I have a viewstack container w/ 3 views: red, black, and blue. How can I completely hide the black & not include it?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
<mx:LinkBar dataProvider="{myVS}" borderVisible="false" color="blue" disabledColor="black" />
<mx:ViewStack id="myVS" borderVisible="false" width="100%" height="100%" >
<mx:VBox id="red" label="click red" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" >
<s:Label id="r1" color="red" fontSize="25" text="This is the red label" />
<mx:VBox id="black" label="click black" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" >
<s:Label id="r2" color="black" fontSize="25" text="This is the black label" />
<mx:VBox id="blue" label="click blue" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" >
<s:Label id="r3" color="blue" fontSize="25" text="This is the blue label" />
I fear I may be missing the intent of your question. A ViewStack component is used to show multiple views "stacked" on top of each other, with only view being displayed at once. It includes no built in navigation like a TabNavigator might. If you want "completely hide" the black view, just comment it out before compiling the code and therefore it will never be shown.
I see in your code sample that you're using a link bar with the ViewStack as a dataProvider, so maybe you meant to ask how to keep the black view out o the linkBar. Just perform some ActionScript magic to create a custom dataProvider:
var dataProvider : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{label:"click Red"},
{label:"click blue"}
And specify that dataPRovider as the dataProvider source for your linkBar:
<mx:LinkBar dataProvider="{dataProvider}" borderVisible="false" color="blue" disabledColor="black" />
I think the quick and dirtiest way is to just remove it:
But, I think I would use view states instead. This lets you get it back later without figuring out how/where to put it back. Define your states:
<s:State name="all" />
<s:State name="notBlack" />
And in your "black" VBox, exclude it from the "notBlack" state:
<mx:VBox id="black" excludeFrom="notBlack" ... />
Then, when you want to remove it, you can do so by setting currentState
<s:Button click="currentState='notBlack'" label="remove black" />
In my code, I have a list made up of items from a dataprovider. The itemRenderer for the list consists of a BorderContainer with text in it. I'm mimicking a row of buttons on a scrolling list. I'd like the cursor to change to the hand cursor as it passes over the "button", but the pointer only changes in the part of the BorderContainer that isn't covered by the text.
I've set the buttonMode to true for the list, the BorderContainer, and the text, so why isn't the cursor changing when passing over the text?
This is the list code
<s:List id="listProject" width="100%" height="100%" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" allowMultipleSelection="false"
click="listProject_clickHandler(event)" itemRenderer="ProjectRenderer"
dataProvider="{listProjects}" creationComplete="listProject_creationCompleteHandler(event)" buttonMode="true">
And this is the renderer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
<!--<s:Label text="{data.header}"/>-->
<s:State name="normal"/>
<s:State name="hovered"/>
<s:State name="selected"/>
<!--<s:Image source.normal="{data.image1}" source.hovered="{data.image2}"/>-->
<s:BorderContainer width="200" height="50" backgroundColor="{data.color}"
borderColor.selected="#FFFFFF" borderVisible.normal="false"
borderVisible.selected="true" borderWeight.selected="4" borderStyle.selected="inset" buttonMode="true">
<s:HorizontalLayout verticalAlign="middle" horizontalAlign="center"/>
<mx:Text width="200" text="{data.header}" selectable="false"
color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="15" fontWeight="bold" leading="0" textAlign="center" buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true"/>
Just use a Spark Label instead of mx:Text and you'll be fine.
Also, there's some redundancy in your code. I took the liberty of trimming it down a little:
<s:BorderContainer width="200" height="50" backgroundColor="{data.color}"
borderColor.selected="#FFFFFF" borderVisible.normal="false"
borderVisible.selected="true" borderWeight.selected="4"
borderStyle.selected="inset" buttonMode="true">
<s:Label text="{data.label}" color="#FFFFFF" fontSize="15" fontWeight="bold"
horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"/>
This will also fix that nasty jumpiness of the text when hovered or selected.
