how to fix EntityReference error -

I'm attempt to commit mostly all new objects to the database, apart from the user. I'm new to entity framework and im not sure how to combat this error.
Error on line _orderDetail.CalenderItems.Add(_newCalendarItem):
The object could not be added or attached because its EntityReference has an EntityKey property value that does not match the EntityKey for this object.
For Each n In _namelist
For Each n In _namelist
For i As Integer = 1 To _copies
Dim _orderDetail As New OrderDetail
_orderDetail.Name = n
_orderDetail.Order = _order
For Each c In _calendarItems
Dim _newCalendarItem As New CalenderItem
_newCalendarItem.Image = c.Image
_newCalendarItem.YearMonth = c.YearMonth
I believe I need to add add an entity reference but I'm not sure how. Can anyone point me in the right direction

As dnndeveloper says, your answer is ObjectContext.CreateObject<T>.
So you're gonna want -
Dim ci = _db.CreateObject(Of CalenderItem)()
ci.OrderDetail = _orderDetail
ci.Image = c.image
ci.YearMonth = c.YearMonth
or something along those lines. I've run into this issue a couple of times and this has worked so far.

Instead of creating a "new calendaritem" you should use _db.OrderDetails.CalendarItem.New() etc... either that or set _newCalendarItem.EntityKey to null.


Getting documents of last 25 minutes with formula and lotusscript

In lotus I have a view with order documents.
I am building an agent to search for all orders which are modified in the last 25 minutes.
For this I have done code like:
strFormule = "Form=""Order"" & #Modified >= #Adjust(#Today;0;0;0;0;-25;0) & Deleted !=""J"""
Set ndcOrder = currentDB.Search( strFormule, Nothing, 0 )
If ndcOrder.Count <> 0 Then
Set doc = ndcOrder.GetFirstDocument
While Not doc Is Nothing
So if it is 11.00 then it need to take orders which are modified today from 10.35
But in the debugger I also get orders which where modified 2 hours earlier.
How is this possible?
I think it's might be because you're using #today which doesn't have a time element. Try #Now instead ?
In the past I used the LotusScript method GetModifiedDocuments which lets you specify a NotesDateTime object to retrieve any document modified since.
Your code could then look like this:
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim dc As notesdocumentcollection
Dim since As New NotesDateTime("")
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Call since.SetNow()
Call since.AdjustMinute(-25)
Set dc = db.GetModifiedDocuments(since)
My experience with this method was very good so far. More info on GetModifiedDocuments
Why use formula at all?
I would create a hidden view, first column is last modified date-time, sorted descending.
Then I would write my Lotusscript code to start at the top and work its way down until it encounters a date/time value that is older than 25 minutes ago.
Something like this:
Dim docs List As NotesDocument
Set dt25 = New NotesDateEntry(Now())
Call dt25.AdjustMinutes(-25)
Dim col as NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim entry as NotesViewEntry
Set col = view.AllEntries
Set entry = col.GetFirstEntry
Do Until entry Is Nothing
If Cdat(entry.ColumnValues(0))<Cdat(dt25.LSLocalTime) Then
Exit Loop
End If
Set docs(entry.Document.UniversalID) = entry.Document
' Now you have a list of documents created in the last 25 minutes.

How to autofill OpenOffice Math formula editor in OOo Calc?

