Is it considered bad practice to perform HTTP POST without entity body? - http

I need to invoke a process which doesn't require any input from the user, just a trigger. I plan to use POST /uri without a body to trigger the process. I want to know if this is considered bad from both HTTP and REST perspectives?

I asked this question on the IETF HTTP working group a few months ago. The short answer is: NO, it's not a bad practice (but I suggest reading the thread for more details).

Using a POST instead of a GET is perfectly reasonable, since it also instructs the server (and gateways along the way) not to return a cached response.

POST is completely OK. In difference of GET with POST you are changing the state of the system (most likely your trigger is "doing" something and changing data).
I used POST already without payload and it "feels" OK. One thing you should do when using POST without payload: Pass header Content-Length: 0. I remember problems with some proxies when I api-client didn't pass it.

If you use POST /uri without a body it is something like using a function which does not take an argument .e.g int post (void); so it is reasonable to have function to your resource class which can change the state of an object without having an argument. If you consider to implement the Unix touch function for a URI, is not it be good choice?

Yes, it's OK to send a POST request without a body and instead use query string parameters. But be careful if your parameters contain characters that are not HTTP valid you will have to encode them.
For example if you need to POST 'hello world' to and end point you would have to make it look like this:

Support for the answers that POST is OK in this case is that in Python's case, the OpenAPI framework "FastAPI" generates a Swagger GUI (see image) that doesn't contain a Body section when a method (see example below) doesn't have a parameter to accept a body.
the method "post_disable_db" just accepts a path parameter "db_name" and doesn't have a 2nd parameter which would imply a mandatory body.'/{db_name}/disable',
async def post_disable_db(db_name: str):
response: ResponseSuccess = Handlers.databases_handler.post_change_db_enabled_state(db_name, False)
except HTTPException as e:
raise (e)
except Exception as e:
logger.exception(f'Changing state of DB to enabled=False failed due to: {e.__repr__()}')
raise HTTPException(HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, detail=e.__repr__())
return response


Tracing an HTTP request in Go in a one structured log line

I have learned you can "decorate" the HTTP transport so that you can details of the request, however I can't quite figure out how you log the URL in the same line.
results in
INFO[0000] Client request dns_start_ms=0 first_byte_ms=590 response_code=200 total_ms=590 url=
INFO[0000] 200
I'm perpetually confused if I should be using to pass around the context in a struct, especially in light where concludes with pass context.Context in as an argument.
Go through the behaviour of how the request is constructed in request.go from net/http. You see that the RequestURI field is never set there. Quoting from same reference,
Usually the URL field should be used instead.
It is an error to set this field in an HTTP client request
So, I would suggest you to use request.URL instead.
It is a parsed from the request uri. It should have the data you need.
You can construct the output as following:
f := log.Fields{
"url": fmt.Sprintf("%s %s%s", r.Method, r.URL.Host, r.URL.Path),
Also, in my experience, it is far more easier to use context.WithValue and pass the context as an argument.
Replace r.RequestURI by r.URL.String() in your code to log the full, valid URL ( RequestURI is empty on the client side (, as the output from your code is showing.
I don't see how context.Context relates to your question, but I believe is considered "best practice".

javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications

I'm building a custom dynamicValue extension for paw. However i'm not able to set header in the evaluate method. See the sample code below:
evaluate(context) {
const request = context.getCurrentRequest();
request.setHeader('Content-Type', this.contentType); // <-- this gives warning
return this.createSignable(request); // This returns a base64 string.
I get the warning saying Javascript extension error: Cannot perform modifications and the header is not set. ( when i comment out request.setHeader call, i get no warnings)
Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?
This is correct, you cannot use setters (set any value) in a dynamic value. In fact, the way Paw evaluates dynamic values is asynchronous and as multiple evaluations can take place simultaneously it would be impossible to record the modifications. For this reason, Paw is simply denying changes and no change is persisted during evaluation.
In the documentation, it's specified that these methods (like setHeaders) is only available for importer extensions. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I think to achieve what you're trying to do, you would need two dynamic values one set in the Authorization header and one set in the Content-Type header.
Alternatively, in the future we're going to add request post-processors, so you'll be able to mutate the computed request ready to be sent to the server for additional modifications.

Is it valid to combine a form POST with a query string?

I know that in most MVC frameworks, for example, both query string params and form params will be made available to the processing code, and usually merged into one set of params (often with POST taking precedence). However, is it a valid thing to do according to the HTTP specification? Say you were to POST to:
... and submit some update like a change to the book name whose book code is 1234, you'd be wanting the processing code to take both the bookCode query string param into account, and the POSTed form params with the updated book information. Is this valid, and is it a good idea?
Is it valid according HTTP specifications ?
Here is the general syntax of URL as defined in those specs
http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]]
There is no additional constraints on the form of the http_URL. In particular, the http method (i.e. POST,GET,PUT,HEAD,...) used don't add any restriction on the http URL format.
When using the GET method : the server can consider that the request body is empty.
When using the POST method : the server must handle the request body.
Is it a good idea ?
It depends what you need to do. I suggest you this link explaining the ideas behind GET and POST.
I can think that in some situation it can be handy to always have some parameters like the user language in the query part of the url.
I know that in most MVC frameworks, for example, both query string params and form params will be made available to the processing code, and usually merged into one set of params (often with POST taking precedence).
Any competent framework should support this.
Is this valid
Yes. The POST method in HTTP does not impose any restrictions on the URI used.
is it a good idea?
Obviously not, if the framework you are going to use is still clue-challenged. Otherwise, it depends on what you want to accomplish. The major use case (redirection of a data subset to a new POST target) has been irretrievably broken by browser implementations (all mechanically following the broken lead of Mosaic/Netscape), so the considerations here are mostly theoretical.

