What common database is used with ASP? - asp-classic

I know PHP and how to use MySQL with it but now I am moving onto ASP but which common database is used with ASP (ie. the equivalent to MySQL)?

Microsoft SQL Server.
This is commonly known as WISA (Windows, IIS, SQL Server, ASP) stack.

It is Sql Server (Express editions are free) but you shouldn't let this be your only deciding factor. Besides, it doesn't really matter. The db is the back end, unseen by your clients, and you can connect to many, many types of DBs from ASP just as well as to Sql Server.
Your main consideration should be features, scalability etc. For the sake of picking up this dev stack quickly I would suggest sticking with MySql for you. That would be one less rather large piece of technology to learn!
Also: Are you moving onto ASP (classic) or ASP.NET? If it is ASP I would recommend that you reconsider and choose a more modern web development methodology such as ASP.NET MVC or Silverlight. I think that you will find ASP.NET MVC to your liking. In some ways it feels like ASP or PHP of old but with much more flexibility.

Usually it's Microsoft SQL Server.
If you want a free alternative you could try with Microsoft SQL Server Express, which is a scaled down version.
Here you can find more informations about the different versions.

MS SQL server is commonly used with ASP (Classic and .NET). There are many different versions of SQL (SQL Express, Standard Edition, Enterprise etc)


What is the best way to upgrade my Classic ASP WebApp? Advice and Opinions Needed

I am currently maintaining an in-house business tool for our company's timesheets and project information. I need some general advice regarding web languages and best practices.
Runs on Windows Small Business Server 2008
Combination of Classic ASP, JavaScript, CSS and Javascript
Access database backend
Large system, containing around 135 pages, of 2.3 MB total
Extend functionality in small ways
Possibly move to different languages to ease maintenance (AJAX?)
Separate code from HTML structure (currently VERY messy)
1) Given that I don't have a lot of time to entirely rewrite the system, is it sensible to keep going with ASP and JavaScript?
2) I've had a look at some AJAX and it seems like it would be an easy leap to include it in the page, is this an avenue worth pursuing?
3) Is it worth investigating an MVC framework? If so, does this need to be done formally with some kind of library, or are there best practices I can follow to implement MVC functionality using ASP?
4) How difficult might it be to upgrade to a 'real' DBMS such as MySQL and port the database? Is it worth doing? (Feel free to smack-talk Access)
Sorry for the length, I'm just a little lost in the giant multitude of Web standards, languages and practices.
1) For the javascript part take a look at Jquery. Normally this cuts down old javascript code to 1/10 of size and a better separation of ASP/HTML Code and JS Code. Ajax comes for free and it has a really good plugin ecosystem.
3) From my experience porting such a big system is not a good idea.
ASP Classic runs smoothly under IIS 7.5 ans IIS Express so you can take the good parts like Url Rewrite and other IIS plugins. If you need more power in your ASP classic pages simply combine them with ASP.NET pages. It is no problem to run them side by side, I usually use ASP.NET generic handler (.ashx) if I need the power of the .NET Framework to complete tasks like dynamically generated Zip files for example.
4) Upgrade to Sql Server Express.
Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) will help you to convert the Access DB to SQL Server. I've done this before with a 1 GB (no binary data) 200+ tables database and migrated the old ASP system in a week to SQL Server.
With Jquery, IIS 7.5 or IIS Express, .Net Framework 4.0 and Sql Server 2008 Express you can "pimp" your system in much less time than porting it completely.
Seriously, if the thing works and performs for you as is, then I'd "extend the functionality in small ways" and possibly add in some Ajax, if you think it would offer enough value given you limited time.
I'd certainly not consider porting a 135 page application just for the sake of porting it.
Access has its issues, but if you're not running in to them, I wouldn't take the time now to convert it.

Why would I want to pay my webhost for a MS SQL database over a MySQL database?

I'm in the market for an ASP.NET host to start learning on and to host personal projects. I've noticed most of them provided both MySQL and MS SQL databases. However, usually they will only provided a couple MS SQL databases, but a large number (like 10) MySQL Databases.
Can I use a MySQL database as a back end to a ASP.NET website? If so why would I want to pay extra to use MS SQL over MySQL?
Yes you can use MySQL to drive a website using ASP.NET or any other web development technology for that matter. The reason for choosing SQL Server over MySQL would if there were features or performance characteristics you wanted in SQL Server that did not exist in MySQL. For example, common-table expressions do not exist in MySQL. If there are no features in either that are driving your decision, then it comes down to personal preference and cost.
If you're more comfortable with Sql Server then clearly it'd be worth going down that route, for a small scale site it really does come down to personal preference. That said there are things such as the asp.net membership providers that come, by default, with support for Sql Server as opposed to MySql so that could be a deciding factor for you.
Ultimately, it comes down to personal choice. Which do you prefer and are you willing to pay if Sql Server is your preference?

Suitable platform for developing browser based database application (reporting) with SQL Server?

I need to develop a dynamic web page retrieve data from a stored procedure on a SQL Server.
Considering the licensing issue, development resources, security and maintainability, can someone suggest a suitable platform for this project?
I have a Ubuntu server running Drupal and also a Windows Server 2003 running SQL Server 2000 and IIS for FTP server only.
Is ASP.NET and Reporting Service the natural choice? What are my other options? Ruby On Rails? Since the SQL Server on the server is mission critical and I don't feel very comfortable asking anymore from it.
SSRS is very good for the price; though in SQL 2000 its a bit limited - especially for charting. If you have a small budget you could write nice looking reports using stored procedures and something like telerik reporting if you want to do a bit more of the work on the web server. There is a trial version you could use for a quick prototype to see how it fits in; but it works very nicely with asp.net development and is nicely integrated with Visual Studio.

MS SQL 2000 or MySQL 5.0?

Which one would you choose for a small ASP.NET 2.0 web site with little traffic? I have no experience with either of them, but my provider wants me to choose one. In fact, I have no experience in ASP.NET too, I am just starting to learn, using VS2008 Professional.
Thank you,
Use MS SQL, it has better support in Visual Studio, so it will be easier for you to learn. Laso, check if you can get MS SQL 2005 or 2008.
From a performance standpoint, it's probably not going to matter on a site with little traffic. In your case, I would chose SQL 2000 simply because it will probably integrate better with ASP.NET than MySQL would.
If you had said you were creating the site in PHP, I would have told you to go with MySQL though for the same reason - PHP integrates very well with MySQL.
They are both great databases, it's just a matter of which works better in your particular situation. That would be SQL 2000 in your case.

Using mySql data in ASP.NET application

I am a newcomer to ASP, and would like to experiment with it by writing a website for a club at my school using .net 2008 and the mySql database available from the school's apache server. What is the best way to set this up, since I see a lot of options to connect the web app to SQL Server or Oracle databases, but I'm nervous that it won't work correctly with mySql.
Also, will I still be able to use LINQ queries?
Get a hold of the MySQL Connector for ASP.NET and start coding as usual for MySQL. the connector gives you all the advantages of data adapters, data readers, etc. in the typical ADO.NET structure you are used to for SQL or Oracle. That way if you do swap things out on the back end in the future, you won't have to worry about swapping out all your connect/query code.
Check out this url: http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/dotnet/index.html
