ASP.NET NullReferenceException for get_Session() -

public class MessageHelper : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public MessageHelper()
public string Message
set { Session["Message"] = value; }
if (Session["Message"] != null)
var msg = Session["Message"] as string;
Session["Message"] = "";
return msg;
return "";
public string ErrorMsg
set { Session["Error"] = value; }
if (Session["Error"] != null)
var err = Session["Error"] as string;
Session["Error"] = "";
return err;
return "";
[NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.]
System.Web.UI.UserControl.get_Session() +15
WebApplication1.MessageHelper.get_ErrorMsg() in ..file.master.cs:71
where line 71 is: if (Session["Error"] != null)
what am I doing wrong here?!
EDIT (transcribed from original author):
here is AdminMaster.master.cs:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.SessionState;
namespace WebApplication1
public partial class AdminMaster : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageHelper msg = new MessageHelper();
if (msg.ErrorMsg != "")
// do something
if (msg.ErrorMsg != "")
// do something
public class MessageHelper : System.Web.UI.MasterPage
public MessageHelper()
public string Message
set { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Message"] = value; }
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Message"] != null)
var msg = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Message"] as string;
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Message"] = "";
return msg;
return "";
public string ErrorMsg
set { System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Error"] = value; }
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Error"] != null)
var err = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Error"] as string;
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["Error"] = "";
return err;
return "";
so it does inherit from System.Web.UI.MasterPage, my bad.
i want the MessageHelper to be accessed from different pages on the site. all of my pages use the Master file, that's why i put the MessageHelper in the master file.
what is wrong here?

During debugging, can you confirm that Session is not null? Try referencing it fully-qualified as System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session within this class and see if that helps any.
Edit: In response to the non-answer answer that you posted...
It's not recommended to put that helper class in the same file as your master page. Put it in its own file named for the class. (There's probably debate over whether every class should have its own file, but in this particular case it's clear that the two classes in this one file are very much unrelated and shouldn't be together.)
The class can have its own namespace, such as WebApplication1.Helpers (though I recommend in the future using something more descriptive than WebApplication1, but don't try to change it here because it'll cause errors elsewhere in the project), and other class files can reference that namespace with using WebApplication1.Helpers in order to use that class.
Separating classes into an intuitive structure in the project (or multiple projects, as things grow in complexity) will make it easier to support in the future.
And, seeing the whole file, the helper class definitely should not inherit from MasterPage. It doesn't need to, and doing so adds things to that class that shouldn't be there.

I'm a bit confused by what you're trying to achieve with the MessageHelper class.
If it is code common to your master pages then you should surely be inheriting AdminMaster from MessageHelper.
public partial class AdminMaster : MessageHelper
If not, I don't understand why MessageHelper needs to inherit from MasterPage?


How can I create a custom renderer for DatePicker for UWP?

