Programming podcast recommendations [duplicate] - podcast

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Closed 12 years ago.
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What good technology podcasts are out there?
Travelling an hour each way to work in the car I have taken to juicing my ears and brain by listening to podcasts. Currently this includes .NET Rocks, The Java Posse and (for the few I could find) Hacker Medley. Could anyone recommend any others?
My background is .NET, Java and I write some Android apps in my spare time. Any recommendations along these lines would very cool.

You might want to check out Hanselminutes from Scott Hanselman.

Even though they're no longer recording new episodes, a pretty goon one was Stackoverflow's own podcast.
I also like FLOSS Weekly.
You can check out IT Conversations Networks. They have a variety of PODCASTs listed.


How do you find/make work using Game Maker ( GML )? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does anyone know ways to use GML programming skills to find or make work, such as freelance work using Game Maker?
I was thinking of doing freelance game prototyping work for people looking for a quick mock-up and getting the feel for their game, that can be done within a week or a few days.
If anyone has an idea, could someone please help me out? Thank you.
Personally, I started out using GameMaker as a hobby, and I've worked on some small projects for other people, but I eventually got hired as a website and database programmer rather than as a game programmer.
Unless you find a team that is already using GameMaker for its project(s), your experience with GML may not count for much on its own, as the language is only useful inside GameMaker itself. However, understanding GML means that you also have basic programming skills, and once you know one way of programming it goes much quicker to learn another.
GameMaker made programming easy and interesting for me, but other languages gave me the tools needed for non-game projects.
A company may not hire you based on the fact that you know GameMaker specifically, but it may hire you because you know programming. It could be wise to research other programming languages and learn the basics of how they work.
If you are to sell your skills to a client, they will likely care more about the end result than the exact road you took to get there. For example, if the job is to make a game that works on Android phones, that is something GameMaker can do, and by extension it is something you could do.
If GameMaker doesn't seem like the tool for the job, use what you learned from GameMaker to help you understand a different program/framework. Even if you focus on GameMaker, you may need other languages if you are to set up an online game server or scoreboard.
A lot of successful games have been made with GameMaker, so it's definitely possible to make a living by using it. The Showcase section on the official homepage shows us games like Hotline Miami and Undertale - big hits in the Steam store.
This article from lists a few people who's made it big. Most important, I would say, is "True Valhalla", who gives the community running updates on how his business is going. You can find his blog linked in the article. He has written a book about how to make money by selling apps and games, which could be well worth checking out.
If you wish to focus on freelance work using GameMaker alone, then make sure to understand the ins and outs of the program so that you can be as flexible as possible. Make sure that you understand how the movement functions work, how to do collision checking, how to work with data structures, how to work with views and surfaces, and so on.
The technical skill doesn't need to be perfect, but you need to have an idea of what to do and how in order to realize your ideas within a reasonable time frame. Practice until you feel comfortable taking a game from concept to demo in a short time, and build a collection of examples and engines that could be useful to you. If you can reuse a script, that's a lot better than writing it from scratch for every new game you make.
Finally: Marketing yourself. In order to become attractive to potential clients, it helps to demonstrate your expertise by publishing your work online. Make yourself visible. Post screenshots, videos, and playable versions of games you've made. You could blog about game development, or build up a small profile by helping people online and getting credit for it.
Any project you can point to and say "I worked on this" makes you a more credible developer. If you are just starting out you may not have any projects yet, so one suggestion would be to make a small mini-game and publish it in an app store. You may even publish it for free. For your first games, exposure could be as valuable as sales.

How to get text only from Wikimedia API? And how to edit CSS?

