eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 8414160 bytes of memory (of type "heap") in windows system? - networking

While load testing of my erlang server with increasing number(100, 200, 300,....) of clients, which also in erlang, I got a some message on windows console if the number of clients exceeds 200. The message is
*"Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump.
eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 8414160 bytes of memory (of type "heap"). Abnormal termination"*.
This is the problem with windows. But if I test server load on Linux system, it can work for any number of clients until the system load reach to saturation state.
can any one help me to override this problem ?
Thank you.

Simply put, your app ran out of memory. Probably the easiest way to monitor this is to check out which process is eating up the memory. You can check up with os_mon, or easier still:


NiFi memory management

I Just want to understand how we should plan for the capacity of a NiFi instance.
We have a NiFi instance which is having around 500 flows. So, the total number of processors enabled on NiFi canvas is around 4000. We do run 2-5 flows simultaneously which does not take more than half an hour i.e. we do process data in MBs.
It was working fine till now but we are seeing outofMemory error very often. So we increased xms and xmx parameters from 4g to 8g which has resolved the problem for now. But going forward we will have more flows and we may face outofmemory issue again.
So, can anyone help with matrix of capacity planning or any suggestion to avoid such issues before happening? eg:- If we have 3000 processors enabled with/without any processing then Xg amount memory required.
Any input on NiFi capacity planning would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
OOM errors can occur due to specific memory consuming processors. For example: SplitXML is loading your whole record to memory, so it could load a 1GiB file for instance.
Each processors can document what resource considerations should be taken. All of the Apache processors(as far as I can tell) are documented in that matter so you can rely on them.
In our example, by the way, SplitXML can be replaced with SplitRecord which doesn't load all of the record to memory.
So even if you use 1000 processors simultaneously, they might not consume as much memory as one processor that loads your whole FlowFile's content to memory.
Check which processors you are using and make sure you don't use one like that(there are more like this one that load the whole document to memory).

How to make a UNIX socket faster?

I'm running a Google Cloud Compute VM as my application server for an app that's available on iOS and Android. The server runs Django within uWSGI, fronted with nginx. The communication between uWSGI and nginx happens through a unix file socket.
Recently I started noticing timeouts at client end. I did a bit of experimentation, and found that uWSGI sometimes errors out while writing data to the file socket. When I increase the 'max-time' parameter at the client end, it goes through smoothly. For example, a sample request that returns about 200KB of json data, takes about 1 sec for Django to compute. But the UNIX socket seems to take another 1-2 secs, which seems too high for a 200KB response. If the client is expecting a response within 2 secs, this often leads to a write error (as shown in the screenshot below) at uWSGI. When I increase the timeout at the client end, it goes through smoothly.
I want to know if there are some configuration changes that can make reading and writing on a UNIX socket faster. 200KB is a very minor size for a JSON response from my server - so I won't be able to bring it down. And I can't have a timeout of more than 2 secs at my client (iOS or Android), for business reasons.
Several unix entities are represented by files but are no file at all. Pipes and sockets are examples of entities represented by files that are not files.
So, writing, and reading from a unix socket is not bound to file system I/O and does not share file system time responses. In fact, unix socket is one of fastest ways of IPC, being more efficient than a TCP socket, since it does not use network I/O at all.
That stated, here is some hints on how to solve your particular problem:
Evaluate your app for performance issues. Profile it and check where it might be spending too much time. Usually, I/O is the main villain on performance issues. Also, bad algorithms, linear searches on long lists are also common guilties.
Check your configuration on both web server and your application gateway.
Check processes scheduling. If everybody is running on the same box, process concurrency may be an issue for heavy loads. Be sure to have all processes running under proper priorities.
Good luck!

aspnet_wp keeps recycling because of high memory consumption. How can I fix it?

