How do I prevent dragging outside the parent container in Flex/Flash? - apache-flex

I have a canvas onto which I draw shapes like rectangle etc. When I move the shape using my custom mouse down/mouse move handler, the shape can go outside the parent bounds.
I am checking if the child is outside the parent's bound to snap it back:
var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this.parent);
var p:Point;
if (bounds.x <0) {
p = new Point(0,0);
if (bounds.y <0) {
if (!p) p = new Point(0,0);
if (bounds.y+bounds.height > this.parent.height) {
if (!p) p = new Point(0,0);
if (bounds.x+bounds.width > this.parent.width) {
if (!p) p = new Point(0,0);
if (p) {
trace("invoking snapInside ", p);
The snapInside method gets called when I go outside the left or top boundary. But when the child is dragged outside the right or bottom boundary, I find Flex/Flash runtime automatically expands the parent's height and width. So say the parent size was initially 800x600, if child Y bounds exceed 800 by say 20 pixel, I find the this.parent.height automatically resized by flex to 820!!
How do I prevent the parent from resizing when child goes outside the original bounds of the parent ?

when the parent object is created save the bounds to a var outside your function so you can call to the stored size later. If you keep checking the bounds within your function then of course it will change as the objects with in the parent change. Or set the bounds on mouseDown but not on drag so you have an updated bounds before your drag object hits the edge.


Get visible elements from AnchorPane

I'm developing a JavaFX application where the user is able to zoom and drag the elements (all contained in a AnchorPane). Some of those elements are simple lines and I need to have something like a ruler that has different parent to stick on the screen on the same position even if the user zooms or drags the mentioned AnchorPane. I got almost everything working but I have one problem, I need to know which lines from the AnchorPane are visible to the user (as if the user zooms and drags the AnchorPane, some of the lines are not visible anymore). Here's what I tried (not working...)
private List<Double> getVisibleVerticalLinesXCoordonate() {
List<Double> xCoordonatesOfVisibleVerticalLines = new ArrayList<>();
List<Node> visibleNodes = new ArrayList<>();
Bounds bounds = rulerParent.getBoundsInLocal();
Bounds paneBounds = rulerParent.localToScene(bounds);
for (Node n : gridVerticalLines) {
Bounds nodeBounds = n.getBoundsInParent();
if (paneBounds.intersects(nodeBounds)) {
for (Node node : visibleNodes) {
Bounds newBounds = getRelative(node);
return xCoordonatesOfVisibleVerticalLines;
private Bounds getRelative(Node node) {
return rulerParent.sceneToLocal(node.localToScene(node.getBoundsInLocal()));
So, the rulerParent is what is fixed on the screen (is not zooming or dragging at all). After I have the visible lines from the AnchorPane I get the x coordinates of the lines relative to rulerParent - so I can align the ruler lines with the lines in the AnchorPane.
The problem is that this is not returning the actual visible lines...
I don't need to be able to see the whole line to consider it visible, that's why I'm using intersect...if any part of a line is visible, I need it.
It's about how you handle the zoom and dragging actions try to use ViewPort instead of scaling as with ViewPort you can know the translation X and Y coordinates of the ViewPort which is the visible X and Y coordinates of the AnchorPane

Change polygon size on window resize

In my QML application I am drawing a triangle manually using "Canvas" object. The problem is I cannot figure out how to change the drawn object size each time I resize the main window.
Preferably, it would be convenient If I could simply redraw the triangle each time a window resize occurs. But I don't know how could this be done in QML. In bare QT, I guess I would subscribe to window size changed signal. What is the proper way of doing this in QML?
Edit: The program is described here: Change polygon color dynamically
In my main window there is a rectangle called rectMain. It is always the same size as the window. Then inside that rectangle there is another one, called rectTemp. In that rectangle I draw the canvas.
Edit 2: So far I have figure out how to react manually on window size changes:
property int lastWindowWidth: 0
property int lastWindowHeight: 0
function windowSizeChanged()
if ((lastWindowWidth == width) && (lastWindowHeight == height))
console.log("New height: ", height, " New width: ", width);
lastWindowWidth = width
lastWindowHeight = height
onHeightChanged: windowSizeChanged();
onWidthChanged: windowSizeChanged();

How to get the coordinates of the point that I click?

