E-R to OO design strategies? - erd

I'm still learning all of the powers of OO design and have much more experience in database (in particular, E-R) designs. Each time I approach a problem and attempt to come up with a design following OO strategies, my diagrams(UML classes, for example) come out looking like an ERD. I've read/heard it's then smart to map a class to each table and work from there... But this never really seems to get me anywhere and my designs have very high (bad)coupling which, as I understand, is a big "no-no" in OO.
A few google searches returned a few hits on moving from E-R to OO, but nothing that really drilled it home for me. Does anyone have any materials on this topic, or have perhaps struggled with this similar problem?
To expand just a bit, my attempted OO designs tend to move towards an implied persistent data storage element which doesn't necessarily exist in an OO design.
Thanks for any guidance!

Database Systems: A Practical Approach to... is the textbook(chapter 3~4) which I would recommend.
I think the fundamental differences in data(relational data model) and program are the main gap between E-R and OO design. You may draw database schema design in UML, but it doesn't
mean that realational data model would become any sensible meaning of OO paradigm.
The programs, from another side, focus on processing correctly with reusability discipline. The data, however, focus on persisting correctly with performance discipline.
Although there are some techniques to ease the gap(lik O-R Mapping), but the basic purposes on data/program are not totally the same.
So I think the OO is just a technique to abstract the design, not the goal of the design.

I'd suspect from what you write that you need more experience with / knowledge about some core OO design principles, in particular inheritance and polymorphism. A good understanding of these concepts can help you better understand the relationships between your objects, and the ways in which they should be coupled.
Given your comments about your OO designs moving towards an implied persistent data storage element, you might also want to look into such concepts as Aspect Oriented Programming (Spring is a great tool for this). Also, look into what an ORM such as Hibernate can do, and how it does it (this may be a bit advanced, though).

There's really only one way to learn object-oriented software design: learn it from scratch. You won't find any shortcuts for converting your knowledge of another software design method into an understanding of object-oriented design. You need to start with the basics, just like everyone else: encapsulation, abstraction, is-a and has-a relationships, etc.

E/R concept model can help you whenever you need to design relationships between an entity. You shouldn’t care how they are going to be implemented at design time : the can be converted into Class,DataTable,XML,....
what you are asking it's a bit different. In a small system or when the business logic is not too complex it is possible to have a domain model object that looks like the Data Table.In this case you can have an object per table. This pattern is called "Table Module Pattern"
Use Nhibernate or EF or any other ORM in a system like the one mentionated earlier it's a waste of resource and time because you are adding a layer that you don't really need


Simple explanation of "Unified Modelling Language", why is it important?

i am new to asp.net and i was told that i need to know UML thoroughly to build successful software, is this correct? i mean cant i just "code and fix" and "model" in my brain. how important is UML and what is the best way to learn it?
UML is a standard used to convey information about the design of an object oriented software system in a (mostly) graphical format.
It is important as it makes communicating about such a system easier.
UML is a simple way to graphically document a system and its interactions. Its value to you is not necessarily using UML itself, but the value of documenting a system before coding or modifying it.
I see the advantages as
You are forced to think about the whole design before you start building. A drawing is a lot easier to change than a whole lot of code. Mistakes at this stage are easier to rectify.
It helps to understand the system and interactions far better than code alone can. With all the self-documenting code that you can write, a good diagram will nearly always be clearer to and fast to pick up.
The disadvantages are
Takes time to produce, when you would probably rather be coding and experimenting
Can get out of date if effort is not put in to keeping up to date.
i mean cant i just "code and fix" and
"model" in my brain
You can. It's done every day. And a lot of what's going through it at the time, and how you convey your ideas on napkins is already a form of UML without its rigid nomenclature.
But if you're working with colleagues on big systems, there may be occasions were they speak the language.

