MochaUI Window loading ASPX page in Iframe and commuunicating with window? -

I am hoping someone has experience with this, but I am loading a window from a link on my main page. The window loads an ASPX page via the window’s loadmethod of iFrame. The aspx page has its own update panel on it and I was wondering how I can call the window’s “spinner” / process indicator while the page is processing. I have looked at the documentation on some online information about it but I am not sure how to implement it.

To show the spinner this is what I do:
function getMochaWindow(windowId) {
return MochaUI.Windows.instances.get(windowId);
function showLoading(winEl) {
You need to call showLoading() passing the window element where you want it to appear.


How to reload another frame after postback?

I have two frames in my .NET app (frame1 and frame2). In frame2, I have a button to switch from one language to another one and it works fine within this frame -> postback is done, language is switched and page reloads in the other language. Problem is that there are localized buttons in my other frame (frame1) but they do not refresh. How and where should I trigger the refresh of frame1 ?
Sorry for maybe not being very clear, I'm still a newbie in frames...
The idea is to call from the iframe the parent window, there a function reload the frames that the parent (main window) contains and refresh them.
For example you can have this function on top window, that contains the iframe, to handle the refresh on all iframes.
function ReloadRestFrames(ButNotMe)
if(ButNotMe != 'iframe_a_id')
if(ButNotMe != 'iframe_b_id')
Then from the frame that you make the post back you call it on load as:
and this make all iframes (except the one that make the call) on the same page to reload.
Calling a parent window function from an iframe
What's the best way to reload / refresh an iframe using JavaScript?
How to refresh an IFrame using Javascript? Triggering immediate client side scripts during an image rendering

I have a web application that creates a graph on another aspx page. Sometimes the graph cannot be created to specification because there is an error in the user specification (such as a string where an integer was expected).
I would like to immediately pop up an alert window telling them that something went wrong when I was trying to render the graph.
The thing is, I don't know how to immediately check to see if I should insert a script for an alert window. Once my code on "chart.aspx"(image URL) is executed, I don't know how to immediately check if anything went wrong from the main page. I know it happened in the code in chart.aspx, but other than not to not render the image or render a different image, I don't know how to tell the user before another postback. I would really like to see if there is any sort or event or stage in the page lifecycle after one of the images is rendered.
If this is not possible, how can I chart.aspx convey an error message to default.aspx if it is simply an image. Maybe some sort of Response.Write(...?)
Thanks again guys.
Maybe you could try monitoring the image's load events and handle onabort and onerror via javascript?
Image Object Events
Event The event occurs when...
onabort Loading of an image is interrupted
onerror An error occurs when loading an image
onload An image is finished loading
The old school way of doing this would be to render your image tag like below:
<img src="chart.aspx" onerror="alert('Image failed to load because XYZ.');" />
Nowadays, I'd recommend you use jquery, something like this:
<img src="placeholder.gif" class="chart" alt="chart">
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
var img = $(document.createElement('img'));
img.on('error', function() { alert ('...'); });
img.on('load', function() { $('img.chart').attr('src', img[0].src); });

using nyroModal, want iframe to automatically load upon page load

Saw alot of manual loads of iframes in answers, but I need the page to automatically load the fist menu option and I am using nyroModal (class=iframe which opens it iframe style with nyroModal).
The reason for this is the menu for a bunch of other iframe content is in this iframe as well and I'd like it to stay open and the menu stay in this auto opened iframe.
Hopefully this makes sense to someone.(?)
You can use the manual function inside the event handling:
$(window).load(function() {
// my code to open manually an iframe using nyroModal
You can get the snippet to open the iframe at this page: Open iframe manually in nyroModal

Open document after page load

I would like to open a document after my ASP.NET page loads in a separate window. I would like to do this with the document not attempt to be blocked by a pop-up blocked. I tried and I am getting the prompt to ask if I would like to allow the popup. Is the best way to do this using a timer control or is there a better way in the lifecylce?
I have tried several events, but they are all launching the document prior to page load.
Fundamentally what you're trying to do is exactly the thing that pop-up blockers are designed to prevent - load a pop-up window without an explicit user interaction. There may be various tricks you could use to get around certain particular pop-up blockers, but you'll never be able to solve this in the general case.
The best solution is to have a link on your page to open the document in question in a new window. Pop-up blockers do not prevent links targeted to a new window.
I use
function openpage(page) {
if (document.getElementById('hf_open').value == 1) {
openChild(page, 'nueva');
document.getElementById('hf_open').value = 0;
and in the body onload ="openpage('whateverpage.aspx');"
and in an ASP.NET event I set if I want the popup to be open or not a particular time by setting hf_open to 1 if the pop up has to be opened at that time.
In Internet Explorer 7 with pop up blocker: turn on checked - it works.
How are users getting to your page? You could place the popup JavaScript in the link that takes users to your page.
You could use the onload JavaScript event.
function open_page()
popupWin ='windowURL','windowName', ' resizable,dependent,status,width=500,height=400,left=0,top=0')
Then have the following body tag
<body onload="open_page()">
However, this won't get around your popup blocking issue.

jQuery: fadeout an image when clicking an ASP.NET ImageButton

I'm building a photo gallery in ASP.NET. The user can browse thumbnails along the left and select one, which brings a preview-sized version into the right pane of the page.
I'd like to fade between the images, so that the current one fades out and the next one fades in. I'm using jQuery to fade the preview image in after it is loaded, which works great. Unfortunately, I can't get the fadeOut script to run before the click event posts the page back to the server. The thumbnails are ASP.NET ImageButtons, which means they're <input> tags.
Is there a way to get the postback to delay just long enough for the image to fade out? I've seen some tricks with the form onSubmit and setTimeout() but that would affect all the links and buttons on the page. I want to delay postback for the thumbnails only.
EDIT: Based on my research, and trying the suggestions below, it may be possible to delay the postback to accomplish this but it's not the best approach on several levels. To get a clean fade transition between images, in the future I would not do any posting back at all. I would use jQuery exclusively for the fadeout, load, fadein.
Try adding a return false to your function that handles the fadein/out... It should prevent the page postback from occurring...
$('#<%= this.aspbutton.ClientId%>').click(function(){
return false;
I'm not sure what you are getting on the PostBack where you would want to fade out an image and then fade one in. Have you considered using AJAX for that? You could even have the thumbnail image contain the necessary information within the image tags for the larger image.
Take a look at the jQuery Lightbox plugin. I have implemented this plugin and modified the .JS a bit to allow for viewing a higher resolution photo in addition to the web view. Check it out here.
$('#<%= this.aspbutton.ClientId%>').click(function(){
var $btn = $(this);
$('#myDiv').fadeout("slow", function() {
return false;
Here's the solution I used:
Since I AM using MS AJAX with an UpdatePanel, I can use the client-side AJAX event handler.
function fadeOut() {
if ($('.mainImage').length > 0) {
This gives me the exact behavior I wanted- any time the user navigates between thumbnails, the image fades out, loads, then the new one fades in.
This is still not ideal, as there is a pause between fades while the page posts back. It will work for now but in the long run it would be better to use jQuery to set the preview image rather than the thumbnails posting back as ImageButtons.
