Hosting an asp website on EasyCgi -

I have developed a website using ASP.NET/VB + SqlServer 2008 and Dotnetnuke CMS.
Now I have to host it on
I have some questions:
How should I restore my db (unfortunately easycgi supports just sqlserver 2005) so what should I do to convert my db to 2005?
and what should I do to host my website (step-by-step "please").
Any help appreciated.
Sorry for my english.

Not familiar with easycgi but often times getting SQL Server can be a lot of work. If you can create a database at easycgi the best thing to do is script out your database in SQL server 2008 using this process SQL Server 2008 script data
You'll then have everything for your database in a file. It's scripted and then run that at easy cgi if they have a way to run scripts. Otherwise sometimes you can connect your SQL SErver management studio directly to your database there.
You'll get a temp URL probably at easycgi, make sure that is in PortalAlias table in your SQL Server database.
Update your web.config in two spots to connect to your new database, upload your files to the web server.
Again, never used easycgi, but hope this helps.


SQL Server Express and SQL Server Compact Edition

I've just built my first Umbraco site and now I want to hand it over for deployment on a web server. However, I built the site on my local machine using Web Matrix, which uses a SQL Server Compact Edition database, which is represented in a .sdf file.
I was a bit uneasy about whether this would be much use to the person I'm passing the site to (they have a number of Umbraco based sites running on this server using SQL Server) - so I installed SQL Server Express and migrated the database from Compact Edition to Express. However (again), I can't seem to find any way of exporting the full database to a file which can then by imported into a database on the web server.
A couple of points I guess - first, is the Compact Edition .sdf file actually enough for someone to take and import a database into SQL Server Standard? Failing that, how would I export the database from SQL Server Express to a file which could be used for this purpose?
Thanks in advance - this is my first foray into .net development so I'm grateful for any help!
You could just give the SQL CE database (.sdf) to the person who manages the web server. The SQL CE database can be run by default on a .NET webserver.
If, for some reason, you want to migrate it to SQL Server, you can do this through Web Matrix (
When you have already converted the SQL CE database to SQL Server, you can:
make a backup through the SQL Server Management Studio tool and restore the backup on the web server
or you can use the SQL Server Management Studio tool to script the database to a .sql file which can be executed on the web server
I prefer the first option.

How can i export my SQLExpress database from Webmatrix?

I used webmatrix to write my web app. and now I need to upload my files to a host server via ftp. The database file located in App_Data folder it's name: "db.sdf.backup".
The host server uses studio manager to manage the database.
Now, my question is how do i export my database so it would work on their server?
Hey, I have the same problem, I want to export my database from webmatrix to 1and1 servers to publish my web site. Unfortunatly the migrate option of webmatrix is only available for SQL Server database and not for Mysql Database ! Do you have another idea ?
Are you sure your database is in SQL Server Express? The file you mention (db.sdf) is a SQL Server Compact database, and WebMatrix indeed uses SQL Server Compact by default. If this is the case you need to convert your database to SQL Server "proper". WebMatrix makes it easier for you by offering the Migrate command in the SQL Server section of the ribbon.

Coding for an SQL server in a local project

I'm coding in ASP.Net on a local machine through visual studio. So when I run the code it starts an ASP.Net service for me.
So now I'm wondering how I setup an SQL server for local development purposes? I need it to have data in it constantly so that when I stop running the ASP page it doesn't just empty.
You should be able to install SQL Express and hook into that. The data will persist in the db unrelated to your service:

How do I migrate a SQL MDF File to a production SQL Server? (ASP.NET)

I have an ASP.NET project that also uses a SQL MDF File. My target server is SQL 2008R2 or SQL Azure.
I would like to know what deployment options I have as I migrate from DEV to PROD. In case it matters I'm not under any regulation to maintain PII or similarly private data.
How do I move my test schema and perhaps data to production?
You can move the entire database, including the data by attaching the MDF file to the new SQL server. Otherwise you can select all objects and generate CREATE scripts to copy the schema over.
Yes, you can attach to the MDF file directly, or do a backup / restore to get it over to SQL Server 2008.
I haven't played with SQL Azure... From what little I've heard I think you might be stuck scripting the data as durilai suggested (last I heard we're not allowed to do backups / restores for SQL Azure).
In SQL Server Management tools, right click on the database and click 'Script Database As' to create an SQL script for your database. You can also do something similar at the table level if you want the data.

SQL server express backend for ASP.NET web service

I come from a linux/apache/php/mysql background. For my current project, I am forced to write web services using ASP.NET. I have installed visual studio and created an ASP.NET web service project. The web service I'm creating will use a SQL database backend. I see that visual studio installed "SQL Server Express 2008." I can see that there is a service called "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)" that is running. My question is, how do I run queries against this database? Where's the front end? What tool do I use to create databases and tables? Is there something else I have to install?
I feel completely lost and my google-fu fails me. There are so many different SQL products from microsoft that I can't tell what is the easiest path to just having a simple database with tables I can query from my development machine. With MySQL, I would install the MySQL database, download MySQL query browser and start firing queries at it. How can I do that with Visual Studio/SQL Server Express?
You can download SQL Server Management Studio from here. This is the GUI for working with SQL Server. It will let you create databases, tables, stored procedures, etc. as well as writing queries and manually edit data in the tables.
Aside from SQL Server Management Studio, you can use the Server Explorer tab in Visual Studio (by default on the right side, next to Solution Explorer) to add a data connection. You can do most of the most common database tasks (create/query tables, create views, etc) from there.
there's a command line tool that installs with SQL Server (all versions) called SQLCMD.exe, should be in your install path.
Visual Studio also lets you create dbs, run queries, look at table structures and data (including creating and deleting them, etc), you do that by opening your Server explorer window and making a connection to your local instance (.\SQLExpress by default).
Finally, as the other person mentioned, SQL Server Management Studio Express is a free download, and well worth the time it takes to install.
