Approach for replacing forms authentication in .NET application -

My question is about an approach, and I am looking for tips or links to help me develop a solution. I have an .NET 4.0 web forms application that works with Forms authentication using the aspnetdb SQL database of users and passwords. A new feature for the application is a new authentication mechanism using single sign on to allow access for thousands of new users. Essentially, when the user logs in through the new single-sign-on method, I will be able to identify them as legitimate users with a role.
So I will have something like HttpContext.Current.Session["email_of_authenticated_user"] (their identity) and HttpContext.Current.Session["role_of_authenticated_user"] (their role).
Importantly, I don't necessarily want to maintain these users and roles redundantly in the aspnetdb database which will be retired, but I do want to use the session objects above to allow the user to pass through the application as if they were in passing through with forms authentication. I don't think CustomRoleProviders or CustomMemberProviders are helpful since they do not allow for creating session-level users.
So my question is how to use the session level user and role that I do have to "mimic" all the forms authentication goodness like enforcing:
[System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Demand, Role = "Student")]
<allow users="wilma, barney" />
Thanks for any pointers.

I think you're confusing Forms Authentication with the SqlMembershipProvider.
Forms authentication is the means by which ASP.NET generically authorizes and authenticates users. It does not specify a specific implementation of how that is done. It only provides a way that, once authenticated, the application can use those credentials throughout the app via a "ticket" system that's saved as a cookie.
Essentially, there are only two kinds of authentication in windows, Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication. Since your new method is not Windows based, then you have to use Forms Authentication (unless you simply ignore the stuff that's built into and roll everything yourself, which is kind of stupid to do).
You might want to look into the Windows Identity Foundation as it provides a plugable architecture for identity, including various web based single sign-on methods.


ADFS in ASP.NET usage

I am relatively new to uisng ADFS (in ASP.NET) which is what my company wants to use and just have a few basic questions about that:
Am I correct there is no explicit "Authorize" call you can do like with ASP.NET Membership Providers? Unless you on a domain it presents you with a login screen and once you enter credentials it does validation and returns back a token with claims information.
Can you configure some forms to allow anonymous access like you can do with Forms Authentication?
Yes, you can setup pages in your app that don't require authentication. It works exactly like you'd do with Forms Auth.
On #1: in a claims based model, your app relies on an external system to authenticate users and receives evidence that the user is valid in the form of a token. You can completely automate this (using WIF and config files), or you can explicitly trigger the authentication process. In any case, your app won't be responsible for validating legitimate users anymore. It is a responsibility that it delegates to the STS (e.g. ADFS). That's why apps are called "relying parties".
I'd suggest you read the first couple chapters of the A Guide to Claims based Identity for a better understanding of the underlying principles.

ASP.NET Intranet and Internet website

I am designing ASP.NET website for Intranet users. At the end of Phase-I this will be available to Intranet users.
But after Phase-II, the same site needs to be opened to certain users that are outside this office.
Can I can use ASP.NET Membership provider?
Any other design recommendations?
I appreciate your input.
This is what I would do.
I would use MembershipProvider and use SQL server to store it.
Create roles (internal user and external user)
I would use high encryption for passwords for all users
user roles to limit the information external users can see
Yes, you can use the ASP.Net membership provider to allow external users to register and login to the site. Using this would ensure that the passwords are hashed with a salt and encrypted, thus making the user data more secure. The ASP.Net membership provider has a huge API set which might be confusing for developers, among other things. There is a simplified membership provider which is available in the WebMatrix suite called SimpleMembershipProvider, which is available in the WebMatrix.WebData namespace. This gives just enough API needed to create, manage, authenticate and authorize external users.
It depends on what you mean by "outside this office". You can use the ASP.NET membership classes with any sort of provider that may suite your needs. Do you mean by intranet users, that you want the users to be able to sign in to your web site with their windows domain account?
Generally you can use the SqlMembershipProvider to authenticate users against a SQL Server dabase with a given set of tables using the ASP.NET login controls. If you want to use the login controls and but want users to be able to login using their windows account you can use the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider. If none of the above is suitable for you, there's always the option to implement a custom provider.