I'm trying to create a custom DatePicker renderer for UWP but I'm getting a compile error.
Trying to get a CalenderDatePicker instead of the normal DataPicker. I am getting the same error whether I try one or the other.
My code is:
namespace myNameSpace.CustomControl
public class CustomDatePicker : DatePicker
And my CustomDatePickerRenderer.cs in the UWP folder
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomDatePicker), typeof(CustomDatePickerRenderer))]
namespace myNameSpace.UWP
public class CustomDatePickerRenderer : ViewRenderer<DatePicker, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker>, ITabStopOnDescendants, IDontGetFocus
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<DatePicker> e)
if (Control == null)
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker datePicker = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker();
The error I get is:
The type 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.DatePicker' cannot be used as type parameter 'TElement' in the generic type or method 'ViewRenderer<TElement, TNativeElement>'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.DatePicker' to 'Xamarin.Forms.View'.
From the documentation I can find this should be ok - is it not possible to create a custom renderer for the DatePicker? Please help.
This might not be a big thing by experiences developers, but I'm thrilled that I got it working - substituting the Xamarin.Forms DataPicker with the UWP CalendarDatePicke - so I'll just post my working solution, if someone else could use it.
Thanks to pinedax for solving my initial problem - which I actually changed to my CustomDatePicker in the end, because this is what is in the documentation from MS.
The last thing I needed was to ensure that Date changes where registered between to two different controls, since they use different events for this.
My code is:
namespace myNameSpace.CustomControl
public class CustomDatePicker : DatePicker
CustomDatePickerRenderer.cs in the UWP folder
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomDatePicker), typeof(CustomDatePickerRenderer))]
namespace myNameSpace.UWP
public class CustomDatePickerRenderer : ViewRenderer<CustomDatePicker, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker>
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<CustomDatePicker> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
// Unsubscribe from event handlers and cleanup any resources
Control.DateChanged -= OnDateChanged;
Element.DateSelected -= OnDateSelected;
if (e.NewElement != null)
if (Control == null)
// Instantiate the native control and assign it to the Control property with
// the SetNativeControl method
if (Control == null)
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker datePicker = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker();
datePicker.FirstDayOfWeek = Windows.Globalization.DayOfWeek.Monday;
Control.DateChanged += OnDateChanged;
Element.DateSelected += OnDateSelected;
private void OnDateChanged(CalendarDatePicker sender, CalendarDatePickerDateChangedEventArgs e)
DateTimeOffset dto = (DateTimeOffset)e.NewDate;
Element.Date = dto.DateTime;
private void OnDateSelected(Object sender, DateChangedEventArgs e)
DateTime dt = e.NewDate;
Control.Date = new DateTimeOffset(dt);
And I can now reference my CustomDatePicker (UWP CalendarDatePicker) from my Xamarin.Forms XAML file
<local:CustomDatePicker x:Name="FilterDatePicker" DateSelected="OnDateFilterDateChanged" VerticalOptions="Center"></local:CustomDatePicker>
That's because it's not using the correct DatePicker.
That method expects the Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker but instead it's referencing the Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.DatePicker.
To fix it either use the long namespace
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomDatePicker), typeof(CustomDatePickerRenderer))]
namespace myNameSpace.UWP
public class CustomDatePickerRenderer : ViewRenderer<Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker, Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker>, ITabStopOnDescendants, IDontGetFocus
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker> e)
if (Control == null)
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker datePicker = new Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.CalendarDatePicker();
Or use the using notation at the top of your class to indicate which one to use. Something like
using DatePicker = Xamarin.Forms.DatePicker;
Hope this helps.-

