GNU find: Search in current directory first - unix

how can I tell find to look in the current folder first and then continue search in subfolders? I have the following:
$ find . -iname '.note'
What I want is this:
$ find . -iname '.note'
Any ideas?

find's algorithm is as follows:
For each path given on the command line, let the current entry be that path, then:
Match the current entry against the expression.
If the current entry is a directory, then perform steps 1 and 2 for every entry in that directory, in an unspecified order.
With the -depth primary, steps 1 and 2 are executed in the opposite order.
What you're asking find to do is to consider files before directories in step 2. But find has no option to do that.
In your example, all names of matching files come before names of subdirectories in the same directory, so find . -iname '.note' | sort would work. But that obviously doesn't generalize well.
One way to process non-directories before directories is to run a find command to iterate over directories, and a separate command (possibly find again) to print matching files in that directory.
find -type d -exec print-matching-files-in {} \;
If you want to use a find expression to match files, here's a general structure for the second find command to iterate only over non-directories in the specified directory, non-recursively (GNU find required):
find -type d -exec find {} -maxdepth 1 \! -type d … \;
For example:
find -type d -exec find {} -maxdepth 1 \! -type d -iname '.note' \;
In zsh, you can write
print -l **/(#i).note(Od)
**/ recurses into subdirectories; (#i) (a globbing flag) interprets what follows as a case-insensitive pattern, and (Od) (a glob qualifier) orders the outcome of recursive traversals so that files in a directory are considered before subdirectories. With (Odon), the output is sorted lexicographically within the constraint laid out by Od (i.e. the primary sort criterion comes first).

Workaround would be find . -iname '.note' | sort -r:
$ find . -iname '.note' | sort -r
But here, the output is just sorted in reverse order and that does not change find's behaviour.

For me with GNU find on Linux I get both orderings with different test runs.
rm -rf /tmp/depthtest ; mkdir -p /tmp/depthtest ; cd /tmp/depthtest ; for dir in 1 2 3 . ; do mkdir -p $dir ; touch $dir/.note ; done ; find . -iname '.note'
With this test I get the poster's first result. Note the ordering of 1 2 3 .. If I alter this ordering to to . 1 2 3
rm -rf /tmp/depthtest ; mkdir -p /tmp/depthtest ; cd /tmp/depthtest ; for dir in . 1 2 3 ; do mkdir -p $dir ; touch $dir/.note ; done ; find . -iname '.note'
I get the poster's second result.
In either case adding -depth to find does nothing.
I wrote a perl oneliner to look in to this further:
perl -e 'opendir(DH,".") ; print join("\n", readdir(DH)),"\n" ; closedir(DH)'
And I ran this against /tmp/depthtest after running testcase 1 with these results:
I ran it again after testcase 2 with these results:
Which confirms that the results are in directory order.
The -depth option to find only controls whether e.g. ./1/.note is processed before or after ./1/, not whether ./.note or ./1/ is first, so the order of the results is purely based on directory order (which is mostly creation order).
It might be helpful to look at How do I recursively list all directories at a location, breadth-first? to learn how to work around this problem.

find -s . -iname ".note" doesn't help? or find . -iname '.note'|sort ?

Find in the current folder
find ./in_save/ -type f -maxdepth 1| more


How to generate a list of directories that has names starting with "A" and ending with "O"?

How do I use the find command to generate a list of directories whose names starts with "A" and ends with "O"?
The answer is
$ find . -type d -name "A*O"
The -type d option tells find to only output directory names, and the -name "A*O" option further restricts those names to those matching the pattern A*O (i.e. starting with A and ending with O). It does this in the current directory (.) and will recursively enter any directory therein and performs the same task.
You can use
Case Sensitive - find . -type d -name "AO" 2>/dev/null
Case Insensitive - find . -type d -iname "AO" 2>/dev/null
We can use -i to ignore the case.

List only folders which matches the wildcard expression

Is there a command which lists all folders that matches a wildcard expression? Example, if there are thousands of directories and I only want those ending in M or those starting in JO to be listed, can I do that with a certain Linux command? Thanks!
Use find command, for example:
# find anything that start with 'jo' end with 'm' (case insensitive)
find . -iname 'jo*m'
You can execute any command after that, for example:
# find just like above but case sensitive, and move them to `/tmp`
find . -name 'JO*M' -exec mv -v {} /tmp \;
To find only a directory, you can use -type d flag, for example:
# find any directory that start with JO
find . -name 'JO*' -type d
Explanation, first argument is the starting directory, . means current directory. The next argument means the search criteria -name for case sensitive search, -iname for case insensitive search, -type for type of item search, -exec to execute certain command where the {} is the file name matched. You can learn more here or for your specific case here.

