combine multiple pdfs(using url path) using tool like iText for dot net - pdfsharp

Ho can I combine multiple pdfs(using url path) into one using tool like iText.
I am able to combine pdfsfrom my c# code using iText when the files are stored on my hard disk(local path).
But unable to combine when I am given the url to pdfs.
Thanks in advance

The PDF files must be downloaded in order to be combined.
So the question is: who will download the files, your app or the lib you are using?
PDFsharp cannot download PDF files from URLs yet. This could be implemented but I think it doesn't make much sense; you're much more flexible if you download the PDF files with your own code, retrying the download if it failed if you want.
Downloading them to MemoryStreams will do, no need to create temporary files.
I don't know if iText or iTextSharp will do the download for you.


Is there any way to convert a "bundled" MeteorJs source code to a normal source code?

I have a .tar.gz file of a MeteorJS application. This file was created using this command "meteor build --architecture=os.linux.x86_64 ./". I don't have original source code of this app because the author dev disappeared totally. Now I want to convert the .tar.gz file to a normal MeteorJS source code to add some changes (add third-party packages ...). So is there any way to do this? If not, is there any way to add new third-party packages to the app? Thank you in advance!
I think you probably can reconstruct it.
Looking at one of my projects, under
This file is a concatenation of my source files. You could probably write a script to unpack this into separate files. I don't know if anyone has done it before, but it might be useful to post the tool when you have built it.

open and compare autocad files in

How can I view and compare AutoCAD files in asp?
I have no idea what to do.
I need to display a project's files to show. But I do not know how we should not do
Dry hard stage is how I compare two files together
You can use AutoCAD I/O webservice to open and extract information from DWG files. And use View & Data to visualize the files on your ASP.NET application. Check this sample on Github.

Creating Documentation Using QtHelp Module

Qt provides two kinds of help files: Qt Compressed Help (.qch) and Qt Help Collection (.qhc).
The first one actually contains compressed help data (html pages, images etc). The second one contains references to different compressed help files.
Both Qt Assistant and QHelpEngine are using collection files to display help. So I need at least two files to provide documentation for my application: .qch and .qhc.
I want to have a single help file to be used by Qt Help API (e.g. like a .chm help file in Windows).
Is it possible?
I don't think it is possible to create a chm file using QtHelp module since chm files are Microsoft specific and not an independent format.
But all the chm files are opened by the hh.exe application that belongs to HTML Help workshop. I have accessed chm files for opening a specified html page using hh application.
You can have a look over here in my answer.
If there are command line options provided by Microsoft to compile chm files either by hh or through HTML Help workshop command line (if any), you can do that by running the command in QProcess. You have to probe more into that.
Or you can create chm files manually using HTML Help workshop and integrate the chm files into the application.
Hope that helps in giving you a start.
I have not tried this but have a look at chm2qch, Tool for converting Windows CHM files to Qt Help format.

Library to compress a file as a.qzip

I have some files whose extension is qzip, for example a.qzip.
It seems that those files are compressed with a library of qt.
Could anyone tell me what it is?
Thankyou very much.
According to this FAQ page:
Qt uses the zlib library to provide compression. This means that you can compress and decompress your bytearrays of data using Qt. [...]
Note that this does not produce file archives that can be opened by other applications, to do that you will need to write it yourself using Qt’s custom file handling system or use a 3rd party library.
Which if someone (lazily) created a file using qCompress() you would need to write your own code to read the file as a QByteArray then use the corresponding qUncompress() method to read it. There is no official qzip format related to Qt that I know, so you should probably go and slap the developer who made these files if it works out!
In general, if you want to compress data that will be reusable, use a common file format.
This was the only reference I have found on the entire www over qzip.

How sites build zip files online for download?

I want to know that how many sites like jqueryui, etc. build online zip packages for download.
And how it can be done in ?
To compress/minify javascript files you could use the YUI compressor which has a .NET port. The Google Closure Compiler is also worth checking. You could use it online or compile its JAR package to .NET assembly using ikvmc. To create a zip file you may take a look at SharpZipLib.
I take the compress as minified, and not as encrypted and compress on string.
As alternative I like to propose the Microsoft Ajax Minified 4.0, that I use it with sussex on very complicate and big javascript files (including jQuery) for real time compress them/minified them...
and the next to zip it, I suggest SharpZipLib but also the DotNetZip
