Problems css height and positioning of text fields in form - css

I'm having a problem with a textarea and submitbuttons in my form.
Here's a first screenshot of a seemingly normal situation:
And here's what happens if I set the textarea to have 30 columns:
The textarea just went right over the buttons. I'd expect the buttons to be pushed down. Or anything below it, for that matter. What do I need to set to make this happen?

Most likely (and you should show more CSS code to be sure) you have your labels/fields floated inside an element with fixed height..
Use an element with clear:both after the textarea..


How to set margins on floated DIVS

This is a problem that for some odd reason I run into only sometimes. But how would I set a floated DIV's margin? I use negative pixels and seem to achieve the results, but when I view the page in the editor window of a CMS (ezPublisher) it looks totally disgusting and broken, but in the browser it is fine (being broken in the editor window will not fly here)
When I set an element to float:right, it kicks it way far to the left of the page, when I set the margin-left dimensions, it doesn't go anywhere.
So in short, I'm trying to ask: when I float an element to the right, what side to I set the dimensions on? margin-left? or margin-right?
Here is the page with
.articleCover {
Furthermore, I always though that you place floated elements before the element that they float next to in the markup. However, I see it either way sometimes. Thanks for the help, and I hope I was clear on my issue.

Hover not recognized on floating dynamically generated element (bx slider)

I am using bx Slider, using external controls for previous and next slide.
All is working fine. However, I am using floating elements for the controls, since I want them in a line and filling the whole containing div (as in this question CSS three inline elements with align from left to right, how to occupy all available width )
However, the controls are generated dynamically by bxSlider, and for some strange reason, if the elements are floating hover is not recognized
Here is an example page:
If I turn the float off with firebug to #external_promo_controls div hover is recognized again.
If the links are not generated dynamically the problem does not show up.
On Chrome the same happens.
I have totally no idea about what is happening.
Could try to figure out something avoiding to use float elements, but then I will be back again to my first question...
If you expect your floated element to fill the whole space, try setting it to display:block explicitly, if it is not already. If that doesn't work, try setting a large z-index on it to guarantee nothing hidden is getting above it.

CSS line-height smaller than font-size results in odd overflow within a div

I've encountered some bizarre CSS behavior. However, it works exactly the same across Firefox, Chrome and IE (9) so I suspect it is a part of the CSS standard, however, I cannot find any reference to why it might be the case.
I have a div with some text in it. When I set the font-size larger than the line height, the height of the div is calculated using the line-height, but the content is much larger. That is, the text in the box is much larger than the box itself. I have a jsfiddle with the situation here:
If you move the mouse to above the bounding box, you can see the hover css activates before you enter the div. Similarly, clicking close to, but still outside of the box activates the javascript click event. It's slightly easier to see where the content box is here:
The height is correctly calculated when the display property on the div is set to inline (which I can't do for various styling reasons). Also, the issue is solved if I set the overflow property to hidden. To me this indicates that the content is larger than its containing box, but I am not sure why. In particular I want to know why the "height" css box model property of the object is smaller than its actual height as displayed on the page.
I've had a look through the CSS spec, and I didn't see my answer there, but I suspect there may be something there I am missing.
I've found the following link which makes some reference to the problem I am having, but I have no idea what their source is, or why it might be the case.
Also, in response to some answers I have received, I am not looking for how to fix my css so the hover issue doesn't appear anymore, I am looking for why it's happening in the first place.
Edit Again
Apparently, any content of the box, no matter whether inside the box's boundaries or not invokes hover on the box. (See Mr. Lister's comment on This answer. What I'd really like to know is where in the specification this behavior comes from. Is it in there? Or is it an implementation that all browsers have agreed on?
Use overflow:hidden to hide anything outside of the div.
Its acting correctly as children can exist & be hoverable outside of the block area of an element.
This technique is used frequently to move inner pieces of block elements by using negative-margin/padding/absolute positioning etc. yet those pieces will always maintain the hover-ability of the parent.
The div is not incorrectly sized. It is the normal behavior.
You have used CSS incorrectly. The div-height is defined by the number of lines in it. You have given a bigger font-size than line-height, that means it can be only taken the max-line-height to define the number of needed lines.
By the way, what sense makes it to define the font-seize larger than the line-height?

CSS pushing container down after button

Ah, yet another CSS issue I'm having.
I'm attempting to use custom buttons, replacing a LinkButton with an image. I have the button working, but now the content below the button is not being pushed down. Have tried various things, but can't seem to find the answer.
Here's a jFiddle:
Basically, the div id = sampleForm (the white form box) should start 5px after the div class = action-buttons. Currently the white box contains the red button.
All of the contents of your action-buttons are being absolutely positioned, which takes them out of the normal flow and makes the container have 0 height. Either get rid of the absolute positioning, or specify a height for your action-buttons div.

Contact form contents spilling out of container div on window resize

I'm trying to get my contact form to not spill its contents out of the parent div when I resize the viewport. How can I go about doing this? I have used float clearing to prevent this as I understood it was supposed to be used, but it isn't working.
What should I do to fix this?
here is the page in question.
also I have a similar problem with the header.. the menu drops below the header text if I make the browser window smaller.
Thanks for any help you all have to offer.
On quick look, I would do either of these two things in your case:
Option 1:
Set a "min-width" for the #contact container. This would prevent it from becoming smaller than the table inside it when re-sized, but keep it's fluidity.
Option 2:
Remove any floats from the form table and ensure that the table has a "min-width" or any fixed width. Given that you're using a table-cell approach (which I personally also like for forms), there shouldn't be a need to float any table elements. The resizing of the parent container would then stop at the form fields.
Hope that helps.