Sending POST with groovy and data is already URL-encoded

I'm trying to send a POST using Groovy HTTPBuilder but the data I want to send is already URL-encoded so I want HTTPBuilder to POST it as is. I tried the following:
def validationString = "cmd=_notify-validate&" + postData
def http = new HTTPBuilder(grailsApplication.config.grails.paypal.server)
http.request(Method.POST) {
uri.path = "/"
body = validationString
requestContentType = ContentType.TEXT
response.success = { response ->
println response.statusLine
But it gives me a NullPointerException:
Since you're using pre-encoded form values you cannot use the default map-based content type encoder. You must specify the content type so the EncoderRegistry knows how to handle the body.
You may create the HttpBuilder with a content type that specifies the body is a URL-encoded string:
def http = new HTTPBuilder(url, ContentType.URLENC)
Or make the request passing the content type explicitly:
http.request(Method.POST, ContentType.URLENC) {
// etc.
For reference, here's how I figured it out--I didn't know before I read the question.
Looked at the request method's API docs to see what the closure was expected to contain. I've used HTTPBuilder only in passing, so I wanted to see what, specifically, the body "should" be, or "may" be, and if the two were different.
The four-arg version of the request method links to the RequestConfigDelegate class and said the options were discussed in its docs.
The RequestConfigDelegate.setBody method, which is what the body setter is, states the body "[...] may be of any type supported by the associated request encoder. That is, the value of body will be interpreted by the encoder associated with the current request content-type."
The request encoder link is to the EncoderRegistry class. It has an encode_form method taking a string and states it "assumes the String is an already-encoded POST string". Sounds good.
The request content-type link was to an HttpBuilder inner class method, RequestConfigDelegate.getRequestContentType, which in turn had a link to the ContentType enum.
That enum has a URLENC value that led me to believe it'd be the best first guess.
I tried the HTTPBuilder ctor taking a content type, and that worked.
Circled back to the request methods and noticed there's a version also taking a content type.
I'd guess the total time was ~5-10 minutes, much shorter than it took to type up what I did. Hopefully it'll convince you, though, that finding this kind of stuff out is possible via the docs, in relatively short order.
IMO this is a critical skill for developers to groom, and make you look like a hero. And it can be fun.

Are PUT and POST requests required/expected to have a request body?

I'm writting a RESTful api, and at I'm thinking about the process of a user creating a key. I have the following possibilities:
GET request to /new/<keyname> - although it's very easy I think I won't use this, because I heard GET is for retrieving and/or listing information;
POST request to /<keyname> - This seemed to me easy and simple enough, but does not pass any data in the request body. Can I do it this way ? Is this weird ?
POST request to /keys passing in the request body "keyname=SomeKey" - Is this the correct way ?
I looked at this API from joyent and in all their PUT and POST requests they pass some data in the request body. Is this expected ? Is it really wrong not to require a request body in a PUT and POST request ?
I asked this question on the Http-WG. This was the most precise answer I got
In summary, POST does not require a body. I would expect the same justification can be applied to PUT.
RFC2616 is the base RFC for HTTP 1.1
In the most general form, an HTTP message is this (note the optional body):
generic-message = start-line
*(message-header CRLF)
[ message-body ]
start-line = Request-Line | Status-Line
Reading further gives this:
9.5 POST
The POST method is used to request that the origin server accept the
entity enclosed in the request as a new subordinate of the resource
identified by the Request-URI in the Request-Line. ...
9.6 PUT
The PUT method requests that the enclosed entity be stored under the
supplied Request-URI. ...
The fundamental difference between the POST and PUT requests is
reflected in the different meaning of the Request-URI. The URI in a
POST request identifies the resource that will handle the enclosed
entity. That resource might be a data-accepting process, a gateway to
some other protocol, or a separate entity that accepts annotations.
In contrast, the URI in a PUT request identifies the entity enclosed
with the request -- the user agent knows what URI is intended and the
server MUST NOT attempt to apply the request to some other resource.
Both POST and PUT include the phrase entity enclosed in the request.
Based on my reading, I believe that a body is desired (a non-normative description, I know) for both POST and PUT.
In the context of REST, POST is create and PUT is update. I can imagine creating an empty object (perhaps a placeholder for future information), but I don't imagine much use of an empty update.
It is not required. You can send a POST/PUT request without a body and instead use query string parameters. But be careful if your parameters contain characters that are not HTTP valid you will have to encode them.
For example if you need to POST 'hello world' to and end point you would have to make it look like this:
Probably the best way is your third option: POST to /keys with keyname=SomeKey.
Here's why: You may wish to add another function to your API, for example create_new_user. It would then be difficult to tell the difference between a user trying to POST a key called create_new_user and a user trying to use the create_new_user function.
You are correct in saying that you should not be using GET to do this operation as the GET operation "SHOULD NOT have the significance of taking an action
other than retrieval." (RFC 2616).
To answer your question in one line. Yes it is expected to have Body/Content in body, but it is not required(Mandatory).
According to okHttp3 (an HTTP library for android): the following methods need a body: POST, PUT, PATCH, PROPPATCH (WebDAV) and REPORT (source). It even crashes if you try to do a request with the given methods without a body.
