DataDynamics Active Reports entering extra spaces in long email addresses - report

I'm using Data Dynamics Active Reports to generate some reports on our website.
Action: User runs a report on user accounts (this contains an email field) and Exports to an excel file.
Issue: If the email is relatively long, extra white space is added in the field.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?

Here, I found a solution to hide blank sub report space:
Add group header and footer
Check the condition
Make Group header or footer visible false/true

After some research with DataDynamics and GrapCity I found that this is a known bug they are working on Case 00023478.
To work around it I made the TextBox larger that the email fields were bound to. It's a sucky work around but it's all we have until they fix this issue.
The issue has to do with wrapped text in a texbox that forces line breaks in the excel export.
The better, but still sucky, workaround is to make all of your textboxes alignment "Justify". This removes all the spaces from the text on export to excel no matter what size the box, but everything is now justified...


How to prevent the 3CX chrome extension from making a number clickable

At our company, we use chrome and have the 3CX chrome extension.
This extension is quite eager to transform any sequence of number into a clickable link to pass a phone call.
How to prevent the 3CX extension from converting sequences of numbers into clickable links on specific pages ?
So far we figured out that enclosing numbers in a <pre> or <code> tag does the trick. But we need something to disable 3CX as a whole on a webpage.
Does a special meta tag exists for this purpose ?
So I ran into the same problem my company uses 3cx extension, but it keeps modifying our page to add "click to call" links where it shouldn't.
I found this thread on the official forum which says that apparently they have no options to force the extension to ignore a specific website or field:
But on the bright side, I implemented a hack on my field to force the extension to ignore numbers on my string, I added zero-width space after each number like this:
the editor does not let me paste the code for the zero-width space, it can be acquired here:
Try this
Admin Panel>Extensions>Click to Talk> untick the box labeled "Click2Talk"at the top of the page.

Inserting text below image on download

I have a collection of images that a client can download should they desire. However, the boss came to me with a requirement to try and add text at the bottom of image. Unfortunately due to space constraints on the server, I can't simply use Javascript to add the information to the bottom of the page when it is uploaded.
Ideally the format should two rows with two cells each. Any help on this would be appreciated.
I believe this is what you are looking for.

Need to center widgets

I have tried: I am a newbie and still learning. Nothing works. Even tried to no avail. It stays to the left!
I am using Cm4all and do the widgets manually in File Manager with Netfirms. They had me:
Log into the control panel with your account username and password.
Click on ‘FileManager’ under ‘Website’.
Click on ‘Settings’.
Check the checkbox ‘Use Richtext Editor’.
I also called the number you instructed and they said:
centering big groups of content, or centering groups of one specific object on your site can be done with divs and css.
Here are some hyperlinks to instructions/tutorials for common website operations like this.
They gave me three links but can't post the question with the links, says I need at least 10 reputation to post more than 2 links.
Nothing I do will make it leave the left side!!

How to display full URL in address tab of Dreamweaver CS5?

In the address bar of the browser navigation tab, it shows the absolute path of the file, but it is so long that it gets truncated and I can't read the exact file that I'm working on! Is there any way to fix this?
Yeah, I got it... just hover your mouse over the truncated field for a couple seconds and a tooltip will pop up with the full address. I was just frantically clicking on it like an impatient moron and it was canceling the scheduled tooltip display.
I'm not sure what a "browser navigation tab" is. In Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows, the full url is displayed in the title bar of the document. When documents are maximized a tab will display the file name, and the full file url will display in the title bar on the right hand side. This full url gets truncated when there are too many documents open. The truncation is done from the left so you may lose some of the folders, but you should still see the file name. If this is the case, then a quick solution is to close some documents. Or Perhaps don't nest your files so deeply, or don't have really long file/folder names.
Another option is an extension that I wrote a while ago called Document Path Toolbar: The extension adds a toolbar that has a text field that displays the full url to the local file. It has an option that allows you to updated the width of the text field if you have longer file paths (I think that such modifications requires a restart of Dreamweaver). It is commercial but not much. As I no longer contribute to CommunityMX, I won't receive anything for a purchase should you decide it is something that you could benefit from.

Issues with Exported Crystal Report to Word Document

I am having a minor issue playing with my exported Crystal Report, I can generate the reports just fine on our website, however when I attempt to export them to Word documents I don't quite get a document I can do much with.
I can't position the generated text anywhere in the document, it is almost 'frozen' in place. I would expect if I moved the cursor above the report text and pressed Enter a bunch of times I could remove the report down the page, however it just won't budge
All the text seems to be in its own box and I can't move it around or do anything with it.
Any thoughts? My expectation would be once it is exported to Word I could play with it like a Word document, move the text down the page, edit the document, do something with it.
btw, this question is similar to the one posted here, but this one wasn't tagged properly and I don't have enough karma to fix it:
I'm afraid that you can't do much about it. Crystal Reports is very much orientated towards putting data in fixed positions on pages, so when it exports to Word it puts its data into text boxes because that's a similar thing that Word offers. You could make the Crystal Report page consists of a giant text field and using spaces and newlines to get the data into the right place, which will probably then give you a giant textbox in Word.