Rename all subdirectories in csh shell

I'm using csh and I have a directory structure containing multiple sub-directories. I'm trying to rename all the directories and sub-directories but not the files inside these directories. So something like
I can list the directories with find . -maxdepth 3 -type d. I'm trying to use a foreach loop to rename them. So
foreach i (`find . -maxdepth 3 -type d`)
mv $i $i.test
But this doesn't work as once the top level directory is renamed, it cannot find the sub-directories, so it only renames the top level directories.
Any idea on how to go about this?
How about reversing the find results so that the subdirectories are listed first?
foreach i (`find ./* -maxdepth 3 -type d | sort -r`)
mv $i $i.test
Sort will output the longest directory names last, using the -r (reverse) flag changes it so that the lowest directories will be listed first, and be renamed before their parent directories do.
Use the -depth option to find.
From the solaris man find page:
-depth Always true. Causes descent of the
directory hierarchy to be done so that
all entries in a directory are acted on
before the directory itself. This can
be useful when find is used with cpio(1)
to transfer files that are contained in
directories without write permission.
Why use a loop? Just let find do the work:
find . -depth -maxdepth 3 -type d -exec mv {} {}.test \;
That is not strictly portable (some implementations of find may legally not expand {}.test to the string you want, so you might prefer:
find . -depth -maxdepth 3 -type d -exec sh -c 'mv $0 $0.test' {} \;

find without recursion

Is it possible to use the find command in some way that it will not recurse into the sub-directories? For example,
| |-OtherFile1
| |-OtherFile2
And the result of something like find DirsRoot --do-not-recurse -type f will be only File1, File2?
I think you'll get what you want with the -maxdepth 1 option, based on your current command structure. If not, you can try looking at the man page for find.
Relevant entry (for convenience's sake):
-maxdepth levels
Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of direc-
tories below the command line arguments. `-maxdepth 0' means
only apply the tests and actions to the command line arguments.
Your options basically are:
# Do NOT show hidden files (beginning with ".", i.e., .*):
find DirsRoot/* -maxdepth 0 -type f
# DO show hidden files:
find DirsRoot/ -maxdepth 1 -type f
I believe you are looking for -maxdepth 1.
If you look for POSIX compliant solution:
cd DirsRoot && find . -type f -print -o -name . -o -prune
-maxdepth is not POSIX compliant option.
Yes it is possible by using -maxdepth option in find command
find /DirsRoot/* -maxdepth 1 -type f
From the manual
man find
-maxdepth levels
Descend at most levels (a non-negative integer) levels of directories below the starting-points.
-maxdepth 0
means only apply the tests and actions to the starting-points themselves.

Union, Intersection and Exclude with the FIND-command?

I need to manage lists with find-command. Suppose the lists have random names in non-distinct lists (ie their intersection is not empty set). How can I do:
A \ B
find files in the list A except the files in the list B
A intersection B
find files common to the lists A and B
Please, consult here.
A union B
find all files in the two lists
$ find . | awk -F"/" '{ print $2 }'
$ find ~/bin/FilesDvorak/.* -maxdepth 0 | awk -F"/" '{ print $6 }'
I want:
A \ B:
A Intersection B:
A Union B:
A try for the Intersection
When I save the outputs to separate lists, I cannot understand why the command does not take the common things, ie the above intersection:
find -f all_files -and -f right_files .
Questions emerged from the question:
find ~/bin/FilesDvorak/.* -maxdepth
0 -and ~/.PAST_RC_files/.*
Please, consult for recursive find
find ~/bin/FilesDvorak/.* -maxdepth
0 -and list
Seriously, this is what comm(1) is for. I don't think the man page could be much clearer:
There are several tools that can help you find the intersection in file lists. 'find' isn't one of them. Find is for finding files that match a certain criteria on the filesystem.
Here are some ways of finding your answer.
To generate your two file lists
find . -maxdepth 1 | sort > a
(cd ~/bin/FilesDvorak/; find . -maxdepth 1 | sort > b)
Now you have two files a and b that contain directory entries without recursing into sub directories. (To remove the leading ./ you can add a "sed -e 's/^.///'" or your first awk command between the find an sort)
To find the Union
cat a b | sort -u
To find the A\B
comm -23 a b
To find the intersection
comm -12 a b
'man comm' and 'man find' for more information.