Is there a software-engineering methodology for functional programming? [closed]

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Software Engineering as it is taught today is entirely focused on object-oriented programming and the 'natural' object-oriented view of the world. There is a detailed methodology that describes how to transform a domain model into a class model with several steps and a lot of (UML) artifacts like use-case-diagrams or class-diagrams. Many programmers have internalized this approach and have a good idea about how to design an object-oriented application from scratch.
The new hype is functional programming, which is taught in many books and tutorials. But what about functional software engineering?
While reading about Lisp and Clojure, I came about two interesting statements:
Functional programs are often developed bottom up instead of top down ('On Lisp', Paul Graham)
Functional Programmers use Maps where OO-Programmers use objects/classes ('Clojure for Java Programmers', talk by Rich Hickley).
So what is the methodology for a systematic (model-based ?) design of a functional application, i.e. in Lisp or Clojure? What are the common steps, what artifacts do I use, how do I map them from the problem space to the solution space?
Thank God that the software-engineering people have not yet discovered functional programming. Here are some parallels:
Many OO "design patterns" are captured as higher-order functions. For example, the Visitor pattern is known in the functional world as a "fold" (or if you are a pointy-headed theorist, a "catamorphism"). In functional languages, data types are mostly trees or tuples, and every tree type has a natural catamorphism associated with it.
These higher-order functions often come with certain laws of programming, aka "free theorems".
Functional programmers use diagrams much less heavily than OO programmers. Much of what is expressed in OO diagrams is instead expressed in types, or in "signatures", which you should think of as "module types". Haskell also has "type classes", which is a bit like an interface type.
Those functional programmers who use types generally think that "once you get the types right; the code practically writes itself."
Not all functional languages use explicit types, but the How To Design Programs book, an excellent book for learning Scheme/Lisp/Clojure, relies heavily on "data descriptions", which are closely related to types.
So what is the methodology for a systematic (model-based ?) design of a functional application, i.e. in Lisp or Clojure?
Any design method based on data abstraction works well. I happen to think that this is easier when the language has explicit types, but it works even without. A good book about design methods for abstract data types, which is easily adapted to functional programming, is Abstraction and Specification in Program Development by Barbara Liskov and John Guttag, the first edition. Liskov won the Turing award in part for that work.
Another design methodology that is unique to Lisp is to decide what language extensions would be useful in the problem domain in which you are working, and then use hygienic macros to add these constructs to your language. A good place to read about this kind of design is Matthew Flatt's article Creating Languages in Racket. The article may be behind a paywall. You can also find more general material on this kind of design by searching for the term "domain-specific embedded language"; for particular advice and examples beyond what Matthew Flatt covers, I would probably start with Graham's On Lisp or perhaps ANSI Common Lisp.
What are the common steps, what artifacts do I use?
Common steps:
Identify the data in your program and the operations on it, and define an abstract data type representing this data.
Identify common actions or patterns of computation, and express them as higher-order functions or macros. Expect to take this step as part of refactoring.
If you're using a typed functional language, use the type checker early and often. If you're using Lisp or Clojure, the best practice is to write function contracts first including unit tests—it's test-driven development to the max. And you will want to use whatever version of QuickCheck has been ported to your platform, which in your case looks like it's called ClojureCheck. It's an extremely powerful library for constructing random tests of code that uses higher-order functions.
For Clojure, I recommend going back to good old relational modeling. Out of the Tarpit is an inspirational read.
Personally I find that all the usual good practices from OO development apply in functional programming as well - just with a few minor tweaks to take account of the functional worldview. From a methodology perspective, you don't really need to do anything fundamentally different.
My experience comes from having moved from Java to Clojure in recent years.
Some examples:
Understand your business domain / data model - equally important whether you are going to design an object model or create a functional data structure with nested maps. In some ways, FP can be easier because it encourages you to think about data model separately from functions / processes but you still have to do both.
Service orientation in design - actually works very well from a FP perspective, since a typical service is really just a function with some side effects. I think that the "bottom up" view of software development sometimes espoused in the Lisp world is actually just good service-oriented API design principles in another guise.
Test Driven Development - works well in FP languages, in fact sometimes even better because pure functions lend themselves extremely well to writing clear, repeatable tests without any need for setting up a stateful environment. You might also want to build separate tests to check data integrity (e.g. does this map have all the keys in it that I expect, to balance the fact that in an OO language the class definition would enforce this for you at compile time).