Mixing Forms authentication with Windows authentication

I have an (ASP.NET 3.5) intranet application which has been designed to use forms authentication (along with the default aspnet membership system). I also store additional information about users in another table which shares its primary key with the aspnet_users table.
For users who are part of our domain I store their domain account name in the secondary users table, and I want to automatically log in users whose domain account name matches a name stored in the table.
I have read the guides which are available - they're all from two years ago or more and assume that you are able to activate Windows Authentication on a separate login page that allows you to extract the domain account name. From what I can tell, though, this is not possible in IIS7 (the overall authentication method is applied on all pages and cannot be selectively deactivated, and both authentication methods can't be applied on the same page).
Is there a way of getting IIS to pass through the windows domain account name of the requesting user? I don't need proper AD authentication, just the domain name.
Actually, you can do it. Bit late for #dr_draik, but this cropped up in a google result for me so I thought I'd share some knowledge.
If you're in classic mode - Enable both Windows and Forms auth. You'll get a warning about not being able to do both at once, but you can ignore it. Then, you can spelunk around various properties like
and fish the username out of there.
If you're in integrated mode - 4021905 IIS7 Challenge-based and login redirect-based authentication cannot be used simultaneiously leads to IIS 7.0 Two-Level Authentication with Forms Authentication and Windows Authentication which is a module that allows you to selectively change the auth for different pages.
You could always set up 2 separate application in IIS7. One would have Windows Authentication enabled. The other would be the main app with forms authentication. If a user went to the windows authentication app, the page could grab their credentials and pass it to the forms authentication app.
(More for completeness of information really)
I asked a .Net security guy this question at a conference a while back. His response was that it is technically possible, but he'd never seen it done (and to let him know if I did it and it worked!).
He suggested the way it could be done was by making your own ISAPI filter and installing it into IIS. The ISAPI filter would intercept the requests and basically do the job that IIS does when using integrated authentication, but fall back to using forms if this was not present. This involved some complicated challenge/response logic in the filter. This was for IIS6 though, so it might be different in IIS7.
Whilst this might be technically possible, I wouldn't suggest this route as it feels like a bit of a hack, and rolling your own security is never really a good idea (unless you really know what you are doing).
There are plenty articles on mixing the authenticaton by setting config to use the forms with allowing anonymous access to the app. Secondly, a page for integrated auth should be created with IIS settings set to deny anonymous and use Intgrated Authentication. There you would the magic trick by checking the "Logon_User" variable of the requets's ServerVariables collection. And finally for integrated authentication to silently sign in the user it has to have short hosted name. So if your forms authentication piece is exposed to internet via FQDN there should be some kind of redirect to the short host page. I think it is possible to achieve with just one application under IIS with 2 virtual directories.
I found a solution using no special add-ons. It was tricky and involved cobbling together elements from all the pages referenced here.
I posted about it:
In essence, forms, windows and anon authentication have to be enabled.
The login screen should be forms based, and contain a button to trigger Windows login, that issues an HTTP 401 response challenge which if successful creates a forms based login ticket.
The issues are rather complex, and the post goes through the principles and the solution in detail.
Unfortunately, what you are trying to do just isn't supported. In order for ASP.NET to know the Windows username, you must use Windows Authentication.
You could set up another site / virtual directory that just forwarded the username information to another page. But what happens when non-Windows authenticated users try to log in?
I've got something you can try - not sure if it will work.
In the past we've used Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"] but obviously for this to return a non-empty value you need to disable Anonymous access.
See this article:
It suggests keeping Anonymous access on the IIS side, and Forms authentication, but denying the anonymous user as follows:
<deny users = "?" /> <!-- This denies access to the Anonymous user -->
<allow users ="*" /> <!-- This allows access to all users -->

Signon types for a .net web application

Other than forms authentication, what are other common forms of authentication that an application should ideally support?
Is it just active directory or is LDAP a must also?
Generally, you only need to support one kind of authentication.
With forms authentication, you have to provide a database table containing user names and passwords. And you should provide the ability for users to change their passwords, etc. This is all made easier with the Membershp provider.
If you have the option of using Active Directory or another LDAP, that removes the burden from you of establishing logins and maintaining them. If that choice is available to you, I'd recommend using it.
Likely you only want to support one form of authentication. Here are a couple other than Forms authentication that you can use.
Windows Authentication:

ASP.NET Forms Authentication With Only UserName

I have a bit of a hybrid situation on my hands. I'm writing an intranet web app. I don't want to use full blown Windows Authentication, because I don't have proper groups set up in Active Directory to be able to authenticate users simply based on what group they are in. Up until now, I had created a membership database, and was manually authenticating users based on their NT Login. The app is getting more complex, and I'm looking at using the Membership and Roles providers to authenticate users. Here's my issue: I want to be able to authenticate users just based on their NT, but I don't want to use Windows Authentication. I want to write my own provider to plug into the membership and roles providers, and use Forms authentication, but make it transparent. Based on a Users table, I want to be able to authenticate the user or redirect them based on their NT alone. Is this possible, or am I stuck writing my own small framework to accomplish this? I would like to take advantage of the provider framework if at all possible.
Set your web.config to use Forms Authentication.
Make sure Integrated Authentication is turned on in IIS (you may need to disable anonymous as well). This will allow you to get the user's NT name.
You can get the user's NT name with:
You can log the user in, no password needed, with:
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage( userName, false );
