Get google analytics id from the code embed? - google-analytics

As an example, the code I have to embed has an ID of the form: UA-3235632-1, but to use the data export API I need the ID from the URL of the proper page, in this case: 6270018.
How do I get the real ID from the UA type ID?

That feature of the the GA Data Export API could indeed be a little more clear.
Here's what you need to do:
login to the GA Browser and in the
upper-right-hand corner drop-down
menu, select your GA Account of
interest (assuming you have more
than one--if you don't then you are
already on right page). The page
that renders will be the Website
Profiles for that Account. Find the
row in that table that corresponds
to the Profile (Report) you want
retrieve data from and click on the
next-to-last column Edit;
The page you'll see now will say
Profile Settings in the upper
left-hand corner. Just under that,
in smaller font, you'll see Profile
ID followed by a string of digits
(probably six to eight). This is what you want
(in the python client for the GA
Data Export API, it is referred to
as TABLE_ID)).
To retrieve this parameter (TABLE_ID) programmatically, the GA Data Export API Account Feed returns this value to you in the dxp:tableID field. In particular, an Account Query will return the list of profiles under that Account to which you have access; each Profile will have a tableID in the field i mentioned just above.


Get exception details from a Azure Monitor Workbook

In application insights I can click on an exception and find nicely formatted information about it if I click on it.
This could look like this:
I would like to archive the same in an Azure Workbook. Here I can display all my exceptions with the KQL Term "Exceptions".
With the column settings I was hoping to be able to create a link to the Application insights page that shows me the same result like in the picture above.
I use this configuration:
Now I have a link, but when I click it there is just an empty pane:
Is there anything I misunderstand?
How do I need to configure my column settings to get a direct link to the Exception details like in clicking on the same item in Application Insights?
While not super obvious, the info bubble for the link settings shows:
The value in the column is expected to be an itemId of an exception telemetry item.
So as long as your query returns the itemId field, you can map that in the column settings:
(also, iirc, if the query returns a timestamp column, the details view will try to narrow down its search to just use a range around that time instead of trying to query a larger amount of time to find an item with that id)
Edit to add: if you are using thee Log Analytics based schema, AppExceptions the field is there but missing from documentation and the schema, there is an _ItemId field that is this field. I'm working with the App Insights/ Log Analytics teams to get this properly documented there.
Also, even if you're using the log analytics based app insights, you can also always query through the "app insights" resource and use the app insights schema the "old" way as well. (unless you're doing something specific in log analytics that the AI based way doesn't have?)
left is query against app insights schema, with exceptions table and itemId column
right is query against logs schema, with AppExceptions table and _ItemId field, returning the same exact item by that id value. you can seee that the _ItemId field shows red squiggles like it isn't valid, but that is incorrect, you'll get the right row if you run the query.

Can't use user id in Google Analytics

We have been registering user ids, and when we go to Audience->User Explorer, the users are all there, each with their activity measures. But we can't find a way to filter some users out of our custom reports.
We do ga('set', 'userId', 'xxxx-xxxx'); but we didn't create any custom dimension. We just told GA specific user-IDs for each.
We haven't been able to set up a segment, as we can't find the id in the filter. Neither in report filter.
We could go the the user and delete all their data. But that is not our point, and we need to keep this data as well. Ideally we would segment our users, but we can't use this filter in the segment definition.
If you want to segment user by userID, you need to create a custom dimension of which you can access. The clientId is not accessible as a dimension to segment on.

How to track USER_ID generated by Google analytics which came from certain campaign/utm?

when somebody register on my website, Google Analytics genrate a new USER ID form him. How can I label/track generated USER_IDs which came from certain campaign (i.e. form certain custom URL with utm parameters)?
Thx for help.
In the first step you should push the UID (or CID) as a Dimension into your GA Account. So you are able to export the UID/CID through the API (or CSV). Here is a article how to do this:!topic/tag-manager/lcTvzfvcTvU;context-place=topicsearchin/tag-manager/category$3Aadvanced-setup--implementation%7Csort:relevance%7Cspell:false
If you have the ID as a Dimension you can build a Segment containing your Campaign. In your reports you now see the IDs.
Another solution would be to fire the dimension with the IDs just if a User is on a page containing the specific parameters.

reporting on event hits in google analytics

I have been tasked with using Google Analytics to report of use of a desktop app so we can see which parts of the program are being used and how heavily, and potentially also see which companies are using which parts of the program (each company has a unique companyID). Ideally I'd like to be able to look at correlations (e.g., How many users who use report A also use process B?)
I currently have my program set to fire off a call to analytics. I've set it up to use the event tracking, but I'm open to app/screen tracking or something else if something would work better. I'm passing values like
&t=event // Event hit type
&tid=UA-XXXXX-Y // our ID; real code has valid value here
&cid=12345 // CustomerID
&ec=JobFinancialReport // Event Category
&ea=Run // Event Action
&el=Manager // Event label
&ev=7 // Event value
What I can't figure out is how in Google Analytics to set up reports that would show me something like:
CustomerID Category Label Total Hits Unique Users
12345 JobFinancialReport Manager 27 2
12345 MarketingReport1 Manager 6 4
I'm totally new to analytics so pardon my ignorance if I have some key misconception here. I've searched Googles sites and other questions here, but I may be wording my question incorrectly so I'm not finding something that's there. This is only one example; in some cases we might want to see how broadly each customer is using the program; in other cases we'd want to take the customerID out and just see how much a particular report is being used overall. Appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
The "cid" parameter is the client id, the value that is used to stitch single interactions into sessions and users.
The first problem that comes to mind with your setup is that the client id is not exposed in the user interface (with the single exception of the user explorer report) or the API.
You would need to implement this via a custom dimension (probably user scope, since it probably will never change for a given user) where you pass in the client id (you still need the cid parameter).
Then you could create a custom report (or create a report in Google Data Studio) with the custom value as primary dimension and your selected metric.
If you want to report "Unique Users" you would probably need to create a cid per logged-in user (if all users of the app have the same cid then you will always have but a single user reported). You should then probably create a second custom dimension for the company id, so you can segment your reports by company.
you can use custom reports in google analytics to get your desired output. here is how to create custom reports

Google Analytics - Using Client ID as a custom dimension

Can I use client ID as a dimension in my reports? Client ID does not appear as a dimension in the Dimensions and Metrics Explorer, but I believe I can create a custom dimension that will store the Client ID. My end goal is to have a row per customer/date+time containing the incidents associated with the particular customer at the particular time, e.g. page visits, particular events etc
Once you've created the custom dimension in GA, you can start tracking it via analytics.js with the following code:
ga(function(tracker) {
// Assumes dimension is at index 1.
tracker.set('dimension1', tracker.get('clientId'));
I found that the google analytics will NOT save your custom dimension if it matches the value of "client id" (even if that id isn't actually PII). However, if you alter the "client id" to become a different value, it will save properly.
Here are the guidelines about what you are allowed to send