Strangeness with DataContext and GridView / ListView

I have a Windows 8 store app based off of the grouped template project, with some renames etc. However, I'm having a hard time getting the ItemsSource databinding to work for both non-snapped and snapped visual states.
I have a property, that, when set, changes the ItemsSource property, but I can only get one of the controls to bind at a time (either the GridView for non-snapped, or the ListView for snapped).
When I use the following, only the non-snapped binding works and the snapped binding shows no items:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
If I comment out one of the setters, the snapped view shows items but the non-snapped view shows nothing:
protected PickLeafModel ListViewModel
return (PickLeafModel)m_itemGridView.ItemsSource;
//m_itemGridView.ItemsSource = value;
m_snappedListView.ItemsSource = value;
It's as if I can bind my view model only to one property at a time. What am I doing wrong?
Since I am generating my data model on another thread (yes, using the thread pool), I cannot make it inherit from DependencyObject. If I do, I get a WrongThreadException.
So to make it work I have done the following:
public class PickLeafModel : IEnumerable
public PickLeafModel()
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_enumerator == null)
m_enumerator = new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf);
return m_enumerator;
private SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> m_data =
new SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf>();
and then my items look like this:
// Augments pick leafs by returning them wrapped with PickLeafViewData.
class PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator : IEnumerator
public PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(
SerializableLinkedList<PickLeaf> data, PickLeaf parentLeaf)
m_viewDataList =
new System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
m_enumerator = m_viewDataList.GetEnumerator();
public void Dispose()
m_viewDataList = null;
m_enumerator = null;
public object Current
return m_enumerator.Current;
public bool MoveNext()
return m_enumerator.MoveNext();
public void Reset()
private IEnumerator<PickLeafViewData> m_enumerator = null;
private System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList<PickLeafViewData>
Is there something I'm doing fundamentally wrong?
Help appreciated.
Thankfully there is a much easier way to do what you are trying!
Create a class called your ViewModel as shown below:
public class DataViewModel
public DataViewModel()
Data = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>(new PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator(m_data, m_parentLeaf));
public ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData> Data
Now on the code behind set the Page.DataConected to equal an instance of the above class.
And finally on both your snapped listview, and the grid view set the item source to this:-
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
That should work nicely for you.
Thanks to Ross for pointing me in the right direction.
I'm not 100% happy with this solution, but it does work. Basically the idea is that after I get back the PickLeafModel from the worker threads, I transplant its internal data into a derived version of the class which is data binding aware.
public class PickLeafViewModel : PickLeafModel, IEnumerable
public PickLeafViewModel()
public PickLeafViewModel(PickLeafModel model)
public void SetData(PickLeafModel model)
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
if (m_observableData == null)
m_observableData = new ObservableCollection<PickLeafViewData>();
var data = getData();
PickLeaf parentLeaf = getParentLeaf();
foreach (PickLeaf leaf in data)
PickLeafViewData viewData = new PickLeafViewData();
viewData.copyFromPickLeaf(leaf, parentLeaf);
return m_observableData.GetEnumerator();
and the page code is as follows:
protected PickLeafViewModel ListViewModel
return DataContext as PickLeafViewModel;
DataContext = value;
whenever I want to set ListViewModel, I can do this:
ListViewModel = new PickLeafViewModel(model);
and swap looks like:
private static void swap<T>(ref T lhs, ref T rhs)
T temp;
temp = lhs;
lhs = rhs;
rhs = temp;
// Swaps internals with the other model.
public void swap(PickLeafModel other)
swap(ref m_data, ref other.m_data);
Also, PickLeafModelViewDataEnumerator can be deleted altogether.

ASP.NET custom controls - custom property doesn't hold the assigned value on postaback