I am playing with <canvas> tag and just encountered a problem:
I want to get the coordinates of a point when I click on a canvas.
I searched for a while and found some functions, but as a 300x300 canvas, the point of its right-bottom point is (300,150). Shouldn't it be 300,300 (because the img is 300x300 and the canvas is 100% on it)?
What should I do to get the 300x300?
You must adjust the event.clientX and event.clientY coordinates returned by your event handlers by the offset of the canvas element vs the window. To do that you can use canvas.getBoundingClientRect to get the left & top canvas offsets. Be sure to listen for resize & scroll events. When those events happen you must re-fetch the canvas's current offset.
// Fetch offsetX & offsetY variables that contain the
// canvas offset versus the window
// Re-fetch when the window is resized or scrolled
function reOffset(){
var BB=canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
var offsetX,offsetY;
window.onscroll=function(e){ reOffset(); }
window.onresize=function(e){ reOffset(); }
Here's how to use the offsets to calculate correct mouse coordinates in an event handler:
function handleMouseDown(e){
// tell the browser we're handling this event
// calculate the mouse position
// your stuff
function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: evt.clientX,
y: evt.clientY
Is enough to work. You image is 350px big, not 300px.

Flex scrolling more than 10.000 pixels

The Flex Canvas container is limited to 10,000x10,000 pixels. Yet, I've seen Flex apps that are scrolling way more than 10,000 pixels. Any idea how this can be done?
The content I want to scroll is in pieces already, but I need to add those pieces to something that can scroll vertically more than 10,000 pixels.
Depending on what you actually want to display you may be able to split your content into tiles. This is how Google Maps works, every time the map is moved the program determines which tiles are visible on the screen and loads them in. Any markers or overlays that are on the map are notified that the map has moved and determine where their new location is. If their location is off the screen they can be removed from the canvas. For example, the width of all the tiles at zoom level 20 on Google Maps is (256 pixels * 2^20) which equals 268,435,456 total pixels.
Essentially you just need to create a special Sprite that keeps track of the actual x,y location it is supposed to be positioned at. Any time the container moves you simply iterate through all of the child objects and determine where to put them.
function onCanvasScroll() {
//determine the top left coordinates of the canvas
//you will figure out how to do this depending on how the scrolling window
//is implemented
var canvas_scroll_x;
var canvas_scroll_y;
//create a bounding box for the canvas
var view_bounds = new Rectangle(canvas_scroll_x, canvas_scroll_y, canvas.width, canvas.height);
for (child in canvas) {
var x = child.actual_x - view_bounds.x;
var y = child.actual_y - view_bounds.y;
var childBounds = new Rectangle(x, y, child.width, child.height);
//determine if the component is visible on screen
if (view_bounds.intersects(child_bounds)) {
child.visible = true;
child.x = x;
child.y = y;
else {
child.visible = false;
So if you have a canvas that is positioned at (100, 20000), a sprite that is positioned at (300, 20100), and a window that is (640,408), you would place it at (200, 100) and it would be visible on the screen.
Instead of just setting visible to true or false a better approach would be to remove the items from the canvas entirely when they are not within the bounds of the view.

Algorithm to determine if a component is fully visible in Flex?

Is there a built in way to determine if a component is fully visible in a Flex application (i.e. not offscreen one way or the other). If not how would I go about figurin it out?
I want to show or hide additional 'next' and 'previous' buttons if my primary 'next' and 'previous' buttons are off screen.
What event would be best to listen to to 'recalculate' ? stage.resize?
here is a method for calculating if the component is within the bounds of the stage, it will not however tell you if the component is being hidden by another component, or if the component is being hidden because it is outside the bounds of another container.
public function isComponentWithinStage(c:UIComponent):Boolean {
var tl:Point = c.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0));
var br:Point = c.localToGlobal(new Point(c.width, c.height));
//are we off the left or top of stage?
if ( tl.x < 0 || tl.y < 0 ) {
return false;
var stage:Stage = Application.application.stage;
//off the right or bottom of stage?
if ( br.x > stage.width || br.y > stage.height ) {
return false;
return true;
Could you give the specifics of the visible item and the container(s) it's in? Is it a matter of having to scroll some container to get to the buttons? Or is it a matter of someone has dragged a child window of a flexlib:MDICanvas partially off screen?
I think it's going to come down to if the x,y position of the component is beyond the width and height of its container, (and so on up through the parent containers until you reach your top level Application.)
