse-right"
Classes are not just for CSS, they're for the categorization of sections of markup. Applying styling based on that categorization is just one use. So if the classes are useful for other categorization purposes then that is fine, and perfectly good practice.

The best approach to scramble CSS definitions to a human-unreadable state throughout an ASP.NET application

I'm not sure if it will bring anything beyond saving on traffic through the removal of long-worded names, but I would definitely want to hide my system of namings, declarations and their organization.
The thing is that manual Find&Replace is going to take a very long time, and each slight modification could probably require the process to be redone in part or in whole.
Has anyone thought of this problem? Maybe write a macros? Will it be intelligent enough to be able to discover names in a CSS file? Does anything better and simplier exist?
You can't make it "unreadable", but you can save some space by using things like the CSS optimizer
You might want to try YUI Compressor:
Firstly I don't think I would do it at all, what exatly is to be gained by making it less readable?
But if one had to do it, why not make a custom parser that would convert your "development" names to "production" names and vice versa as needed?
Use Perl. A simple perl script can search through all of your files recursively and replace whatever you specify with something else.
Use a CSS compressor. It will make it really hard to read, but it's not possible to make it completely unreadable. Here's one from CSS Drive.
As others have stated, you can make the names shorter or less meaningful, but to reach a human-unreadable state is essentially not possible.
No matter how you rename or distort the css, it still has to have proper atributes and the html has to reference the named classes and/or ids.
Additionally tools like firebug will unfailingly point users to the css being used which I assume will defeat your intent.
It also defeats the purpose of using semantically meaningful tags in your html.

What is the best CSS Framework and are they worth the effort?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Reading on another forum I've came across the world of CSS Frameworks. The one I've been specifically looking at is BluePrint. I was wondering if anyone else had come across CSS frameworks, suggest which is the best and if they are worth the effort?
CSS 'frameworks' are completely missing the point.
CSS is not like JavaScript, where you can include a base library/framework and then call functions and objects from it to do higher-level work. All a CSS framework can give you is declarative rules: some default browser-rule-reset stuff, some class styles to be forced to author your page to, and layout rules using 'float' and 'clear'. You can write that in a few lines of CSS yourself rather than pulling in the bloat of a hundred framework rules.
The 'grid layout' stuff in particular goes back to the bad old days of mixing your presentation into your markup. 'div class="span-24"' is no better than a table, you'll have to go back in there and change the markup to affect the layout. And all the frameworks I've seen are based around fixed-pixel floated boxes, making it impossible to create a liquid layout accessible on a wide range of window sizes.
It's backwards authoring, of use only for someone too scared to write a CSS rule.
So, nobody's responded to this question yet (although I've seen a few upvotes), so I am going to at least attempt to tackle the second question in this prompt.
CSS Frameworks are great; like any other framework, they reduce development time and let you get working immediately on site-specific design and CSS. They think about hard decisions so you don't have to.
Unfortunately, there are two downsides to using a framework (in general):
The framework dictates the overall structure and mechanics of your CSS code. Now, I'm not talking about a CSS reset (these are useful in their own right, but they are not true frameworks); I'm talking about an honest to good framework, that has already made the decisions about what semantic tags you are going to be using in your document, etc. As such, you are made dependent on the framework, and when there is a bug in the framework, you will most commonly have to fix it yourself.
Frameworks are not an excuse for being oblivious to cross-browser/advanced CSS issues. You will invariably run into them, just as you would working with a PHP or JavaScript framework. And you need to know how to deal with them. There is a common saying that you should write your own framework first, before using someone else's.
Taking a quick peek at Blueprint, I would not really call it a framework; maybe a reset with a few extra goodies on top.
I've looked at BluePrint and a few others and the only CSS 'framework' I'd recommend is YUI Grids
Written by one of the best frontend engineers out there (IMO) (Nate Koechley)
Very small. 4KB
Very flexible (1000 different layouts)
Supports fluid-width (100%) layouts as well as preset fixed-width layouts at 750px, 950px, and 974px, and the ability to easily customize to any number.
Supports easy customization of the width for fixed-width layouts.
Template columns are source-order independent, so you can put your most important content first in the markup layer for improved accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO).
Self-clearing footer. No matter which column is longer, the footer stays at the bottom.
Layouts less than 100% are automatically centered.
Somewhat semantic classnames (better than top, left, right, etc)
Lots of extra markup compared to hand-written HTML and CSS
Takes some learning to figure out how to do complex layouts
As other have posted, there are no real 'frameworks' for CSS. Reset stylesheets help a lot with layout too. I usually stick with a reset stylesheet and go from there. But if you don't have a lot of CSS experience YUI Grids could save you some time.