I have a custom asp-net control that inherits from another one and its works as expected, though the properties are only set properly if i code them in the markup directly, so for instance if i need set a property at runtime that is some dynamic value, this value is never set or somehow lost.
Here's the markup code:
<!--related form-->
<fw:advancedformdisplay id="formDisp" runat="server" captchaenabled="true" EmailEnabled="true" EnableViewState="true" captchaprivatekey="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" captchapublickey="xxxxxxxxxxxxx" captchatheme="white" SourceType="MenuItem" SourceMainId="Auto">
This is the code of the control:
[DefaultProperty("CaptchaEnabled"),ToolboxData("<{0}:AdvancedFormDisplay runat=server></{0}:AdvancedFormDisplay>"), Description("This is an enhanced FormDisplay control that inlcudes Googles Captcha control is enabled")]
public class AdvancedFormDisplay :SiteBuilder.WebControls.FormDisplay
bool _CaptchaEnabled = false, sendEmail = false;
string captchaErrorMessage = "The verification code entered is not valid. Please try again!";
RecaptchaControl captchaControl = null;
string captchaPrivateKey = "", captchaPublicKey = "", captchaTheme = "clean";
string originalFormHtml = string.Empty;
string afterText = string.Empty, beforeText = string.Empty;
Literal litHtmlForm = null;
string captchaErrorClass = "errorCaptcha";
public string EmailBeforeText
get { return beforeText; }
set { beforeText = value; }
public string EmailAfterText
get { return afterText; }
set { afterText = value; }
public string CaptchaErrorClass
get { return captchaErrorClass; }
set { captchaErrorClass = value; }
public bool CaptchaEnabled
get { return _CaptchaEnabled; }
set { _CaptchaEnabled = value; }
public bool EmailEnabled
get { return sendEmail; }
set { sendEmail = value; }
public string CaptchaErrorMessage
get { return captchaErrorMessage; }
set { captchaErrorMessage = value; }
/// <summary>
/// red,white,blackglass,clean
/// </summary>
public string CaptchaTheme
get { return captchaTheme; }
set { captchaTheme = value; }
public string CaptchaPrivateKey
get { return captchaPrivateKey; }
set { captchaPrivateKey = value; }
public string CaptchaPublicKey
get { return captchaPublicKey; }
set { captchaPublicKey = value; }
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
public override void OnSaved(FormDisplayEventArgs e)
//If captcha control is enabled we need to adda bit of code to redirect form properly
if (CaptchaEnabled && e.Redirect && !e.SendMail)
//Do Stuff
//Send email
public override void OnSaving(FormDisplayEventArgs e)
if (CaptchaEnabled)
//Validate and do stuff
And then in my page that is using control, created by markup code, in the Page_Load() i try to assign some values to some properties and and the values aren't set properly, meaning that if i have set for isntance, the property EmailBeforeText = "somthing" this value will not be assigned..
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//2: Get the language of menuitem - Based on current culture setting (for by dropdownbox - change logic)
currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString();
// Redirect if domain does not match rootnode.
DomainChecker.CheckURL(this.Request, this.Response, currentCulture);
if (footerArticle != null)
footerArticle.SourceMenuId = Digimaker.Config.Custom.Get("FooterID_" + currentCulture).ToString();
currentCulture = "en-GB";
if( footerArticle != null )
footerArticle.SourceMenuId = Digimaker.Config.Custom.Get("FooterID_" + currentCulture).ToString();
Any ideas what i'm missing here?
Thanks a lot for your reading!
short answer: use viewstate to persist your custom values!
Understanding ASP.NET ViewState whitepaper (see example with NavigateUrl)
edit: as reading the white-paper is obviously a really hard thing:
Each control is responsible for storing its own state, which is
accomplished by adding its changed state to its ViewState property.
The ViewState property is defined in the System.Web.UI.Control class,
meaning that all ASP.NET server controls have this property available.
(When talking about view state in general I'll use lower case letters
with a space between view and state; when discussing the ViewState
property, I'll use the correct casing and code-formatted text.)
If you examine the simple properties of any ASP.NET server control
you'll see that the properties read and write directly to the view
state. (You can view the decompiled source code for a .NET assembly by
using a tool like Reflector.) For example, consider the HyperLink Web
control's NavigateUrl property. The code for this property looks like
public string NavigateUrl
string text = (string) ViewState["NavigateUrl"];
if (text != null)
return text;
return string.Empty;
ViewState["NavigateUrl"] = value;
As this code sample illustrates, whenever a control's property is
read, the control's ViewState is consulted. If there is not an entry
in the ViewState, then the default value for the property is returned.
When the property is assigned, the assigned value is written directly
to the ViewState.

