How do I set a CSS url to an absolute location? - css

I'm working on an HTML5 mobile app and I initially have the background of a DIV item set through the CSS as follows:
background-image: url('images/ClanSpider.png');
In my app, I have a method that changes the background DIV based on a selection made in a dropdown list from a previous method using jQuery:
function ResetMyHonor()
ClanImage = 'images/Clan' + MyClanName + '.png';
$("#MyHonorBox").css('backgroundImage', 'url(' + ClanImage + ')');
All of this works fine when I'm on the root of my page. However, I have some links within the app using hash tags to navigate the page (such as #MyHonor). When I've navigated to one of these tags and call my reset function above, the image breaks. When I pull up the Chrome Inspector to look at the DIV tag, it says that the image it is trying to load is "images/MyHonor/ClanSpider.png" which doesn't exist.
I know the CSS url will generate links in reference to its location within the application, but it doesn't matter where I move the CSS files in the application.
Is there a way for me to rewrite what comes out of the url processing or an alternate way of specifying the background image of the DIV without doing any kind of server side processing? Ideally this app will run through the manifest cache feature of HTML5, so I won't have access to any server based languages.

Try putting a leading slash on those paths to represent the root.
ie use:
instead of

From reading through your comments on the other answers I think you're creating a problem for yourself that doesn't really exist. If url('/images/ClanSpider.png') is going to work when you upload to the web server then the trick is to make it work the same way when working locally. By far the easiest way to do this, especially if your focus is an offline app which has little in the way of server side requirements (which I'm assuming is true, as you mentioned file:/// URIs), is to run a local web server.
Python ships with a module SimpleHTTPServer, if you have Python installed then starting it is as simple as going to your L5RHonor project directory in a command prompt and issuing the following command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Then instead of accessing your files with URIs like this:
You will access them like this:
All your root relative file paths will now work correctly, as an added bonus the offline caching will work correctly in Chrome and you'll be able to see from the log in the command prompt window that it is requesting and caching the correct files according to your manifest.

The simplest solution is obviously adding a slash to the URL to make it absolute. That will work fine, but it makes it impossible to move the application into a sub-directory, or to move static resources to a different server. If that is a problem, there are various alternative ways.
If the number of possible background images is finite, you could define every one in a class of its own:
.bgSpider { background-image: url('images/ClanSpider.png'); }
.bgFalcon { background-image: url('images/ClanFalcon.png'); }
and then do an .addClass() to set the correct image.
Other than that, as far as I know, there is no way to specify a path relative to the style sheet (rather than the current document) when setting a background image path in Javascript. You would have to work with absolute paths, or define a root path in JavaScript, and use that:
// in the script head
imageRoot = "";
// later....
$("#MyHonorBox").css('backgroundImage', 'url(' + imageRoot + ClanImage + ')');

The location of the CSS file is irrelevant, you are modifying the .style property of an HTML element. This is the same as using the style attribute.
As this is CSS embedded in the document, all URIs are relative to the document.
You probably want to start the URL with a /, or if you really want the absolute location specified in your question: http://

Try adding a / at the start of the URL?


Coding with Sublime Text - having trouble with filepath's in css

So I code in Sublime Text 2 combining HTML, CSS, and jQuery to make web designs.
For some reason, when I am trying to specify a location of a file, say Pic01.jpg in the folder images, you would suspect typing in /images/Pic01.jpg should be enough to tell the browser where the picture is located.
But this is not the case. I find myself needing to specify the exact location of the file before the browser will render it. Like; User/Desktop/siteOne/images/Pic01.jpg
This path system is very inconvenient, as I would like to say - export my sites to different computers, but now the code is bound to that specific location on that specific computer.
How can I set it up to make /images/Pic01.jpg sufficient coding for the browser (or Sublime?) to understand what needs to be rendered?
Prepending the path by / means that it will start it search at the root, which can change depending on your server configuration.
With WAMP/MAMP, I have to prepend my URLs by / and then the name of the folder they are in, if they are not at the absolute root of the server. It depends on your setup.
If you want paths that will work regardless of the server root, it's best to use a relative path or use a constant that can easily be changed depending on the configuration.
Example :
define("PATH", "/");
Link that always work
You will only have one line to change to make your paths work all the time with a different configuration - relative paths can be tricky to deal with when working in deep sub-folders.
Furthermore, if you want to see where it's actually looking for the file, open the Console in your web browser of choice, they should display the error (404 most likely) and the path it's looking at.

why I cannot change my background for a div

This is my coding, I want to change my background-image, but it seems not working.
I have tried this coding, it is not working, i don't know what's wrong.
<header style="background-image:url('C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/desktop/images/navigationBackground.jpg')"></header>
Because you are using full path of file instead of URL.
Change url to http://localhost/images/navigationBackground.jpg, or better without server name, just relative url images/navigationBackground.jpg (and move image to web accessable location instead of desktop)
you have to specify the url of the image, instead of the filesystem path
You should restructure your webpage path. You can put all your resources in a single folder and just specify the url of your image, instead of using filesystem path.

