I need to remove classes from different elements within the #media print on my CSS and add those classes on the #media screen.
Is there anyway to remove classes from the CSS file?
Something like:
#media print{
.element{/*Remove class*/}
#media screen{
.element{/*Add class*/}
I need to remove ui-tabs-hide added by a jQuery function (which hides the element in a weird way, as its not display:block or display:none) class from those elements at the time of printing and putting it back when finished printing.
No. CSS can't modify the DOM, only its presentation.
CSS can't take out elements from the HTML document, however you could try something like:
#media print{
display: none;
This would tell the printed media to not display this element.
you can use jQuery to do this.
$(<element>).removeClass() // or removeClass(<the class to be removed>)
$(<element>).addClass(<new class>)
if you want to do this on loading of the page, you can include this in the document ready function (as shown below)
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(<element>).addClass(<new class>)
i have tried to write css for the “item-native” class in ion-item but it was not applied how can i write custom css for the “item-native” class
Use this:
ion-item::part(native) {
/* Custom CSS here */
If your style does not working that means either your other styles are overwriting your custom css or you have written your styles at wrong place.
Just try writing first at the root css, just for the testing whether it works or not.
.item-native {
// Add your custom css here, write important at the end like this
color: red !important;
I have application and I want to have print button that print my page, but with original style from css. Already I have button that evoke function window.print(). Also i have print.scss with styles
#media print {
header {display:none;}
footer {display:none;}
button {visibility: hidden;}
Problem is that I want to have original styles from my styles files (there are many).
(I cut off buttons on purpose.)
Okey I found solution, it was just no background colors attached. In media query for print I just added this:
-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important;
I have a site.css and something similar to mobile.css.
What I am building is a webpage where you can preview the app you've made. Imagine it like a site devided in half where one half has a panel with controls while the other one has the preview (div), curently designed as a mobile phone.
So what I am actually doing is a mobile phone on my site (preview), but the problem is that I dont know how to use the mobile.css file in the preview div only.
Is there a way to import a CSS file for one div (and its children)?
A simplified look of my page: https://jsfiddle.net/kc8rgde2/1/
<iframe>, <style scoped> or external CSS preprocesors are not an option.
I kinda decided to go with SASS as it was the easiest to understand and Visual Studio had a nice extension for it.
Thank you for all the help.
I had an idea. It could work, and it needs a lot of testing.Check this fiddle ->
Basically, as you can see, in the fiddle there's no bootstrap loaded.
I load bootstrap, and access the file using the CDN link from an AJAX request.
The response of the ajax, is the content of the bootstrap css file (minified version) - (check the console!)
What i do after, is replacing all the classes (dots) with ("#phonePreview .") and this prepends the phone preview div id to all the classes.
$(document).ready(function() {
.done(function(response) {
var res = response.replace(/\./g,'#phonePreview .')
console.debug (res);
$('<style />').text(res).appendTo($('body'))
Prepending the parent id means that the classes are applied only to #phonePreview children.
It's just a starting point, but with some work it could work!
If you want to use styles specifically for devices under a certain size you could use media queries:
#media only screen and (max-width: 431px) {
.myDiv {
style: style;
style: style;
#div2 {
style: style;
style: style;
max-width: 431px means devices that are 431px or lower in width. You could also use height and change it to min-width.
I am working with Drupal and with that, I don't always have the freedom to add a class by altering a html tag, however. I would like to apply some Twitter Bootstrap styling on an element from my custom.css file (the bootstrap css file is loaded, so styling is available).
To illustrate it better, for example, I would like to apply class="img-polaroid" (TB base styling) to an image that I can interface as div.someClass in my custom css stylesheet. I don't have simple way to alter the img tag to have class="img-polaroid someClass".
I would like to accomplish the same in my custom stylesheet. In another words, the merge happens not in the html tag but in the css stylesheet itself. How can I accomplish this with the current technologies in place? Are we there to make this possible?
Thank You
p.s. I am aware of alternatives:
-use JS to append class
-Copy and past the styling of class="img-polaroid" into div.someClass {...}
But both seem like not so nice solutions
How you go about this depends on which CSS Preprocessor you're using. You must choose one if you want to avoid modifying TB itself or the markup.
.foo {
#extend .bar;
.bar, .foo {
// styles
.foo {
.bar {
// styles
.foo {
// styles
You can locate the part of the CSS code that you want to apply to the element in the bootstrap stylesheet and rewrite the selectors or copy the code to another file with new selectors so the style applies to both
.my-new selector{
I have a button in asp.net (c#) that I want after click this button I could print from my html table that is in a update panel ,I only want Print my html table not all page
is there any component?
thanx very much
2 ways to handle it:
CSS to define a print media
Reporting services, hit the data directly from a sproc / direct table
and print a table layout of the data.
Based on OP comment
Straight from W3c:
Read specifically about print media, it means you can define a .css file in your asp.net project with the media type "print":
#media print {
/* style sheet for print goes here */
This is nice because you can now define CSS to hide all elements on your screen:
Except the div / table of your choice:
#myDiv {
display: block;
In your asp.net page you have this define:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" title="Printer-Friendly Style"
type="text/css" href="printStyle.css">
This tells your application to use the printStyle.css file when it comes to printing your page.
And once you do try to print the app will use printStyle and all the formatting and styles you have defined.
Here is a good example: https://web.archive.org/web/20200724145536/http://www.4guysfromrolla.com:80/demos/printMediaCss.html
For the second point, if you are running SQL Server, reporting services is free. Of course you will need to set this up and deploy reports. Its a bit out of the scope of this question. If you do have reporting services you may want to open a new topic and ask questions about it.
Otherwise just create a print style css file.
You can probably use the CSS #print Media Type to hide the stuff you don't want to print.
Check out the w3 Schools tutorial for a basic overview.
You can use CSS classes to define media type like #print, #screen and then mark appropriate parts of your webapge with those classes.
For the button to do the print, you will need to add: onClientClick="window.print()" to the button's definition.
Use CSS like this:
#media print
printOnly {display:block;}
screenOnly {display:none;}
#media screen
printOnly {display:none;}
screenOnly {display:block;}
Then simply decorate your DIVs or other elements with the classes:
<div class="screenOnly">this will not print but will show on screen</div> or
<div class="printOnly">this will not show on screen but will print</div>