Could not load file or assembly after upgrading DevExpress -

I've been tearing my hair out over this one, and hopefully it'll be something simple that I'm too thick to work out for myself.
We've got a ASP.NET website (IIS7.5, Server 2008R2) that uses the wonderful DevExpress ASP modules. All was working fine until I had the bright idea of upgrading the modules from 10.1.4 to 10.1.7. Ever since, the site throws intermittent but regular errors that it:
Could not load file or assembly 'DevExpress.Data.v10.1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b88d1754d700e49a' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
All the .aspx files have similar register tags, e.g.:
<%# Register assembly="DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors.v10.1" namespace="DevExpress.Web.ASPxEditors" tagprefix="dx" %>
I updated the VS2010 project using DevExpress's own upgrader utility. There is no reference to v10.1.4 anywhere in the code - I've checked the .aspx files, web.config etc - and the web server has all the latest .DLL's on too. I've even moved the site to a complete new, virgin server, yet the error still occurs. Specifying the subversion number and public key in the register tag doesn't make any different.
I've iisreset'd, cleared out temporary files, rebooted etc, all to no avail. The really frustrating thing is the error isn't reproducible - sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Can anyone help me out?

In the solutionExplorer: switched to the File View and changed
CopyLocal = true
for all DevExpress assemblies both in the Server and ServerGenerated projects.
It resolves the issue for me.
Could you please try it and let me know if that helps?

Please make certain that the application's bin folder does not contain our old assemblies. Also, search your project for '' substring and make sure that this string does not appear. If this does not help, you must be sure that your application does not reference a dll which references our old assemblies or which is residing in the bin folder. Finally, a good idea is to clear the Temporary ASP.NET Files Folder ("C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files")... I hope, this will be helpful.


