960 Grid for fluid layouts - 960.gs

For the fluid layouts, can i use 960 grid system for developing web applications..?

You can use the 960 grid system for web applications. If you want a fluid version you must select the fluid version to download. The default version is based on a fixed width of 960 pixels. See the download page:

Yes. Go to http://grids.heroku.com/ and download the fluid version instead of the normal version.

I personally like the 960.gs layout and think it looks good on any browser/system except mobile, then you should have a mobile version (jQueryMobile, Sencha etc).
Anyhow if you want something a little larger than 960 there is a new grid system that works quite well called 1140
Check out their site. I found 1140 easier to use than 960.gs, in fact I wish they supported 960px resolution :)
Hope this helps!


Designing in the browser with a grid but without Photoshop?

I'm planning on designing my next website purely in the browser, but would like to use a grid system. I'm pretty new to grid systems, and when I've looked into them they all recommend I use Photoshop to layer the grid image over my design. If I want to use a grid system but not Photoshop, do I just use something like Susy to view the grid in the browser?
I've never seen a web grid system recommend using photoshop, so I'm not sure where you saw that - but you certainly can use Susy to view (and manage) your grid directly in the browser.

UI Design: Popular Site Layout Grid Systems > 960

I am familiar with the popular 960 Grid System setup and it's been very helpful - but I am looking for other popular/heavily-adopted solutions with the following abilities:
Larger base resolution (1280px rather than 1024px)?
Makes use of HTML5 semantic layout tags: ASIDE, NAV, etc.
Clean CSS: few "tricks/quirks" as possible... CSS3 would be a bonus.
Thank you.
Twitter Bootstrap features a grid system as well. It is kind of based on the 960 one but you can also modify it to roll your own. And it has a bunch of other shiny features (including HTML 5 and CSS 3).
Not sure if many people are still using the 960px layout since many people are into responsive design now. Check out html5boilerplate, tutorial from tutsplus(html5/css3 starter), cssgrid, fluid base grid(targets any resolution). Not sure if those helped but should give you an idea. I would go with fluid or used one of these as a boilerplate for new projects.

Is there any CSS grid framework like blueprint, 960.gs specifically for mobile websites?

Is there any CSS grid framework like blueprint, 960.gs specifically for mobile websites?
For media="handheld" and iphone both. With a good reset and Grid.
CSS Grid support for Mobile version
Try resize your browser to see how it works.
Check out 960 Grid on jQuery-Mobile:
no, there are some mobile css resets but even css reset is too much on a mobile site as it must be optimized for speed and as less as possible bandwidth

Fluid 960 Grid System with 24 columns or more?

is there a way of having at least 24 columns using Fluid 960 Grid System?
cause i want a fluid version and im currently using the fluid version you can download with css generator on 960:s website.
give a try to fluid24.org it is based on 960.gs but allows you a fluid/liquid layout
You just need to do the math 960/24 = 40 so yes but you might need to work out the css yourself though - I am not familiar with this css library. If you know how the fluid grid system works. My favourite article on the subject is by Jon Tan and this should tell you everything you need to know: http://jontangerine.com/log/2007/09/the-incredible-em-and-elastic-layouts-with-css

difference between custom css generator fluid css and fluid 960 grid system

so on 960:s homepage you can customize the grid and download the fluid version. so if i want a flexible grid this will do?
what's the thing about fluid 960 grid system? there are only 12 and 16 column versions. what if i have generated a 24 columns fluid version with 960 custom generator?
you can try fluid24 it is a fluid 24 columns grid system based on 960.gs
The custom CSS generator helps you use the same concept behind 960 but with other variables, and a fluid version as well. It was developed by Spry Soft and was based on 960.gs.
You can customize width, number of columns, and if you want a fluid layout using that generator. You might want to start with a simple site using just 960gs to get the hang of it before trying a 24 column fluid width layout.
