How to update an entity without a round-trip? (EF 4) -

I tried the following:
public void UpdatePlayer(int id)
Player player = new Player() {ID = id};
player.Password = "12";
No change at the db.
What am I missing?

I think it might be because you're setting the values before you attach the object - the data context will not know what fields have changed. Try:
public void UpdatePlayer(int id)
Player player = new Player() {ID = id};
player.Password = "12";

attach is used for entities that already exist in the database, but you have to attach first, and then edit it, as another poster pointed out.
you should use .Add instead of .Attach if you are creating new items.
FYI Entity Framework 4 - AddObject vs Attach

As already mentioned when you attach entity it is set to Unchanged state so you have to manually set the state to Modified. But be aware that setting the state for whole entity can cause update of all fields. So if your Player entity has more than Id and Password fields all other fields will probably be set to default values. For such case try to use:
var objectState = Entities.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(player);
You can also try setting password after attaching the entity:
player.Password = "12";

When you attach an entity using Attach method, the entity will go into Unchanged EntityState, that is, it has not changed since it was attached to the context. Therefore, EF will not generate necessary update statement to update the database.
All you need to do is to give a hint to EF by changing the EntityState to Modified:
Entities.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(player, EntityState.Modified)


How does Entity Framework decide whether to reference an existing object or create a new one?

Just for my curiosity (and future knowledge), how does Entity Framework 5 decide when to create a new object vs. referencing an existing one? I might have just been doing something wrong, but it seems that every now and then if I do something along the lines of:
using (TestDB db = new TestDB())
var currParent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.Prop == passedProp).FirstOrDefault();
if(currParent == null) {
Parent newParent = new Parent();
newParent.Prop = passedProp;
currParent = newParent;
//maybe do something to currParent here
var currThing = db.Things.Where(t => t.Prop == passedPropTwo).FirstOrDefault();
currThing.Parent = currParent;
EF will create a new Parent in the database, basically a copy of the currParent, and then set the Parent_ID value of currThing to that copy. Then, if I do it again (as in, if there's already two of those parents), it won't make a new Parent and instead link to the first one. I don't really understand this behavior, but after playing around with it for a while something like:
using (TestDB db = new TestDB())
var currParent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.Prop == passedProp).FirstOrDefault();
if(currParent == null) {
Parent newParent = new Parent();
newParent.Prop = passedProp;
currParent = newParent;
//maybe do something to currParent here
var currThing = db.Things.Where(t => t.Prop == passedPropTwo).FirstOrDefault();
currThing.Parent = db.Parents.Where(p => p.ID == currParent.ID).First();
seemed to fix the problem. Is there any reason this might happen that I should be aware of, or was there just something weird about the way I was doing it at the time? Sorry I can't be more specific about what the exact code was, I encountered this a while ago and fixed it with the above code so I didn't see any reason to ask about it. More generally, how does EF decide whether to reference an existing item instead of creating a new one? Just based on whether the ID is set or not? Thanks!
If your specific instance of your DBContext provided that specific instance of that entity to you, then it will know what record(s) in the database it represents and any changes you make to it will be proper to that(those) record(s) in the database. If you instantiate a new entity yourself, then you need to tell the DBContext what exactly that record is if it's anything but a new record that should be inserted into your database.
In the special scenario where you have multiple DBContext instances and one instance provides you this entity but you want to use another instance to work with and save the entity, then you have to use ((IObjectContextAdapter)firstDbContext).ObjectContext.Detach() to orphan this entity and then use ((IObjectContextAdapter)secondDbContext).ObjectContext.Parents.Attach() to attach it (or ApplyChanges() if you're also editing it - this will call Attach for you).
In some other special scenarios (your object has been serialized and/or you have self-tracking entities), some additional steps may be required, depending on what exactly you are trying to do.
To summarize, if your specific instance of your DBContext is "aware" of your specific instance of an entity, then it will work with it as if it is directly tied to that specific row in the database.

Saving changes of Entity Framework in Asp.Net

I have created an entity Appraiser and there are methods to select values, display data etc.
Now I want to save the changes made after data is displayed, I have a button named SAVE, which will be used to save changes.
I am not able to get how to save the changes of this Entity?
Entity name is Appraiser, and I have created methods like get AppriaserDetails etc in DAL, BL and used them in aspx.cs.
This is my code:
public void UpdateData(Appraiser appId)
var Appsave = context.Appraisers.FirstOrDefault(App => App.AppraiserId == appId.AppraiserId);
Appsave.AppraiserName = appId.AppraiserName;
Appsave.AppraiserPhones = appId.AppraiserPhones;
Appsave.AppraiserAppraiserCompanyId = appId.AppraiserAppraiserCompanyId;
Appsave.Address = appId.Address;
Appsave.City = appId.City;
Appsave.ProvinceState = appId.ProvinceState;
Appsave.Email = appId.Email;
If u want to insert new record, then can use
In case of update
if (appraiserEntityObject.EntityState == EntityState.Detached)
// In case of web, we got an existing record back from the browser. That object is not attached to the context yet.
MyContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(appraiserEntityObject, EntityState.Modified);
Here MyContext is ur ObjectContext