Unity.BuildUp unable to disambiguate

I have a class with two constructors, both constructors have one parameter. Due to restrictions not worth explaining I cannot alter the constructors or use a descendent class.
I can't use unity to create instances of this class because Unity sees 2 constructors with the same number of parameters and complains that it doesn't know which to use, which is fair enough. So instead I create the instance myself and then try to use UnityContainer.BuildUp()
var result = constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { content });
The above code does not set any of my [Dependency] properties nor does it call an [InjectionMethod] if I use that instead.
var result = constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { content });
UnitContainer.BuildUp(typeOfObject, result);
This throws another exception about ambiguous constructors, even though I am not asking it to construct the instance.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Here is an example app
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ConsoleApplication7
public interface IConstructorType1 { }
public interface IConstructorType2 { }
public interface INeedThisDependency { }
public class NeedThisDependency : INeedThisDependency { }
public class MyDomainObject
public MyDomainObject(IConstructorType1 constructorType1) { }
public MyDomainObject(IConstructorType2 constructorType2) { }
public INeedThisDependency Needed { get; set; }
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
IUnityContainer unityContainer = new UnityContainer();
unityContainer.RegisterType<INeedThisDependency, NeedThisDependency>();
//Try with type 1 constructor
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo1 = typeof(MyDomainObject).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IConstructorType1) });
MyDomainObject instance1 = CreateTheInstance(unityContainer, typeof(MyDomainObject), constructorInfo1, null);
//Try with type 2 constructor
ConstructorInfo constructorInfo2 = typeof(MyDomainObject).GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(IConstructorType2) });
MyDomainObject instance2 = CreateTheInstance(unityContainer, typeof(MyDomainObject), constructorInfo2, null);
//This is the only point I have any influence over what happens
//So this is the only place I get to change the code.
static MyDomainObject CreateTheInstance(IUnityContainer unityContainer, Type type, ConstructorInfo constructorInfo, object parameters)
var result = (MyDomainObject)constructorInfo.Invoke(new object[] { parameters });
//This will throw an ambiguous constructor exception,
//even though I am not asking it to construct anything
unityContainer.BuildUp(type, result);
//This will not build up dependencies
if (result.Needed == null)
throw new NullReferenceException("Needed");
return result;
It's a bug in BuildUp, unfortunately.
Instead of calling BuildUp call this CallInjectionMethod helper.
public static class UnityContainerHelper
public static void CallInjectionMethod(this IUnityContainer unityContainer, object instance, params ResolverOverride[] overrides)
if (instance == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Instance");
var injectionMethodInfo = instance.GetType().GetMethods().Where(x => x.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InjectionMethodAttribute), true).Any()).SingleOrDefault();
if (injectionMethodInfo == null)
var parameters = injectionMethodInfo.GetParameters();
if (parameters.Length == 0)
var dependencies = new object[parameters.Length];
int index = 0;
foreach (Type parameterType in parameters.Select(x => x.ParameterType))
dependencies[index] = unityContainer.Resolve(parameterType, overrides);
injectionMethodInfo.Invoke(instance, dependencies);

Pulling in a dynamic image in a control based on a url using C# and

I know this is a dumb question. For some reason my mind is blank on this. Any ideas?
Sorry should have been more clear.
Using a HtmlGenericControl to pull in link description as well as image.
private void InternalCreateChildControls()
if (this.DataItem != null && this.Relationships.Count > 0)
HtmlGenericControl fieldset = new HtmlGenericControl("fieldset");
HtmlGenericControl legend = new HtmlGenericControl("legend");
legend.InnerText = this.Caption;
HtmlGenericControl listControl = new HtmlGenericControl("ul");
for (int i = 0; i < this.Relationships.Count; i++)
CatalogRelationshipsDataSet.CatalogRelationship relationship =
HtmlGenericControl listItem = new HtmlGenericControl("li");
RelatedItemsContainer container = new RelatedItemsContainer(relationship);
Image Image = new Image();
Image.ImageUrl = relationship.DisplayName;
LinkButton link = new LinkButton();
link.Text = relationship.DisplayName;
///ToDO Add Image or Image and description
link.CommandName = "Redirect";
Not asking anyone to do this for me just a reference or an idea.
Thanks -overly frustrated and feeling humbled.
I'm assuming you want to generate an image dynamicly based upon an url.
What I typically do is a create a very lightweight HTTPHandler to serve the images:
using System;
using System.Web;
namespace Example
public class GetImage : IHttpHandler
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
if (context.Request.QueryString("id") != null)
// Code that uses System.Drawing to construct the image
// ...
context.Response.ContentType = "image/pjpeg";
public bool IsReusable
return false;
You can reference this directly in your img tag:
<img src="GetImage.ashx?id=111"/>
Or, you could even create a server control that does it for you:
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace Example.WebControl
[ToolboxData("<{0}:DynamicImageCreator runat=server></{0}:DynamicImageCreator>")]
public class DynamicImageCreator : Control
public int Id
if (ViewState["Id" + this.ID] == null)
return 0;
return ViewState["Id"];
ViewState["Id" + this.ID] = value;
protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter output)
output.Write("<img src='getImage.ashx?id=" + this.Id + "'/>");
This could be used like
<cc:DDynamicImageCreator id="db1" Id="123" runat="server/>
Check out the new DynamicImage control released in CodePlex by the ASP.NET team.
This is kind of a horrible question. I mean, .NET has an image control where you can set the source to anything you want. I'm not sure what you're wanting to be discussed.
