Converting QString containing PostgreSQL timestamp to QDateTime - qt

I'm having trouble with a seemingly very simple problem: I want to get a QDateTime from a QString containing a timestamp. I got the timestamp from PostgreSQL, but it doesn't matter. Here is the code that does not work:
QString timestamp = "2010-10-09 19:21:46+02:00";
QString format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SSTZD";
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::fromString(timestamp, format);
qDebug() << dt.toString(); // outputs empty string
There must be something very obvious I'm missing. Thanks!

There were two mistakes I was making. There is no TZD in the format specifications, so I removed the time zone information since I do not need it in my app by doing:
And then used the following format to get a QDateTime. Note the lowercase format characters:
QDateTime createdAt = QDateTime::fromString(timeStamp, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Thanks to everyone above for helping out.


How to Populate QDateEdit Stored in QString again into a QDateEdit

I have 2 QDateEdit which are Date_dob and Date_doj.
I am storing the value using a Qstring shown below.
QString str_dob(ui->DATE_dob->text());
QString str_doj(ui->DATE_doj->text());
Now i want to populate the same into ui->Date_dob and ui->Date_doj (after some editing event takes place). I have used ,
ui->DATE_doj->setText(; //where s is a string having data
but the data doesn't populate.
Any kind of suggestion will be extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance
For convert QString to QDate you can use QDate::fromString(). Then you can set date in QDateEdit with QDate::setDate(const QDate &date).
Hope it help.
You use wrong way the conversion.
QDate to QString
QString str_dob = ui->DATE_dob->toString("dd MM yyyy");
in the date format you should specify it else your conversation is default format. Known Format you can use
QString to QDate
if( ui->DATE_dob->setDate(QDate::fromString(str_dob,"dd MM yyyy").year()\
,QDate::fromString(str_dob,"dd MM yyyy").month()\
,QDate::fromString(str_dob,"dd MM yyyy").day()){
// Your Conversation Succes
when QString to QDate you have to know date format in string else your conversation fail or wrong value you get.
Example: if Qstring is : 19/12/2017 than your format is "dd/MM/yyyy"

How to read timestamp from uint64

I want to read and display a timestamp in mseconds since epoch , which was send from a client application. My code looks like this:
QDateTime timestamp;
out << "Time Stamp:" + timestamp.toString(Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate) + "\n";
However, the output is "Time Stamp:", and system says that timestamp is invalid.
What is wrong with my code?
Your code shouldn't even compile because QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch is a static function. Correct usage:
QDateTime timestamp = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(dataBody.timeStamp);

How do I get milliseconds in a QDateTime with QSqlQuery in Qt C++?

I have this sql query:
This returns data in the format "DD-MMM-YY HH.MM.SS.MS" like this:
30-OCT-11 AM
In my Qt code, I have this:
QSqlQuery query("SELECT LOG_TIME from PCY_LOG_EVENTS", db);
while( {
//Displays a QMessageBox with the millisecond part of the QDateTime
I get 0 for all the millisecond values. Is there a reason why the millisecond values are not being stored? How would I get the millisecond values?
Get the query value as a QString
QString dateTimeString = query.value(0).toString();
Then use the static fromString function of the QDateTime. You have to specify the format of your string. I assume the days of the month have a leading zero
QDateTime dateTime = QDateTime::fromString(dateTimeString, "dd-MMM-yy A")
Notice the milliseconds part :zzz000000. Since the max value can be 999 the trailing zeros of your example make no sense. So by using the zzz followed by the zeros you can get the miliseconds stored in your string. The only possible problem is that your month part uses upper case letters while the MMM returns the month abbreviation with just the first letter capitalized. I hope there won't be a problem with it.
Once you do the conversion you can easily get the milliseconds:
int ms = dateTime.time().msec();
For more formatting options here

How to get the difference between two QDateTimes in milliseconds?

I wish QDateTime overrode the - operator and returned a QTimeSpan representing the difference between two QDateTimes (just like .NET's TimeSpan). Since this doesn't exist in Qt, I decided to implement it.
Unfortunately, QDateTime has no msecsTo-like function. What is the cleanest way to get the difference between two QDateTimes accurate to the millisecond?
I realize that this question is from 2010, and that Qt 4.7 didn't exist back then (it actually came out about a week after this question was originally asked--September 21 2010), but for people who are looking for how to do this now:
As of Qt 4.7, QDateTime has a "msecsTo" method. See Qt 4.8 documentation at
QDateTime dateTime1 = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
// let's say exactly 5 seconds pass here...
QDateTime dateTime2 = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
qint64 millisecondsDiff = dateTime1.msecsTo(dateTime2);
// millisecondsDiff is equal to 5000
I would probably use a.daysTo(b)*1000*60*60*24 + a.time().msecsTo(b.time()). Note that you need to watch how close you can be, since you're going to overflow your data type rather quickly.
how about this:
QDateTime a = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QDateTime b = a.addMSecs( 1000 );
qDebug( "%d", a.time().msecsTo( b.time() ) );
All the solutions are good, but if your timestamp is in a particular format then you can find the difference by below, and also you can assign that to QString.
let start is time on some moment in some format
QString start = QDateTime().currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss AP dd/MM/yyyy");
let end is time on some moment after start in some format
QString end = QDateTime().currentDateTime().toString("hh:mm:ss AP dd/MM/yyyy");
So, you can find the difference by providing the format and using msecsto and assign them to QString(if required).
QString timeDiff= QString("%1").arg(QDateTime().fromString(start ,"hh:mm:ss AP dd/MM/yyyy").msecsTo(QDateTime().fromString(end ,"hh:mm:ss AP dd/MM/yyyy")));

How to convert from timestamp to date in Qt?

I have a Unix timestamp and I need to convert it to human readable date + time. How can it be done in Qt?
int unixTime = 1234567890;
QDateTime timestamp;
qDebug() << timestamp.toString(Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate);
That should get you going. Like Matthew said, see QDateTime.setTime_t, as well as QDateTime.toString. The toString has an enumeration with several different options, as well as an overload where you can pass a string allowing however much customization you like.
You can use the static function: "fromTime_t", like:
qDebug() << QDateTime::fromTime_t(your_time_stamp).toString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss");
One good example
qint64 qiTimestamp=QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch();
QDateTime dt;
ui->lineEdit_DateTime->setText(dt.toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));
Note that QDateTime::setTime_t() has been deprecated, use QDateTime::setSecsSinceEpoch(). Same for fromTime_t(): use QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch().
As mentioned, instead of using the obsolete _t members here is a working example (Qt 5).
qint64 llTS=1591132400;
QString szFull=QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(llTS).toString("dddd d MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
szFull: Tuesday 2 June 2020 23:13:20
Source: QDateTime (Qt 5)
Date formatting: QDate
Time formatting: QTime