in dynamic date, how to use partial method to validate fields aganist data in database

i want to make sure all product names are unique so i tried to do the following.
but it is causing an infinity loop at the lambda expression.
public partial class Product
partial void OnProductNameChanging(string value)
using(var ctx = new MyEntityContext()){
var val = value;
var item = ctx.Products.Where(o=>o.ProductName == val).FirstOrDefault();
if(item != null)
throw new ValidationException("Product Name existed.");
i'm using 4.0 with dynamic data and entity framework.
Why don't you set it up on database level and handle exeption in case if product name already exists?
I am not too familiar with EF, but you should get the changeset and compare values. That is, for the Product Entity and in the case of the the changeset having an Update, compare the EXISTING value with NEW, and change the new in the case of duplication.
Here's how to get changeSet in EF :
the comparison and value must be called before any context.SubmitChanges();
Hope this helps.

Error while updating Database record with Entity Framework on ASP.NET MVC Page

I have an ASP.NET Page that updates registered User Address Details for a selected record.
Below is the update method that I am calling from my controller.
When I am calling the ApplyPropertyChanges method, I am getting an error. Did anyone run into the same error while updating the record with Entity Framework?
Appreciate your responses.
Error message:
The existing object in the ObjectContext is in the Added state. Changes can only be applied when the existing object is in an unchanged or modified state.
My Update method:
public bool UpdateAddressDetail([Bind(Prefix = "RegUser")] AddressDetail regUserAddress, FormCollection formData)
regUserAddress.AD_Id = 3;
regUserAddress.LastUpdated = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
regUserAddress.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
regUserAddress.AddressType = ((AddressDetail)Session["CurrentAddress"]).AddressType ?? "Primary";
regUserAddress.Phone = ((AddressDetail)Session["CurrentAddress"]).Phone;
regUserAddress.Country = ((AddressDetail)Session["CurrentAddress"]).AddressType ?? "USA";
miEntity.ApplyPropertyChanges(regUserAddress.EntityKey.EntitySetName, regUserAddress);
return true;
The error is the object is detached from the context, and ApplyPropertyChanges thinks the object is added because it isn't attached. So you would need to query from the data context or get an attached form and then apply the changes then.
What Dave Said
You need to Attach() the disconnected entity to your object context:
Just add the following code before miEntity.SaveChanges():
miEntity.Entry(regUserAddress).State = EntityState.Modified;
First select the record (object entity), search by key through the ObjectContext. For example if the search ArticleSet EntitySet called for there to record, and once you get it modified its properties with new values and then call SaveChanges() of ObjectContext.
ObjectQuery<Article> myArt=Context.ArticleSet.Where myArt = (row => row.ArticleId == value);
myArt.Description=" new value ";
etc. ..
etc ...
Context.SaveChanges ();

Committing new data to database via EF, Errors ensue with Attaching/Adding

So I'm starting out with EF on my website (C#) and Ive run into a bit of a snag. A user can either create or modify data and they will do that with the selection screen (page 1). If a user selects to create new data, I will perform the following code:
Program newProg = new Program();
using (DatabaseEntities context = new DatabaseEntities())
Guid id = new Guid(list.SelectedValue);
var itemString = from item in context.Set where item.Id == id select item;
Item selectedItem = itemString.ToList()[0];
Pretty much creating a new instance of the 'Program' which will be passed along each user control until the user is ready to submit to the database. At that point the following code will be executed:
using (DatabaseEntities context = new DatabaseEntities())
Unfortunately when I get there, I receive the following message:
The object cannot be added to the ObjectStateManager because it already has an EntityKey. Use ObjectContext.Attach to attach an object that has an existing key.
at this line:
Also, when I add the following line prior to the previous:
I get this error:
An object with a null EntityKey value cannot be attached to an object context.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The root cause of this error is that you are attempting to add an Entity as a new Entity that already has its primary key set.
At what point do you add the Entities to your SummaryControl? Your first code snippet shows you adding the Entity:
Then you appear to add it again:
using (DatabaseEntities context = new DatabaseEntities())
If newProg and this.SummaryControl.SelectedProgram are the same Entity, you've attempted to add it twice. Remove the context.AddToProgramSet(newProg); from the first snippet, do you work on the Entity, then add it to the ProgramSet.
Dave is right that the root cause is that the entity already has a primary key.
One thing that you do not show in your code is how:
Program newProg = new Program();
One way that you could fix it is by saving newProg to the database before you start adding Items to it.
