regexp not working...arghhhh - apache-flex

I'm using Flex 4. I'm driving myself crazy. Why won't the following work?
// in my Application tag:
// in my script block:
public function replaceMe(event:Event):void{
var str:String = "She sells seashells by the seashore.";
var pattern:RegExp = /sh/gi;
str.replace(pattern, "sch");
test.text = str;
my text area (id="test") says "She sells seashells by the seashore."...
it should say "sche sells seaschells by the seaschore."

Because Strings are immutable objects. So, str.replace() just returns new string, without modifying str. Try
str = str.replace(pattern, "sch")

Assign the new string value back to the old string like so:
str = str.replace(pattern, "sch");
Edit: Dzmitry answered first. =P


Split the string of a row of datatable in

I am using I am trying to split the data which is in datatable. I have a code sample like this:
{ dt=objErrorLoggingDataAccess.GetErrorDetails(errorID);
string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { "Message" };
string error = dt.Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
string[] test = error.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
string PageName = test[0].ToString();
PageNameLabel.Text = PageName;
stringSeparators=new string[] {HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString()};
error = dt.Rows[0]["Message"].ToString();
test = error.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
string Message = test[0].ToString();
MessageLabel.Text = Message;}
in the datatable following data is there:
....1........http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images Message : File does not exist. UserName:
....2........http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images Message : File does not exist. UserName:}
My problem is: how can I split the Message and store in the label? I want
separately and UserName separately and the message separately. How can I do that? By executing the above code I am able to split
{ http://localhost:10489/images/CategoryIcon/images
only. How can I split the Message column and store in pageLabel, MessageLabel, UserNamelabel?
I would use a regular expression in this case. Because only by splitting this string looks a little bit to inflexible to me.
I tested your data example against this quick and dirty RegEx:
It supports valid URLs and EMail patterns.
Regex regex = new Regex(
| RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
| RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace
| RegexOptions.Compiled
// Capture the first Match, if any, in the InputText
Match m = regex.Match(InputText);
// Capture all Matches in the InputText
MatchCollection ms = regex.Matches(InputText);
// Test to see if there is a match in the InputText
bool IsMatch = regex.IsMatch(InputText);
// Get the names of all the named capture groups
// I included your fields as groups: id, url, message and username
string[] GroupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();
I don't know how often you need to call this code. Maybe you get in performance troubles if you have too much data. This regex is q&d - please adjust it to your needs.

FLEX XMLDecoder turns `09.00` to "09.00", but `10.00` to 10

Could someone explain why the FLEX 4.5 XMLDecoder does this to my XML-data?
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>08.00</xmltag> );
// object = "08.00"
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.00</xmltag> );
// Object = "11" (HEY! Where did my '.00' part of the string go?)
var decoder:XMLDecoder = new XMLDecoder;
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.30</xmltag> );
// Object = "11.3" (HEY! Where did my '0' part of the string go?)
The Flex deserializer also gave me issues with this. It may be interpreting them as Number objects and thus they will return short representations when toString() is called.
Try using .toFixed(2) whenever you need to print a value such as 11.00
var $object:Object = decoder.decode( <xmltag>11.00</xmltag> );
trace($object); //11
trace($object.toFixed(2)); //11.00
So, to the answer the original question of why this is happening:
In the source code for SimpleXMLDecoder (which I'm guessing has similar functionality to XMLDecoder), there's a comment in the function simpleType():
//return the value as a string, a boolean or a number.
//numbers that start with 0 are left as strings
//bForceObject removed since we'll take care of converting to a String or Number object later
numbers that start with 0 are left as strings - I guess they thought of phone numbers but not decimals.
Also, because of some hacky implicit casting, you actually have three different types -
"0.800" : String
11 : int
11.3: Number

Create a VB.NET Array with two columns of values?

I know how to create an array and loop through it normally - but what if I need a multi-column array. e.g. usually I might do something like:
For Each row in NameofArray
Dim name as String = row
Response.Write("Hello " & name & "!")
But what if I want to do something like:
For Each row in NameofArray
Dim name as String =
Dim age as Integer = row.age
Response.Write("Hello " & name & "! You are " & age & " years old!"
If this isn't possible with an array, is there another way I can accomplish this?
Create your custom data type:
public struct DataType
public string Name;
public int Age;
Such type you can than use in an array like that:
DataType[] myData = new DataType[100];
myData[0].Name = "myName";
myData[0].Age = 100;
Note, if looping through that array via foreach, the elements returned for each iteration cannot get altered. If this is an requirement for you, consider using 'class' rather than 'struct' in the above DataType declaration. This will come with some other implications though. For example, the instances of a class DataType will explicitely have to be created via the 'new' keyword.
After reading your comment I think my other answer is probably what you are looking for.
What type is row and what type is NameOfArray?
If you would like to make row into a coumpound type with several members then there a several options.
Structure Row
Public Name as String
Public Age as Integer
End Structure
for instance. If you would prefer a reference type substitute Class for Structure.
Or using anonymous types,
Dim row = New With {Name = "Bob", Age = 21}
Then you can use generics to make a list of rows that you can iterate through using ForEach.
Dim NameOfList As System.Collections.Generic.List(of Row)
or if it were a result of a LINQ query somthing that supported
IEnumerable(of New With{Name As String, Age As Int}). //Not sure if this is VB
I'm not certain I uderstand your question and hope this is the kind of thing you were looking for.
As you can see from my fellow answerers, the support for anonymous types is superior in C# but, since you asked the question in VB.Net I will limit myself to that context.
After reading your comment I think I understand the question.
You can do
///Spacer Top
Dim NameOfArray = {New With {.Age = 21, .Name = "Bob"}, New With {.Age = 74, .Name = "Gramps"}}
///Spacer Bottom
If you want to create an IEnumberable anonymous type of Name Age tuples ;-p
Did you tried Dictionary Class. You can loop through the Dictionary using KeyValue pair class.
// Create a new dictionary of strings, with string keys.
Dictionary<string, string> openWith =
new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Add some elements to the dictionary. There are no
// duplicate keys, but some of the values are duplicates.
openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe");
openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe");
openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe");
openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe");
foreach(var item in openWith)
Console.WriteLine(item.Key +" can be open with " + item.value);
You need to (can) index into your array using the two dimensions ie...
Dim array(,) As Object = { _
{"John",26}, _
{"Mark",4} _
For row As Integer = 0 to array.GetUpperBound(0)
Dim name as String = CStr(array(row,0))
Dim age as Integer = CInt(array(row,1))
Response.Write("Hello " & name & "! You are " & age & " years old!")
Though would be better storing this sort of information in a class or user defined type of some kind.

