How to debug a deployed web site -

This question kind of follows on froma previous one I posted.
I have a .net web site deployed on a server.
In certain circumstances the site falls over. Specifically, when I browse to the site from my PC (which has visual studio) to the web server using a particular dns entry.
So, I want to debug a browser session on my PC which is looking to a URL on a web server.
How can I do this?
Within VS when I attach to Internet Explorer no break point is ever reached?
Thanks in advance.

Attaching to Internet Explorer isn't going to help you because the web site doesn't "run" inside IE. You need to attach to the IIS process on the web server to see what's going on.
May I suggest you start by having a look through the basics of production debugging on Tess's blog. I think this would be a great place to start for you.

Sussed it... attach to w3wp.exe on the remote server.
Made easier for me because the app I'm debugging is in its own IIS App Pool so I could see (by the user name) which one of the w3wp.exe to attach to.
Works like a dream!


Debug ASP.NET application hosted on shared server from my VS2010 IDE

i have web site and it is hosted on shared server ORCSWEB. now when i testing one page locally then i found it is running fine but when i test the same page putting our live site url then i found it is not working. so i want to test that from live site but from my own VS2010 IDE and want to set break point. i just do not know is it possible or not but i can not install any remote debugger there due to lack of access.
i visit this url for gudance
but i could not help me. thanks
I'm not an Orcsweb customer, but you cannot do Remote Debugging unless the VS Remote Debugger service is running on the target machine. If I were a shared webhost then I wouldn't provide this service to my customers because it's a massive security liability.
Out of curiosity, why can't you fix it based on any exception reports generated right now?

How can I test pages with web services when only Cassini is available (no IIS allowed)?

I'm developing a web site in a high-security environment. For example, we use CAC cards to authenticate users over SSL.
The site is a mix of VB.NET and C# on .NET 3.5 with some AJAX. The AJAX parts are now calling web services for things like Cascading Drop Down Lists.
We've been running VS2008 configured on our local PCs to use IIS instead of the default server (Cassini). However, some security policies were rolled out to the desktops over the weekend and, suddenly, we're not allowed to run IIS on our PCs anymore.
I already have some of our IT people trying to appeal for waivers for developers. In the meantime, I need to find a way to keep developing.
If I turn off the SSL requirement to the 'secure' part of the application (locally, my PC only) I can serve up some of the pages (using Cassini) when I hit "F5", but pages with web services just bring up "server application unavailable".
I need to be able to add some more functions into the existing web services, among other things, so the ability to single-step through the code is still a necessity.
I'm sure someone who is limited to using Cassini has found a way to Build/Debug pages in VS2008 when webservices are involved.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: As it turns out, some links had "HTTPS://" hard-coded in them (I inherited these). Changing the link to "~\folder\page.aspx" allowed Cassini to properly serve things up.
Note that using Cassini is the default for VS2k8, even for Web Services. Try starting a new HelloWorld web service project and confirm if you can debug it.
OK So that worked. Then change the debugging options of your real project back to using Cassini rather than IIS. I wouldn't move the project (although backing it up might not be a bad idea) as you might be able to get IIS working again.
EDIT: So your actual problem wasn't to do with web services, just hard-coded URLs. (We have similar problem where much of the site works where ever the root of the website is, but some places, such as "main menu" links, expect the root to be the root of the webserver.)
You proabbly need to contact your IT department and have them open up something on the network so you can call the services - a port on a firewall, for instance.

Debug a hosted site?

Is it possible to debug (with VS 2008) a site at my host? I have no particular control of the server, I'm only allowed to upload my website files to the server. I can however upload .pdb files etc.
The reason for me wanting this is because the site works fine on my dev machine, but refuses to show even the first page when deployed on the server (404-error).
Maybe a long-shot, but in my experience the "works-on-my-machine-but-returns-404-on-the-server" problem is often a consequence of that the WebServer Extension "ASP.NET v2.0.50727" is prohibited.
As Ganesh R points out, it may sound like your application never gets startet.
As for the debugging part, I don't think you would be able to pull that off...
Debugging requires that certain debugging components are installed and enabled on the server. This is highly unlikely to be the case on any production hosting platform.
Contact your hosting provider - they will usually be quite willing to help you diagnose the problem you are encountering.

Debugging with VS2008 will not work after changing Hostname

I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 on XP Pro SP3.
Developing against http://localhost/ everything including debugging works fine.
I need a second website on my machine. IIS 5.1 only allows one website at a time so I used the JetStat XP Pro IIS Admin tool to create a second website. This runs by stopping the Default website and starting the other.
I have added the new website name into the Hosts file and mapped to
Websites can be accessed via this address http://NewHostname/VirtualDirectoryName
Projects can be started without debugging (Web Applications & Websites).
However, when I try to debug I get an error: "Unable to start debugging on the web server. An authentication error occurred while communicating with the web server."
Integrated Authentication is enabled in IIS.
I have seen a lot of documentation with many fixes for "unable to start debugging on the web server" errors but they all seem like huge overkill for my problem, after all, debugging works fine provided I'm not doing it on this different hostname. They talk about doing things that I would do if debugging did not work at all even with http://localhost/.
Is there a place where I can just add this new hostname so that VS debugging is allowed? Do I need to change permissions somewhere? I feel like there should be a really simple solution that I'm just overlooking.
Here's a description of the problem:
And here's the recommended registry workaround:
Do yourself a favour and download IIS Admin .NET.
This handy little tool allows you to switch between your websites at a snip - each one will become localhost when activated, and crucially, get you out of this debug debacle.
You do have to add the hostname to a value within the registry.. but I can't remember where.
Since you can only have one website running at a time, why don't you just have them all running as 'localhost'? This way you don't have to change any annoying registry settings but you still have your applications running in individual IIS Websites.

How do you debug ASP.NET applications under IIS7 on Vista?

There is a post on titled "Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0", but I don't quite believe that's what people do. (Among other gems, it suggests publishing your web app after every change.)
If you debug your ASP.NET applications in IIS7 instead of Cassini, I would love to hear your methods, tips, and tricks.
Edit: I'm referring specifically to local debugging.
I believe I pointed you toward that guide, but as I look closer at it I think that's a little more elaborate than what I do. I have done the following:
Create a web site in IIS for your project.
Add a custom host header to that site, for example http://mysite:*/ or http://mysite:80/
Open the hosts file located at C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc in notepad (Run As Admin if you're on Vista) and add the following line:
If you have more than one host header on your website in IIS, you need to have each one represented in the hosts file.
Now, when you press F5 in Visual Studio, the site will open with the url http://mysite and you'll be able to debug, set breakpoints etc as usual, except with no Cassini related problems... ;)
Edit: For clarification, I just want to point out that I have never had to attach any process to VS, as far as I know. At the very least I do not have to do it every time.
I simply attach Visual Studio to the IIS worker process, if you have multiple app pools then you can run "issapp" to get the appropriate PID.
I never debug by clicking "Start Debugging".
This has a nice advantage of working on remote servers as well, if you have installed msvcmon.
Well, setting up IIS 7 for debugging isn't terribly tricky, but what I prefer to do to save time (and if I'm uninterested in debugging from a cold start) is to launch the Web Application/Web Site in a web browser first - let precompile etc.
Then I'll attach to the IIS process using Visual Studio. Once attached I can go about setting breakpoints and debugging, I find this is a faster way to get going.
I launch Visual Studio as an Administrator, then Debug > Attach to Process > w3wp.exe.