Compass is an actual CSS framework in the sense that it gives you not only templates (both YUI and blueprint), but also reusable constructs and higher-level declarations while still giving you familiar CSS syntax.
Take the time to study and understand (really understand!) a few css frameworks such as BluePrint and YUI, and css resets like Eric Meyer's. Then, take the time to put together your own reset and/or framework based on your work methods and the kind of sites you build.
Personally, I use most of the Eric Meyer reset with some classes and resets of my own, plus a few ideas from BluePrint and YUI.
I recently watched Eric Meyer give a presentation on CSS Frameworks in which he asked the question: "so which one is the right one for me?" He then answered the question by showing a blank slide. His point was, that there are certainly some useful concepts built into most resets and frameworks, but the one that will suit you the best is the one that you write for yourself (it's worth the effort).
Why use css 'frameworks'?
If you are pressured for time.
If you do not know css, and don't
know someone who can write it for
If you are not overly precious about
standards etc.
I know programmers who have been really happy to use blueprint or 960, as it allows them to put together a layout on their own, without turning to a front-end developer. This is ideal for personal projects, or startups with limited resources.
If you have decent knowledge of CSS already, then presumably you have a decent library of stock layouts already, so you clearly won't need a framework.
However, if you're a beginner and just need to get something up and running, then you might turn to a framework, as it makes basic layout much simpler, and tackling browser compatibility also.
Having said all that, many frameworks out of the box do make use of some horrible class names etc. I know of some websites that have taken a framework as a starting point and then customised it with their own class and id tags. But clearly there's a bit of work involved in that rewrite too. Using something like Compass, as mentioned above, does help to get around that.
So, CSS frameworks - they can save you time, at the cost of semantics. They might also hurt your knowledge of CSS, but that is more up to how much you invest in learning the subject in general. Whether you make use of them is up to you.
You'd have to ask yourself how effective the available frameworks are at solving your problems. Do they meet your requirements?
By using a framework, you can set some rules or details at the pixel level and devote the rest of your time to implementing and producing. It's a massive productivity boost. If you find yourself spending time adjusting things by a few pixels late in the project (micro managing the design), it's a sign that a framework can be useful.
Tip #17 in The Pragmatic Programmer says: "Program close to the problem domain". Using a layer of abstraction can get you closer to solving the real problems of layout. For example: you might be able to concentrate of enhancing the user experience with the extra time you have rather than minor adjustments of pixels.
This is not to say you must sacrifice quality for quantity. It's about efficiency.
On a recent project, I made my own framework because we had very limited resources and the popular frameworks didn't do what I wanted. Then, I set up the design team's PSDs to snap to the same grid I deployed.
A framework doesn't have to be any particular implementation of CSS. It doesn't have to be something bloated you downloaded from the interweb or something implementing outdated ideas. It's just a technique for getting a job done. I wouldn't be surprised if some coders already have their own frameworks and don't even know it. In fact, if you consider the DOM as a set of default elements you extend with CSS, then that's a framework by definition.
I actually spent a good portion of the last 24 hours investigating this on my own, heh. My conclusion was that a nice reset (I used YUI Reset), and maybe something else to set baseline stuff (YUI fonts was worthwhile in my case; maybe the "extra goodies" of BluePrint would be in yours) is a good idea. But, a "framework"---which is generally something like YUI grids---is too restrictive, forcing you to use their class names, ids, etc. and rarely fitting into your site like hand-made CSS would.
So in short: resets seem pretty nice; it's good to eliminate all the variation in e.g. margin-vs-padding for lists, or paragraph spacing, or whatever. But that's as far as I would take it.
i haven't used it yes, but i think emastic may be a good alternative worth a check. it it is similar to blueprint in scope, but also supports elastic layouts (hence the name) and you can specify values in px, em or %, and even mix them.
Compass I think is amazing. Make sure you see the screencast.
I am using 960.gs for a few websites and find it very simple and easy and worth the effort. Saves me a lot of work on layout. Make sure to check the custom CSS generator which goes away with the fixed width of 960 pixels.
I think that this video presentation by Site Point CEO Kevin Yank will answer your question. I really recommend to watch it.
Compass lets you rename your framework's classes and ids with your own semantic names, so you might want to check it out. It also provides access to stuff you just don't get with plain-vanilla CSS such as mixins.