I have a small WCF service which is executed on an XP box with 256 megs of RAM running in VM.
When I make a request (with a request size of approximately 5mbs) to that service I always get the following message in the event log:
aspnet_wp.exe was recycled because memory consumption exceeded the 153 MB (60 percent of available RAM).
and the call fails with error 500.
I've tried to increase memory limit to 95% but it still takes up all the available memory and fails in the same manner.
It looks like something is wrong with my app (I do not reuse byte[] buffers and maybe something else) but I cannot find root cause of such memory overuse.
Profiling showed that all CLR objects that I have in memory together do not take up that much space.
Doing a dump analysis with windbg showed same situation - nothing that big in object heap.
How can I find out what is contributing to such memory overuse?
Is there any way to make a dump right before process is recycled (during peak mem usage)?
Tess Ferrandez's blog "If broken it is, fix it you should" has lots of hints, tips and recommendations for sorting out exactly this sort of problem.
Of particular use to you would be Lab 3: Memory, where she walks you through working out what has caused all the memory on your machine to disappear.
Could be a lot of things, hard to diagnose this one. Have you watched perfmon to see if the memory usage does peak on aspnet process or on the server itself? 256MB is pretty low, but it should still be able to handle it. Do you have a SWAP file on this machine? AT what point do you take the memory dump? Have you stepped though the code, and does it work on other machines? Perhaps it is getting stuck in a loop and leaking memory until it crashes?

High rate data stream and memory deficiency

I have a program that accumulates traffic from network interface in 800 Mb/s. This program is developed by Delphi, also in 32bit platform(Delphi does not support 64bit architecture).
I'm writing received date on the memory(RAM) and after a while (unknown and depends on received data), write a block of received data (unknown size and depends on received data) into hard disk and free the memory(RAM).
When I run the application, after some times, it throws "Out Of Memory" exception. What should I do to prevent this exception?
That's a very high data rate - I assume it's Mbits (100 MBytes/second). Only the fastest SSDs will be able to keep up, and that's only if your programming is 100% efficient. Check the table of sequential write speeds:
If you can throw more RAM at the problem, I'd suggest going to 64-bit mode and allocating your entire RAM buffer all at once.

ASP.NET - Single large web request triggers System.OutOfMemoryException - Still have plenty of available memory

Windows 2003 Server (32 bit); IIS6, ASP.NET 2.0 (3.5); 4Gb Ram; 1 Worker Process
We have a situation where we have a very large System.XmlDocument is being loaded into memory, and then it heads into a complied XSL transform.
What is happening is when a web request comes in the server is sitting in an idle state with 2500Mb of available system memory.
As the XML DOM is populated, the available memory drops approx 500Mb at which point we get a System.OutOfMemoryException event. At this point the system should theoretically still have 2000Mb of available memory available to service the request (according to Perfmon).
The related questions I have are:
1) At what level in the stack is this out of memory limitation being met? OS? IIS? ASP.NET? worker process? Is this a per individual web request limit?
2) Is this limit configurable somewhere?
3) Why can’t this web request access the full available system memory?
1) I would guess at the worker process but this should be configurable within IIS to the limit of memory that a worker process can use. Another factor is what level of bits does your software use, e.g. 32 bit has a physical limit of 4 GB since this is the total address space.
2) Probably but don't forget that memory fragmentation may play a role in getting to out of memory faster than you think, e.g. if there is a memory request for a contiguous 1000 Mb piece of memory then this may not necessarily be found in the current memory.
3) Have you examined dump data to see what is in the memory when the exception gets thrown? If not, there are ways to get a snapshot of the memory to see what it looks like as this may give you more clues about what is going on.
You are running in a process. A process can only access 2 gigs of memory. This task is sharing memory with everything else running in this process, so this bit of code does not get the full 2 gig -- even if it is available.
There is a 3 gig switch on the os as well. I believe it is a registry setting. But you will have to search MSDN to find that info.
But realistically, you need to do this another way. Possibly by switching to a SAX style xml parser.
I'm sure there are some bright heads here that can answer your specific questions, but have you asked yourself if there is another way to do what you want? I specifically mean that you probably do not want to process a very large XML document, but you probably more specifically want to return something back to the client. Could you rewrite the code to avoid this XML document altogether, or perhaps not load it all into memory at the same time, and still produce the same end-result?
1) Dunno. Check your logs.
2) IIS limits memory divvied out to websites/application pools. Check your settings.
3) Servers are all about uptime; if an single app hogs all the resources everybody else suffers. Thats why enterprise apps like IIS limit memory to prevent runaways from taking down the entire server.
