I added a new field "mood" (image) to the page content type. Is there any way to access the image stored in this field in the page.tpl.php?
Should be
$node = node_load($nid);
There is a new "field_get_items()" function in drupal 7. The $node variable should already be defined in page.tpl so the first line may not be required.
This will get the field in the appropriate language. There is also an optional parameter to specify the desired language if needed.
$node = node_load($nid);
$values = field_get_items('node', $node, 'mood');
if ($values != FALSE) {
$val = $values[0]['value'];
else {
// no result
reference: http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules--field--field.module/function/field_get_items/7
i want to change or modify all taxonomy pages i write this piece of code in template.php in my bartik theme but some weird things happens.
the $term argument in second function "bartik_term_page" is null.
what is missing?
and it sometimes an error like this
it gives an error.
Warning: Parameter 1 to bartik_term_page() expected to be a reference, value given in menu_execute_active_handler() (line path\includes\menu.inc).
function bartik_menu_alter(&$menu) {
$menu['taxonomy/term/%']['page callback'] = 'bartik_term_page';
$menu['taxonomy/term/%']['access arguments'] = array('access content');
function bartik_term_page(&$term){
$voc = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($term->vid);
var_dump( $term ); die();
// here you generate the actual content of the page
// could be done e.g. with an entityfieldquery as follows
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
$query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->fieldCondition('field_category', 'tid', $term->tid);
$result = $query->execute();
if (!empty($result['node'])) {
$build['content']['nodes'] = node_view_multiple(node_load_multiple(array_keys($result['node'])), 'teaser'); // output the node teasers. you can control the markup of the 'teaser' view mode with a template in the theme folder
} else {
$build['content']['status']['#markup'] = t('No results found for term ID !tid.', array('!tid' => $term->tid));
return $build;
You're actually introducing a new router item there instead of overriding the existing one.
The path for the taxonomy page is taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term, so...
function bartik_menu_alter(&$menu) {
$menu['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['page callback'] = 'bartik_term_page';
$menu['taxonomy/term/%taxonomy_term']['access arguments'] = array('access content');
Clear caches and you should be good to go.
Add the following line after the 'page callback' line in your bartik_menu_alter() function:
$menu['taxonomy/term/%']['page arguments'] = array(3);
This tells Drupal where to find the parameter in your URL (it's the third component).
guys i have this node type -> movie. this movie has casts in it. so now i was instructed to display the number of cast in a movie. how do i achieve this by using nodeapi? please someone guide mo through this. im very new to drupal coding here. here's what ive made so far:
function count_cast_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
switch ($op) {
case 'update index':
if ($node->type == 'movie') {
$text = '';
$q = db_query('SELECT count(field_movie_cast_nid) FROM content_field_movie_cast ' .
'WHERE nid = %d', $node->nid);
if ($r = db_fetch_object($q)) {
$text = $r->count;
but i have no idea where to put this code. where to save it. do i make a module of this? and is this code even correct?
also i have only copied this code. so i dont know what that 'update index' means. and who or what function will set that parameter $op
I can suggest you follow solution:
Create new integer CCK field for content type "movie" which will store the number of casts. Name it movie_cast_number.
This field will be updating in hook_nodeapi (similar to your example). For that you need to create custom module "count_cast". Place it to sites/all/modules directory.
In hook_nodeapi need to use $op "insert" and "update". $op generating by module node and means which operation is performed with node. Insert means new node has been created and update - existing node has been updated.
If you need custom output for this content type then you need to create node-movie.tpl.php in your theme directory.
Code which update the number of casts can looks follow way:
function count_cast_nodeapi(&$node, $op) {
switch ($op) {
case 'update':
case 'insert':
if ($node->type == 'movie') {
$result = db_result(db_query('
SELECT count(field_movie_cast_nid) cnt
FROM {content_field_movie_cast}
WHERE nid = %d
', $node->nid));
$node->field_movie_cast_number[0]['value'] = $result->cnt;
I want to create an drupal page Template depending on the url alias.
Her my current situation:
I create a page named test, the url alias is test, too.
The page template, based on this docu - http://drupal.org/node/1089656 is: page--test.tpl.php.
I cleaned the drupal them cache, but there is still the default page template shown for this page.