First. How can i edit with CSS this render?
I have e link
{"query":{"pages":{"21721040":{"pageid":21721040,"ns":0,"title":"Stack Overflow","extract":"<p><b>Stack Overflow</b> is a website, the flagship site of the Stack Exchange Network, created in 2008 by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky, as a more open alternative to earlier Q&A sites such as Experts Exchange. The name for the website was chosen by voting in April 2008 by readers of <i>Coding Horror</i>, Atwood's popular programming blog.</p>\n<p>It features questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming. The website serves as a platform for users to ask and answer questions, and, through membership and active participation, to vote questions and answers up or down and edit questions and answers in a fashion similar to a wiki or digg. Users of Stack Overflow can earn reputation points and \"badges\"; for example, a person is awarded 10 reputation points for receiving an \"up\" vote on an answer given to a question, and can receive badges for their valued contributions, which represents a kind of gamification of the traditional Q&A site or forum. All user-generated content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribute-ShareAlike license.</p>\n<p>As of August 2013<sup class=\"plainlinks noprint asof-tag update\" style=\"display:none;\">[update]</sup>, Stack Overflow has over 1,900,000 registered users and more than 5,500,000 questions. Based on the type of tags assigned to questions, the top eight most discussed topics on the site are: C#, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Android, jQuery, C++ and Python.</p>\n<p></p>"}}}}
How can i give without this and other charachters?
{"query":{"pages":{"21721040":{"pageid":21721040,"ns":0,"title":"Stack Overflow","extract":"
That thing you're getting is a JSON object. I'm not really sure how you're trying to use the data, but you should probably parse that JSON and get only that part which is important to you: extract property.

Has questionanswering (QA) been used with Freebase as a knowledge base?

Has there been any prior work done on question answering machines using Freebase as a knowledge base? I searched for this on the web but couldn't get anything substantial. Does anyone know of any work around this area where the input is an unstructured question and the QA engine leverages Freebase to provide answers?
Take a look at the papers on Question Answering in our Mendeley group to see how people are using Freebase data to do question answering. There's a paper in there that covers the IBM Watson project that Tom mentions.
I also made a little question answering demo on that you can try here:
This doesn't sound like a programming question, but IBM's Jeopardy-playing Watson reportedly used Freebase (among many other sources of information) and TrueKnowledge in the UK uses it as one input.

Programming Games and Applications/OS [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I am interested in programming for games. I am currently building an iphone game with Shiva using Lua as the scripting language. After that, I am not sure what I should do or what languages I should learn. My goal is to keep building games but I also want to build my own game console. Of course, that won't be for years but I need to learn something right programming now. I know that programming games vs applications is totally different and that's why I need some help. What languages or things do you recommend for me to learn? I also want to be able to create applications but programming applications and programming games is a whole different thing.
The first game I ever wrote was a snake game written in Turbo Pascal. I was fiddling around and managed to get (using a series of dots) a line moving across the screen. Once I did that I made the line change direction. I hooked that up to the arrow keys and got excited. Two hours later i'd gotten a different coloured dot as 'food' up on the screen and it was a game of snake. Each game I wrote pushed me further and forced me to learn new things (ideas tend to roll on from one another.)
Try and stick to arcade style games. Breakout, Pong, Snake, etc. The amount of time it will take you to build Halo doesn't bear calculating!
Don't worry about which language you learn. You will learn many over the years. Right now is the time to ask which is easiest to start writing games with. If you already have the basics of C, then that's your answer straight away.
If you have no idea where to start, start doing animations instead of games. Ideas will come once you get used to your tools.
Write a program that draws a smiley face in the middle of the screen. Changing screen modes and using big graphics engines might be overkill for this. Keep it simple. Get that smiley face to move around, change it's colour, make it an unhappy face, etc. Before you know it you'll pick up some good momentum.
The question to ask is how do I write a smiley face on the middle of the screen instead of just on the next line in the console. In my first snake game, the answer was to write a load of space ' ' characters until i got to where I wanted. The better answer, apparently, is ncurses. If you are on Windows XP then the MingGW compiler is free you can get the (non-standard) conio.h library. That's what I used in my second snake game and it will get you started very quickly.
Good journey!
Look into modding.
I found QuakeC (how Quake1 mods were made) to be really easy to pick up, and you already have a very rich base of game content to use so that you can focus on gameplay and such. I found it a lot easier to stay interested when you're starting with a fun game and adding your own twist to it, rather than starting out making 3d box demos or other overly simple but needed low level programming steps.
Quake1 is pretty old but has the upside of pretty much everything involved in it being open source and free to extend. You could just as easily start modding any of the newer games out there.
A lot of todays big name game shops got their start making Quake or Halflife mods.
Having worked in the industry for several years, this is the best summary I can find:
My advice:
Learn C++ inside and out. Program in it every day. If you're already set up for iPhone development, learn OpenGL. It wouldn't hurt to learn Direct3D as well if you have access to a PC ( also have a look at XNA ). If graphics isn't your thing, make sure you know how pathfinding (A* algorithm) or collision detection works.
Keep building your own projects, and find a good online community that can support you if you have questions. Employers want see that you are smart, but more importantly, that you are dedicated - game programming is very hard, don't let anyone tell you differently.
You can download free development tools for Windows here:
The one you want is Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition.
Perhaps check out some of the game programming links here:
Those tutorials assume C++ which is used a lot in games programming so may be worth learning.
Or you could check out this tutorial if your interested in Java
You should check out Unity3D website. They have now a free version (named Unity) for personal and commercial use. You can use scripting with C# (possibly any .NET language), JavaScript, and Boo.
XNA would be a good fit too.
When you're just starting out, C, C# and C++ might be a bit complex to start with. If you're serious about game development, you will probably need to learn C++ eventually, but if you just want to quickly get some things done, you're already on the right track with lua.
Javascript is another language which is very similar to lua in many ways (and very different in others). One advantage of javascript is that everyone in the world has javascript installed on their computers. Another advantage is that it's very easy to learn. There are disadvantages too, but they are not nearly as bad as most "serious" programmers think. Javascript gets an undeserved bad rap.
Here is a very good tutorial for learning javascript:
It does not cover games programming, unfortunately- But it does cover concepts that are relevant to both games programming and application programming.
Here is a tutorial for javcascript that does cover games programming:
you will need a web browser in order to follow that tutorial. This does not include internet explorer, so you will probably want to use safari, firefox, or opera.
Once you are comfortable making games in an easy language like javascript or lua, then it will not be quite so hard to learn to make games in a hard language like C or C++.
On the other hand, you might be happy just making games in the easy language, and that's okay, there's no rules that say you have to learn C or C++ to make good games. Good games come from good ideas, not difficult programming.
Priority Order for a game programmer.
Any subject that needs Analytical thinking and Logical Problem Solving.
Necessary knowledge in the following domains.
Data Structures
Computer Graphics
Artificial Intelligence
Computer Networks
Web Technologies

