Adding User controls on runtime - accessing the controls -

I'm trying to add some user controls on a page. Thats easy, I just do it like this.
UserControl block = (categoryblock) LoadControl("categoryblock.ascx");
But i want to access the label controls and more that are inside the categoryblock.ascx.
How would i do that ?
I cant do it like this,
block.l_itemName.text = "blabla";
I managed to user FindControl("l_itemName") but i would rather like to have the intellisense.

create following property in your user control:
public string ItemName() {
get() {
return l_itemName.text;
set(String value) {
l_itemName.text = value;
This will make you able to do block.ItemName = ""or string temp = block.ItemName
I hope this will help


State of checkbox lost after postback in a custom template field

I have created a custom checkbox template field by deriving it from System.Web.UI.WebControls.TemplateField. The template for this field has been created by creating a class which implements ITemplate interface. When any postback happens on the page the values in the checkboxes is lost.
To get this working temporarily I have used viewstate to store the state of checkboxes in the checkbox column, but going further I want to completely avoid this as I will be using more template fields in same fashion in my application.
Please let me know if I am missing anything.
Following is the code:
namespace MyControls
public class CheckBoxTemplateField : TemplateField
public CheckBoxTemplateField()
this.HeaderTemplate = new CheckBoxTemplate();
this.ItemTemplate = new CheckBoxTemplate();
public class CheckBoxTemplate : ITemplate
public void InstantiateIn(Control container)
CheckBox chk = new CheckBox();
checkbox is known with their problem maintaining their value in postback
1 solution is to store its value in hidden fiesld and to read it in server.
p.s. thhis has nothing to do with viewstate.input control doesnt saves their value in viewstate ( excpet textbox which has the 'ontextchange' event)

How two read one user control label text in another use control?

I am using two user controls in my web application. I want to read a Label text from a user control via another user control. How can i read it?
You should refactor your code and not rely to content of some label on another UI control. Get that value the same way as you do in that User Control, or extract that functionality in another class to avoid code duplication, and call it from both places.
But, if you wont to stick with this existing code you should create Interface and capture all UserControls functionality that you wont to called from outside code (in your case : return label text). Then implement that interface in User Controls that must be called from outside, after that is all about finding control instances, you can do that by enumerating all Page child controls. Here is the example code of simple interface that defines that control must return some Label text, and a class that finds user control by name in control tree :
public interface IUserControl
string LabelText();
public class PageUserControls
private Page parentPage;
public PageUserControls(Page myParentPage)
this.parentPage = myParentPage;
private IEnumerable<Control> EnumerateControlsRecursive(Control parent)
foreach (Control child in parent.Controls)
yield return child;
foreach (Control descendant in EnumerateControlsRecursive(child))
yield return descendant;
public IUserControl GetControl(string controlName)
foreach (Control cnt in EnumerateControlsRecursive(this.parentPage))
if (cnt is IUserControl && (cnt as UserControl).AppRelativeVirtualPath.Contains(controlName))
return cnt as IUserControl;
return null;
then you have to implement that interface in user control that holds that Label :
public partial class WebUserControl1 : System.Web.UI.UserControl, IUserControl
public string LabelText()
return Label1.Text;
And finally use it from another User control :
PageUserControls puc = new PageUserControls(this.Page);
string txt1 = puc.GetControl("WebUserControl1.ascx").LabelText();
btw. method EnumerateControlsRecursive is adopted from SO answer to Finding all controls in an ASP.NET Panel?
use like this...
create one public property in the user control and call that property using user controls name where you want that value....
Take a look at this article on MSDN.
In a short, you can access other controls if you know the ID.

How to change text property of textbox with javascript

I have a textbox that I want to change text property of it with javascript, but I can't do.
My sample code below, Can anyone say what is wrong? Thanks...
function openAdresYeni(p) {
document.getElementById('hdnAdresIndex').innerText = p;
Try this :
function openAdresYeni(p) {
document.getElementById('hdnAdresIndex').value = p;
NOTE : By the way if your hdnAdresIndex is a server control, you should use control's ClientID property to get client side id :
function openAdresYeni(p) {
document.getElementById('<%= hdnAdresIndex.ClientID %>').value = p;
use value instead of innerText
also, if you're not in mvc, the ID of the control is probably not what you expect. Look into the myTextBox.ClientID property on the control.

How do I set the StripFormattingOnPaste property of a Telerik RadEditor with JavaScript?

I don't have access to the actual server tag itself, so I need to change the StripFormattingOnPaste property to the EditorStripFormattingOptions enum with JavaScript and I'm not sure how. I have some code that adds an OnClientLoad() and OnClientCommandExecuted() functions that works so I can add it in there, I'm just not sure where the property exists on the client-side and what the enum value would be:
// init OnClientLoad and OnClientCommandExecuted event handlers for all radeditors on the page
Sys.Application.add_load(function() {
if (typeof ($telerik) != "undefined") {
if ($telerik.radControls && Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor) {
for (var i = 0, l = $telerik.radControls.length; i < l; i++) {
var control = $telerik.radControls[i];
if (Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.isInstanceOfType(control)) {
var editor = control;
// ??? editor._stripFormattingOptions = Telerik.Web.UI.StripFormattingOptions.NoneSupressCleanMessage
// editor already loaded, fire event
// attach event handler for paste commands
editor.add_commandExecuted(function(ed, args) {
return OnClientCommandExecuted(ed, args);
Update: I've discovered that the correct enum setting that I want is Telerik.Web.UI.StripFormattingOptions.NoneSupressCleanMessage.
Update #2: I see that the RadEditor JS object has a _stripFormattingOptions property, but I think it might just be for private use.
The Telerik controls are based on ASP.NET AJAX and use pretty much the same coding conventions - public properties have getters and setters methods. In this case you should use
To get the current value, use
var value = editor.get_stripFormattingOptions();
The property you saw (editor._stripFormattingOptions) is just used to store the value. Since its name starts with an underscore you are correct to assume that it is private and so you should not rely on it. The getter and setter methods are public and you are free to use them.

How to get design surface rendering and design time datasource selection with an user control

If I create a user control (EDIT:not a web control/server control) it's pretty trivial to get databinding. I just add a datasourceID property.
In code behind (vb)
Partial Public Class BandedControl
Inherits UserControl
Public Property DataSourceID() As String
Return MyGridView.DataSourceID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
MyGridView.DataSourceID = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
In code behind (c#)
public partial class BandedControl : UserControl
public string DataSourceID {
get { return MyGridView.DataSourceID; }
set { MyGridView.DataSourceID = value; }
My issue is that this breaks design time rendering and also I don't get a drop down list to choose my datasource. How do I resolve this. (Hint: I think I need a type convertor, but all the info I can find relates to server controls not user controls).
You could try adding the IDReferenceProperty attribute to your property definition...
public partial class BandedControl : UserControl
public string DataSourceID
return MyGridView.DataSourceID;
MyGridView.DataSourceID = value;
See for more info about the IDReferencePropertyAttribute class.
If that doesn't work - I'd also try to inherit from DataBoundControl instead of UserControl and see if that gets you anywhere.
Web UserControls are compiled dynamically at run time and so are not rendered at Design time, what you want to do is create a Web Custom Control. Your best bet here is to extend one of the existing Bindable Web Controls
Not sure if this is exactly what you want but I seem to remember them showing something similar to this in some dnr tv episodes.
I think it was Miguel Castro episodes 1 & 2, but it could be episode 31.
An archive of all the videos is here
