Column Value of multiselect rows in jqgrid -

Its like I have multiselect option in Jqgrid in which i want to pass the selected rows value to the server and based on the value i will delete the rows. I dont want to have the ids to do my work. For the Single row i get the cell value and delete using the same. But for multi select its not the case. In getGridParam('selarrrow'); I use this to fetch the selected rows bu the values are not getting populated. Please help me out in doing the same
When i use the following code as i saw in some sample question i can fetch the value for the single row selection but when i select multiple rows then i pass it says like "FALSE" or "UNDEFINED". What can be the issue. var grid = jQuery('#list'); var sel_id = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selarrrow'); var myCellData = grid.jqGrid('getCell', sel_id, 'CountryId');

I got this done by using the for loop for getting the selected rows id
i did some thing like this and I am able to fetch the value. Thought this might help others too please check it
var myrow;
var id = jQuery("#List").jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow');
for (var i=0;i<id.length;i++) // For Multiple Delete of row
myrow = jQuery("#List").jqGrid('getCell',id[i],'ticker');


Is there a way to find / update a row based on column values instead of the Row ID?

I have a C# app that sends data to Smartsheet. At the moment, it's just inserting rows, based on the following:
Row rowA = new Row.AddRowBuilder(null, true, null, null, null).SetCells(cellsA).Build();
smartsheet.SheetResources.RowResources.AddRows(_SheetID, new Row[] { rowA });
There are two columns that are essentially the keys for the data, and I'd like to be able to update a row if it exists (WHERE field1 = 'key1' and field2 = 'key2'), and if no row exists with those two field values, do a row insert.
Is it possible to do an update / insert like this? Keep in mind, I'm very new to the Smartsheet API - still finding my way...
Thanks much.
You would need to do this manually today. There isn't a currenty way to ask the API to do this for you.

How can I find out if an update cause a change in SQLITE with Xamarin?

I am using this code;
sql = "UPDATE SCORE SET A = 1 WHERE ID = 12 AND COUNT = 25";
Is there a way that I can execute this kind of statement and find out if the update actually found and updated a row?
The execute method returns the number of rows modified. So
var rowsModified = db2.Execute(sql);
if(rowsModified > 0)
// the statement found at least one row to update
Modified means in this case that a row to update was found. So, it is counted as a modification even when the statement results in assigning the same values already present in the row.

If 2 dropdown showing same value on selected index change

I have been asked question on this scenario.There are 2 dropdownlist populating same data from same table one at top and other at bottom.when Item in first dropdownlist get selected,same item is shown in second dropdownlist and second item get selected,same item is selected in first.That means it is continuous loop.How to handle this situation. Don't want to use query
select name from table where id = ddl1.selecteditem.value and execute it.
On selectedindex function of dropdownlist1,he wrote like this
ddl2.selectedItem.value = ddl.selectedItem.value
and second list
ddl.selectedItem.value = ddl2.selectedItem.value
Does it possible to select the value from these 2 statement?I done like this,but not working.
In order to get the same value in both dropdownlists you need to do this in your dropdownlist1_selectedindexchanged:
DropDownList2.Items.FindByValue(DropDownList1.SelectedValue).Selected = true;
The same in dropdownlist2_selectedindexchanged:
DropDownList1.Items.FindByValue(DropDownList2.SelectedValue).Selected = true;
This should keep the same value in both dropdownlists whenever they have been modified.

Edit the code of a GridView column

I've been looking for a way to control the text that appears in a particular column of a GridView.
For example consider a database with two tables Student and Class.
I want to add a column to the GridView which print out all the students in the Database, the column will show the student's class name, how can do it? (I can normally print the ClassId since its a FK in the student table)
I want to add a column to the GridView which print all the classes, the column will count the number of students in each class, how can I do it?
1- You can do that simply with inner join or a stored procedure to get the class name beside all the data you need in your query.
2- More than one way to do what you want:
For example:
you can add a column to your data table (empty column ), and fill it later through using Sum() aggregate function in a query.
DataTable result_dt = DAL_Helper.Return_DataTable(sqlSelect);//your original query
result_dt.Columns["NumberOfStudent"].DataType = typeof(string);
result_dt.Columns["NumberOfStudent"].MaxLength = 255;
if (result_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < result_dt.Rows.Count; i++)
//Here u can fill your new empty column.
After you return your customized data table(as a data source), you can bind it to the grid view.
Another solution : add an empty column to the grid view and in the RowDataBound event of the grid view you can fill this column through some loop and you can use LINQ to help you in getting the summation.

perform "not in" query using linq from 2 datatables

i have a datatable which contains "InvalidCodes".
Before uploading the data to database(data is still in datatable), i want to perform linq on the datatable to remove Invalid entries and move them in another datatable
datatable allEntries ( entries yet to be uploaded in database)
datatable InvalidCodes(single column datatable - retrieved from database)
datatable invalidEntries
right now "allEnties" contains valid entries and invalid entries. the linq query on "allEntries" should move the nonexistend code entries to invalidEntries datatable.
plz help me perform this.
below is the query i formed but its not valid
string query = "select [CityCode] from [StateCity] ";
DataTable citylist = getDataTableFromSelect(query);
var result = from myrow in inputDt.AsEnumerable()
where !myrow.Field<string>("CityCode").Contains(from myrow2 in citylist.AsEnumerable() select myrow2.Field<string>("CityCode") )
select myrow;
I'd make a HashSet for the invalid city codes - this will allow the code to quickly/efficiently identify which of the codes are in the invalid set.
e.g. something like:
var invalidCityCodes = from myrow2 in citylist.AsEnumerable()
select myrow2.Field<string>("CityCode");
var invalidCityCodeHashSet = new HashSet<string>(invalideCityCodes);
var result = from myrow in inputDt.AsEnumerable()
where !invalidCityCodeHashSet.Contains(myrow.Field<string>("CityCode"))
select myrow;
You can also take both the results in 2 Different Lists and then you can
List1 = List1.RemoveAll(Item=>List2.Contains(Item))
This works fine with me and will work for you also.
