how to add data into a specific column at runtime in grid -

I have a rad grid, i have bounded the columns in the grid using GripBoundColumns which shows me dropdown cloumns when i edit the record, Insert/update/delete are working fine for me.
My question is it possible to insert new data into the column(Not the whole record just only to one column) when i edit the record.
For example...
suppose i have 5 columns (Client Name, Account No, Account name, account status, Custodian Dealer)
CustodianDealer is my drop down coloumn and data for it comes from different table
when i edit or insert a new record in the grid, i can select the existing Custodiandealers in the table.
now if i want to insert a new record to the custodianDealer table not to the grid, how can i acheive it

Try something like this within the ItemDataBound event:
If TypeOf (e.Item) Is GridDataItem Then
Dim GDI As GridDataItem = CType(e.Item, GridDataItem)
GDI([ColumnNameAsString]).Text = "Some custom text"
End If
The GridDataItem is essentially a TableCell, so you can add controls as needed.
Oh, and if it wasn't clear from my notation, "[ColumnNameAsString]" is your own column name.

Wire the grid insert command and execute an insert query which updates merely the Custodiandealers table with a new entry. To display it in the dropdown editor, make sure the new record has a foreign relation with the grid main table source as the rest of the items in the Custodiandealers table.

So, if I'm reading your problem correctly, you are trying to insert a record into the custodianDealer table based on some changes made during edit/insert.
If that's the case, you can handle the ItemCommand event and update your datatable based on those changes.
Can you provide the exact details of the use case?


Insert a row between two existing rows in a dynamically created column in

I am creating a table dynamically.
Now I add some data to the table from Database.
On Every Row of the table I create a button.
Up to this it works fine.
Now when user clicks on that button I want to add a new row to the table just below the button was clicked. I mean I want to insert a new row between the existing rows.
Any Ideas?
If you are using a grid view or data table then apply the commandname property to the button then handle it in the grid view/data table command click method. From there you can determine which row the button is in and then create a new row and insert it below.
If you are creating the table HTML dynamically then it is a bit trickier, I would add HTML comments after each row with the row number and give each button a command argument with the row number too so I could replace the comment text with a new row.
Here Positoion is the variable holding the value where to insert the new row.
when use this code you can insert row between other rows in datatable in
tbl.Rows.InsertAt(newRow, CurrentRow)

GridView not updating when data comes from multiple tables

I have a GridView control that gets data from two tables, the first one contains a primary key, a name (string) and a foreign key to the second table, The second table contains a primary key "referenced by the foreign key mentioned" and a name (string), i was able to display the id, name (first table) and the name (second table) using an inner join but i can't update the data in the tables using the GridView (when pressing update nothing happens at all, or no change occurs).
From what i understand of your question what you have is a situation that you must a apply a nested gridview.
A gridview shows the content of a table (datatable or a collection).
If you want to show other collection that is inside each row of your primary gridview, you will need
to build a second Gridview or listview or repeater to show that information.
with the primary griview you can use the OnItemDataBound to assign the datasource of the nested gridview or what you choose to show that information based in primary key of the row.
Don't bother i found a solution to the problem on Microsoft website, i am sorry i didn't make my question pretty clear and here is a link to what i was looking for: Editing with Template Fields
Maybe after clicking Update you need to call your read method again to refresh your gridview.
something Like:

Maintaining Row Selection in ASP.NET GridView Control

The Setup:
I currently have a page with a GridView control on it inside of an update panel, using a SqlDataSource. I have a timer setup to update the GridView every X amount of seconds. Typically for what I am testing every time the GridView updates about 4-5 new rows of data are added to the gridview, while the last 4-5 get tossed out. I am only displaying 15 results at a time and will have new results coming in every update.
The Problem:
I allow the user to select the rows, while the GridView is being updated. I am handling this by setting the SelectedIndex property. However, when I select a row and then the grid is updated the row the user selected gets pushed down about 4-5 rows and the data in the previous selected index is selected instead. So where they clicked is selected at this point, not what they clicked.
I need a way to determine, if possible from the SqlDataSource/Gridview, how many new rows have been added to the gridview. OR a way to maintain the selected data by the data in the row and not just the SelectedIndex.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Ok I went ahead and added a new invisible column to my grid, and am now keep track of the unique ID's selected from the DB. By setting an array before databinding, and comparing that to the new array I get after databinding I was able to use a simple Intersect to determine the number of rows that are the same. Then I used that to determine from the total how many are new this postback.
Just an idea:
I think you can use an invisible column (more specifically an ID column) to store the selected rows' IDs value in the Session object and then after the grid updates, you can retrieve this value(s) and select the row(s) again if they are still present.
If you have custom GridView OnRowUpdating event.
public void GridView_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
Session["CurrIndex"] = GridView.SelectedIndex;//index before insertion
Session["RowCount"] = GridView.Rows.Count;//row count before insertion
//Add new Rows
GridView.SelectedIndex = (Int32)(Session["CurrIndex"]) + ( GridView.Rows.Count - (Int32)(Session["RowCount"]);//update selected index
Session["CurrIndex"] = GridView.SelectedIndex;//restore the index into session

Expand/Collapse GridView rows of the same type

I have a gridview with some boundfields and templatefields. My data are sales Unit-Price-Store, right now the user selects a store (from a DropDownList) and the Grid is all Unit-Price for that store.
Is there a way to make put a button next to each unit so that when the user clicks it, that row expands to include a new row for each store? IE, when I'm looking at Store 1 and I click the button I also get to see Unit-Price info for Stores 2,3,4 (but just for this item)?
I used jQuery. Basically, I tagged that column and then did an each statement. If value.innerHTML != Store $(this).closest('tr').hide(); Else assign it a function on click that looks at all 'tr' where Unit matches but Store doesn't and slideToggle()

Insert record with EmptyDataTemplate in asp:ListView

I have an EmptyDataTemplate in my asp:ListView which I want to use to insert a new record.
I have Inserting working in the InsertItemTemplate... I thought I could copy the InsertItemTemplate into the EmptyDataTemplate, on clicking Insert this gives the error
Insert can only be called on an insert item. Ensure only the InsertTemplate has a button with CommandName=Insert.
How can I use the EmptyDataTemplate to Insert a row? Do I need to use the OnClick of the button to access the values within the EmptyDataTemplate and do an Insert by myself?
I'm using LinqDataSource
You might have figured it by now
but if you set the InsertItemPosition to anything other than None the EmptyData Template will not be rendered i.e it will always show the insert template
you can read more here
No way if want to insert data in empty data template.
It is possible to do an insert from the EmptyDataTemplate by handcrafting the insert. I am using a listview to display a static number of rows based on a unique filtered item. I am basically listing all the static attributes of an object. In the case where a new object is filtered on that does not have any attributes associated with it, i use the EmptyDataTemplate of the listview to display a HTMLTable that contains controls to capture data. I have a command button within the table that i evaluate using the ListView_ItemCommand. If the CommandName matches that of the "Insert" button within the EmptyDataItem, I use the ListView.Controls(0).FindControl method to locate my table. I then loop through my table and do inserts on the data found within each row. I included the how to find a control within the htmltable. In my code I am actually grabbing a bunch of controls then crafting the sql and using a SQLConnection to perform the insert.
Protected Sub ListView_ItemCommand(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListViewCommandEventArgs) Handles ListView.ItemCommand
Select Case e.CommandName
Case "Submit"
Dim edt As HtmlTable = ListView.Controls(0).FindControl("myhtmltable")
Dim ddl As DropDownList = CType(edt.FindControl("mydropdownlist"), DropDownList)
'Perform Insert
Case "Some other commandname"
End Select
End Sub
You will need to still do error checking and databind() and refresh your listview.
Is this the best way. Maybe not... But it is possible.