I'm astounded by so-called "CSS experts" who criticize these tools without really having digged in and used them. Are they essential? No. If you like your own framework (you do have one of your own, right? A CSS framework is just a carefully defined library--everyone should be using one) then by all means, keep on using it. No one is forcing you to use other frameworks and I don't see people who are using frameworks telling CSS purists that they are "doing it wrong."
Criticizing frameworks from such a standpoint just reveals an insecurity as well as an ignorance. For example, the notion is laughable that a person would use a tool like Compass without knowing CSS. You realize, right, that a framework generally doesn't write all your CSS for you? You can still break out and write your own CSS within the context of most frameworks. In fact, if you don't know CSS you might get frustrated quickly.
For myself, I appreciate having a framework because it is already documented, tested by hundreds of other users, and I can apply my own classes and ids via Compass. If I need something that the framework isn't suitable for, then I'll code my own.
Matt Raible of AppFuse fame had a CSS Framework contest a while back to develop CSS Frameworks for AppFuse. The results are published here. There are a few variations and I have used some myself because I use AppFuse and find them very good.
I should add that these CSS Frameworks work well because they are used in themed applications. That is, if you stick to the rules then switching from one to the next is as simple as changing one value in a properties file.
I have used BluePrint with much success on a site (I could mention the site here but I am sure the post would be marked as spam!). I am not sure if I will use it in the future though because one of the ideas of CSS i thought was to not have layout logic hard coded. You shouldn't have css elements called span-24 and span-12 to define the layout but something like searchBox and mainContent. At least thats how I see it.
Good link I found : Top 12 CSS Frameworks and How to Understand Them
Here is my blog post about CSS Frameworks When to use CSS framework?
The only way I know of to use a CSS framework and retain semantic markup is to use a higher-level abstraction. At the moment, Compass is the only one I'm aware of that's mature enough to use, but Nicole Sullivan seems to be doing some interesting stuff with her "Object-Oriented CSS" project.
I find Compass' clever use of Sass mixins to be brilliant, and a big step toward the Holy Grail of maintainable semantic markup. I don't think I'd want to use a framework like Blueprint or YUI without an abstraction such as Compass to keep presentation classes out of the markup.
BTW, there's a nice-looking CSS framework called Elastic that looks good enough that I'm considering adding it to Compass.
I believe CSS is about simplicity. The goal is to have one or two places to check when you're referencing between the HTML and your stylesheet. Adding more lines, and especially lines that you did not write and are probably not that familiar with, will exponentially increase the complexity thereby volatility of the CSS code.
I would suggest your layouts as you write them and develop a generic template system from that. While I love making CSS more modular, often and depending on the design, your CSS may be very case-specific and not modular at all.
I've used Blueprint on a few one-off sites and it definitely saved time, primarily in cross-browser testing.
It definitely sucks adding presentation code to your markup, although on the bright side it's readable. While I love the concept of "you can redesign without touching the markup", if you're producing a site where that really isn't going to happen anyways and you just need it done yesterday, Blueprint is something to look at.
There are also tradeoffs in what types of layouts it can feasibly create though. If you wireframe the site from the start on a strict grid, it will be much easier to transpose into the framework with a minimum of fuss.
I have used BluePrint and YUI but I always get frustrated with some of the names they give their id and classes.
To each their own, but I prefer doing things from scratch, but after a while you develop a process in which you will use your previous work and apply it to new projects and just make some tweaks to make the web site look the way you would like it to.
Be sure to use a good naming convention, just in case someone else down the road comes in to edit the css, then they will have a good idea what each style name is referring to.
Compass is what you're looking for: it allows you to rename your Blueprint CSS classes like "span-24" with your own names. It also expands CSS functionality with variables and mixins. Truly, those that prematurely judge frameworks without having checked out Compass are "missing the point." It's sort of like those folks who told us years ago that we are missing the point by using CSS instead of HTML tables for our layouts.
check out http://www.ez-css.org/. one of easiest and lightest css framework to work on. :)
Take a look to this demo:
This framework is based on idea that "HTML tags should be enough".
I think re-usability is the most important factor for choosing a software component, including a web framework.
For web frameworks developers, the more you commit to standards, the more you guarantee re-usability.

Abstraction away from CSS

Many frameworks seek to abstract away from HTML (custom tags, JSFs component system) in an effort to make dealing with that particular kettle of fish easier.
Is there anything you folks have used that has a similar concept applied to CSS? Something that does a bunch of cross-browser magic for you, supports like variables (why do I have to type #3c5c8d every time I want that colour), supports calculated fields (which are 'compiled' into CSS and JS), etc.