"Parser Error Message: Could not load type" in Global.asax

I'm working on an MVC3 project and receive the following error:
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'GodsCreationTaxidermy.MvcApplication'.
Source Error:
Line 1: <%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="GodsCreationTaxidermy.Core.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>
The error I get is cannot load GodsCreationTaxidermy.Core.MvcApplication but in this screen shot the Core part isn't displaying in the error:
Does anyone have any ideas or a solution to this error?
Check that the project output path (project properties / Build) is set to bin and not bin\Release or bin\Debug
For some reason IIS (VS development Server or Local IIS) always accesses the libraries from the bin directory (and won't look up for subdirectories)
Your local web server is running different code than what you're actually working on. Ensure you have stopped debugging, stop your local web server, clean and rebuild as Peter suggested, double-check your global.asax and global.asax.cs, and try again.
If this doesn't work and you are using local IIS, try removing the site in IIS Manager and recreating it manually.
Try modifying your global.asax file (simple add a space somewhere) and re-run. this will force the built in webserver to refresh and recompile the global.asax file.
Also do a clean and rebuild - should fix the problem
This happens sometimes if you change namespace information (project or class level) after the global.asax is generated.
Right click on the Global.asax file and select "Open With" and then select "XML (Text) Editor with Encoding" (other editors may work as well, but this is what I use).
Then edit the "Inherits" section in the XML directive
<%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="GodsCreationTaxidermy.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>)
so that it matches the actual full name of your Application class. And that's it.
Another option is to copy off all your code from Global.asax.cs and then delete and create another Global.asax file (and then copy the code back into Global.asax.cs).
I closed and reopened visual studio and it worked.
I had to go to BUILD -> CONFIGURATION MANAGER and -- ahem -- check the box next to my project to ensure it actually gets built.
I had this issue today, and it took me a while to find the cause.
Basically, my main VS2015 project was including a sub-project which had been built using a higher version of .Net Framework.
Bizarrely, when you have this problem, VS2015 will happily report that the solution has built okay, but when you try and run the website, it just gives you that misleading error, suggesting that your Global.asax.cs file is wrong.
So, if you see this error, and Cleaning/Rebuilding doesn't help, open your Project's References tree, and check for exclamation marks.
Also, check your Output window for messages like this:
The primary reference "C:\Projects\Business Objects 4\bin\Release\BusinessObjects.dll"
could not be resolved because it was built against
the ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5" framework.
This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework
The solution, of course, is to right-click on your main project, select the top tab, "Application", and change the Target Framework version to a higher version which matches your sub-project.
It's annoying that Visual Studio 2015 will let you fully build and run Solutions which quietly contain this problem. It's asking for trouble..!
"BUILD -> CONFIGURATION MANAGER and -- ahem -- check the box next to my project to ensure it actually gets built."
That and going to the project folder in windows explorer, pressing options and unchecking the "Read only" checkbox helped.
I just encountered this on an MVC5 application and nothing was working for me. This happened right after I had tried to do an SVN revert to an older version of the project.
I had to delete global.asax.cs and then added a new one by right clicking Project -> Add New Item -> Global.asax and THAT finally fixed it.
Just thought it might help someone.
I was working on an older 'folder based' ASP.NET web project (which I loathe) - and found this to be my fix:
Create an App_Code folder (if you didn't have one already)
Move the Global.asax.vb file into the App_Code folder
The markup in Global.asax can leave out any namespaces (at least, for this style of project, afaik):
<%# Application Codebehind="Global.asax.vb" Inherits="MyApp" Language="VB" %>
...where "MyApp" is the name of the class being defined in Global.asax.vb
Delete the .vs directory from the solution root. Clean. Rebuild.
This issue drives me bonkers once in awhile and I inevitably end up here paging through answers. I suspect there are multiple causes that can produce this exception, this once works for me.
You can also check your site's properties in IIS. (In IIS, right-click the site and choose Properties.) Make sure the Physical Path setting is pointing to the correct path for your application not some other application. (That fixed this error for me.)
Empty the bin folder. Build all the dependent class libraries and refer them in the main project, and build the complete solution.
I have to report that I tried at least 4 suggestions from this post. None of them worked. Yet I am happy to report that I recovered by retrieving from back up. Only had to update my last code changes from log file. Took less then 10 minutes. Spent 3 times that reading this post and trying other suggestions. Sorry.
It was a very weird error. Good luck to anyone else encountering this gremlin.
I have same problem when I have 2 instance of Visual Studio running same project. So I closed both Visual Studio and opened only one instance and It works fine now!