As soon as you do not need interaction with mx:Text, you can set mouseChildren property of its parent to false. It will fix the problem. Here is a short example:
<s:BorderContainer width="200" buttonMode="true" useHandCursor="true" mouseChildren="false">
<mx:Text text="No many text" selectable="false" />
I have two tilelists in my mxml application. The items (image and a label) get rendered by an itemrenderer. The functionality I want to achieve: drag image from tilelist #1 and drop it on tilelist #2 (and then a httpservice with sql query will be launched).
How would I tackle this problem? (high level info would suffice).
The main issue I have is that I don't know how to call methods from the main to my itemrenderer. I would like to code the d&d functionality within the renderer but I have no clue how to access watchlist #2 from within the renderer.
Relevant code in main.mxml:
<s:Panel id="panel" width="100%" height="100%" title="Watchlist">
<s:VerticalLayout paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="20"
paddingRight="20" paddingTop="5"/>
<s:Label width="20%" fontSize="17" fontWeight="bold" text="Your watched movies"/>
<mx:TileList id="myWatchedList_tile" height="360" borderVisible="false" width="80%"
columnCount="5" columnWidth="200"
itemRenderer="components.TileListItemRenderer" rowCount="1" rowHeight="360"/>
<s:Label width="20%" fontSize="17" fontWeight="bold" text="Your to watch movies"/>
<mx:TileList id="myToWatchList_tile" height="360" borderVisible="false" width="80%"
columnCount="5" columnWidth="200"
itemRenderer="components.TileListItemRenderer" rowCount="1" rowHeight="360" />
The itemrenderer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
borderVisible="false" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"
<mx:Image source="{data.poster_url}" />
<mx:Label text="{data.movie_title}" height="20" />
You can access methods outside of your item renderer using the outerDocument object. Make sure they are (scope)public methods.
Alternative solution might be to use spark lists instead (with a TileLayout) - then you can easily use drag+drop between lists: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flex/using/WS2db454920e96a9e51e63e3d11c0bf69084-7cfd.html
..and launch service in response to 'drop' event (event will have reference to dropped image)
I have a custom component that has an background image.
But when you generate this component by an ItemRenderer in a List, the background image is gone.
What am I doing wrong?
Here is an image. The first element is not generated in a list and has a background image. The other three are part of a List and have no background image.
Here is the code of the MXML of the List
<solutionItems:displaySolutionItem /> <!-- This element shows the background image -->
<mx:List selectable="false"
dataProvider="{controllers}" >
<solutionItems:displaySolutionItem /> <!-- These elements have nog background image -->
And here is the code of <solutionItems:displaySolutionItem />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Embed(source="assets/Components/ContainerBackgrounds/BoxBg.png", scaleGridLeft="5", scaleGridRight="50", scaleGridTop="5", scaleGridBottom="50")]
private var itemBackGround:Class;
<mx:CheckBox id="chbControllerItem" label="NSL-4601" styleName="titleRed" />
<mx:Image width="67" height="50" id="loader1" source="#Embed(source='assets/Components/ContainerBackgrounds/BoxBg.png')"/>
<mx:Label text="Cube size" styleName="formLabel" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="Cube config" styleName="formLabel" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="Display res" styleName="formLabel" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="DPI" styleName="formLabel" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="Price" styleName="formLabel" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="50''" height="12" />
<mx:Text text="2x3 (1224mm x 3264mm)" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="WXGA (1360x768)" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="72 dpi" height="12" />
<mx:Label text="€ 101.000,00" height="12" />
It is probably something small, but I can not find it.
The following will get around the problem:
Remove the backgroundImage="{itemBackGround}" from the Canvas element of the itemRenderer
Add the following before the VBox in the itemRenderer class. I tested it out and it works fine:
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" backgroundImage="{itemBackGround}" backgroundSize="100%"/>
If your find a better way, sure update your question to let us know,
Have you tried setting the alpha, or backgroundAlpha properties on your List or perhaps in the itemRenderer?
I'm guessing that the List is either drawing something on top of the background, or preventing the background from being drawn. You'd have to step through code to know for sure, though.
I didn't try this, but look like
component is not creating multiple instance/copies of image for each renderer
possible solution may be is, load image in any Singleton/Constant Class like in Model and NOT in component/list and use Model's attribute reference in component/list i.e. one copy for all renderer.
Hopes this works
In flex UI, my <mx:list> can not be shown completely because of other component shelterring (for example: the refresh button shelter part of it ). How can I make the <mx:list> in front of all other UI component.
