Hello I'm developping an application in Asp.net. One of my goals is to assign a theme to users (users can choose (between 2 themes) their own theme.
How can I achieve this?
thanks a lot
You can set a theme in the Page_PreInit handler like
Page.Theme = "MyGreatestThemeEver";
For keeping the selected theme you can either use Session, Profile, Cookies or a custom table in your database.
I am working on a drupal 8 website and I would like to know how to enable 'View','Edit','Revision' buttons on a page level as below:
Can these buttons be added at 'node' level without editing module.node file? Can someone guide on this?
Simply add the Primary admin actions block in the region you want (/admin/structure/block) and manage the node permissions of your users roles.
I am new to wordpress and would like to get some guidelines on how to select right things in order to get started properly
I need to make an E-store that will be the online collection of elegant cloths where user can view and buy the products online comfortably. I need to know how to select the following things
Domain Name and Hosting Provider (which is most preferable and why)
Selection of theme according to the requirements (what parameters required to judge the theme)
Here is the best theme you can use as starter, you can creae any type of site is simple to use, and edit using a page builder!
Get theme here
I have a site in Wordpress.
The functionality I need is such that, I can create 'users' of the site. These users have no purpose editing the Wordpress site in any way, and don't need to know we're even using the wordpress platform.
These users need to be able to edit their contact info and upload/view/swap out their own resume, using a page that I will build for them (not the wp-admin dashboard in any way). This resume will be PDFs and WordDocs.
At first I thought I'd just use the built in Wordpress Users and Roles that Wordpress offers. However, I'm not sure how I would attach resumes to that user, and let that user edit their own resume. I know I can use the 'user_contactmethods' hook to attach basic fields. However, I'd be trying to attach a link to a file that Wordpress hosts, and would need to be able to replace that file on a whim, in php. Also, my goal is to prevent them from ever using the Wordpress dashboard or editing tools.
Next, I thought I could create a custom post type for a 'SiteUser'. That would make it easy to manage a PDF/WordDoc attached to that post type. Also, that user wouldn't have any way to access the Wordpress stuff. Before I do that though, I wanted to ask on here if this really is the right way to do this.
This solution feels hacky.
Can I get some proposed solutions to this problem that could be perceived as 'the proper way'?
Here is a rough idea of what you are looking to do.
Step 1
Create the user role for these new users
Step 2
Set the permission for them and disable backend access and redirect all access of those roles to a custom page /account/
Step 3
Use Advance custom fields plugin to create some custom fields on the user meta. (text, file, image)
Step 4
Apply some login logic/form and Link to a /account/edit-info/ custom page with the acf frontend form. https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/create-a-front-end-form/
Step 5
Use these info to display somewhere on the /account/ page
Using gravity forms instead to manage user data entry gives better control but requires more coding, and a better user experience.
Front-end Admin Steps
Repeat Step 1-2
Loop site user and list them and their custom field files Have a button that opens a Gravity form with the user ID text field pre-populated and hidden, and have a file uploader element.
Add backend hooks after validation directly replace the user meta
containing the file path or ID (however you choice to store it in
Advance custom fields)
I would like to create a new widget(quiz) in Elgg where I can put my own content. I would like to have there all the default menus, etc. but with empty space where I can put my code.
The user should be able to view only their quiz based on the login. Should it be done as a new plugin? If yes, how to create empty page with my current template settings?
So I need to set up a WordPress site with 25 users. The site will be for each of these users to fill out various forms (different forms for each user) and then these results will be stored on the database.
The thing is, I need to allow user1 to only be able to see the forms we want user1 to fill out, and the same for user2,3...etc. We have the bones of the site set up, but I'm looking for a plug-in or theme or something that can allow different users to see different pages. Is there one available?
Or would any you have any idea how to go about this another way?
I have spent the best part of a days searching but I can't find a viable solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Two things can be done.
Use Contact form 7 or Gravity form plugin to create different forms. Create user specific pages where you like to show forms. Paste corresponding form short-codes in the pages.
Use Role Scoper plugin to restrict users to see pages. You can set permissions for different user to see different pages.
Hope this helps you.