How can I make my AS3/Air code better?

Hello everyone this is my little Frankenstein code, don't make fun of it, it works!
So you would pass in the table name and a data as an Associative array which are objects.
I'm pretty sure this is not good code as I was and still am learning ActionScript. So what can I change or how would you guys make it better?
public function save(table:String,data:Object):void
var conn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();
var folder:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
var dbFile:File = folder.resolvePath("task.db");;
var stat:SQLStatement=new SQLStatement();
//make fields and values
var fields:String="";
var values:String="";
for(var sRole:String in data)
//trim off white space
var s:String=new String(fields);
var cleanString:String=s.slice( 0, -2 );
//over here we add : infront of the values I forget why
var find:RegExp=/:/g;
var mymyField:String=new String(cleanString.replace(find,""));
var SQLFields:String=mymyField;
var SQLValues:String=cleanString;
stat.text="INSERT INTO "+table+" ("+SQLFields+")VALUES("+SQLValues+")";
The part where you build your query is quite a horror, to be honest. Half the code removes junk you added just a few lines before. This makes it hard to read and understand. Which is a sign of poor code quality. The following is far shorter and simpler:
//make fields and values
var fields:Array = [];
for(var field:String in data) {
var sqlFields:String = fields.join(",");
var sqlValues:String = ":"+fields.join(",:");
stat.text="INSERT INTO "+table+" ("+sqlFields+")VALUES("+sqlValues+")";
Someone once told me that a stupid idea that works isn't stupid. As programmer's our first goal is (often) to solve business issues; and as long as our code does that then we are successful. You don't need to apologize for code that works.
In terms of what I would do to change your snippet; I might just encapsulate it a bit more. Can the folder, dbFile, and db file name (task.db) be added either as properties to your class or arguments to the method?
Can you separate out the creation of the SQL Statement from the connection handling from your data parsing?
Some remarks,
As said before you can factorise out all the db connection so you can reuse the function without rewriting it if you need to change the db name.
Don't use new String() you can avoid it
it's not usefull to clean white space between your field :a, :b is the same as :a,:b
Some convention don't begin your local var name with an uppercase, and it's not usefull to reassign them to another var
If i don't get wrong after your //make fields and values can be rewritten for example as :
//make fields and values
var fields:String = "";
var values:String = "";
var fieldSeparator:String = "";
for(var sRole:String in data)
fields += fieldSeparator + sRole;
var paramName:String = ":" + sRole;
values += fieldSeparator + paramName;
stat.parameters[paramName] = data[sRole];
fieldSeparator = ",";
stat.text = "INSERT INTO " + table +" (" + fields + ") VALUES (" + values + ")";

Function to convert "camel case" type text to text with spaces in between? ie: HelloWorld --> Hello World

Anyone know of a nice efficient function that could convert, for example:
HelloWorld --> Hello World
helloWorld --> Hello World
Hello_World --> Hello World
hello_World --> Hello World
It would be nice to be able to handle all these situations.
Preferably in in VB.Net, or C#.
I donĀ“t know if this is the most efficient way. But this method works fine:
EDIT 1: I have include Char.IsUpper suggestion in the comments
EDIT 2: included another suggestion in the comments: ToCharArray is superfluous because string implements enumerable ops as a char too, i.e. foreach (char character in input)
EDIT 3: I've used StringBuilder, like #Dan commented.
public string CamelCaseToTextWithSpaces(string input)
StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
input = input.Replace("_", "");
foreach (char character in input)
if (char.IsUpper(character))
output.Append(' ');
if (output.Length == 0)
// The first letter must be always UpperCase
return output.ToString().Trim();
There are some other possibilities you might want to cater for - for instance, you probably don't want to add spaces to abbreviations/acronyms.
I'd recommend using:
Private CamelCaseConverter As Regex = New Regex("(?<char1>[0-9a-z])(?<char2>[A-Z])", RegexOptions.Compiled + RegexOptions.CultureInvariant)
Public Function CamelCaseToWords(CamelCaseString As String) As String
Return CamelCaseConverter.Replace(CamelCaseString, "${char1} ${char2}")
End Function
'CamelCase => Camel Case
What it doesn't do is uppercase the first letter of the first word, but you can look at the other examples for ways of doing that, or maybe someone can come up with a clever RegEx way of doing it.
Sounded fun so I coded it the most important part is the regex take a look at this site for more documentation.
private static string BreakUpCamelCase(string s)
MatchCollection MC = Regex.Matches(s, #"[0-9a-z][A-Z]");
int LastMatch = 0;
System.Text.StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Match M in MC)
SB.AppendFormat("{0} ", s.Substring(LastMatch, M.Index + 1 - LastMatch));
LastMatch = M.Index + 1;
if (LastMatch < s.Length)
SB.AppendFormat("{0} ", s.Substring(LastMatch));
return SB.ToString();