This issue I was solved by giving right permission of the folder as well as check from IIS.
I was given permission to everyone as I am testing in my local environment. But in publish mode I think we give only permission to ASP.Net user.
I too faced the same problem. Despite of following every Answer it didnt work.
Then I changed the "Inherits=namespace.class" to "Inherits=fully qualified assemble name" i.e "Inherits=namespace.class,assemblyname, Version=, Culture=, PublicKeyToken="
Hope it helps.
This can also happen if you accidentally forget to set your VS solution to "Multiple Startup Projects" if you are running a Web and WebApi from the same solution.
You can check this by right-clicking on Solution in the Solution Explorer and select 'Properties". Then look for 'Startup Projects'.
I spent multiple days on this issue. I finally got it resolved with the following combination of suggestions from this post.
Change platform target to Any CPU. I did not have this configuration currently, so I had to go to the Configuration Manager and add it. I was specifically compiling for x64. This alone did not resolve the error.
Change the output path to bin\ instead of bin\x64\Debug. I had tried this several times already before I changed the platform target. It never made a difference other than getting an error that it failed to load the assembly because of an invalid format.
To be clear, I had to do both of these before it started working. I had tried them individually multiple times but it never fixed it until I did both.
If I change either one of these settings back to the original, I get the same error again, despite having run Clean Solution, and manually deleting everything in the bin directory.
The solution for me wasn't any of the above.
I had to delete (and not recreate) Global.asax and Global.asax.cs.
These files existed in the folder, even though they weren't referenced in the project.
Apparently the build still saw them.
Since I use OWIN with Startup.cs, the Global.asax file was obsolete and there was no issue with deleting it.
Yes, I read all the answers. However, if you are me and have been pulling out all of what's left of your hair, then try checking the \bin folder. Like most proj files might have several configurations grouped under the XML element PropertyGroup, then I changed the OutputPath value from 'bin\Debug' to remove the '\Debug' part and Rebuild. This placed the files in the \bin folder allowing the Express IIS to find and load the build. I am left wondering what is the correct way to manage these different builds so that a local debug deploy is able to find and load the target environment.
I also got the same error...check the name of the Application you developed properly ie. the namespace and the assembly name alloted and also try physically changing the name of the folder created for the application, all of this should be same as the name in the above namespace present in the file global.asax
I also got the same error...check the IIS Configuration of your Virtual Directory and be sure that Properties - ASP.NET - ASP.NET Version is the same of Project Properties - Application - Target Framework. (That fixed this error for me.)
My app was built in an older version of VS, and didn't have a bin folder. I had upgraded it to a newer version, and had a nightmare getting it to deploy. I finally tracked this error down to the Project > Properties > Application. The Target Framework was set to 2.0; changing it on the server to match in the IIS Manager/App Pool solved the issue for me.
I found that changing the Namespace on the project, without refactoring that across the whole solution was my problem. Check your project Properties and see what your namespace is, ensure that lines up, across the board.
The problem for me is that I didn't include global.asax.cs in my project. And because I was copying files from a .net 4.5 to a 4.0 I didn't comment out lines that are not needed in 4.0. Because it was not included visual studio compiled it anyway without issues. But when I included it, it highlighted the lines that cause problems.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
//using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Mvc;
//using System.Web.Optimization;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace YourNameSpace
public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
I spent literally a day trying to resolve this.
The only thing that worked was deleting the .sln file, creating a new one, and adding the projects back in one by one.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ - Programming - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
For my case, the web assembly was part of GAC... so after build, it need to installed in GAC and it worked.
I encountered this error message and eventually discovered that the error message was misleading. In my case there appears to have been a routing issue in IIS which caused the global.asax from another site on the web server to be read thus generating the error.
In IIS, my site was bound to http:*80:webservices.local and contained an application called MyAPI. I received the dreaded message when calling the MyAPI application using the web server's ip address.
In order to successfully call my application I had to add a host file entry for webservices.local on all of the machines that called the MyAPI application. Then all of my requests had to be prefixed with http://webservices.local/MyAPI/ in order to route correctly.
I tried absolutely everything here and nothing worked. My project was in VS 2013. I have since upgraded to VS 2015 and have been creating all of my new applications in 2015 but loading, compiling, building etc all of my old apps that were built in 2013 in that version.
I ended up just loading the solution in 2015 and it resolved it for me.