I am using OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet formulas with psuedo-random numbers to generate arrays of arithmetic problems which I can easily update to creating new worksheets (I'm a teacher)
Problems are output as formula mark-ups in string form. OOo Math formulas use these string commands typed into the editor to display nicely formatted maths expressions.
I can do this next step manually:
1) go to source cell and copy string mark-up to clipboard
2) select target cell and clear existing contents and objects
3) create new Math object anchored to target cell
4) open Math editor window and paste in mark-up string
5) exit Math editor window and return cursor to source cell
Result: a nice maths expression of given arithmetic problem.
I need to be able to do this for entire columns of source cells on various sheets.
...even better, to then add a listener to dynamically update as sources are updated.
I found code here: Cell content inside formula that achieves this for a fixed pair of cells, but despite all my best efforts, I have had to admit defeat - generalising this code is simply beyond my expertise!
The absolute ideal would be a macro function that I could call like a spreadsheet function; with input arguments (sourceCell, targetCell, listenerON/OFF) that could run the above algorithm and dynamically update if required.
Can anybody help me? A solution like this, or any kind of workaround would be immensely helpful.
UPDATE 2016/10/27
Thank you Jim K, that did work, but use of the dispacher comes with a whole host of difficulties I hadn't foreseen.
I just found Charlie Young's post in the OpenOffice forum which makes use of the API. I have included my adaptation of his code below.
Can anybody help me to integrate it into a function in a similar way as I've described? I don't know how to solve placement of the Math object in to the target cell.
The API code is great as it will create a new Math object each time the code is updated. Existing ones do need to be deleted though.
I think the limitation of not being able to delete existing objects from within a function is going to persist. Would this be the case even if done by a subroutine called by the function?
function InsertFormula(paraFromCell, paraToCell)
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oShape As Object
oDoc = ThisComponent
oSheet = oDoc.Sheets(0)
oShape = oDoc.createInstance("")
oShape.CLSID = "078B7ABA-54FC-457F-8551-6147e776a997"
oShape.Model.Formula = paraFromCell
end function
I've been managing to solve my own problems quite quickly now...
I've decided to go with a sub, not a function, so I can access the sheet to delete existing objects. Code is attached - Source cells are in Column C and target cells in matching rows of Column A. So far I am only able to send objects to $A$1.
How do I anchor each new object to a specific cell?
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub InsertThisFormula
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oShape As Object
Dim sourceCell As Object
Dim targetCell As Object
oDoc = ThisComponent
oSheet = oDoc.Sheets(1)
Dim n As Integer
n = 1 'number of rows of formulas
for i = 0 To n-1
rem loop through cells
sourceCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2, i)
targetCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(0, i)
rem clear target cell object/s
oShape = oDoc.createInstance("")
oShape.CLSID = "078B7ABA-54FC-457F-8551-6147e776a997"
oShape.Model.Formula = sourceCell.string
Next i
End Sub
Starting from Mifeet's example, add this to My Macros:
rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Creates a math formula from text
Function InsertFormulaFromCell(paramCellFrom, paramCellTo)
dim document as object
dim dispatcher as object
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
rem go to cell containing markup and copy it
dim fromCellArgs(0) as new
fromCellArgs(0).Name = "ToPoint"
fromCellArgs(0).Value = paramCellFrom
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, fromCellArgs())
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Copy", "", 0, Array())
rem go to cell where I want the formula displayed
dim toCellArgs(0) as new
toCellArgs(0).Name = "ToPoint"
toCellArgs(0).Value = paramCellTo
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, toCellArgs())
rem open Star.Math
oDesk = createUnoService ("")
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:InsertObjectStarMath", "", 0, Array())
document = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
dispatcher = createUnoService("")
rem paste clipboard using Array() as place-holder for variable name
dispatcher.executeDispatch(document, ".uno:Paste", "", 0, Array())
rem exit Star.Math
dispatcher.executeDispatch( _
document, ".uno:TerminateInplaceActivation", "", 0, Array())
InsertFormulaFromCell = "Math Formula updated " & Now()
End Function
To run it, put this formula in cell C5:
Now when the values get updated, it creates another formula.
Note: I could not get the .uno:Delete section of Mifeet's code to work, perhaps because functions are not supposed to access other cells. This may require manually deleting the formulas before creating new ones.
(Posted solution on behalf of the OP).
This is now solved. After a lot of searching, I found what I needed! Simple really. Future improvements might be to resize cells appropriately. Happy for now. Thanks to Jim K and the rest of the Stack Overflow community!
Complete macro below:
REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub InsertThisFormula
Dim oDoc As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Dim oShape As Object
Dim sourceCell As Object
Dim targetCell As Object
oDoc = ThisComponent
oSheet = oDoc.Sheets(1)
Dim n As Integer
n = 6 'number of rows of formulas
for i = 0 To n-1
rem loop through cells
sourceCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(2, i)
targetCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(3, i)
rem clear target cell object/s
oShape = oDoc.createInstance("")
oShape.CLSID = "078B7ABA-54FC-457F-8551-6147e776a997"
oShape.Model.Formula = sourceCell.string
oShape.Anchor = targetCell
oShape.MoveProtect = True
Next i
End Sub