whats the best way to faciliate collaboration within a software org [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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we have an org of around 300 people and certain people are very good at sharing articles, tips, blogs, etc but it usually happens within sub teams (between 5-15 people). whats the best way to scale this up to facilitate a culture of collaboration across a larger set of folks.
Post to central WIKI instead of email links?
Reward contributors and encourage bottom up organic collaboration ?
"Force" collaboration top down ?
You have to create an culture in which sharing is rewarded.
Post to central WIKI instead of email links.
Reward contributors and encourage bottom up organic collaboration
"Force" collaboration top down. By "force" you mean reward and encourage.
You must do all of this. And more.
You must teach collaboration
You must assure that all managers value and reward collaboration
You must measure collaboration.
Even then, you'll probably have to do even more.
Good answer by S.Lott.
I'd add: You need to make sure people can easily find things when they need them. That's partly cultural - do people think to look at the wiki, and do they know where to look. It's also about the wiki's structure & quality:
Is it easy to navigate & search?
Is it kept up to date?
How does it mesh with other documentation (eg javadoc)?
From my experience, forced = hated. So you have to make people want to use it, ie make it useful. A central Wiki sounds like the best solution, but it's hard to say. You might want to look into MediaWiki, Traq, or Sharepoint Services (not to be confused with Office Sharepoint).
Your organization may find it encouraging if you post a list of the top contributors, editors, or visitors to the site. But that depends on how your org perceives competition.
I wouldn't suggest a central wiki for collaboration (aside from internal specific stuff). But for sharing information found online you should encourage people to use one of the many existing systems for this. Google Reader has a really nice sharing and commenting mechanism. Delicious would also be a good fit for what you want.
There's no reason to try to create a walled garden inside your organization for content that is being created outside of it. The system you create will not be as good as the ones that already exist and that will kill adoption.