Parser Error : Could not load type after changing output dir in web app

This isn't really a question on a problem; I've solved it my own (after banging my head against a wall for a couple of days) and I'd like to share it, but I'd be REALLY interested if someone can give me an explanation on why this happens.
The situation is simple enough : In C# 4.0, VS 2010 (haven't tested in other configs) create an empty ASP.NET web application
: File -> New -> Project (not Web Site) -> Web -> ASP.NET Empty Web Application.
In the newly created web app, create a page (add -> new item -> web form). Then run the project and, ofcourse, it works.
Now do the following :
Clean the project output i.e. delete everything from the bin folder
Change the project's output folder : project properties -> build -> output path. E.g. change bin\ to bin\debug (that's what I did)
BANG ! The project no longer works ! Try starting it (F5) and you get :
Server Error in '/' Application.
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'WebApplication2.WebForm1'.
Source Error:
Line 1: <%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication2.WebForm1" %>
Line 2:
Line 3: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
Source File: /WebForm1.aspx Line: 1
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.237
If you don't do step #1 (delete everything from the bin folder) the project works but when you change the code inside WebForm1.aspx.cs you start getting "Source file not found" messages from the debugger. As I understand, for some %$&^#$^* reason, it still uses dlls from the bin folder.
It looks like the output folder is hard-coded somewhere... ?! Does anyone have any idea on why on earth does this happen ?????
I know it's too late, but if somebody else is looking for this.
I had the same issue and what I found that bin folder was not included in the project. Include bin folder in the project, build it and it should be fine.
The project no longer works
Hmm well that's not quite right. The project is fine. VS is dutifully creating the dlls where you want them to. Its just not where you should be creating the folder.
What you're really asking is why won't ASP.NET load a dll from a random sub folder of bin. There are only a few locations that ASP.NET will look for assemblies. Aside from the bin there also the GAC and the .net Framework folder (but I suspect that's only for .net Assemblies). I don't know why but I suspect its to remove the need for you to tell it where to find it (Ala registry settings)
You could create your own Assembly loader but you'd need a way to communicate to your loader where the files are. You'd also probably need to put that assembly loader assembly in the bin.
Save yourself some grief and put the dlls in the bin folder so that ASP.NET will load them
As a side you note you may ask yourself what's this output directory for. The typical use case is libraries that are referenced by other assemblies. Also executable files can be put anywhere since they are the entry point rather than ASP.NET
What I did was just delete all of the .dll files from your project(\bin;\debug;\Release)
added a new item (which page to test) to the project and tried it in new page.
It works. Then, set the start page to the problem page which caused the error and try again, it works this time.
As a warning: This can also happen if your Web.config's configuration/system.web/compilation/assemblies gets messed up, especially if you add a <clear /> and IIS can't find some important assemblies.
Although not directly related to your scenario, this error can also come due to the ASP.NET runtime being unable to locate the /bin folder.
For this, make sure you have marked the virtual directory containing your application as a web application root.
In godaddy web hosting you should mark Set Application Root to the folder/sub-folder containing your application. Making it a virtual directory is not enough.
Hope it will help someone.