Prototying / iteration - works just as well with FP. You might even be able to prototype live with users if you get very extremely good at building tools / DSL and using them at the REPL.
OO programming tightly couples data with behavior. Functional programming separates the two. So you don't have class diagrams, but you do have data structures, and you particularly have algebraic data types. Those types can be written to very tightly match your domain, including eliminating impossible values by construction.
So there aren't books and books on it, but there is a well established approach to, as the saying goes, make impossible values unrepresentable.
In so doing, you can make a range of choices about representing certain types of data as functions instead, and conversely, representing certain functions as a union of data types instead so that you can get, e.g., serialization, tighter specification, optimization, etc.
Then, given that, you write functions over your adts such that you establish some sort of algebra -- i.e. there are fixed laws which hold for these functions. Some are maybe idempotent -- the same after multiple applications. Some are associative. Some are transitive, etc.
Now you have a domain over which you have functions which compose according to well behaved laws. A simple embedded DSL!
Oh, and given properties, you can of course write automated randomized tests of them (ala QuickCheck).. and that's just the beginning.
Object Oriented design isn't the same thing as software engineering. Software engineering has to do with the entire process of how we go from requirements to a working system, on time and with a low defect rate. Functional programming may be different from OO, but it does not do away with requirements, high level and detailed designs, verification and testing, software metrics, estimation, and all that other "software engineering stuff".
Furthermore, functional programs do exhibit modularity and other structure. Your detailed designs have to be expressed in terms of the concepts in that structure.
One approach is to create an internal DSL within the functional programming language of choice. The "model" then is a set of business rules expressed in the DSL.
See my answer to another post:
How does Clojure aproach Separation of Concerns?
I agree more needs to be written on the subject on how to structure large applications that use an FP approach (Plus more needs to be done to document FP-driven UIs)
While this might be considered naive and simplistic, I think "design recipes" (a systematic approach to problem solving applied to programming as advocated by Felleisen et al. in their book HtDP) would be close to what you seem to be looking for.
Here, a few links:
I've recently found this book:
Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling
I think is perfectly in line with your question.
From the book description:
Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling teaches you how to think of the domain model in terms of pure functions and how to compose them to build larger abstractions. You will start with the basics of functional programming and gradually progress to the advanced concepts and patterns that you need to know to implement complex domain models. The book demonstrates how advanced FP patterns like algebraic data types, typeclass based design, and isolation of side-effects can make your model compose for readability and verifiability.
There is the "program calculation" / "design by calculation" style associated with Prof. Richard Bird and the Algebra of Programming group at Oxford University (UK), I don't think its too far-fetched to consider this a methodology.
Personally while I like the work produced by the AoP group, I don't have the discipline to practice design in this way myself. However that's my shortcoming, and not one of program calculation.
I've found Behavior Driven Development to be a natural fit for rapidly developing code in both Clojure and SBCL. The real upside of leveraging BDD with a functional language is that I tend to write much finer grain unit tests than I usually do when using procedural languages because I do a much better job of decomposing the problem into smaller chunks of functionality.
Honestly if you want design recipes for functional programs, take a look at the standard function libraries such as Haskell's Prelude. In FP, patterns are usually captured by higher order procedures (functions that operate on functions) themselves. So if a pattern is seen, often a higher order function is simply created to capture that pattern.
A good example is fmap. This function takes a function as an argument and applies it to all the "elements" of the second argument. Since it is part of the Functor type class, any instance of a Functor (such as a list, graph, etc...) may be passed as a second argument to this function. It captures the general behavior of applying a function to every element of its second argument.
Generally many Functional Programming Languages are used at universities for a long time for "small toy problems".
They are getting more popular now since OOP has difficulties with "paralel programming" because of "state".And sometime functional style is better for problem at hand like Google MapReduce.
I am sure that, when functioanl guys hit the wall [ try to implement systems bigger than 1.000.000 lines of code], some of them will come with new software-engineering methodologies with buzz words :-). They should answer the old question: How to divide system into pieces so that we can "bite" each pieces one at a time? [ work iterative, inceremental en evolutionary way] using Functional Style.
It is sure that Functional Style will effect our Object Oriented
Style.We "still" many concepts from Functional Systems and adapted to
our OOP languages.
But will functional programs will be used for such a big systems?Will they become main stream? That is the question.
And Nobody can come with realistic methodology without implementing such a big systems, making his-her hands dirty.
First you should make your hands dirty then suggest solution. Solutions-Suggestions without "real pains and dirt" will be "fantasy".

