What is the nonInheritingStyles property on the UIComponent for? - apache-flex

What is the nonInheritingStyles property for on the UIComponent?
Is this a list of styles that the component does not inherit from the container?
Or is this a list of styles that have been set inline or in code so the component is just telling me that they are NOT inheriting from the container?
If it's the first why are their values set for this properties?

"Is this a list of styles that the component does not inherit from the container?"


ng-zorro-antd Modal not inheriting Providers from parent

Should the ng-zorro-antd Modal inherit providers from the parent?
I'm using the NzModalService to create the modal.
declare the provider in the parent component.
declare the service in the child modal component constructor.
The service in the child modal component is a new instance of the service. Should it not have been inherited from the parent?
Now the child component's NzModalService gets the parent component's NzModalService instance by #SkipSelf(), thus some properties are inherited from the parent.

Can't change encapsulated class in angular

Angular creates a div with a class container and put inside my component html. Is it possible to change that class to a container-fluid ? I read that angular use encapsulation but im not sure where can I find that div and if its even possible to change it's class.
you can find the html file who has that div in src/app/app.component.html check it and change the class that you want. hope that help

How to create a hidden item in flex-mobile like the hidden element in HTML?

In HTML we can create an element of type hidden, is it possible to create a similar element in flex-mobile ?
You can hide elements from displaying on screen by using the visible property and setting it to false
You can prevent elements from being included in the layout scheme of their container by using the includeInLayout property and setting it to false
You can also hide/show elements based on states.
Since you haven't provided any context for what you want to do, it is tough to direct you to a specific approach.

Limiting the effects of a stylesheet to the parent widget?

I am setting the background color of a QWidget subclass. When I do this using a stylesheet, the styles of the other components in the QWidget change (eg, the color of a PushButton, and its look changes).
How do I make sure only the background color of the container widget changes and the rest of the child components remain unchanged?
One way is to specify an ID selector. Make sure to set the objectName of your container widget (with setObjectName()) and use that name in the CSS selector. Assuming a widget named MyContainer, you would use something like this:
QWidget#MyContainer {...}
Try !imporant qualifier on child els background color property.

Skinning Spark List Component

How to skin spark List component so that every adjacent itemRenderer has different color (something like mx DataGrid)?
You can do this by creating a custom renderer derived from ItemRenderer and overriding the itemIndex setter. In your overridden method, set the background color based on whether the item index is odd or even. The Adobe docs have an example of this which you can find in this section:
Hope that helps.