Could not load file or assembly for c1webreport1 tool in compnentone studio

I'm using Licensed componentone product in my ASP.NET application and spcefically i use C1WebReport1 control from the product.while upgrading C1WebReport1 control from version 2.5.20072.239 to 2.6.20093.53207,i get the error message as
"Could not load file or assembly 'C1.Web.C1WebReport.2, Version=2.6.20093.53207, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=594a0605db190bb9' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)"
can any one help me to bring complete solution?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like the new (version 2.6.20093.53207) dll might not be in your bin folder. You can view the version of the dll by right-clicking, selecting properties and viewing the summary tab. Make sure you have the right version included in your project. If you have an old dll.refresh file I would delete it and also go into design view on the form that uses WebReport to regenerate the licensing files.
By the way, ComponentOne just released a brand new ReportViewer for ASP.NET you might want to try out too. If you have a license for 2009v3 you probably will qualify for the free upgrade!

Global resources can't be resolved after publishing Website in VS2008

I have a web-project running in VS 2008. We have some global resource files (*.resx) in the App_GlobalResources folder for internationalisation. All this works like a charm on my local IIS installation out of VS.
But when I publish my web-project to the local filesystem and/or another server, all the resources can no longer be found. So I guess the pre-compilation is somehow corrupting stuff. When I call the pre-compiled web, I get an error that the resource object with key xyz cannot be found, although it could be found before.
I checked with .NET reflector if the resource stuff made it into the *.dlls. All those identifiers are there (bin/Web.dll, bin/<culture>/Web.resources.dll). The identifiers are loaded like this:
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/OrderNew.aspx" Text="<%$ Resources:MyProject, MenuNewOrder %>" Value="NewOrder">
The resource files are called MyProject.resx and MyProject.<culture>.resx where <culture> corresponds the the specific culture (i.e.
Any ideas how to solve this?
I really appreciate any help.
If I copy the App_GlobalResources folder manually to the output, the resources may be loaded normally. So I really really wonder what this pre-compilation is all about.
I'm still interested in solving the issue "the right way".
I had the same issue and had to make two changes to the resx file properties.
Set the "Build Action" to Content
Set the "Copy to Output Directory" to Copy always
(I can't comment on the previous reputation yet...?)
This did not solve my problem, I'm afraid.
When trying the "Content/Copy Always" solution I get an exception saying that the linking at compile time did not work.
Why does need the resx file when the resources are compiled in!?
I had this error when copying a resource file from another project.
I solved this by deleting the global resource, adding a new resource and copying the data elements from the old to the new XML.
This results in the following settings for the resource:
<Content Include="App_GlobalResources\Global.resx">
I had the same issue. Whenever I published my app to the Small Business Server (SBS2008) it stuck on control name line but in fact on meta:resourcekey part of it. Non of the above mentioned solution helpd me.
I spent 6 hour figuring this out, finally I realised that this happend when I did some folder cleenup on the server. At the begning all my apps was located on E: in their folders but then I have created folders with names indicating to apps ApplicationPools and I move coresponding apps there.
I dont know how IIS7 on my SBS looking for resource files but definitely this was the issue. When I get back with my apps to E: again all started working like a charm.