Is Entity Framework Overkill for Web Applications?

Let's say we are developing an E-Commerce Web application for a small to medium sized business. Let's further assume that the business is likely to scale over time. In other words, the product line will typically grow.
Up to now I have developed n-tier solutions using ADO.NET and stored procedures with the help of the SqlHelper class. For bigger applications I have used Enterprise Library (2.0).
I would like to move towards an ORM-based approach and am starting to learn LINQ as well as making the switch from ASP.NET Web Forms to ASP.NET MVC. I do not want to go with LINQ-to-SQL. The question is not whether an ORM is required but if the Entity Framework ORM is overkill for such a project. I don't mind a learning curve if it is warranted for the task in hand.
As regards "overkill", I would like to know if:
EF is faster than someone with the correct skills coding queries manually
EF leads to unnecessary code bloat
EF unnecessarily shields devs from code-level details of their queries
LINQ-to-Entities is suited for projects of this size
In fact, if anyone thinks that an ORM is overkill for such project I'd like to hear reasons why.
EF is not overkill for web apps.
I disagree with a lot of what is stated in your referenced article. I do agree devs should have decent skills with SQL BUT ORMS do a great job in getting a devs job done more quickly.
Speed of ORMS - They are getting
better all the time & they allow you
to call SP's or modify the queries to
get max speed when necessary. There are also great profilers out there for monitoring ORM performance like EFProf.
Slows down the coding process -
Really!!! Once learned it speeds it
Devs needing to know SQL - I agree.
However, ORMS especially with LINQ
syntax often allow devs to write more
complex SQL than they would have on
their own.
Devs write efficient queries already - REALLLYYYY!!!! Just ask the DBA his/her thoughts! I happen to think I do but so does everyone else. See the problem. :-)
Code Bloat - Have to disagree, especially with ones that have LINQ.... It often makes the code more readable and reduces the line count often.
Forget about LINQ - This ship has
sailed. LINQ Rocks!!!! Go with it or
be left behind. It's not just used in ORMS. It can be used against, arrays, objects, XML, files, twitter and the list goes on and on.... Get to know LINQ.
The article talks about some of the inspiration of the latest developments out of MS as coming from Ruby on Rails. ROR has an ORM based on Active Record in it.....
ORMS are good. They don't have to be used everywhere and everytime but they are good and should be considered.
Although this is a general answer be wary of any opinion which has these comments in:
"X tool stinks, I write in Y tool and I can do it faster than in X tool."
Or course a Latin speaker speaks better in Latin.
EF has a learning curve, but anything new does. EF is not overkill, but as per any system being written use the right technology for the right project.
Looking at the article, the first thing I would see and disagree with is this:
I strongly believe that modern web
developers should:
•Love databases.
•Write highly efficient queries.
•Minimize code.
•Design self-evident user interfaces.
•Work quickly.
I am not sure how many people view web development, but in my mind a web devloper should focus on functionality and business rules. The pure database and SQL code should never be done by someone on my team that would be more productive writing business functional code.
This is where Entity Framework comes into play. It is considered a Rapid Application Development tool (as are most other ORMs). These tools are built specifically to allow you to focus more on how to fulfill the user requirements and less on what the right way to write a query is.
With that being said, I would also say that using the tool naively could be dangerous. When you use Entity Framework you still have to be cognizant of the implications of using the object graph that you are requesting.
It is by far not overkill, the tool is very simple to use and simple to learn. I would argue that it is easier to "fix" an Entity Framework rather than fixing a raw SQL Query and ADO transaction set.
On smaller projects my base recommendation is almost always go with some type of ORM. On enterprise applications you have to be a bit more careful and it entirely depends on budget :-).
An ORM can be quite useful, if used properly and you understand what it's doing for you. You should definitely use one, if you already have some understanding of database design and querying.
The point of the article, primarily, is that the concept of not having to learn anything about database design and querying somehow makes your life better is a fallacy. I prefer very thin layers of abstraction between code and database - I feel that lets me focus more on good user experience.
I personally feel the press behind EF is encouraging new coders to ignore some necessary basics. I've worked with some of them, and think they were done a disservice.
Of course, there are those that will very strongly disagree. No problem!
I know developers who started off loving it, and now don't. But I also know developers that love EF and swear by it.
I've used EF, LINQ to SQL and NHibernate and others over the years.
Best advice: give it a try. Come to your own conclusion.
(Disclosure: I'm the writer of the article you cited).
Definetely not an overkill. Go ahead and use EF.
It actually depends on the complexity of your data model rather than the type of application it is.
If you have a relatively simple data model, then EF may be overkill (if you don't know it yet). Linq-to-SQL may be a better choice (less learning curve, though it also has limitations such as no many-to-many mappings).
If your data model is more normalized, rather than just table based then EF will definitely pay off in the long run, or nHibernate, or any other more advanced ORM.
The article you link to seems to indicate that ORMs in general are bad, not just EF. When confronted on his points, he seems to back off them to some degree. It seems like he is trying to justify a blanket concept (that new developers should have to learn low level coding, particularly SQL, before going to high level frameworks) by inventing questionable points.