Working with iframes with the moovweb sdk

I've created a project with the moovweb sdk and have trouble editing the content within an iframe on one of the pages. For instance, moving a div around inside the iframe doesn't seem to work with the tritium I'm writing. What can I do with tritium to make this work? The domains are different FYI.
Unfortunately, Tritium only allows you to edit the attributes of the iframe itself, not the content within.
This is because the request for content in the iframe is made after the browser constructs the DOM of the main page. Tritium can only intercept the first request for the main page, not the second request for content from a different domain.
I know of two workarounds:
Add the second website as a Moovweb project and you will be able to use Tritium to manipulate the content. Then you can point the iframe of the original page to this new content.
Use JavaScript/AJAX to modify the iframe's content.
However there are implications for production domains... I'm afraid I may have rushed this answer and will update it after I do more research.
If the iframe is on the same origin ( or on an origin you have in your config.json you can absolutely use tritium! However, maybe not in the way you expect!
So, the iFrame is going to make a separate request to the src attribute's location. If you ensure this request is going through the SDK (by rewriting it) like so:
$(".//iframe[#src]") {
attribute("src") {
Then you can map that url and perform your regular tritium on it!
you need to analyses the src of iframe and need to write mapping in mappings.ts for the url in src. Include proper .ts file in pages folder and start transforming it.

CSS background-image won't show with short URL

I've done my searching and the topics haven't been of help.
I'm trying to have the background image of my header repeat across the X axis of the header div.
When I make CSS with a long URL such as
background-image:url(''); everything works fine
When I try to shorten the CSS to something such as ~/images/ or even having the CSS and site file already in the root folder and using /images/ I get nothing
This is possibly because you're not shortening your URLs appropriately.
Assuming an absolute path of:
A root-relative URL would be:
And a relative path (assuming your CSS file is in would be:
url('../images/imageName.png'); /* parent directory, then the images directory */
The ~ prefixed url format is unknown to me, though I suspect it's an ASP, or .NET, form? Though I'm unable to advise on that.
Questions that might be of use to you:
How do I turn a relative URL into a full URL?
Using relative URL in CSS file, what location is it relative to?
Absolute urls, relative urls, and...?
A URL containing "~" is something that's specific to ASP.NET, it's processed server-side and transformed into a "proper" URL such as http://mysite/my_virtual_directory/images/logo.png. Web Browsers don't have any way to do this as they don't know to what "~" refers.
You need to ensure that the URLs you use in your CSS file are "understandable" by the browser, so either have them "fully qualified" (http://mysite/my_virtual_directory/images/logo.png) or starting from the "beginning" (/my_virtual_directory/images/logo.png).

Is it possible to call a servlet from css?

I'm trying to move all the images stored in web application folder to a database. And calling them with a servlet. Is it possible to call a servlet from my css ?? or is there any way to call a remotely stored image file from css??
I tried to call a servlet method from CSS.But couldn't succeed. Is it possible to call a method like this?
background-image: url(servlet/'abc','123'));
Yes. As long as the images have urls, you can use it in your css.
For example:
You can even go a step further an reroute their urls - you can even use the same urls you have today, but having your server handle the request and loading files from the database.
Another tip: make sure you set the right headers. You want to use the correct content type, and probably want the images cached properly on the client side.
Yes. A CSS rule that specifies an image can contain any kind of URL that the browser can parse and fetch:
body {
It is possible. Just create an imageservlet like this example here. To the point just obtain the image as InputStream from DB by ResultSet#getBinaryStream() and write it to the OutputStream of the response as obtained by HttpServletResponse#getOutputStream() the usual Java IO way. Don't forget to add the HTTP content type and content length headers. If you omit the content type, the browser don't know what to do with the information. If you omit the content length, it will be sent with chunked transfer encoding, which is a tad less efficient.
As to referencing the servlet in the CSS file, just specify the URL relative to the CSS file. This way you don't need to worry about the context path. Determining the relative URL isn't that hard, it works the same way as with accessing local disk filesystem paths in the command console. cd ../../foo/bar/file.ext and so on. You've ever learnt that at schools, yes?
OK, assume that the imageservlet is located at and that the CSS file is located at (thus, the current folder is css), then the right relative URL to the imageservlet from inside the CSS file would be:
background-image: url('../image?id=123');
The ../ goes a step backwards in the directory structure so that you go from the folder to If you still have a hard time in figuring the right relative path, then let us know the absolute URL of both the servlet and the CSS file, then we'll extract the correct relative path for you.