VB.Net stuck with setvalue method of system reflection

A tons of advance thanks to everybody for taking time on this!
Am I doning this correctly? it says "Parameter count mismatch." for SetValue method
For i = 0 To (missingFieldName.Count) - 1
Dim propertyiInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo =
GetType(ImportFields).GetProperty(missingValuesTakenfromUser.missingFieldAcquired(i, 0))
Dim fieldacquired As String = missingValuesTakenfromUser.missingFieldAcquired(i, 1)
propertyiInfo.SetValue(fields, fieldacquired, New Object() {0})
Next i
fields is an instance of class ImportFields. tried a 100 different ways to work with this in last 2 days. desperately looking for a solution, please someone?
For a non-indexed property, the third parameter should be null, not an empty array. Try this:
propertyiInfo.SetValue(fields, fieldacquired, null);
If you use .net 4.5, there's a new overload with only two parameters that you can use instead:
propertyiInfo.SetValue(fields, fieldacquired); // .net 4.5 only
Got it after 4 days continuous struggle. here is how to do that
Many thanks to Jods for giving a tip above.
For i = 0 To (missingFieldName.Count) - 1
Dim propertyiInfo As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo =
GetType(ImportFields).GetProperty(missingValuesTakenfromUser.missingFieldAcquired(i, 0))
Dim fieldacquired As String = missingValuesTakenfromUser.missingFieldAcquired(i, 1)
propertyiInfo.GetValue(fields, Nothing)(0) = fieldacquired
Next i
actually, MS is a bit confusing when they say indexed items. it meant to me they referring to array.
thanks a lot for everybody who struggled to solve this for me.

Dealing with Nulls from a DataReader

I have done this in the past, but I cant remember the correct way to deal with DBNULLS.
This is
The error im getting is Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Here is the code.
Dim reader As MySqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader
Do While reader.Read
Dim item As New clsProvider(reader.Item("MasterAccountID"), reader.Item("CompanyName"), reader.Item("Address"), reader.Item("Postcode"), reader.Item("Telephone"), reader.Item("Fax"), reader.Item("Number_of_Companies"), reader.Item("Total_Number_of_employees"), reader.Item("MainContactName"), reader.Item("MainContactPhone"), reader.Item("MainContactEmail"), reader.Item("Fee"), Convert.ToString(reader.Item("Notes")))
The issue i have is that some of the items may be empty in the DB. I'm sure in the past I have done something like
But for the life of me i cant remember.
If the column is nullable, then you should check for null:
If (reader.IsDBNull(ordinal))
See IsDBNull
is what you've done before?
This isn't necessarily correct but it does deal with null strings quite effectively.
IFF(reader.item("Something") != DBNull.Value, reader.item("Something"), "")
You have to first check if the column value is null (check the incoming value for DBNull). Once you know that you can decide what to do next - assign null or some other default value to your variable.
I am not sure if my VB.Net is still upto the mark but something like this should help:
Dim item As New clsProvider
item.AccountId = TryCast(reader.Item("MasterAccountID"), String)
item.SomeInt= If(TryCast(reader.Item("SomeInt"), System.Nullable(Of Integer)), 0)
Use TryCast to check if cast is possible.

TreeNode.Remove doesn't work !

I have a strange problem. Let's look at that code:
TreeNode tn = TreeView1.FindNode("2009/08/12 (1)"); //OK, the Node is found
Now, I need to delete that node:
(e.g. (I know that I don't need to use TreeView1.FindNode() method, but i = -1))
TreeNode tn1 = TreeView1.FindNode(tn.ValuePath);
int i = TreeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(tn1);
The problem is, the codes above doesn't work, I mean, the node isn't removed, why ?
The TreeView looks like that:
alt text
It seems that the TreeView control in .net only allows to remove First Level Nodes, so if the node you are trying to delete is not this kind of node, you need to delete it trough its parent, using something like this:
Dim Padre As TreeNode = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Parent
If (Padre Is Nothing) Then
End If
Hope it helps!
Are you sure that you've selected the node properly? If TreeView1.Nodes.IndexOf(tn1) is returning -1, this indicates the node can't be found.