Design pattern for a simple CRUD data driven application

I would like to know the best practice for a designing a simple CRUD application with some screens updating various tables (like admin pages to maintain static data for an application). the simplest way would be to drag a data grid/gridview, bind it to a dataset and use a data adapter for CRUD operations. but if this application needs to be scalable, lets say to add any extra UI/business logic in future, then is there any design pattern that can help with this? should I be using an object data source control and bind it to business objects instead? or are there any better ways of doing it? should I build a complete layered application or will that be overengineering for this requirement? any examples for UI design would also be helpful. thanks.
If you are looking for a really quick and easy approach, you can look at using Dynamic Data
on top of a Linq2SQL or EF4 backend - hardly any code needed at all.
+1 Oded. No offence RKP but you might be confusing "simple" with with "effective" or "value-for-money". I also think you might want to be more clear about exactly what it is you're after: example UI designs is quite a different issue from the logical architecture. Anyway - good on you for asking.
If this is a "tactical" solution: not expected to have a long life-span, or is a quick-and-dirty dev tool then how you build it might not be such a big issue. (also beware that short-term tactical apps can end-ed being long-term strategic ones - were working on an app now that the business see as a "temporrary" tool: they see it only being used for the next 5-10 years (!)).
If it's a tool the "business users" will use, then it's quite likely they'll expect changes overtime: depending on what the app is for a simple pass-through CRUD app might only cut the mustard for a short while.
So I guess this is where your admirable desire to look at best practice comes in.
Are you familiar with OO design? A lot of the principles behind good OO design also apply at the architectural level (SOLID, Common Reuse, Common Closure, Loose Coupling, Stable Dependancies and Stable Abstraction Principles).
lets say to add any extra UI/business
logic in future
So - this is where you need to consider up-front how you will seperate concerns and allow for growth: architecture doesn't mean you have to do a big upfront design, it just means you need to have an idea of how you'll grow the application as requirements grow..
To finish:
Have a good look at the different system quality attributes and work out which ones are particularly relevant to the system. prioritise them.
I get a lot of mileage out of Dependency Inversion (The D in SOLID) - abstract out things like data access early on.
For me the other really key "best practice" is to pay attention to SRP (the S in SOLID),
http://www.asp.net/mvc is my bet. It's easy to start with and get going... You won't be dissapointed. :) StackOverflow itself is built on top of it.

The Model-Repository-Service-Validator-View-ViewModel-Controller design pattern (?)

When I first heard about ASP.NET MVC, I was thinking that would mean applications with three parts: model, view, and controller.
Then I read NerdDinner and learned the ways of repositories and view-models. Next, I read this tutorial and soon became sold on the virtues of a service layer. Finally, I read the Fluent Validation documentation, and I'll be darned if I didn't end up writing a bunch of validators.
Tonight, I took a step back and thought about what had become of my project. It seems to have become the victim of the design pattern equivalent of "feature creep". Somehow I'd gone from Model-View-Controller to Model-Repository-Service-Validator-View-ViewModel-Controller. You want loosely coupled and DRY? We got your loosely coupled and DRY right here! But I'm wondering if this could be a case of too much of a good thing.
Am I right to be concerned? Or is this actually not as crazy as it sounds? On one hand, it seems crazy to have so many layers. On the other hand, every layer has a clearly defined purpose that makes sense to me. Have your MVC applications turned into MRSVVVMC apps too? If not, what do they look like? Where's that right balance?
If you have one form with three attributes, this is overkill.
But if you have a 'real' application, and the responsibilities of each layer are well defined, I'd consider it pretty reasonable.
It sounds to me like you found a pattern and went looking for a problem. You should find a problem, and use the appropriate tool from your toolbox... not all the tools. Unless this is an academic exercise of course.