Alternatively, am I even thinking about this correctly? Am I trying to push a very square block through a very round hole?
What I found works best is to really learn CSS. I mean really learn CSS.
It can be a confusing language to learn, but if you read enough about it and practice, eventually you'll learn the best way to do things.
The key is to do it enough that it comes natural. CSS can be very elegant if you know what you want to do before you start and you have enough experience to do it.
Granted, it is also a major PITA to do sometimes, but even cross-browser issues aren't so bad if you really practice at it and learn what works and what doesn't, and how to get around problems.
All it takes is practice and in time you can become good at it.
If by some chance you happen to be using Ruby, there's Sass. It supports hierarchical selectors (using indentation to establish hierarchies), among other things, which makes life easier to an extend from a syntactical perspective (you repeat yourself a lot less).
I am certainly with you, though. While I would consider myself a small-time CSS expert, I think it would be nice if there were tools for CSS like there are with Javascript (Prototype, JQuery, etc.). You tell the tool what you want, and it handles the browser inconsistencies behind-the-scenes. That would be ideal, methinks.
You can always use a template engine to add variables and
calculated fields to your CSS files.
This elaborates on my previous answer.
When I first started using CSS I also thought it was a pain that it didn't support variables, expressions, etc. But as I started to use it more and more, I developed a different style to overcome these issues.
For example, instead of this:
a { color: red }
.entry { color: red }
h1 { color: red }
You can do:
a, .entry, h1 { color: red }
You can keep the color declared in one spot by doing this.
Once you use CSS enough you should be able to overcome most browser inconsistencies easily. If you find that you need to use a CSS hack there is probably a better way to do it.
Sorry to say that guys, but all of you missed the point.
The word abstraction is the key. Say you and Sally are making a website. You are styling forms while she makes the corners round. Both you and she have defined a handful of selectors.
What if, unknowingly, you picked class names that clash with the ones of Sally? You see, you can't "hide" (abstract out) the details when you work in CSS. That's why you can't fix a bug in IE then create a self-contained solution that others can use as-is, much like you call procedures in a programming language only caring about pre- and postconditions and not thinking of how it works on the inside. You just think of what you want to accomplish.
This is the biggest problem with the web: it completely lacks abstraction mechanisms! Most of you will exclaim, "It's unnecessary; you stop smoking crack!"
You will instead do the job of say, fixing layout bugs or making round corners or debating on the "best" markup for this or that case over and over again. You will find a site that explains the solution, then copy-paste the answer then adapt it to your specific case without even thinking what the hell are you doing! Yes, that's what you will do.
End of the rant.
Then comes the multiple browser issue
There is this that helps remove some inconsistencies from IE. You can also use jQuery to add some selectors via javascript.
I agree with Dan, learn it and it's not so much of a problem, even fun.
See, this is the problem with SO-- every answer so far has made a valid point and should be considered the final answer. Let me try to sum up:
CSS is good! To expand further, there is a learning curve but once you learn it many things will be much easier.
(Some) Browser inconsistencies are solvable generically.
(Some of your) Variable and calculated field functionality can be taken care of through whatever templating engine you use.
I think a combination of all these certainly solves a large sum of problems (although to be fair deeply learning CSS is not an option for everyone; some people just don't use it enough to justify the time).
There are some problems none of the above points cover (certain types of calculated fields would require writing a JS library for, me thinks) but it's certainly a good start.
For variable support, I have used PHP with CSS headers to great effect for that. I think you can do it in any language. Here is a php sample:
header("Expires: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", (time()+900)) . " GMT");
$someColorVar = "#cc0000";
background-color: <?= someColorVar ?>;
Solutions to problems seem to often involve jiggering numbers around like some chef trying to work out exactly how much nutmeg to put in his soon-to-be famous rice pudding
I only get this when trying to make stuff work in IE.
If you learn CSS to the point where you can code most things without having to look up the reference (if you're still looking up reference regularly you don't really know it and can't claim to complain I think), and then develop for firefox/safari, it's a pretty nice place to be in.
Leave the pain and suffering of IE compatibilit to the end after it works in FF/Safari, so your mind will attribute the blame to IE, where it damn well belongs, rather than CSS in general.
CSS variables are coming (relatively) soon, but I agree they are long overdue. In the meantime, it is possible to use a CSS templating engine such as Sass, or even the dynamic web language of your choice, to generate your stylesheets programmatically.
For CSS frameworks, you could consider YUI Grids. It makes basic layout a lot quicker and simpler, although used in its raw form it does compromise on semantics.