What could be the error?
page--test.tpl.php doesn't work because Drupal is using the real path of page--node--#.tpl.php. To get Drupal to recognize aliased paths, you have to add the aliased path as part of the theme suggestions like so:
function MYMODULE_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
// only do this for page-type nodes and only if Path module exists
if (module_exists('path') && isset($vars['node']) && $vars['node']->type == 'page') {
// look up the alias from the url_alias table
$source = 'node/' .$vars['node']->nid;
$alias = db_query("SELECT alias FROM {url_alias} WHERE source = '$source'")->fetchField();
if ($alias != '') {
// build a suggestion for every possibility
$parts = explode('/', $alias);
$suggestion = '';
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if ($suggestion == '') {
// first suggestion gets prefaced with 'page--'
$suggestion .= "page--$part";
} else {
// subsequent suggestions get appended
$suggestion .= "__$part";
// add the suggestion to the array
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = $suggestion;
Source: http://groups.drupal.org/node/130944#comment-425189
i am currently using contact form 7 for wordpress. i would like a unique id for every form filled in and sent.
i have had a look around the internet but cant find anything, although i did find the following:
would there be any easy way to make my own function to do something similar to the above tags? i would need it to be a function to go into my themes function file, so that plugin updates wont affect it.
Cheers Dan
[_serial_number] field is an auto-incremented form submission ID. You just have to have Flamingo plugin installed as well. See http://contactform7.com/special-mail-tags/
(It's the same link as in the question, I guess the field wasn't there when the question was asked).
To generate ID for the Contactform7 you need to hook the 'wpcf7_posted_data'.
However, to generate incremental ID you need to save the forms in database so you can retrieve which ID should be next on next Form submit. For this you will need CFDB plugin (https://cfdbplugin.com/).
If you dont want to put the code inside theme functions.php file, you can use this plugin instead: https://wordpress.org/plugins/add-actions-and-filters/
Example code:
function pk_generate_ID($formName, $fieldName) {
//Retrieve highest ID from all records for given form stored by CFDB, increment by 1 and return.
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/CFDBFormIterator.php');
$start = '001';
$exp = new CFDBFormIterator();
$atts = array();
$atts['show'] = $fieldName;
$atts['filter'] = "$fieldName>=$start&&$fieldName<999999999999"; //is_numeric() is not permitted by default for CFDB filter
$atts['limit'] = '1';
$atts['orderby'] = "$fieldName DESC";
$atts['unbuffered'] = 'true';
$exp->export($formName, $atts);
$found = $start;
while ($row = $exp->nextRow()) {
$row2 = $row[$fieldName];
$row2 += 1;
$found = max($found,$row2);
return $found;
function pk_modify_data( $posted_data){
$formName = 'Form1'; // change this to your form's name
$fieldName = 'ID-1'; // change this to your field ID name
//Get title of the form from private property.
$cf_sub = (array) WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
$cf = (array) $cf_sub["\0WPCF7_Submission\0contact_form"];
$title = (string) $cf["\0WPCF7_ContactForm\0title"];
if ( $posted_data && $title == $formName) ) { //formName match
$posted_data[$fieldName] = pk_generate_ID($formName, $fieldName);
return $posted_data;
add_filter('wpcf7_posted_data', 'pk_modify_data');
I originally started this question in another thread, but that thread was sorta, kinda answered, and now I primarily want to know how to specify another form action... I tried using the code below, but the form action, when output, remains unchanged, although looking at the print_r($form), it's correctly changed... Why isn't it picking up?
function mytheme_user_profile_form($form) {
global $user;
$uid = $user->uid;
//print '<pre>'; print_r($form); print '</pre>';
$category = $form['_category']['#value'];
switch($category) {
case 'account':
$form['#action'] = '/user/'.$uid.'/edit?destination=user/'.$uid;
case 'education':
$form['#action'] = '/user/'.$uid.'/edit/education?destination=user/'.$uid;
case 'experience':
$form['#action'] = '/user/'.$uid.'/edit/experience?destination=user/'.$uid;
case 'publications':
$form['#action'] = '/user/'.$uid.'/edit/publications?destination=user/'.$uid;
case 'conflicts':
$form['#action'] = '/user/'.$uid.'/edit/conflicts?destination=user/'.$uid;
//print '<pre>'; print_r($form); print '</pre>';
//print $form['#action'];
$output .= drupal_render($form);
return $output;
hook_form_alter() is likely the way to go.
Here are some hopefully helpful links:
Form Theming: How do I set $form['action']?
Modifying Forms in Drupal 5 and 6
EDIT: reply to comment #1 below:
How to implement hook_form_alter():
You must create a module (you cannot use template.php). It's easier than it looks.
For a module named "formstuff", you would create formstuff.info and formstuff.module and put them in either sites/all/modules or sites/yoursitename/modules. Set up the .info and .module files per the instructions, then just create the following function in your .module file:
function formstuff_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
// do stuff
This function is a hook because it is named properly (i.e. replace the word 'hook' with the name of your module), and it matches hook_form_alter's function signature (i.e. it takes the same parameters).
Then just enable your module in your site's admin and the hook should do it's magic.
Note that hook_form_alter takes a reference to the form; this allows you to modify it in-place.
You need to put the form_alter function in a module and then use either if or switch to check the form ID. If the form ID is the one you want to alter then give the form an action property
$form['someID'] = array(
'#action' => 'path/you/want',