This is my code:
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Label text="Choose Log File"/>
<mx:ComboBox id ="logFileChooseCombo" dataProvider="{fileNameList}" width="150" color="0x000000"
<mx:Spacer width="320" />
<s:Label text="Filter or HighLight:" />
<mx:ComboBox id ="filterChooseCombo" dataProvider="{filterOrHighlight}" width="150" color="0x000000"/>
<s:VGroup height="25">
<s:TextInput id="logContentInput" change="filterLogContent()"
width="250" height="26"/>
**<mx:List id="searchMsgList"** x="65" y="35" width="200" height="200" fontSize="12"
change="itemChangEvent(event);" />
<s:HGroup verticalAlign="middle">
<s:Label text="Filter By Log Level:"/>
<mx:ComboBox id ="logLevelCombo" dataProvider="{logLevelsInt}" width="150" color="0x000000"
<s:CheckBox id="showStack" click="showStackTrace(event)" selected="false"/>
<s:Label text="show stackTraces"/>
<mx:Spacer width="550" />
<s:Button id="test" label="refresh2">
You have a lot going on, with a mix of nested layouts and a mix of Halo and Spark containers. I'm not sure what layout you're trying to create.
That said, take a look at the swapChildren method. Something like this should work:
this.swapChildren(refresh2, searchMsgList);
But it will most likely hide your refresh button, which seems less than ideal.
A few things strike me:
Inside your first VGroup you have x and y values specified. I thought those values were ignored inide VGroups, which automatically position your children in a vertical line.
I see an closing </mx:Canvas> tag, but not an opening canvas tag. It is unusual to me to use a canvas among all the HGroups and VGroups.
I am using a WindowShader in my website. every thing is working fine. but for somereason i am unable to display any background for my "home_feeds" VBox. If i add components on it, i can see them. But they backgound is not working. Even if i remove every thing from the Canvas(with home_feeds) i still dont see any background. But if i remove the comments from my mx:List.. i can see the background.
my code is given below
<mx:VBox right="35" paddingRight="10" verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="right">
<containers:WindowShade id="shade" opened="false" openIcon="{null}" closeIcon="{null}" paddingTop="0"
headerLocation="bottom" visible="true">
<flexlib:CanvasButton width="100%" height="20" skin="mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin">
import flexlib.containers.WindowShade;
<mx:Box width="100%" horizontalAlign="center">
<degrafa:Surface width="80">
<geometry:EllipticalArc closureType="pie"
arc="180" startAngle="-180" width="80" height="35" y="-18">
<paint:GradientFill angle="90">
<paint:GradientStop color="#920000" />
<paint:GradientStop color="#D31F1F" />
<geometry:data>40,5 35,13 45,13</geometry:data>
<paint:SolidStroke color="#333333" alpha="{WindowShade(parent).opened ? 1 : 0}" weight="1" />
<paint:SolidFill color="#ffffff" alpha="{WindowShade(parent).opened ? 1 : 0}" />
<geometry:data>40,13 35,5 45,5</geometry:data>
<paint:SolidStroke color="#333333" alpha="{WindowShade(parent).opened ? 0 : 1}" weight="1" />
<paint:SolidFill color="#ffffff" alpha="{WindowShade(parent).opened ? 0 : 1}" />
<mx:Canvas horizontalScrollPolicy="off" width="200" height="350" >
<!--mx:List id="home_feeds" height="100%" width="100%" itemRenderer="file_manager.list_item_template" doubleClickEnabled="true" /-->
<mx:VBox id="home_feeds"
<mx:DropShadowFilter alpha=".3" angle="90" />
Kindly let me know what am i doing wrong here.... And how can i fix it. I want to use the VBox there.
The size of a VBox without an explicit value for width would be zero if it doesn't have any children in it. Add some children (a Label for example) to see the background color. Increase background alpha from 0.1 to 0.5 or something to see it clearly.
If you mention explicit values for width and height (instead of percentages), you can see the background color even if it doesn't have any children.
set backgroundColor="#00ff00" (green) for the home_feeds VBox to differentiate VBox's background color from its parent's color.