The key to a real understanding of CSS (and the browser headaches) is a solid understanding of the box model used by the CSS Standards, and the incorrect model used by some browsers. Once you have that down and start learning selectors you will get away from browser specific properties and CSS will become something you look forward to.
Also check out BlueprintCSS, a layout framework in CSS. It doesn't solve all your problems, but many, and you don't have to write the CSS yourself.
I believe the common errors beginners have with CSS are to do with specificity. If you're styling the a tag, are you sure you really want to be styling every single one in the document or a certain "class" of a tags?
I usually start out being very specific with my CSS selectors and generalize them when I see fit.
Here's a humerours article on the subject, but also informational:
Specificity Wars
CSS takes a bit of time to learn, but the thing I initially found most discouraging was the fact that so many hacks were needed to get all browsers to behave the same way. Learning a system which doesn't adhere to logic seems dumb... but I've clung to the vague belief that there is logic behind each browser's idiosyncrasy, in the form of the W3 spec. It seems that the new generation browsers are slowly coming into line - but IE6 still makes my life hell on a daily basis.
Maybe creating an abstraction layer between compliant/valid CSS code and the browsers' shoddy implementations wouldn't be a bad thing. But if such a thing was created - would it need to be powered by JS (or jQuery)? (and would that create an unreasonably burden, in terms of processing cost?)
I've found that it useful to 'level the ground' when scripting with CSS. There are probably loads of different flavours of reset script out there - but using YUI resets has helped me to reduce the number of quirks I'd otherwise encounter - and YUI grids make life a little easier sometimes.
#SCdF: I think your summary here is fair. But the argument that some people don't have the time to learn CSS is bogus - just think about for a second. Substitute a technology that you've mastered and you'll see why:
I. Hate. Java. Is there something out there that will just write it for me? Not everyone has the time to master Java.
CSS is certainly an imperfect technology - I have high hopes that 5 years from now we won't be dealing with browser incompatibilities any more (we're almost there), and that we'll have better author-side tools (I've written a Visual Studio macro for my own use that provides the the sort of variables and calculations that you describe, so it's not impossible) - but to insist that you should be able to use this technology effectively without really understanding it just isn't reasonable.
You are thinking about this correctly though, you're probably still going to need to understand the different browser implementations of CSS. This is just understanding the environment your application lives in.
To clarify: this isn't about understanding CSS. If you know the language well, you've still got to handle the redundancy, duplication and lack of control structures in the language.
Ive been writing CSS solidly for more than 10 years and I've come to the conclusion that while the language is powerful and effective, implementing CSS sucks. So I use an abstraction layer like Sass or Less or xCSS to interface to the language. These tools use a syntax similar to CSS so you're solving the problem in the problem's domain. Using something like PHP to write CSS works but is not the best approach.
By hiding the problems in the language through an abstraction layer, you can deliver a better product that will maintain its integrity throughout the full life cycle of your project. Writing CSS by hand accelerates software rot unless you're providing solid documentation which most CSS coders aren't. If you're writing a well documented CSS framework, you probably wouldn't write it by hand anyway. It's just not efficient.
Another problem with CSS is due to it's lack of support for nesting block declarations. This encourages coders to build a flat, global set of classes and handle the name collisions with a naming convention. We all know globals are evil but why do we write CSS in such a way? Wouldn't it be better to give your classes a context instead of exposing them to the whole document model? And your naming convention may work but it's just another task you must master to get the language written.
I encourage those of you who pride yourselves on writing good CSS to start applying some of the best practices from programming to your markup. Using an abtraction layer doesn't mean you lack the skill to write good CSS, it means you've limited your exposure to the weaknesses of the language.
You don’t need an abstraction away from CSS—you need to realize that CSS itself in an abstraction. CSS isn’t about putting pixels just so on the screen. Instead, it’s about writing a system of rules that help the browser make those decisions for you. This is necessary, because at the time you write CSS, you don’t know the content the browser will be applying it to; neither do you know the environment where the browser will be doing it.
Mastering this takes time. You can’t pick up up CSS in a weekend and be good to go. It’s a bit deceiving, because the language has such a low barrier of entry, but the waters run deep. Here is just a few of the topics you should seek to master to be proficient in CSS:
The Cascade and Inheritance
The Box Model
Layout methods including floats and the new flexbox
Current best practices such as SMACSS or BEM to keep your styles modular and easy to maintain
You don't need to know this all up front, but you should continue pushing forward. Just as with other languages and programming in general, you need to continually seek to learn more and master the craft. CSS is a fundamental part of web development, and more developers need to treat it with the same respect they afford other languages.