ASP.Net error: "The type 'foo' exists in both "temp1.dll" and "temp2.dll"

When running a web application project, at seemingly random times a page may fail with a CS0433 error: type exists in multiple DLL's. The DLL's are all generated DLL's residing in the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" directory.
Add the batch="false" attribute to the "compilation" element of the web.config file.
This problem occurs because of the way in which ASP.NET 2.0 uses the application references and the folder structure of the application to compile the application. If the batch property of the element in the web.config file for the application is set to true, ASP.NET 2.0 compiles each folder in the application into a separate assembly.
This might happen if you place .cs files in App_Code and changed their build action to compile in a Web Application Project.
Either have the build action for the .cs files in App_Code as Content or change the name of App_Code to something else. I changed the name since intellisense won't fix .cs files marked as content.
More info at
One possible reason for this error is that there are 2 aspx pages which are having the same name in their inherits= in the <#page language=......inherits=> line.
Changing the inherits= name solves the error.
Just in case someone else shares my problem, I got this error when trying to publish a Web Site of a newly branched project, build worked perfectly.
Turns out I had forgotten to remove the checkbox for "Allow precompiled site to be updatable" under publish Settings -> Configure precompile.
As another data point, I just had this problem without any evidence of circular references as described in the links in Ben's answer. Building my web site project would fail with a few of these errors, and setting compilation batch="false" fixed it, but I didn't want to go that route as this is a large-ish production website.
This solution was in a subfolder of my D:\svn folder, which I had mapped to S:. When I opened the solution from S:, these errors occurred, but if I went straight to D:\svn and opened the solution, no errors.
I also noticed that, despite having compilation batch="true" in my web.config, when opening the solution from the mapped S: drive all my .ascx files get compiled into their own assemblies. If I open it from the physical location, the .ascx files get compiled into their respective folders' assemblies (which is how batch="true" is supposed to work).
This error was due to conflict between class name of web form and wsdl stub(code behind file .cs) having the same class name i.e.
ASPX page: Dashboard
Class: partiacl class Dashboard
AppCode/APIServices.cs: public partial class Dashboard
Error was reproducible only on publishing the website but build and debug did not inform any error.
In my case deleting all output assemblies from bin folders in all projects in the solution solved the issue. Unfortunately I have no explanation for it.
In my case I had renamed a project, so also the dll had been renamed. When I just copied the new dll but didn't think of deleting the old one from the server, I soon had a bunch of pairs of classes with the same names. Deleting the outdated dll's was doing the trick (of cause).
None of these answers worked for me, however I did fix the problem. Since I was using VS's Publish function to deploy the web application, I selected the option to delete all existing files prior to publish in the Publish Web wizard. This forced a clean copy of the application and everything worked fine from there.
This solution might be helpful if your local debugging copy works fine but published system isn't. Also great if you don't want to take the time to track down individual dlls to delete and don't mind the production files being deleted first.
In my case, the problem was solved when I edited a Designer.cs file that still had the duplicated class name. for some reason, when i renamed the class "logout" to "logout2", in the designer file it was not automatically changed, and was still "logout", and this class name already existed in a precompiled dll in my project (that belongs to a third party web app that I work with and develop around of).
Got this problem when put a part of an aspx page into the separate user control. On my machine everything was fine, on the server got an error.
Renamed the problem class and file. Method 2: Reorder the folders in the application is writing about possible circular references
None of these solutions worked for me. Both of my conflicting DLLs were in C:\...\AppData\...\Temporary ASP.NET Files\...
The problem was that I had rolled back my source repo to an earlier version - before we moved a type from one project to another project within the same solution.
I tried deleting the newer DLL - which should not have even been there at all in the older codebase - from the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" location identified by msbuild. msbuild just put it back.
I also tried the web.config setting that some here have used successfully, but that did not work either. Although, as I write this, I realize that there were actually two MVC projects within the same solution and both had errors, so the problem may have been that I did not add the setting to both.
I tried rolling my source repo forward and cleaning and rolling back again and cleaning. Nothing.
I tried deleting everything the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" location. msbuild just put it back again.
Finally, I tried rebuilding in Visual Studio. Although the command line output and the "Errors" output both gave the same msbuild "Temporary ASP.NET Files" error, the Intellisense error - when hovering over the conflicted type - actually complained about DLLs in output directories. Apparently "Clean" and "Rebuild" were not doing their jobs. I manually deleted the DLLs in the output directories identified by Intellisense, and the problem was solved.
tl;dr - Make sure you're covering all of your web.configs with the batch setting, and try to leverage Intellisense for further clues.
My problem was linked to a .dll that was getting generated in my project folder.
If you are referencing another file, instead of doing everything you see above, what fixed my problem instantly was just deleting the .dll that was staying inside my /bin directory for my project.
The problem isn't necessarily a web.config fix - it's a circular reference that needs to get resolved. I realized that I cleared the old .dll in my original project file but not in the project that was referencing it.
I don't recommend making the modification to your web.config file because that's just a band-aid fix - not really addressing the actual problem. Do that if you don't feel like fixing the problem, but if you want to avoid future headaches, just remove the .dll from both places.
I had a partial class with the same name in two different projects.
I solved it by only leaving it in one project.
None of this solutions worked for me. Compiling in "Release" mode worked, but when I switched to "Debug" I got umpteen of this error Messages.
I don't understand why, but a simple restart of Visual Studio was my solution.
Sometimes it may help to remove the solution and create it again.
Since this use to happen when converted from VS2005 to vs2010 some references to framework 4.0 (after upgrading ) remains in the solution, even all projects are defined as 3.5.
Normally rebuilding the solution should clear these problems.
I had the same problem when I was compiling the application on a compiling server.
My controller had a simple static code, so I changed my ascx:
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="controllerName.ascx.cs" Inherits="Controls.controllerName" %>
<%# Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Src="controllerName.ascx.cs" Inherits="Controls.controllerName" %>
Also removed the partial keyword from the codebehind and added a namespace to the codebehind.
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
/// <summary>
/// My controller
/// </summary>
public partial class controllerName: UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
To this:
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace Controles
/// <summary>
/// My controller
/// </summary>
public class controllerName : UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
And that worked for me.
For me this happened when I had my PrecompiledWeb/Publish location set to the current directory which was where the site's root folder was too.
My Web Site was then seeing the publish folder as part of the project when compiling/building and then finding duplicates in that manner.
i.e. Don't put the published/precompiled version of your site in your site's code folders.
If the DLL's are showing in a temporary folder, you should try cleaning your solution.
Posting my solution:
The issue was related to the "On-Access Scan" of Mcafee Antivirus. Disabling this solved the problem. Somehow, the ASP Temporary folder was not being used properly by ASP when the antivirus was ON.
Hope this helps someone.
App_Code folder is causing the problem , put the class outside the folder (Works fine)
App_Code folder is not designed for Web Application Projects
Go to Add reference and search for both the dll,
Both of the dll would have checked, uncheck one of the dll, as there are references to the same dll with different version ambiguity gets generated.
My solution was to replace CodePage="...." with CodeBehind="..." in the .aspx file. Somehow it was left as CodePage during a migration from previous .NET versions.
This page directive creates another dll file which conflicts with the projects dll file.
I faced with the problem in compile time.
I agree with the batch="true" attributes, error is telling there exist 2 assembly
Solution 1: deleting one of them
Solution2: Configure one of them
Had a similar problem, In my case, I noticed, that cleaning a solution doesn't clear the bin folder in the visual studio. There was old compiled .dll present in the folder that is causing the issue.
Manually delete bin folder and recompile
In case of publish, select delete existing files prior to publish.
This will solve the issue.
You should define an alias for one of your references.
In your project file .csproj add the following item:
<Reference Include="temp1.dll">
After adding the above ItemGroup, MyAssembly will represent a root namespace that will contain all namespaces in the assembly temp1.dll.
Then you can have access to the type foo, which is located in temp1.dll, as follow:
