how can i use a grid view in to another grid view -

i want to use a grid view into the row of a grid view can i use it? any ways

Here are some good tutorials for you:
Gridview Inside a GridView in ASP.NET 2.0
Build a Nested GridView Control with ASP.NET


div inside listview in aspx page

I wanted to show 20 items from database using a listview. but those items should be shown in two divs. 10 items in each div. The problem is, how can i build div inside listview itemtemplate for the items in aspx page?
if the level of customization you are looking for is not easi or possible to achieve with customization of the ASP.NET listview ItemTemplate, you can uset the repeater object and customize its ItemTemplate, the repeater has been designed exactly for these cases, it supports data binding and allows you to define / customize totally the layout of items to repeat.

What is advantage of repeater control over grid view in C#?

I have read many articles regarding difference between gridview and repeater. I come to know that gridview pattern is fixed in and , where as repeater can provide customized HTML mark up. If I am not wrong, we can also customize HTML mark up by adding template field and placing table with customized design. In that tables we can place labels and other .net control and can get whatever we want. Then why to use repeater control.
I am confused in which scenario it can be preferred over gridview.
In simple words we can say performance of repeater is far better than gridview. If you need basic rendering for read only items then its better to use repeater and if you need events , pagination and editable controls then you should go for gridview. Simpler controls with less in built functionality are speedy. you can do implement all functionalities of grid view to repeater but you have to do it manually.
So it depends upon you requirements either you need repeater or gridview
This discussion will be helpfull for you - list/grid view customize layout

I am using vb...
I am trying from a couple of weeks to create custom list/grid view.
In VS2010 there are many controls but no one is allowing to creating custom view like this website...
I want to customize something same like it with a picture thumbnail, a hyperlink, some text and a nice looking paging numbers. I try to find on google , youtube but no good example I got…
Please provide me steps to do it.
Use ListView Control.
It gives you full control over rendered html.
Using ASP.NET 3.5's ListView and DataPager Controls
If you want the gridview to look like this, you will need to create only one visible column with no header showing and place all your controls into the content template of this column. From there you will have to manually style the controls to your required style.
If you have dynamic content in the rows, during rowdatabound of the gridview you can access each control using the findcontrol method and customize each control from there.

Displaying web user controls in a grid with paging

I have written a user control and I want to display its instances in a grid (like a NxM cells table) and with paging. Which control should I use and how to use it?
A GridView or ListView should be able to meet your requirements.

ListView InsertItemTemplate in WPF

Is there in WPF ListView something like InsertItemTemplate for ListView in ASP.NET?
No, I'm not quite sure what you are after, but you could provide normal form controls to add an additional item to the list (i.e. outside the markup of the ListView), or use a third party grid which provides in place editing such as the Telerik RadGridView or the Infragistics XamDataGrid.
You could also swap out the CellTemplate based on the currently selected ListViewItem as described here.
